MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 523 Screening anchors, impenetrable chasms!

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The latest website: The fusion of imprints did not encounter any problems. It was as if a small handful of water had melted into the sea, without causing any waves or splashes.

Looking at Soma lying on the instrument, everyone was still nervous.

But after seeing the fusion, it took less than five seconds for Soma to sit up, as if nothing had happened.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"The fusion was so successful that we didn't encounter any problems at all, and we also found the information trigger points and gene fragments during fusion."

"As long as it is analyzed, a corresponding detection mechanism can be established!"

"As long as the instrument is tested, it can be determined whether a person has the potential for fusion!"

With undisguised ecstasy, Yan Xiaqing repeatedly tapped the buttons on the instrument, controlling the hard-won data, and began to perform a series of complex calculations.

Under the monitoring of modern instruments, the human body is a forbidden place except for the mysterious realm of consciousness.

Elsewhere, including neural responses, are also clearly perceived by the instrument.

"Fusion potential?"

"Isn't everyone able to integrate?"

Touching the slightly raised mark on his arm, recalling the feeling when the mark was fused with the help of the system, Soma frowned.

The imprint after the fusion of the system seems to be born with it, without any barriers and obstacles.

In other aspects, not only can the position of the imprint be changed at will, but also the so-called "networking" can be carried out to interact with the detection equipment in Liberty City.

But the imprint of self-integration cannot be changed at all in position, and it is fixed and dead wherever it is fused.

At the same time, after sinking into the mind and exploring the imprint, Soma discovered it.

This kind of self-integration is indeed the most pitiful among the three methods provided by the previous system...

Crack Mode!

The information about the Alec dog legs stored in the previous imprint has all disappeared, from the existing templates to the possible contribution points.

At the moment of fusion, everything turned into nothingness.

At this time, the name and type of the person bound at the bottom of the entire imprint even changed.

It has become the bright word Soma, and the eye-catching red marked...


In other words, if you ran into Liberty City with this mark and wanted to fool around, you would be caught directly before entering the door.

Then it caused unprecedented vigilance and commotion in Liberty City!

"Yes, just like blood type B cannot be transfused to type A, there will be specificity and difference at the same time when it is fused."

"Until we have no more experimental data and matching methods, in order to ensure safety, we must choose the same template for experimental loading"

"Otherwise, once other problems are triggered, or there is an accident beyond our prediction, it will be an unbearable consequence for us!"

Processing more and more data, Yan Xiaqing's entire attention has been completely devoted to it.

Hearing this very reasonable explanation, Soma nodded and turned his gaze to the mark on his arm.

The next second, the green light identified by the system shoots out and hits this mark impartially.

[Mark of the Pretender (green; cracked; risk: very high)]

[Description]: This is a cracked imprint. When facing the holder of a high-level imprint, there is a high probability that the other party will perceive an abnormality, and the imprint cannot pass any imprint detection equipment, nor can it contribute points. Normal access, please pay attention to avoid possible risks in time

[Imprint loading limit]: less than or equal to the second order

【Contains template】: None

[Template Talent]: None

【Template conversion times】: Once

[Template Duration]: 7 days, 00 hours and 00 minutes (renewable for 3 days for every 100 contribution points; after the contribution points are reset to zero, if the user's default location is outside the territory, he will die instantly. There is a seven-day buffer period, the wealth value will rise to less than 100 within seven days, and the default status will be downgraded to mercenary)

[Marked Wealth Value]: 100 Contribution Points

【Imprinted fixed property】: None

[Binder]: Soma (human)

[Evaluation]: If you want to provoke the opponent, take this mark into the opponent's territory!

The new Sigil didn't have the huge loan that Hal did, and likewise, there were no other add-ons.

Seeing the three dazzling none and the contribution value of only 100 points, Su Mo suddenly touched the back of his head and switched to the upgrade interface.

[Upgrade method 1]: Reconstruct the imprint firewall to protect the abnormal information inside. This firewall can resist the snooping of the powerhouses in the three levels, and it can also ignore any inspection equipment and use it normally;

Note: In the face of powerhouses other than the three levels, the probability of being found abnormal will increase synchronously for each level raised. At the same time, once the firewall is discovered, it will lose all effectiveness, and the upgrade requires 3480 survival points

[Upgrade method 2]: Restore the information saved by the imprint, reset the abnormal information in it, and give the imprint the original identity to cover the current information, so as to achieve the effect of mixing the fake with the real;

Note: This upgrade method requires a lot of energy, so the demand for survival points will increase to a certain extent, and the upgrade requires 50,000 survival points

[Upgrade method 3]: Directionally modify the abnormal information in the imprint, select this upgrade method, you can choose one abnormal information to cover and reshape, which has achieved the expected purpose;

Note: The required survival points will fluctuate differently according to the abnormality of the masked item and the difficulty of modification. The upgrade requires survival points: ? /?

