MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 533 Goodbye humans! The news of the super large gathering place!

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The last time he walked to this wall, which was nearly 20 meters high, Soma was afraid of exposing himself.

Now, with Turner leading the way, and the Fire Exchange, it's not what it used to be.

For the first time, Soma finally had the time and opportunity to raise his head to measure the rough details of this high wall.

Like the city wall outside Liberty City, the material of the high wall is also made of this dark red masonry, and under the sun's rays, it is constantly emitting light.

In terms of defense, the entire high wall did not use an external watchtower, but instead used an embedded observation window.

Every 30 meters or so, there would be a gap, and from time to time, guards would stick their heads out to observe the situation in the block outside.

In terms of overall defensive strength, high walls can only be regarded as average, at the stage of guarding against gentlemen but not villains.

But if you add the eyeball in the center of the wall that is somewhat similar to Camp Blackstone, the entire wall instantly loses its grandeur.

Instead, there is an indescribable strange feeling that makes people shudder.

Seeing the complexity revealed in Hao Qiang's eyes, Turner would be wrong and explained, "Friend Hao Qiang, you don't have to worry, it's a big deal for a mercenary to be released privately and forcibly deceived by others. small and small”

"I see that your mark is blue, and you don't seem to know the rules here. You should be the group of people who came out when our city was not fully built, right?"

For this reason, Hao Qiang could only nod his head.

Turner patted his chest: "Now you don't have to worry anymore. After Liberty City was built, the lord introduced the policy of mercenaries to maintain the concentration of the territory. You can use the excuse of not coming back for a long time to prevaricate the past, and let's talk about it. , when you come back to pay the fine, it is to create income for the territory, and with me and you, Harbao, there will be no problem!"

While he was talking, when he turned a street corner, a gate appeared under the high wall.

Unlike the city gates that were guarded before, the gate under the high wall only had ordinary gate stones, and no one was seen.

But after the three entered the entrance, two uniformed staff walked towards them.

One man and one woman are standard fox men, with slender stature and good looks, revealing a charming aura.

After observing the gender of the three people, the leading man stepped back, the woman stepped out, and bowed deeply: "Welcome to the three adults to the inner city, we are responsible for arranging for the three on-site guides, please let the three first I'll check the information so we can arrange the best service and guidance for you"

Like the entertainment service agencies in other places in Liberty City, whether the fox girl is talking or bowing, she is releasing her innate aura.

But unfortunately, in the face of two dwarves and a transformed man whose lower body has become an iron block, her temptation failed very much.

As Turner put his hand on his mark, Soma immediately copied his operation.


A simple message was shot out through the imprint, and after sensing the receiver, it flew into the receiver on the back of the fox girl's hand.

Then the fox girl lowered her head skillfully, called out the received message, her face changed slightly and bowed again: "Lord Hal, Lord Turner, you are our VIP in Liberty City, you can enjoy the purple mark treatment in the inner city, please follow me!"

In Liberty City, the sense of superiority brought by the imprint level is everywhere.

Although the color of the imprint of the two is still blue, internally, it was adjusted to purple by the guards, which is a lot of compensation.

"Okay, let's lead the way, we do need some good mercenaries."

"And help the person next to me deal with the identity issue!"


Walking inward along the city gate for about 100 meters, the field of vision became wider again.

The buildings that can be seen by the roadside, the people inside are in an endless stream, carrying items that cannot be traded outside the city.

For example, everyone's daily fixed ration, a lumpy plant that can be made into a paste, here is like a roadside garbage, piled up into a hill.

There are constantly large carts responsible for loading, and then pulling them to a fixed location outside the city for sale.

And some rare ores for making weapons and protective gear, there are also many here.

Just looking at it, Soma saw several kinds of high-grade ores glowing with a faint blue light, randomly placed on the floor of the shop, and let the guards choose arbitrarily.

Rare medicinal herbs, high-level plants, bizarre technological modeling items...

The further he went along the way, as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden, the more obvious Su Mo felt about the background of the Demon Soul Clan.

Inside and outside the high wall, like two worlds, there is a clear dividing line between the poor and the rich.

Outside, there was a rotten empire that was smashed with a stab, and it seemed that anyone who came here could destroy it.

Inside, there are intertwined and deep-rooted underwater icebergs, making it difficult to see where the real end is.

With eyeballs hanging high on the city wall, things in the inner city are not afraid of being stolen.

Along the way, she turned several corners and came to a strange building that was only surrounded by walls but had no gate to enter. The fox girl suddenly stopped and made a gesture of please:

"Master Hal, I don't know if you should deal with this person's identity first, or go first..."

