MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 521 Hidden variables, controllers rooted in blood

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On April 8th of the last calendar, human beings will be in the wasteland for the ninety-eighth day, tens of days before the arrival of the long winter.

Suddenly leaving the civilized world and returning to the wild wilderness, there are only the last two days left before the Hundred Days.

From six o'clock in the morning, the temperature dropped slightly again.

The rising sun in the sky, like the lamp in the refrigerator, cannot bring any warmth.

Like most dull days.

In the eyes of most surviving humans on this day, there is still no change, and they cannot make any waves in life.

They still have to work at sunrise and rest at sunset, repeating what they just finished yesterday, trying to work hard to survive.

For them, tomorrow, the future, is still a luxury term.

But when he turned his attention to the depression, there was a "small" change that day.

Starting from seven in the morning, when more and more villagers got up to wash, they suddenly found out!

The isolation belt surrounding the underground shelter has been pulled up.

Along the one-kilometer boundary of the entire sanctuary, there are already several red eye-catching signs surrounding it, alerting every creature that wants to stick in it.

For the villagers who joined the village later, such a "vast" battle made them a little uneasy.

But for the old villagers who were transferred from Candlelight Village before, their behavior was completely opposite to these people.

Recalling the last time the depression had such a formation, it had to be when the Hope was just completed.

From there, the strength of the depression has grown by leaps and bounds. Relying on the Hope in the sea, Soma has also become the king of mankind.

And now, the depression has such a formation again.

What that means...

"Give me some energy, be smart, one by one, today the director is going to do a big job, don't make inquiries if you don't know, then it will be beneficial to each of you!"

"Do your job well, don't be ashamed of the director's contribution to us!"

Beating the gongs and drums, Chen Shen stood at the entrance of the village and shouted.

Hearing his words, everyone's work has sped up again.

After waiting until eight o'clock, after breakfast, more than a thousand people dispersed in an instant, and continued to return to their posts according to the tasks ordered last night.

Seeing that the surrounding area was completely cleared, and with breakfast, several management members lifted the isolation belt briskly and got in.

Unlike in the past, today they rarely have any small talk, and everyone has a solemn look on their faces.

Although the gate of the underground shelter, everyone has seen it countless times, and has also entered it several times.

But every time they look at this door in the distance, they still feel extremely shocked.

In the first few dozen days of the apocalypse, even if they wanted to break their heads, they couldn't imagine how a person could build such a fortress.

In the same way, even now, it is extremely embarrassing for all the villagers to set up such an underground shelter.

Walking to the door, Li Hu stepped forward slowly and tapped lightly.

After waiting for a while, with a sour squeak, the door was raised, revealing Lu Kuan's smiling face.

After taking the breakfast, there was not too much nonsense. As Lu Kuan nodded, the door was lowered again, making a heavy sound of grounding.

"Come on, let's go, it won't help us if we stay here, but it might be bad."

"In short, I will support what the director wants to do with both hands, and what the director wants to strike, I will be the first to rush in front!"

"What you saw just now, and what you guessed in your heart, just give me a rotten belly."

Regarding Lu Kuan's indifference, Li Hu, the leader, didn't care either. Instead, he spread his hands and walked out of the isolation zone first.

In the past, it was always the lively Moore who opened the door, there was no exception.

Today it was Lu Kuan. Obviously, what happened next must have something to do with Moore.

At a glance, everyone in the garage swept the various instruments displayed inside, plus the isolation range of one kilometer.

Very easily, the smart people present basically guessed something related to the "experiment".

But just in response to that sentence, the wise man was "confused". As Li Hu's voice fell, everyone else nodded and left quickly.

Soon, calm returned to the isolation zone.


"Sumo, the meal is here, let's eat first!"

Holding two large food boxes and paddling the reels under his feet, Lu Kuan quickly descended to the third floor.

As soon as he passed the stairs, he saw Moore sitting on the sofa, meditating with Soma.

There is a bit of divine power in the mark. Without systematic protection, it was the first time to use means to fuse it into other people's bodies.

Even Soma didn't know what kind of changes it would bring.

And, when it comes to Moore, for this experiment, Soma was completely cautious, cautious, and more cautious.

Since last night, he has spent a lot of time guiding Moore to relax and strive to achieve the best mental state.