"Damn it, a new imprint upgrade only needs 20,000 points, and I have more than doubled the charge when I merged it myself. It takes 50,000 points to restore the information?"

"This is so outrageous!"

The firewall fee for the first item is still reasonable, but when Somo glanced at the second item, he couldn't hold back the desire to complain.

But fortunately, after seeing that the third item could be modified by directional cover, Soma secretly clenched his fists and calmed down.

"System, I choose to cover up and reshape the identity of the binder!"

Of all the information, the most suspicious is of course the last item. The word "human" on it is bright, and as long as the Demon Soul Race is tested, it will definitely open the door.

And as long as this point can be covered up, other places can be fooled.

[Directly modify the identity of the binding person]

[Validity period: 30 days; cost: 1800 points]

[Validity period: 60 days; cost: 3500 points]

[Validity period: 180 days, cost: 10,000 points]


[Validity period: permanent, cost: 21000 points]

It turns out that it's easy to take advantage of the game.

But wanting to take advantage of the system is wishful thinking.

Glancing all the way down, seeing the last permanent, which is the same as modifying the price of the bound identity of a mark, Soma had no choice but to close the panel.

"Fortunately, to cover up this anomaly is not to directly charge me 21,000. If it is calculated in 30 days, it takes a month to bring the past five people..."

"9000 points!"

Loading the imprint inside the territory naturally does not need to be covered up, and it will be finished if you use it alive, and your own people will not report their own people.

According to the previous character of the Demon Soul Race, there is a high probability that no real high-level mark holder will be sent to sneak in to provoke.

Therefore, it is only necessary to regularly go to Liberty City to purchase the template usage time, conversion times and other values, and take it back and load it for these people, even if it is ok.

And those who are really going to lurking in Liberty City need to use directional modification.

These people, before Xinhuo Exchange did not completely dominate the early stage, must be very expensive, and it is enough to go to a few people.

Judging from the cost of these points per month, it is not unacceptable.

"Ok, the anchor point has been confirmed. As long as people with these genes are screened in a targeted manner, the imprint can be loaded."

The project of integrating information is not tedious. After removing the difficulty of detection, the work only took five minutes, and Yan Xiaqing successfully won it.

Of course, when her voice fell, the brain box that could have remained calm instantly began to vibrate.

Obviously, everyone is nervous.

"Screen, start with a few of you!"

Standing up and pulling the instrument to the side of the brain box, Su Mo took a deep breath and opened the box cover in place of Yan Xiaqing, who was already nervous and trembling all over.

In the next second, feeling the air outside, the slime wrapped his brain automatically withdrew his beard, revealing the crimson circling brain below.


"Let's start with Lu Kuan, don't be nervous, if you can bind, each of you has it!"

After comforting these people who had already died once, after Yan Xiaqing skillfully inserted a thin needle into Lu Kuan's brain gap, Su Mo looked up at the monitor.

Unlike the complex gene sequences in the human body, the number of anchor points that need to be matched for fusion imprints is not too many, not too many, there are thirteen in number.

I don't know what these anchor points represent, but the visual desktop program started working as soon as the information was accessed, and began to show the meaning of each anchor point.

For the first five anchor points, Lu Kuan's information matched extremely quickly, and the progress bar was completed almost instantly.

These five anchor points represent the meaning that the two people come from the same source, and they are all standard carbon-based organisms.

But starting from the sixth anchor point, the match starts to slow down.

At the same time, starting from here, it is also the key to screening for the presence or absence of loading marks.

Under the tension, five minutes passed quietly.

When the matching circle turned to the eleventh, there was a long stutter.

The brain belonging to Lu Kuan in the box is also shrinking rapidly. I don't know if it is the pain caused by the match, or the anxiety of not finding the corresponding signal.

"Oops, about to fail, Lu Kuan has no corresponding anchor point, but he is exploring independently, and now he has reached the critical point of triggering danger"

"Would you like to wake him up?"

The slime in the box, feeling Lu Kuan's constant energy demand, has begun to scream and tremble.

In the upper right corner of the screen, a huge red exclamation mark also appeared, indicating that Lu Kuan's current state had reached the limit.

After a pause, Soma didn't stop directly.

Instead, he moved his footsteps, brought the nether energy water that was placed on one side before, and gently dripped onto the slime.

With the addition of new energy, the slime's convulsions were relieved a lot in an instant, and the energy supplied to the inner brain was also a little more out of thin air.

