MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 476 turmoil

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Long before Lei Hexuan thought about the next plan, Fang Mu had already tore open the boundary wall and returned to his own world.

Fang Mu, who had just returned to the spiritual world, was taken aback by the sight in front of him.

At this time, there was already a mess in the spiritual world.

Zao Xuan and Chen Qianjie are teaming up to fight against the immortals in the ruins of the demon world.

In addition to the immortals, most of the demon servants also participated.

It's just that these demon servants are not completely on the side of the immortals, and most of the demon servants are fighting each other.

The rest are united together, using the formation to compete with those immortals.

Although these demon servants were already at an absolute disadvantage, they still contained a human immortal by virtue of their numerical superiority.

Fang Mu's spiritual knowledge swept away, and he roughly understood the situation in front of him.

Those immortals who were swallowed up by him and the demon world actually took advantage of the opportunity for him to leave the spiritual world to attack and prepare to seize the Canglang world.

However, they obviously underestimated the combat power of the two heavenly spirits, Zao Xuan and Chen Qianjie.

Especially Soo Hyun.

At this moment, this transformation divine sword is vertical and horizontal, and it shuttles back and forth in the void.

He alone suppressed three immortals.

The three immortals were able to withstand Zao Xuan's onslaught by relying on a temporary immortal formation.

But even so, the three of them fell into an absolute disadvantage, and they looked like they were crumbling at any time.

Chen Qianjie on the other side smiled slightly.

He just fought against two immortals at the same time, but he was quite anxious.

If there are no other changes, he will not be able to tell the winner in a short period of time.

Fang Mu saw that the two of them were not completely at a disadvantage, so instead of continuing to pay attention to the battlefield, he focused his attention further away.

There, two escaping rays of light were rapidly advancing towards the Canglang Realm.

The two immortals obviously wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make a surprise attack on the Canglang Realm.

It's just that they are too slow.

The battle between Fang Mu and Lei Hexuan had already ended. The two immortals had only flown tens of thousands of miles away, and they were still far away from flying to the Canglang Realm.

With a flash of his figure, he appeared in front of the two immortals.

The two immortals who were moving forward suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the surrounding Qi, and then they saw the figure in front of them that appeared out of thin air.

An incredible look appeared on the faces of the two.

One of the pupils shrank violently and exclaimed, "You are still alive!"

Fang Mu was not in a hurry, but said with great interest: "Do you think I will die in the sky?"

The immortal who just spoke did not seem to believe the scene in front of him, and directly released his spiritual sense, trying to use his spiritual sense to check the authenticity of the person in front of him.

Fang Mu waved his hand speechlessly, and smashed the man's spiritual consciousness away.


The man screamed and rolled in the void.

The other immortal looked at the miserable state of his companion, and his face suddenly lost a trace of blood.

He said with horror on his face: "Impossible!

There are real demons guarding it outside, how could you come back so soon.

I do not believe! "

After the immortal roared with a heart-wrenching roar, he rushed towards Fang Mu like a madman.

Fang Mu waved his hand with a speechless expression again, and slapped the man's immortal body into powder.

Although he didn't ask anything from the mouths of these two immortals, he already had a rough idea of ​​the reason for the turmoil.

Because these two immortals have magical energy in their bodies.

They have long been infected by Lei Hexuan's demonic energy.

It's just that this kind of infection is relatively hidden, Fang Mu didn't find the abnormality immediately, so he sucked them in together with the demon world.

In fact, with Fang Mu's strength, if he can calm down and check carefully, he can still find something wrong.

Just like the abnormality he discovered in Nanxing before.

It's just that Fang Mu's fighting spirit was soaring at that time, and he just wanted to go out and fight Lei Hexuan, so he didn't go to screen these people.

As a result, it was controlled by this true magic drill, which triggered the turmoil.

If Fang Mu falls into a disadvantage outside the sky and is trapped by Lei Hexuan, then these immortals will become the source of trouble for the Canglang Realm and further weaken Fang Mu.

It's just that Lei Hexuan obviously did not expect that Fang Mu's combat power was so powerful that he directly pierced through his mountain and river tripod and returned to the spiritual world.

After Fang Mu thought about the cause and effect, his face suddenly became very ugly.

Because he suddenly realized that his Heavenly Immortal Cultivation Technique seemed to be ruined again.

Originally Yu Nanxing had completely surrendered.

As long as he can use this human immortal, it is very likely that he will collect the Heavenly Immortal Cultivation Technique.

However, the erosion of Lei Hexuan disrupted everything.

Fang Mu has basically confirmed that the immortals who mastered the celestial arts must have died.

This made him extremely unhappy.

However, if Fang Mu was given another chance to choose again, he would still follow the voice in his heart and fight against Lei Hexuan.

Although the fight this time was a bit lackluster, Fang Mu had been using the power of that yin and yang energy to keep hitting the mountains and rivers.

But there are far more details in it than in any previous battle.

With the strength of the mountain and river tripod, Fang Mu, who was in a rampant state, could not bear the continuous percussion.

However, every time Shanhe Cauldron is reshaped, there will be extremely subtle changes in that illusory world, making Fang Mu unable to precisely hit its weak points.

In the repeated knocks, Fang Mu has already seen most of the changes in the mountain and river tripod.

Later, Fang Mu could already see through the essence of most of the changes, and only then did he hit the weak spot of Shanhe Ding several times in a row. com and beat it in one fell swoop.

This battle has benefited him a lot.

Fang Mu faintly felt that if he could completely digest the results of this battle, his control over the Canglang Realm would be even closer.

For this alone, it would not be a loss for him to take this risk out of the Canglang Realm.

What's more, he also smashed Lei Hexuan's Mountain and River Cauldron, destroying this key magic weapon that might affect his resonance with Canglang Realm.

A little bit of a fly in the ointment was that Lei Hexuan was extremely cautious and did not follow him into the Canglang Realm.

If Lei Hexuan really followed him into the Canglang Realm, then he would be able to let this old man see how the Heavenly Demon in his peak state could slay the true demon!

When Fang Mu was devouring the demon world, in order to prevent possible accidents, he hid a ray of yin and yang in the sea of ​​consciousness in advance.

Because he did not leave this world, and sealed the yin and yang energy with the sea of ​​​​knowledge, the power flowed very slowly.

Until he rushed out of the spiritual world, most of the power of that yin and yang qi still remained.

Later, he summoned the yin and yang power that had just been nurtured in the depths of the realm.

That is to say, at that time, there were two groups of yin and yang qi hidden in his sea of ​​consciousness.

And what he used before was just that wisp of yin and yang that had attenuated by half.

If Lei Hexuan really chased into the Canglang Realm, Fang Mu would be able to seal the entire realm directly and inspire that ray of yin and yang that was intact.

At that time, with the blessing of heaven and earth, it is entirely possible for him to kill this true demon.

It's just that Lei Hexuan was extremely cautious and did not take advantage of Fang Mu's weakness to chase in, making Fang Mu unable to carry out follow-up plans. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!