MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 322 18 layers of defense, survive the disaster without injury!

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One step in, the two worlds are reversed.

After having the experience of the first two times, the moment he entered the light range, Soma tightened his attention, and while calling the system, he looked at the figure in the dark.

For the first time, Soma saw a creature sitting in the dark. It was a humanoid creature. It was not tall, and it was about 170 according to the sitting posture and height.

The second time, with a little preparation, Soma saw the approximate attire of this humanoid creature.

A little rough, a little sharp, and at the same time a little...kill Matt.

This style of service must have nothing to do with the earth, but it is a bit of a science fiction movie.

This time, under the circumstance that Soma looked at it as soon as he came in, it really allowed Soma to see more things under the light of the system.

A clock?

Someone put a watch on a shoe?

At an angle where only the side of the shoe can be seen, a clock that looks like an old pocket watch is fastened to the silhouette's ankle, swaying gently as the silhouette's feet sway up and down.

"My dear, the straps on the feet of the high-end clocks, how can I be from Penghao?"

At this moment, Su Mo only hated that the green light of the system was not strong enough to fully illuminate the entire space, allowing him to use his consciousness to see more things about this spiritual boy.

But while struggling with consciousness, Su Mo was stunned to find that his sense of smell seemed to have recovered!

Originally, Soma could only use his ears to listen to the sound of waves emanating from this mysterious world, and use his consciousness to see the real appearance of this world with the help of the system.

But at this moment, when Soma was desperate to see more details, a salty sea breeze suddenly penetrated into his nostrils.

It is the sound of the sea, it is the taste of the sea!

It turned out that my feeling did not disappear, but was forcibly stripped away by something.

Just when Soma had such an idea, the mysterious man opposite seemed to recognize the identity of Soma, an old acquaintance. When Soma wanted to continue to struggle and try to liberate more control power...

In an instant, the eyes brightened again.

Here is the cockpit of the Hope. From the porthole of the cockpit, Soma can see the red moon hanging high in the sky.

"Unfortunately, if I struggled a few times, maybe I could regain more control."

"If I can stand up then, I can have a good contact with this mysterious person..."

Sitting on the stool, he completely remembered the look of the old-fashioned pocket watch that he had seen in a glance just now, and Soma stood up.

Compared with the nervousness when he came in the previous two times, Soma, who was already familiar with the disaster relief process, completely relaxed this time.

Turn on the engine and go down the stairs to the engine room where the cooling chimney has been added. After pouring in a liter of nether energy water to start the engine and supplying energy for the whole ship, Soma came to the bow again and slowed down the large anchor that fixed the ship. Slow down.

After doing all this, looking at the sky that seemed to be brewing with anger, Soma returned to the cab and started to control the work together.

Twelve minutes and thirty-four seconds.

This is the remaining time after Soma has done all the preparations.

One is born, the second is cooked, and the third is turned into a master.

After many hands-on exercises, most of the captain's knowledge that Soma learned in his dreams has been turned into a real level.

If it is judged according to the captain's level, even if Soma returns to Earth now, at least he can be a second officer!

He tapped the button on the left side of the driver's seat, and after instructing the mechanic to bring up the three bottles of Maotai stored in the warehouse, Soma took time to rest, put his feet on the driver's seat, and opened the game panel.

The three most important items of chatting, trading, and manufacturing are still locked.

In the three disaster predictions, there were no changes in the introduction.

Clicking on the vehicle interface, the sub-legendary Hope is very eye-catching, and a 30% progress bar has been added behind the new skill bar below, indicating that it can be cast at any time.

Ten minutes and twenty-two seconds.

When the loyal mechanic brought three bottles of Maotai and two small bags of peanuts, Soma opened the bottle and blew on the bottle.

In reality, these three bottles of Maotai are good things that the villagers of Hope Village have searched for for so long before they find it.

Before the complete brewing production line was restored, this kind of good wine decreased with the explosion rate of the treasure chest, which could be said to be one bottle less.

Two mouthfuls of wine and a few peanuts.

After a bottle flew all over the world, Soma was already two points drunk, but this did not affect the opening of the next two bottles.

No one will understand the severe pain that half of the body is fractured in an instant, and no one will understand how infiltrating the lower body is when the lower body disappears due to the explosion of air pressure.

Suma was afraid, but his bullish temper did not allow him to say the word afraid.

Therefore, these three bottles of good things that are reluctant to drink in the real world have become courageous drinks tonight!

"After drinking this wine, I will also go to learn Wusong to fight tigers, and have a good fight with these aliens."

Walking out the door, seeing that the countdown to the three-minute countdown had rang, after drinking the last mouthful of Maotai, feeling his half-drunk body, Soma staggered back into the cab and closed the watertight door.

On the Gonggong system, due to the secondary installation design, a disaster reminder has popped up at this time, and a timing accurate to the millimeter is given.

The fire control radar also turned on full-power scanning, quickly returning all environmental data within one kilometer centered on the Nozomi.

Looking at Tieshishan, which had changed drastically on the radar map, Su Mo smiled and took advantage of the last time to look at it with interest.

"It seems that the talisman paper can indeed be simulated in real time. Chen Shen is a good boy."

"But compared to the second time, there have been subtle changes this time. It seems that the future is not destined to remain the same!"

The future is interesting and ever-changing.

After looking at it until the last ten seconds left, Su Mo gradually withdrew his gaze, and the smile gradually hidden in the corner of his mouth.




The familiar countdown sound began to reverberate through the game panel, with the final 1 falling.

The familiar darkness has come again!

But in the next second, under the manual operation of Soma, the eight spotlights of the whole ship turned on synchronously and illuminated the deck again.

The invisible breeze began to pass slowly over time, and it became stronger around the Hope.


wow wow wow...