But on the contrary, after the three-minute stalemate, as Lu Kuan's brain suddenly trembled, the needle inserted in the gap automatically popped out.


"He chose to give up on his own!"

As the leader of a group of scientific researchers, Lu Kuan's failure was completely unexpected.

Both bodies have the same potential for "being a god", which made Soma inadvertently ignore the probability and only think that most human beings will have the basic conditions for loading permissions.

But in fact, this probability is significantly lower than imagined.

"Start the next one?"

"let's start!"

Even if he knew of Lu Kuan's failure, it was destined to cast a shadow over the next test.

But seeing Su Mo's finger pointing at Su Deben's brain, Yan Xiaqing didn't delay, and the probe stabbed instantly.

It was still the five anchor points that were successfully detected in an instant, and the speed started to slow down at the sixth anchor point.

Unlike Lu Kuan, who struggled for a while, Su Deben accepted the failure as a bachelor at the ninth anchor point, and directly ejected the needle, lowering the probability of success once again.

"Is there something wrong with our detection equipment, maybe due to individual differences, which led to unsuccessful matching?"

Yan Xiaqing thought for a while, then shook his head slightly: "This probability is possible, but it is not very big. There are many mysteries in the human body. What we found is only a drop in the ocean, but even if there are individual differences, we must accept this fact. To 100% matched people, one less anchor point, we all have to accept the risk of failure, such an experiment is not something we can afford at this stage!"

After speaking, it seemed that in order to confirm her conjecture, Yan Xiaqing stabbed the needle directly into her brain.

The next second, with the constant beeping sound, the robot lost control, and the anchor points on the screen began to be detected synchronously.

The five familiar anchor points were swept away. Unlike the previous two people's stuttering, this time Yan Xiaqing's matching speed turned out to be terrifyingly fast.

It only took less than a minute to jump to the eleven anchor points that Lu Kuan had failed before.

After four or five minutes of stalemate, just when Su Mo thought that Yan Xiaqing was about to fail, the eleventh green dot unexpectedly lit up.

And in less than five seconds, the remaining two points were also lit up.


Looking at the green √ on the screen, before Somo could react, Yan Xiaqing returned to the robot body excitedly, trembling uncontrollably.

"It matched, I actually matched!"

Having a completely corresponding anchor point naturally represents the chance of resurrection.

At this moment, even if he had to take into account the feelings of the other people in his head, Yan Xiaqing was still unstoppably excited, and his whole body kept twitching.

At the same time, her successful matching naturally also means that there is no problem with the previous authentication mechanism.

With a slightly dull mood, the next test continued.

Half an hour later, looking at the filtered list, Soma nodded, turned and went back to the old sofa in the garage to sit down.

Lu Kuan, Zhuo Junfan, Ji Yang, the three who went out of the same school, all persisted until the eleventh anchor point, and the group was destroyed.

Su Deben, Su Wei, father and daughter were not able to escape the murderous hand of fate, the ninth anchor point, they both pulled the brakes.

Yan Xiaqing, Bai Yiqi and Ouyang Guo are cousins. Except for Bai Yiqi stuck at the twelve anchor points, the other two passed the test without any resistance.

Unexpectedly, Ai Jianqiang and Ai Jianfeng, who are proficient in machinery and construction, are two brothers.

Their detection speed is the fastest among all of them. It basically took less than 30 seconds to pass the test perfectly and get a chance to match!

Of the ten people, four succeeded, and the pass rate is quite impressive, at 40%.

"Suma, are we going to test the other villagers?"

"Let's do it, let Chen Shen start calling people over in batches, I need to get an exact data and list!"

Not everyone can load the template, and not everyone can have the possibility of "becoming a god", which undoubtedly disrupted Soma's previous plan.

And over time, as more and more people took the test, the data began to drop significantly.

Ordinary villagers have a lower probability of having an anchor.

From the morning to noon, all villagers are considered to have completed the test, but unfortunately, only 119 people passed the test.

At first glance this number is not small, but if you consider the base of more than 1,000 people, this probability is only...


Thirteen anchor points, like an insurmountable gulf, finally separate all those who are struggling in the last days into two different fields, which are difficult to cross in their entire lives.

Just like in primitive tribes, some primitive people are born tall and strong, good at hunting, and some primitive people are born short and can only do some dirty work.

Luck became one of their "original capitals".

From a personal point of view, Soma hates this kind of probabilistic event that relies on luck to determine his future.

But from a realistic point of view, this is a choice event that will inevitably be encountered when a collective develops forward.

Once the solution is not good, it will be buried in countless future explosions... dark thunder!
