MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 66

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Ji Ran's tossing back to school said that it was not big or small. It can be seen that some people tried their best to keep things down, but they couldn't hold the students in trouble, and it started to ferment.

A few days later, Yue Wenwen woke up in his sleep and brushed the local news habitually.

[Today's headline: The full-time high-school students broke the news, exposing serious internal corruption in the school, relevant departments have been involved in the investigation! 】

Oh, this is so high? It seems that today he has to set off two firecrackers to celebrate.

He clicked into the video and wanted to see which student was so bold.

The video seemed to have been accidentally recorded by other students. Yue Wenwen was still squinting because of sleepiness. After seeing the scene in the video, his eyes suddenly became wider than Tong Ling.

The podium on the screen ... isn't it Ji Ran who he didn't contact yesterday? !!

After Yue Wenwen listened to the complete recording, he was instantly awake, excitedly opened the discussion group, and sent out a large number of bulls in a row. Then he began to worry about it.

Yue Wenwen: But if you do this, won't your dad scold you?

Cheng Peng: He parted ways with his dad immediately.

Yue Wenwen :? ?

Why is he just immersed in the world of the construction site for a few days, and everything has changed? ?

At the same time, Ji Ran's bill has been sent to Ji Guozheng's mailbox.

Ji Guozheng looked down one by one, the colder the expression.

On this, not only the money he gave to Ji Ran, but also the money he gave to Zhao Qingtong. It can be seen that Ji Ran only remembered these years later when he remembered them, and the numbers were very vague, but in his impression, these were only a few more.

His face suddenly deteriorated.

There was still a few shortfalls in this account, which he originally gave to Zhao Qingtong. Except for Zhao Qingtong and the other parties, no one knew this, and Ji Ran naturally did not know.

The bill reminded him of the events of that year, and plainness added another layer of haze to his mood.

He squeezed the bill tightly, and at the end, he couldn't bear it. He pushed hard with all his hands, and all the paper floated in the air, and then scattered all over the place.

"Look at this jerk!" He yelled angrily. "Look at him! Is he funny?"

For the first time, Ji Wei saw his father become so angry. In his mind, Ji Guozheng was always serious and calm. No matter what he was dealing with, he was always organized. He grew up looking at Ji Guozheng's back and grew up. The goal is to become like him people.

The only person who can make his father show other emotions is his half-brother.

He pursed his lips, picked up two blank sheets of paper from the ground, and glanced.


He used to hate Ji Ran, thinking that Ji Ran destroyed his family.

Later, when he grew up, he also thought that the adult should not be angry with the junior, but this kind of words can only be said by people who have nothing to do with himself. He thinks he is not so noble. But to say that he despise Ji Ran the most ... is that the other party is like a parasite, so he keeps asking for things in his house, and he always does some white-eyed wolf.

And now ...

"Dad." Ji Wei picked up these things one by one, "How do you plan to solve this matter."

Ji Guozheng was dark and did not speak, and his chest was still undulating because of his anger. After calming down, he began to meditate.

He couldn't figure it out. Although Ji Ran was a bit turbulent, but from childhood to age, in the few contacts they had, Ji Ran still respected him. Why did you suddenly rebel during this time?

After a while, Ji Wei didn't get a response, and Ji Wei said again, "Dad?"

What Ji Guozheng suddenly thought of, Shen Sheng asked: "Did he do anything weird at the company during this time?"

Ji Wei: "... No. All their teams are taking small projects that are closing, and they can't make any big waves."

"I didn't mean that." Ji Guozheng paused. "Have he inquired about you?"

Neither of them said a few words in the company.

Ji Wei was about to respond, and then suddenly remembered something-some time ago, Xu Lin had found his id for Ji Ran repeatedly.

Not that he didn't want to give it, but Ji Guozheng had told him before, Ji Ran just went to work, and the company's internal documents or things didn't need him to intervene, so Ji Wei simply deducted and didn't send it.

