MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 532 Internal and external contradictions, the "rotten" Liberty City!

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After it has completely emerged, Xinhuo Exchange is no longer maverick.

The opening time, as well as the time to issue the shopping guide, were unified with the top ten exchanges, and it became nine o'clock in the morning.

As winter approaches, there are still many people who come to trade today, but there are still very few people who actually buy and sell.

Most traders just regard commodities as stock funds, and keep repeating the operation of buying low and selling high, delusionally thinking that they can earn "the difference" that others can't see.

But it's a pity that even Turner, who was standing in the back hall and not very sensitive to the market, shook his head.

"Their approach is really simple. Although it seems that they can make money every day, or not lose money, in fact, this point of earning cannot satisfy the speed of depreciation of contribution points."

"Our Liberty City has already built everything, except for some regulated commodities that cannot be traded, how can there be such a large market to digest these commodities, every day, different people take over and keep false The market circulates, but actually, these things in the store, what it was like when you left, Hal, and what it still looks like.”

Pointing to the "big things" in several houses, and seeing someone happily buying them away, with a look on his face waiting to make a fortune, Turner helplessly rested his forehead and sat back on the counter.

After feeling the exhilaration of getting hundreds of thousands of contribution points in one day, on the first day of Soma's departure, he had the ambition to enter more than 200,000 contribution points, and he also wanted to show his strength and increase the transaction volume.

And the facts are indeed not much different from what he expected.

Relying on the previous day's promotion, Xinhuo Exchange's popularity continued the next day. In just one day, it sold the original price of 150,000 goods, and earned a full 30,000 yuan difference!

What is the concept of thirty thousand?

According to the basic labor in Liberty City, the third-tier dwarf craftsmen are lurking in the dwarves, and the salary they can earn in one day is only equivalent to 80 contribution points.

In three days, maintaining the template needs to consume 100 contribution points, but the salary that can be earned is only 240. If the two are reduced, the only one who can really get it in one day is...

46 o'clock!

And now, the income of 30,000 points a day is directly equivalent to the dwarf craftsman working continuously for two years without any accidents and without any expenses.

That night, Turner slept through the night.

From twelve o'clock onwards, his mind kept flashing the majestic figure of the seventh-level template with millions of contribution points.

Until the bell rang at eight o'clock in the morning, his eyes were still open, and there was no hint of sleepiness.

Wash and finish breakfast.

Just after 8:30, Turner couldn't wait to go out, preparing to go to the top ten exchanges to buy another batch of new goods.

However, the reality was a little different from what he thought.

Yesterday, the other party who was so straightforward and didn't even need to pay for the goods in advance, today refused his purchase request with a smile and gave a kind reminder.

"Wait until the end of today to consider whether to purchase or not?"

Thinking about the other party's words, Turner returned to the Fire Exchange with doubts.

And the next day, he also thoroughly taught him what a market transaction is.

The sellers are still familiar faces, the buyers are also old acquaintances, and even the goods are those that were just sold yesterday.

When it closed in the afternoon, Turner calculated horizontally and vertically, only to find that there were still hundreds of thousands of transactions today.

But the profit in hand is still...

Thirty thousand!

The whole market is like a stagnant pool. The raw materials of more than 200,000 yuan were made more than 30,000 yuan yesterday. Today, they made more than 100,000 yuan in turnover, and the money earned has not changed.

Even if inflation is taken into account, after this day alone, the exchange not only made no money, but even lost about 3%!

On the third day, it was the same as yesterday.

The people who traded were those who came to join in the fun on the first day of business, and the materials for trading were still the goods purchased with more than 200,000 contribution points on the first day.

It's just because of the commodity price regulation of the top ten exchanges, today's profits have risen slightly, but compared to before, it has just offset the reduction in profits caused by inflation.

A market without consumption and demand will not change at all because of daily false flows.

The Demon Soul Clan who stayed in the city did not dare to use their contribution points to improve their strength, and then went to the outside world to continue their battles and transfer their benefits to the city.

The Liberty City, which lacks a lord to come forward to check and balance, looks bright and beautiful on the outside, but its foundation is broken with a single poke!

"Where's the lord? Where has the lord gone?"

Subconsciously, Hao Qiang wanted to ask where the lord of the Demon Soul Race was going.

Fortunately, with Su Deben's training, before speaking, Hao Qiang stopped the first half of the sentence he was about to blurt out, and only asked the second half.

"I don't know, no one knows where our lord has gone. Some people said that the lord was lurking in other tribes, and he may not be able to return for the time being due to other factors."

"So our strategy is still to shrink, preserve resources as much as possible, and wait until this winter disaster is over before making plans."

"But judging from the current trend, after a month, people in the city can still say that these people outside..."

"Without them, the circulation of commodities can only be worse, and the contradictions in the city will only intensify, alas..."

With full of worry, Turner's whole body can still see the momentum of five days ago.

The only thing that exists is the same as the shopkeeper of the top ten exchanges...



I want to change, but I can't!

"The shopkeeper, there is a distinguished guest at the door. You want to recharge our membership. Please go out and draw up a contract!"

The black curtain in the inner hall was lifted, and the remodeler with a silly smile stuck out his head.