"Let's go and see the other mercenaries first, and we'll deal with the identities together!"


Nodding her head again, the fox girl stretched out her hand and waved slowly against the wall. The originally closed building wall cracked open, revealing the passage to the bottom.

Noticing that Soma's sight fell on the inside of the passage, the fox girl explained: "The original open-air mercenary paradise, considering that people from the Empire of Light often come to invade and it is inconvenient to manage, we have relocated it here and set up a new setting. There are several items, including not only the demon soul clansmen who have lost our mark, but also other wild alien races, which are available for purchase"

"And on the basis of the rules set by the lord, we have made more changes to ensure the rights and interests of buyers."

"In the past, the authority to manage subordinates, the master could only manage the life and death of mercenaries, it seems to be very strict, but in fact, according to our investigation, very few people used it, and there were many accidents."

"So we modified it so that as long as you buy it, the owner can check the mercenary's movement route within three days at will, and at the same time, he can also use the imprint to retrieve the creatures that the mercenary has recently contacted."

"On the mercenary's side, on the premise that the mercenary cannot harm the master, we have set up countermeasures through other rules. For example, after the master has ordered that the mercenary cannot talk to strangers at will, once the mercenary violates it, he will immediately Disable access to its imprint..."

"In other respects, we did the same..."

On the way to the underground through the deep stairs, the fox girl kept talking about the new and improved rules.

From the master's jurisdiction over the mercenary, to the mercenary's loyalty options to the master, to the design of every detail.

From the inside out, the entire system has undergone earth-shaking changes.

If we say that in the past, this initial mercenary elimination system established by the lord of the Demon Soul Race was a helpless move to force everyone to move and go out to make money.

So it has evolved to the present, and it has finally embarked on another wrong path, becoming more and more out of control, revealing the real purpose of the exploitation below.

After becoming a mercenary, he basically lost all rights, and even the right to commit suicide was forcibly deprived.

Apart from helping the master to work hard and praying that the master can redeem himself one day, the mercenary will have no other way to choose.

After listening to all the rules, Soma grasped the point: "Can other aliens be purchased, but how to ensure that they are also governed by the rules?"

The fox girl shook her head in surprise: "Hey, does Lord Hal want to take other aliens out to work? This is impossible. They have no imprint and can't restrain them, which will hurt the owner's rights and interests!"

"We can only guarantee that the identity information of these alien races has not been collected and sold. That is to say, Lord Hal can get first-hand information and make templates for sale."

"As for their lives, after collecting the information after purchase, the owner can continue to sell them here for a second time. At the same time, we can also be responsible for sending them out of the city, and the owner decides whether to stay or not!"

"Anyway, they can't live in the city!"

After listening to the introduction of the fox girl, Soma nodded nonchalantly.

As expected, regarding the most important imprint, the Demon Soul Clan really wasn't open enough to load it for others.

Gu However, it is no different from what the fox girl said, and no one will put a time bomb by his side.

For the Demon Soul Race, when there are better mercenaries and can replace the template, they don't need alien slaves to work at all.

The biggest role of these slaves who can buy and sell is to squeeze all the information to form a template for easy sales.

"It's here. Next, I also ask the three adults not to have close contact with unrelated mercenaries and slaves to prevent unnecessary risks."

"Of course, in the process of purchasing, we also hope that customers will not conflict with other people, so as not to destroy everyone's shopping experience!"

At the end of the corridor, after the other fox man interacted with the door to verify the entrance, the door that blocked the line of sight slammed open, revealing the scene inside.

Even if he had come here to buy mercenaries, Turner still sighed: "Oh, it's really big in here!"

"Yes, this is not only where we trade mercenaries on weekdays, but also where we transfer civilians after the battle."

"The entire space can accommodate about 100,000 people!"

It is a bit similar to the ground building, and the lights in the underground block are bright and bright like daytime.

Also, on both sides of the extremely long road, there are also various mercenary exchanges to solicit customers who pass by.

At first glance, the flow of people here is not small, even slightly stronger than the neighborhood where the Xinhuo Exchange is located.

However, upon closer inspection, Soma keenly discovered the mystery inside.

Just like other people outside who buy and sell products into genetic stocks every day, more than 90% of these surging crowds also hold such thoughts.

They buy different kinds of mercenaries every day and sell them after a few days in order to make a difference.

It is also a commodity, one is dealing with things, the other is dealing with people, and there is a price list released by the exchange every day. The ground and the underground are extremely harmonious in this regard.

