MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 323 Clear the fog, the real location of aliens!

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Since the first fire control radar was smashed to pieces, the deck was pierced, the warehouse was turned into a swimming pool, and the durability was only a pitiful 30%.

By the second time, the fire control radar was severely damaged, and the whole ship was damaged in many places. After being repaired under the new life, there was still 84% durability.

This time, the fire control radar is intact, and there is no damage to the whole ship, and it maintains 100% durability after the new life is repaired.

Others don't know what Soma, who is sitting in the cab and smiling like a child, has experienced and what kind of pressure he has endured.

Only Soma knows that over the past half month, all the hard work...

It's all worth it!

With the regeneration triggered by the regeneration of the durability, the deck was damaged everywhere and began to wriggle like a living creature. In just one minute, the overall repair was completed.

Staring at the green 100%, Soma looked and looked, and the more he looked, the more joy he felt in his heart.

"Okay, half of the body is broken and the legs are blown up. In front of this 100%, it really smells good!"

"I don't believe it this time. It's 100% impossible for me to drive to the Grand Canyon!"

In the excitement, Soma's half-drunk drink evaporated through sweat during the fifteen minutes he was defending against the disaster.

At this time, with the new life of the Hope, sitting in the captain's room, Soma also ushered in the "new life" of his captain's career.

[The system identity verification has passed, Captain Soma welcomes you to use it]

[Gonggong has now started the full takeover mode, and the automatic launching mode is already warming up]

[During the process of going to sea, the captain should not take over the operation, otherwise the resulting data deviation is very likely to lead to the failure of the launching process]

[The fire control radar data transfer guidance has been successfully matched, the current horizontal plane height is insufficient, waiting for further data transfer...]


[The preheating of the sea mode is completed, the data is successfully matched, the slide rail has been automatically activated, the anchor has been automatically retracted, and the real-time image analysis has been automatically opened...]

[The start of the slide rail is completed, the data is successfully matched, the fixed blasting is turned on, the baffle is turned on...]

[Hope's entering sea angle has been corrected, and Hope's speed of entering the sea has been corrected. Hope is entering the sea, captain please do not operate]


Looking at the line after line of green correction information flashing on the screen in front of him, as the creator of the Gonggong system, a feeling as if he was operating it poured out of Soma's heart.

The system modified by hand can be completely consistent with the captain's mind.

In terms of operation style, it can also completely match Somo's aggressive style of doing things while seeking stability.



With the experience of successfully entering the sea last time, this time Soma was patient enough and calm enough to not worry about the failure of entering the sea at all.

Different from human control, the most laudable point of the automatic driving system is stability!

With the same data and the same operation logic, even if it runs 10,000 times, there will be no lag, and the result is only one...


Sitting on the stool, fastened the seat belt, and felt the whole ship of Hope slam back and bounced up quickly. Before Somo could get up to check, Gong Gong jumped out first.

[Hope has successfully entered the sea, the current sea level is 5.36 meters, the current draft of the Hope is 3.63 meters, the current left chord height is 16.89 meters, and the current right chord height is 17.45 meters]

[Verify that the current sailing attitude of the Hope is perfect, and the Gonggong sea entry program will exit the takeover, thank you for your use]


[Captain Somo, the Gonggong autopilot system has been successfully connected to the Hope, whether to turn on autopilot according to the destination...]

Floating on the sea, because of the comfortable bonus of the rare entry of the Hope, when there was no wind and waves, Soma could not feel any shaking at all.

Yes, not a single shake.

This feeling is more obvious when you unbuckle your seat belt and stand up!

Obviously through the porthole, you can still see the bow of the outside world, the Hope, which is constantly shaking under the fluctuation of the sea.

But standing on this boat, there is no feeling of shaking at all, as if the feet are not touching the deck, but floating in the air, which is extremely miraculous.

"No! Keep the attitude on!"

After closing the autopilot request set by Gonggong, having the previous experience, in the last test, Soma did not rush to go to sea, but started a thorough inspection of the whole ship.

With four mechanics, from the main deck to the accommodation area, to the warehouse...

Going down one layer at a time, Soma took care of all possible mistakes and dangers.

In the captain's diary that recorded the state of the Hope, the first captain's record also appeared on the paper.

"February 17, 3rd Test, Captain Soma Records"

"Passed the watertight test, passed the fire test, passed the temperature control test, passed the power transmission test..."

One by one careful tests were successfully completed in the manual + mechanical method. After going down to the engine room to ensure that there would be no heat dissipation problem this time, Soma returned to the warehouse.