He hesitated for a long while before saying, "No."

Ji Guozheng bowed his head: "Since he said so, I don't have to give him face. You immediately let him leave the company."

"These bills ..."

"If he loves it, pay it back! Don't ask him in front of me in the future." Ji Guo was waving anxiously, "You go out first."

Ji Wei was silent for a while, put the bills together, put them on the table, and turned away from the study.


Cheng Peng moved quickly. It is estimated that he directly took out his own pocket money and informed Ji Ran to sign a transaction contract within two days.

Ji Ran is one of the company's shareholders and is the first to return to his own company. Not to mention, a total of five floors of office buildings, it is quite unique.

Today, he returned all the cars that Ji Guozheng had given him to the old house of Ji family. The name on the car was his. He told the housekeeper that he could go through the transfer formalities at any time.

Without those cars, he felt that the garage was pleasing to the eye.

Cheng Peng waited for him in the parking lot, saw him get out of the car alone, raised his eyebrows and said, "Just yourself?"


"I always feel that you have rarely been alone recently." Cheng Peng laughed. "It's strange."

Knowing who he was talking about, Ji Ran yelled, "Why are you talking so much nonsense. What floor?"

"I have invested so much money, I don't even know where the company is. I knew I should roll the money and run, so that you can always live under Jijia's claws." Cheng Peng entered the elevator and clicked the button on the 23rd floor.

Ji Ran sneered: "You have been owed recently?"

"Let's talk, what are you going to do?" Cheng Peng said, "Since it has been upset with the family, you can no longer continue to work in Yongshi. You have so much money now, what are you going to do?"

"Repay the debt. What else can you do?"

"Less installed." Cheng Peng chuckled, "The money is returned, and you have a large amount of money left. How to spend? Buy a car? Buy a house? Don't buy a house recently. I just got the news, and it will be full in a few months. The price will be limited and we will buy it at that time. "

Ji Ran said, "Okay, you can do less snacks. You won't get it on the street."

Cheng Peng didn't ask again. He had been a good friend with Ji Ran for many years. He knew that although the other person looked like a dangling man, he actually had a lot of ideas.

When he wanted to start this company in partnership with others, due to the family's lack of support, the funds had been insufficient, and Ji Ran calmly took out a large amount of money and said that he would buy shares.

He advised the other party to think carefully and not to act emotionally.

Ji Ran looked at him in surprise, and said, "I saw your plan. I used this money to invest. Don't you really think that I took out such a large amount, just to help you round." Start a company dream? "

It turns out that his vision is really good.

Cheng Peng went back to the office to get the documents, Ji Ran followed, and saw a man in the office.

Turned out to be the male star I saw in the farmhouse that day.

The male star met him, and bowed his head to greet him. Ji Ran ignored him, but just said to Cheng Peng: "I'll wait for you."

Cheng Peng came out a few minutes later.

Ji Ran doesn't care about Cheng Peng's affairs, but he feels that in some aspects, he still has to remind his friends.

He murmured: "A while ago, Yue Wenwen also asked me if you and Chen An would go to collect the permit."

Cheng Peng gave a quick meal, and his face quickly recovered as usual: "Coincidentally. He and I have long been okay. He came in to talk to me about a cooperation."

"Working with an old lover?"

"No." Cheng Peng said, "So this meeting is just to reject him."

Ji Ran said something. The signing process went very quickly, and Ji Ran signed the documents with little attention.

"Will you go around the company?" Cheng Peng asked.

"It's not my company. What's so nice about it?" Ji Ran smirked and stood up. "Leave it, don't send it."

"When the auction is over, have a party to celebrate your break with the Ji family."

"to make."

As soon as Ji Ran arrived in the parking lot, he received a call from Qin Man.

"It's bought, it smells good. I'm going to find you?"

When Ji Ran was waiting for the red light, he smelled the smell of octopus balls, and suddenly he was very surprised. As soon as the queue was at the end of the street, Qin Man first got out of the car and queued him.