"Master Hal, Master Turner, I can only accompany you here. If you think our service is satisfactory, please..."

"Okay, let's go, here are fifty contribution points, two points for you!"

Before the fox girl could finish speaking, Turner, who was familiar with the road, took the initiative to interrupt the conversation between the two and gave a generous tip.

Then, watching the two happily follow the original road to lead the next wave of guests, Soma smiled and looked back.

"These mercenaries that I bought last time are really rubbish. They were infiltrated so easily. This time we have money, why don't we just go and buy some good ones?"

You get what you pay for, and in this Liberty City, this rule applies in most cases.

He pointed to the exchange where the two of them purchased mercenaries last time, and then pointed to the exchange that had fewer people behind but was obviously better decorated, Turner said through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, let's take a look first, good does not mean loyalty, besides, what we need now is not a thug, but a working person, we can't use that good!"

"In this way, let's turn it separately, first keep in mind those who meet the requirements, and then we will gather together and choose slowly."

Turner nodded: "That's fine. I'll be fine this afternoon anyway. I'll go to the back and take a look first?"

"it is good!"

The agreed time was agreed, and the three separated.

Turner walked straight to the big store behind, while Hao Qiang joined the fun and went to the most crowded exchange.

Looking at the surging crowd drowning the two figures, shaking his head, Somo turned around and walked into the shop near the main entrance, where the Xingyue Exchange was hung.

"Oh, this is a rare visitor, Lord Hal, please come in!"

As soon as he entered the door, the servant who was in charge of recruiting guests greeted him with enthusiasm.

Except for a few refugees outside the city, well-informed people are not unfamiliar with the shopkeeper of the Xinhuo Exchange, who has recently gained fame in Liberty City.

Even the other demon soul clansmen who had purchased the dwarf craftsman Howl before, after the wind changed, they slammed the template into the cold palace with tears.

"Come and see the mercenaries, lead the way!"


Unlike goods can be placed on the shelves.

Before mercenaries had no masters, due to their uncertainty, they were basically imprisoned in dungeons, covered with chains that restricted their activities.

Following the servant's lead, they came all the way to the back hall, and after passing through a downward passage, the two came to the dungeon under the ground.

A room of about three square meters is the living space of every person detained here.

Watching Soma come down, after seeing the short dwarf's body, most people just raised their heads and then hung down again weakly.

Obviously, in the hearts of mercenaries, the identity of a dwarf is inherently... poor!

I don't care about the performance of these people, from the beginning to the end, after memorizing all the mercenary information in my heart, without any communication, Soma returned to the first floor again.

Most of the mercenaries in the Xingyue Exchange are good at hard work, and there are not many people with brilliant minds.

If this kind of person can be brought into the depression, it is a good cheap labor, which can quickly increase the speed of the formation of the disaster-resistant base.

But in this Liberty City, where social interaction must be full, the "fool" is the most unpaid.

Shaking his head, he walked into the opposite exchange again. Following the sequence, Soma began to shop quickly.

Along the way, unlike the others, Soma just read and didn't ask questions. After briefly recording the recorded information in his mind, he left immediately.

On the way, only when he encounters an exchange that sells other aliens, he will stop to take a look and ask.

But unfortunately has been visiting seven or eight exchanges, and there is still very little information that can be inquired from other aliens.

"Hey, Hao Qiang, have you finished shopping behind you?"

According to the length of the block, the exchanges on this street alone are not under fifty. Even if you look at the scene, it will take at least half a day.

As soon as he walked out of the ninth house, Su Mo was surprised to see Hao Qiang waiting at the door.

"No, I've only visited three, so... the shopkeeper, I have made a major discovery!"


Seeing Hao Qiang's astonished expression, Su Mo frowned and walked to a place with few people at will.

After a while, they came to a neighborhood with few people. They found an exchange at random, and the two walked in.

Then, after sending away the servants, he chose to go down for a walk by himself.

Inside the passage, Hao Qiang came up:

"Director, there is a big problem. When I was shopping at the back exchange just now, I saw our own people, yes, human beings!"

"I don't know if I'm insane. When I went in, I shouted at me that he has news of a human gathering place. As long as I buy him, tell me all about it!"

Hearing the words, Somo stopped his steps: "The news of the gathering place of human beings?"

"Yes, he said he knew the location of a super-large human gathering place with about 30,000 people!"

"And the trouble is, according to his vague description, this location is just within a thousand kilometers to the southeast of our depression!"