The magic carpet was also laid under Moore, prompting him to gain buffs.

As for the nether energy water that was accumulated, Soma did not store it either.

From last night, he took it out all at once, and let Moore drink to his fullness and store enough energy.

With all the means available, Soma has blessed Moore with all his blessings.

In addition, there is a mysterious system as the backing, Somo is confident that no matter what the situation is, as long as he is not greedy to integrate, there is no problem in securing Moore.

"Okay, we'll start the experiment right after eating!"

The clever Su Chan had already rushed out of the bedroom, took the breakfast from Lu Kuan's hand, and began to place it on the table.

White porridge, pickles, steamed buns, and a mutton with spring onions constitute a simple breakfast.

Although there is no special requirement for Soma, there is a meat dish in every meal, but it is a rule spontaneously made by the village.

After finishing breakfast with a little nervousness, he took Moore and Oreo to the garage floor and closed the stone door down.

"Moore, lie down first, we will do a brief analysis of your body composition and try our best to determine the suitability!"

Greeting Moore to lie down on a newly remodeled instrument in the center, the robot's eyes paused, and Lu Kuan disappeared.

Instead, the medical boss Yan Xiaqing appeared.

Unlike Lu Kuan's somewhat unfamiliar movements, Yan Xiaqing was extremely skilled in controlling this "old" machine, and it seemed that it was extremely reassuring.



The huge current demand began to be transmitted through the wires, and the large-scale 300KW generator set on the second floor of the underground shelter also began to output its full power.

Unlike several 50kw engines in the village, this modular engine obtained from the beginning can still play its own role.

Even if the electricity consumption of the shelter goes up to a new level, as long as there is enough energy, it can still be tolerated!

"Subject: Moore"

"Physical test value, 72.46, seven times that of normal humans"

"Cell activity, 3.96, forty times that of normal humans, and has a strong ability to divide and replicate, which can repair damage in a short time."

"The energy element in the body is more than 67% similar to that of humans, and the remaining 33% energy element is being tested..."

"Analysis of blood components, the similarity with humans is more than 95%, the blood type is O, and it has a small amount of foreign elements, which does not affect the original nature of blood."

"In vivo conditioned radiography..."

Every time a test came out, Yan Xiaqing would announce it aloud.

According to his physique, Moore is only seven times that of a normal human being, but according to comprehensive data, Moore's external strength is about thirty times that of a human being, which is extremely terrifying.

The ultra-high cell activity means that even if Moore is traumatized, it is difficult to infect.

At the same time, due to the influence of cell activity, Moore's wound will heal at an astonishingly fast rate, completely surpassing more than 99% of creatures!

Time is passing, and various accurate data verifications are becoming more and more clear.

Even Yan Xiaqing had already prepared in her heart before.

But this time. Looking at items of familiar and unfamiliar data on the screen, she still couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Moore's state has now been adjusted to the best, and even if we wait for a while, there won't be much improvement in intuitiveness."

"If possible, I suggest giving Moore high-intensity oxygen for half an hour before starting to detect fusion."

"As for the specific influencing energy factor, we have probably detected three abnormal points!"

The pieced together instrument looks tattered, but its efficacy cannot be underestimated, and it basically integrates most of the detection functions in modern medicine.

Pointing to three of the red labels with exclamation marks, Yan Xiaqing's tone paused.

"Okay, let's start taking oxygen now. Let's discuss the specific data in the conference room."

He pulled the chemical reaction oxygen inhaler in the corner and put a set on Moore's head. Looking at the latter's peaceful expression on the verge of falling asleep, Soma smiled and closed his eyes.

The next moment, the space was reversed, and the garage disappeared, replaced by a meeting room that was already full of people.

In front of everyone, half-human-height manuscripts were piled up with various data and emergency plans painted on them.

Regarding whether they can regain their human form, everyone obviously showed 200% enthusiasm.

"Sumo, let's look at the data, Xiaoyan's suspicion is right, but now we need another data!"

Seeing that Su Mo came in, the people who were still discussing fiercely immediately stopped talking, and Zhuo Junfan spoke as the representative.

"What data?"