Everything is ready, then the last thing that needs to be tested on this trip is only left...


"There are still three hours left to steal the secret, which is enough to reach the Grand Canyon and cross most of the valley road."

"But being dragged into the battle, I can't quit at any time, so there is only one last chance to test, and this tough battle must be fought!"

At present, there are a total of four upgraded agents on the whole ship, who can just be in charge of the four directions of the Hope.

With the addition of a hundred thousand rounds of machine gun bullets, in a short period of time, Soma was not worried that the aliens would be able to break through to the Hope.

But in the face of aliens, Soma didn't give up melee combat completely.

Otherwise, if you encounter a monster with the ability to "decapitate", it will be troublesome.

Put on the armor that had been placed in the corner of the warehouse earlier, and the three-pointed two-edged sword buried in the depths of the supplies.

Feeling the humming sound of the electric boots under his feet colliding with the steel plate, Soma took a big step and returned to the cab.

On the screen, the Gonggong system has been completely connected to the entire ship Hope.

The fire control radar scans and transmits data recklessly, and quickly builds a terrain simulation map. Such arrogant actions may become the enemy's target in a few breaths in modern warfare.

But in the wasteland, it is simply a smooth experience like opening and hanging.

For a full two kilometers, it was like opening the eyes of the sky, and even the land under the water could not escape the radar search.

With these data, Gonggong even simulated from which angle and which direction it would go more smoothly.

After some debugging, he found that all the performances were in the best condition. Sitting in the captain's seat, Soma took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Gonggong, confirm the authorization to authorize the autopilot to take over the authority, open the authority for intense driving, and open the limit sailing speed"


"Grand Canyon!"

Different from all kinds of artificial mental retardation that ordinary people on earth can access, the intelligent driving system purchased from the government is extremely responsive.

Almost as soon as Soma's voice fell, the corresponding operation interface appeared on the display synchronously.

[Gonggong takes over successfully, the destination is confirmed, and the countdown for automatic driving starts...]


The power output of the material conversion engine is on call, but is limited by the acceleration of the hull.

It was very stable, hardly any waves were felt, and the Hope was already moving quickly.

The entire acceleration process takes about a minute to complete, and after 45 knots, due to comfort reasons, only slight shaking can be felt on the boat.

Through the porthole, Soma could see the outside world and quickly fell backwards. In just half a minute, Tieshishan was left far away in the darkness.

"Oh, the speed of 45 knots is too cool!"

When driving a ground tiger, even on the plain, Soma could only maintain a speed of 60 yards, but at this time, when driving a boat of 80 meters, he could run to 80 yards.

This kind of feeling is a joy that no one who drives a car can feel!

Of course, it is also the "luxury" experience that most modern warship captains dream of!

Sitting in front of the dashboard, he didn't rush to go out to observe the sailing attitude. After the Hope drove smoothly for three minutes, Gonggong once again followed the logic set by Soma earlier and popped up a prompt.

[Automatic driving is successfully turned on, the current time required to reach the destination is 1 hour and 19 minutes ******* Work attitude maintenance has been turned on, and the current balance is 92.39%]

[Captain Soma, please wear a special headset, the Gonggong system will transmit the driving data to you in real time, I wish you a happy journey! 】

As the sound of the Gonggong system fell, a small mechanical cover was slowly lifted and opened, revealing the earphones below.

Headphones are high-end Bluetooth earphones acquired from the market, and because of their sophisticated transmission properties.

Within 80 meters of the cockpit, even if there is a steel plate barrier, the information can be clearly received.

Gently twisting up the earphone, put it on the left ear and fixed it, then opened the seat belt, Soma stood up.

In this small headset, Soma can not only receive real-time driving information every 1 minute, but also change the driving mode of Hope through the communication function of the headset.

If an unknowing human touches the Hope and wants to threaten the Hope by occupying the cab, they will be caught off guard by this feature.

Carrying a three-pointed, two-edged sword, and after taking another look at the remaining time, Soma slowly walked out of the watertight door and sealed it completely.

"Humans, aliens, with the reminder of games, they can barely protect themselves under such natural disasters..."

"But these ordinary mutant creatures are miserable..."

Within 200 kilometers of the depression, there are no mutant creatures due to aliens.

But just looking at these big trees floating on the sea, and the now black sea water with dirt trapped in it, Soma can think of...

How miserable are those ordinary creatures who were lucky enough to hide and were not killed by the waterfall torrential rain but had no choice but to drown.