The familiar light rain was still falling, but sitting in the cockpit, Soma's eyes never left the camera's detection of the ground.

At 1 minute and 23 seconds, the moment water began to spread out on the ground, Soma's expression instantly became solemn, and the breeze surrounding the Hope suddenly became violent.

If the previous wind speed may be only about 3km, then at the moment when there is a "sea", it soars to...


A veritable seventh-level wind!

The blessing of the sea breeze completely endowed the Hope with a mysterious color.

Before the energy was exhausted, Soma tried, this ability can be maintained at the speed of the extreme seventh-level gale for 22 minutes and 40 seconds!

Although the range can only last within 100 meters of the Nozomi, it is undoubtedly much stronger than the blessings in the base.

Moreover, with the command of Soma's consciousness, this strong wind was not blowing indiscriminately.

Instead, it began to revolve clockwise around the Nozomi, and just a few breaths formed a considerable high-pressure area.

All the raindrops that fell from the sky began to be driven inward by the high pressure, and shot towards the Hope like a bullet, making a crackling sound.

Looking at the blurred porthole, Soma was not anxious, but used both hands.

The left hand continued to rotate clockwise, and the right hand moved slowly in the opposite direction, that is, counterclockwise.

Use one heart and two!

It doesn't just refer to these simple movements on the hands, but through the movements of the hands to drive the brain's thinking to control the extraordinary ability of the sea breeze.

The wind has no thinking, but as a manipulator, Soma can give the wind a sense of direction!

Compared to the second time, this time the magical phenomenon from the outside world came faster and smoothly.

After just four breaths, the sound of the rain hitting the porthole and popping beans began to subside, and on the tenth breath, it stopped completely.

If someone can sit in the cockpit at this time, they will definitely be able to see a scene that matches the weather forecast on the TV from the scan map of the fire control radar...

Typhoon Cloud Map!

With Hope as the center, the wind 50 meters away is spinning at a high speed clockwise, forming a strong high pressure to push the water pressure from the outside to the center.

But within 50 meters, it was about to touch the position of the protective railing of the Nozomi, and the invisible wind was also rotating at a high speed in a counterclockwise direction, forming a low pressure area.

The two different rotation directions make the air in the 50-meter interval rotate, and the centrifugal force generated during the rotation balances and cancels the wind blowing into the center.

Coupled with the phenomenon of air sinking and warming, this typhoon has formed the first line of defense of the Nozomi, isolating all raindrops.

Is this enough?

This is not enough!

According to the previous experience, the defense of the eye of the typhoon can only block the rain for 14 minutes and 50 seconds.

And the remaining 20 seconds is the key to whether Hope can break through the wind and rain and regain "new life"!

After waiting until the fourteenth minute, after forming a set of wind control in his mind, the third wind force mixed with the fourth water force rose again.

From single-mindedness, dual-purpose, to single-mindedness, four-purpose, it is not by Soma's powerful brainpower that can achieve such inhuman control, but by the glowing fingers...

Mind Ring!

The game can't be used, the system can't be used, but the ring is due to the attributes of its own equipment, so there is no problem in using it.

After using this magical ring to maintain the previous idea of ​​controlling the wind in two different directions, he controlled the third wind mixed with water power, and suddenly formed a wall of water above the fire control radar.

The water wall is not big, only two square meters in size, but it is just enough to cover the fire control radar to ensure that the radar will not suffer "disaster."

As for the rest of the Hope, because of the new life, Soma didn't have to worry and tried his best to maintain the water wall.

The second time, after such an operation, after condensing twelve walls of water, Soma had no more energy.

This time, the wine brought by Maotai soared to the sky, which made Soma's thoughts soar. Unconsciously, when the fifteenth wall of water rose, Soma reacted.

However, the time had already reached 52 seconds, and Soma was not allowed to continue to be distracted.

In the typhoon barrier, more and more water has broken through and hit the deck, making a rushing sound.

Under the command of Gonggong, the powerful drainage channel of the whole ship also turned on the electric pumping mode to bring all the water left on the deck to the outside world.

The familiar buoyancy is generated, and the familiar Hope sway.

Sumo knew that this was the last solo performance fifteen minutes ago, and it was also the moment when the last wave of offensive announced the charge.




Eighteen faces!

Countless pea-sized sweat had been left on Soma's forehead, hitting the dashboard of the cockpit with a popping sound.

Human potential is endless. In the last chance, Soma completely squeezed out his potential and built eighteen water walls with amazing defensive power for the fire control radar.

And at the moment when the eighteen sides were formed, 15 minutes came!

Rain, not rain, but waterfalls!

From the height of thousands of meters, it poured down with terrifying kinetic energy like a splash.

The typhoon barrier formed by the forward and reverse directions was almost destructive, and was broken by the waterfall torrential announced the end of his mission.

Like Thor's roar, or incompetent fury.

In just one second, the crazy waterfall torrential rain caused the Hope no damage in the first 15 minutes!

15 minutes and 02 seconds, only the water wall defense is left...

17 faces!

15 minutes and 05 seconds, the water wall has 12 defenses!

15 minutes and 07 seconds, the water wall defends 5 sides!


15 minutes and 9 seconds, water wall defense... 3 sides!

At the last second, only three sides of the magnificent water walls were left, but the torrential rain of the waterfall was exhausted.

After Kankan broke the last three sides, like a normal rainstorm, it poured on the radar and made a slight whirring sound.

Listening to this celebratory whistle, watching the game panel emerge, only 24% durability loss...

Standing in the cabin, although his face was blushing, Soma still laughed wildly.

What does it mean to end the hardship with joy, and what does it mean to clear the customs without injury!

This wave is like two blooms!



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