Zhuo Junfan sat upright, with a solemn expression: "Before this, we were only guessing before Moore's data was verified, but now we have suddenly made a near-breakthrough discovery, how can we say that, if the ability of the gods is A cold weapon with an extremely terrifying weight, for us ordinary people, even if we have "hands", it is difficult to pick it up, and even if we pick it up, it will backfire on ourselves."

"Therefore, there are two paths in front of us. First, strengthen one's own ability, make one's own physical fitness extremely terrifying, and have enough power to control the gods."

"The second... is to use external force!"

After a pause, Zhuo Junfan waved slightly to the air.

"Moore's path is the first one, his physical fitness is constantly strengthening, how to say... Well, let me use an example that you can understand, on your earth, there is a man named The Avengers movie, in that movie, there is a creature called the Hulk Hulk. If the power of the gem is compared to the power of the gods, then the reason why Hulk can withstand and use it is because his physical fitness has gradually matched. lower limit"

"But in the back, Iron Man can also withstand this force, not because of his physical fitness, but from... external force!"

For these top scientists who can only stay in their brains, in their spare time, learning about different cultures of the universe is also a process of relaxation.

Using a very simple example, Zhuo Junfan made it clear the difference between the two.

"Wait, if Moore was able to integrate because his physical fitness was up to standard, wouldn't he want to copy it to others..."

Zhuo Junfan nodded: "Yes, based on the current data, the conclusion we have reached is exactly the same."

"But there is no way out, there is a hidden variable in Moore's body. I highly doubt that this is the reason why he can really control this power!"

For Zhuo Junfan's unspecified guess, Su Mo could roughly guess what it was.

The Thunder Bears have gods. It stands to reason that every Thunder Bear will also have a similar genetic makeup.

If this thread of gene is a so-called hidden variable, a controller used to control this divine power, then it is impossible for others to copy it.


"We humans have also mastered the power of gods, which means that we also have controllers in our bodies and have the potential to adapt to the power of gods."

"Souma, if you can..."

"Moore is not the best experiment subject, are!"

After the plain language was spoken, the entire conference room suddenly became quiet.

Everyone turned their eyes away and tried their best to control them in other directions.

Obviously, they also knew what the meaning of the experiment would be if the subject was suddenly replaced by Soma himself.

"Controller, can we analyze it with our instrument?"

Thinking about the words Zhuo Junfan said before, Su Mo's heart moved slightly, and his mind suddenly became more flexible.

The immortal gods who disappeared in China, the thieves who once left behind the thieves, the black pot of the righteous thieves, the mysterious relics of time, the world outside the incubator...

In the complicated thoughts, the news that was accidentally obtained before is being unconsciously connected in series, forming a dense network.

I think of the thick frosted glass that was separated by the last time I used the power of the gods.

A vague key point seemed to appear in front of Soma, and only Soma stretched out his hand to grab it.

"It can only be used as an aid. Strictly speaking, no, and the above words are all guessed by us, not to mention that there is data verification, but there is not even an example."

"Even to find this thing, you may need to feel it yourself, otherwise we have no clue at all"

Very bachelor, Zhuo Junfan spread his hands, his face was full of helplessness.

Part of the creation of science comes from a solid foundation, and another part comes from the rich imagination and creativity.

But when I think about the guesses of and others, they have to use their superiors to do experiments. Even if everyone has only one head left, it will still be numb.

"Want me to find it myself?" Once again aware of the elements, Soma's pounding heart has moved to a new level.

However, maintaining a long-standing good habit and taking a deep breath to calm down, Soma spoke again:

"Can the experiment be terminated at will?"

Lu Kuan quickly replied: "This is ok, we can stop the stimulation at any time, and we can absolutely guarantee the safety to the greatest extent."

"Okay, it's not too late, let me go up and start the experiment!"

As for how to control the mark, Soma has a way, unlike everyone else.

As long as it is accumulated over time and has some help to survive, in the end, more and more people will definitely have the right to have the imprint.


The system can't give you the opportunity to see the hidden essence of an individual!

In countless moments of short-circuiting, when using the authority, that peculiar feeling will flash through Soma's mind, causing waves of soul tremors.

If the frosted glass at a glance represents the complex composition of a human body.

Then the piece that can be seen through the frosted glass to the outside world is the key element of the controller.

Once you can really find and stimulate this fast place, it will become more and more clear.

Then there is a very high possibility that Soma will be able to see that piece of...

The real world!