"Wait at the exit of the parking lot." Ji Ran buckled up his seat belt. "I'm out now."

At the exit, Qin Man just got on the bus and the smell of snacks filled the whole compartment.

Ji Ran stunned: "Will this thing get cold when it comes home?"

As soon as the words were finished, Qin Man picked one out of it and handed it to his mouth.

It happened to be a red light, Ji Ran stopped, turned his head and stuffed the whole ball into his mouth.

"Is it delicious?" Qin Man asked.

He has never queued for half an hour because of something.

"Okay." Ji Ran swallowed it. "What are your plans for the future?"

"What are you going to do?"

"I've had trouble with them, Yongshi must not be able to stay." Ji Ran asked, "Where do you plan to work?"

"I'm working for you, not for Yongshi. I'll go wherever you go."

"... But I'm not in the office." Ji Ran told him honestly, "If I don't go to work in the future, what are you going to do?"

Qin Man turned to look at him and smiled ambiguously, "Stay with you in bed for a lifetime?"

Ji Ran was almost choked: "You **** ..."

"We're almost halfway through the contract. Have you ever thought about what to do in the future?"

Qin Man asked: "Are you not renewing my contract?"


Why isn't this person motivated? !!

Just thinking about being raised every day? !!

Ji gas said: "No more!"

Green light, Ji Ran stepped on the accelerator.

At this time, he found that the white car behind him also accelerated sharply.

He glanced at the opponent's car and frowned unconsciously.

He is very sensitive to cars. This car ... seems to have followed him two streets?

Ji Ran didn't hesitate, and at the next intersection, he drove down the side road.

Qin Man discovered that the route was wrong and asked, "Where are you going?"

Ji Ran pursed his lips and watched the car behind him turn into the path.

"You put the food down first."

"what happened."

"It seems like a car is following us."

Qin Man's face also changed. He put his food away and looked at the rear car through the rearview mirror.

Ji Ran followed four or five chaotic trails, and the other side pursued.

Ji Ran snorted. This is in the city, there are many cars and limited speed. He is not good at throwing people away, and he just slows down, and plans to see what this car wants to do.

Who knew that the white car suddenly passed by beside him, followed closely, went to the front of him, and stepped on the brakes severely!

Ji Ran was caught off guard and quickly followed the brakes. He scolded "Fuck", and changed his path to drive to the white car. Who knew that the other followed him in a turn, stopped in front of his car, and hit the brakes again.

After a few times, Ji Ran understood that the white car not only tracked him a few streets, but now it was still malicious.

Ji Ran sneered.

Who's not good, but your father?

"Don't be impulsive." Qin Man said.

"It's late," Ji Ran said, "fasten your seat belt."

Before Qin Man had time to say anything, I saw that the car in front braked in front of them again.

Ji Ran didn't give up again this time. The brakes were stepped on, but not stepped on. The wheels continued to move forward, hitting the other's **** firmly.

He knows what kind of force can only break the car and not hurt people.

The white car is not a good high-end car. Ji Ran's head only hurts a little, but the trunk of the white car has been scratched.

Ji Ran was asked to leave the car for more than a dozen consecutive times, the driving recorder remembered, even if the traffic police came, it must be considered the full responsibility of the white car.

After seeing the other car stop, Ji Ran chuckled and tried to unfasten his seat belt: "I'll go and teach him to drive."

"Wait a while." Qin Man's complexion changed, grabbing his hand.

The white car moved.

I saw the car drive a distance forward, and then the reverse warning light suddenly turned on—

Then rushed towards them at high speed!

Ji Ran's eyes widened and he didn't even have time to scold bad words.

But it was too late, the speed of the white car was very fast, and things happened too suddenly-

"Head down!"

Ji Ran only heard such a roar, followed by the sound of the seatbelt being unfastened.

Before he even recovered, the people next to him took the lead to get up from his seat and held him tightly in his arms.

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for the nutrient solution and Ray. 2k novel reading network