"Under the disaster, why aren't humans just like these mutant creatures?"

"If the pace of development can't keep up, sooner or later, it will be buried on this land one day."

Sitting on the bow of the boat with the gold-red flag hanging, Soma's eyes were like swords, calmly looking at the receding sea ahead.

In the dark night, the Hope was like a giant beast, ramming through the ocean.

With the sub-legendary bonus, the defensive power of the steel plate is amazing, even if it hits an obstacle, there is no sense of hindrance.

The eight spotlights are like the eyes of giant beasts. With the control of Gonggong and the analysis of the picture, they transmit the surrounding situation in real time.

At such a terrifying speed, time flies extremely fast!

Before Soma, who was sitting on the bow of the boat, could feel the thrill of "sailing the boat" on the side, as prompted by the headset, the Grand Canyon was already close at hand.

This time, the engine room has a chimney to dissipate heat, and the current temperature is only 72 degrees, so there is no need to worry about fire.

The sailing attitude of the entire Hope has always been in the best state, and it can be switched to a combat attitude at any time.

"The point marked by Pei Shao is now covered by the sea, but it's not a big problem. The sea can block the line of sight, but it can't block the radar detection!"

Listening to the constantly returning monitoring data in the headset, when I heard that there was only one kilometer left from the entrance to the Grand Canyon.

Soma stood up, stepped on the three-pointed two-edged knife under his feet, lifted the handle of the fixed machine gun, and looked forward calmly.

There are two points left for alien ambush, one is the entrance, and the other is 72 kilometers in the valley.

At present, according to the radar scan, there are no aliens at the gate of Gudao, but Sumo has not given up caution and is ready to open fire at any time!



Remotely controlled Gonggong and continued to press the horn of the Hope, and the thick whistle began to echo in the Grand Canyon.

It was like a provocation. Seeing that there was no movement in the canyon, under the command of Soma, the Hope plunged into it.

Five kilometers.

Hope stepped into the entrance of the first ambush point and detected no enemy.

Thirty-one kilometers.

The Hope exited through the first ambush point, and there was still no clue.

Fifty-four kilometers.

The Hope entered the entrance of the second ambush point again, but still did not make any waves.


Seeing that the Hope was about to leave the exit of the second ambush point, the real dragon entered the sea.

However, the Grand Canyon remained calm, and after there was no biological reaction in the radar, Soma's brows furrowed as he stood on the bow of the boat.

The lurking of alien races can deceive Pei Shao Zhong Qingshu, the naked eye, and himself, but it can never deceive the radar or the future!

From the beginning to the end, there was no alien ambush in the Grand Canyon at all, and no one prevented the Hope from going to the center of the battlefield.

Different from the inference, the smooth progress all the way made Sumo feel that the alien race did not stop him, and even helped the Hope go faster and more smoothly!

"If their purpose is not to stop me, where did the 20,000 alien races go..."

Feeling the cold sweat coming out of my whole body, my goosebumps also exploded.

Commanding the Hope to stop the ship and sitting on the bow, Soma's brain turned rapidly, and he quickly reversed the development of the whole thing through reverse thinking.

From learning about 20,000 aliens, to the intelligence team returning the investigation results.

Because of Connie's inner ghost, plus the existing information and Zhong Qingshu's analysis, Su Morgan didn't think about it any more after he came to a conclusion:

If the aliens were not in the Grand Canyon, where could it be!

"If the aliens don't want to stop me from going to sea and going to the center of the battlefield, but to reach other strategic points, to cause harm to me and to boost morale"

"So to me, what is the most important thing about UU reading"

In the future timeline, in the judgment of either A or B, when A is denied, the answer will come out!

From boarding the Hope, to defending against natural disasters, to going to sea smoothly, like a replay, Soma thought about everything he saw from beginning to end.

"Depression, Grand Canyon, Hope Village, underground?"

"Grass, there are definitely experts behind the alien races. It turns out that their purpose is never me!"


"Underground Refuge!"

For a moment, when he thought of the underground shelter, Su Mo shuddered and stood up abruptly!

All the previous information, all the puzzles, all the unknowns, at this time, under the reasoning, all have the answers!

"They want me to lose my ascending potential forever, so that I can never be bound to the sanctuary for development!"

"They analyzed my behavior and strength early in the morning, and guessed that I would definitely meet the conditions to transfer the shelter, rather than format my own shelter and take it away!"

"So, as long as I leave, the 20,000 aliens will take the underground shelter. For them, there is absolutely no risk of difficulty!"


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