"Okay, you go first, I'll come right away!"

After leaving the reformed person, he glanced at Soma, who was still sitting calmly, and Turner settled down: "Then shall I go out first?"

"Go ahead, just stabilize the transaction first, don't worry!"

"it is good!"

Compared with the last time, Soma this time is more straightforward. In terms of behavior, he has completely given up all the previous disguises.

And Turner, I don't know if he's used to this kind of change, or because the business is not going well, he doesn't have the heart to ask this or that.

As the black curtain was lowered, only the faint light from the oil lamp remained in the inner hall again.

"How to do it, in this situation, what are your thoughts?"

Putting down the ledger in his hand, and remembering the names of several materials that had been shipped with great volume just now, Soma raised his head.

Hao Qiang raised his head: "I have some ideas for now, but we need enough information to support it. The predicament we face is not difficult. There are many cases in the past history of the earth that can be used for reference."


Hao Qiang: "The situation in the city is very clear now. It is because the market is not circulating that it is difficult for us to make money from it. In the past, it was a chaotic world!"

"In such a troubled world, how can we make money and materials move..."

After a pause, Hao Qiang made a war lip.

Wanting to make a fortune in this situation, ranking second, the shopkeeper of the Demon Domain Exchange, who is in charge of weapons and equipment, has already handed in an answer sheet to everyone.

In the city, all profitable businesses have been completely monopolized.

For example, the food supplies that tens of thousands of people consume every day are controlled commodities and cannot be brought to the market for large-scale transactions.

As for other circulating items, most of them are materials that can improve personal strength or prepare for camouflage, and there is no such great demand at all.

The only way to get everyone's money out, or to get everyone to move, is to...

External contradictions!

Softer external contradictions can be replaced by infrastructure.

Like a depression, everyone has money to earn and a place to spend.

The money you earn with your ability today can be used to improve your strength tomorrow to earn more, or the money you earn can make your life better, forming a positive cycle.

The more intense external conflicts can only be the main theme of the new continent, war.

Forcibly create an enemy, give everyone a sense of urgency, and exchange money for items.

Then, through the method of fighting to support the war, in this process, the strength of everyone has been continuously improved.

And, as long as you can lay down the opponent's territory, you can get new resources, make the whole cake bigger, and increase your wealth invisibly.

"No, this method can't be achieved by us alone, and they are not without enemies now"

"The Demon Soul Race is different from us. They are not a race that is stronger than fighting!"

After rejecting Hao Qiang's first idea, Su Mo continued to listen.

With the powerful enemy of the Empire of Light, all the people of the Demon Soul Race can continue to stick to their hearts and carry forward their days.

Under such circumstances, it is hard to imagine what kind of enemy can give them pressure.

"If we can't expand external conflicts, let the market flow, and everyone can make money, then what we do next will be a bit risky."

"After all, everyone in the market doesn't make money, and we are the only ones making a lot of money. It's easy to attract the attention and jealousy of these people!"

"My advice is... wait!"

"Our strength is not strong, and at the same time our goals are very small. In addition to the current situation, when the right time comes, we will be the driving force behind it, and it will be easy to succeed!"

Using a ghost pen, dipping the water in the glass, Hao Qiang began to write and speak on the table.

"The current situation is a bit like the end of a version in a game. Everyone is hoarding things for the next version, and no one knows how the planning of the next version will change the pattern."

"It is very possible that the value of the things that are hoarded now will increase dozens of times in the next version. It is also possible that they will become waste overnight."

"So, in the past, when we revised the version, we would not make a complete makeover, and let all the merchants who maliciously hoard goods and manipulate prices lose blood. After all, this will cause turmoil in the game, and then cause a large number of people to retreat."

"There is a good way, what is it? Yes, it is a win-win situation!"

"We plan to open some trumpet accounts in advance to win over a group of merchants on the grounds of "internal information", and disclose to them the information on the next version of the change in advance, as well as some items to be stockpiled. Of course, this news is definitely not free. Yes, we usually take half of the profit, and even 70% for the shady!"

"And what about these merchants? We took the profits and got the information about the items that will be sold in the next version. In order to make more money, they will not go crazy to grab these things, but will do one thing with reverse thinking. "

"Yes, it is to snap up those worthless items that will drop in the next version, and further make the prices of the items they want to purchase plummet."

"Wait before the update, they will take over these high-priced items to the so-called apprentices, friends, and scattered people, leaving only the group who got the news."

"In this way, after the version is updated, the merchants we support will make a lot of money, while other small merchants can only attribute their misfortune to luck, scolding the dog for planning, announcing the deletion of accounts and retiring, and great maintenance. game environment"

No hurry, no delay, Hao Qiang said something that seemed to have nothing to do with the current situation!

But sitting next to him, looking at the few words he wrote by hand, Suma's face was filled with thoughtful affirmation.

I didn't invite executives and marketing talents at the beginning, but now it seems that it is indeed the right way!

In the current situation, what is needed is not hard power, but fantastic ideas that can break the game.

It is the same as Gou Planning deliberately used the support to destroy the market balance, and let the merchants kill each other without any effort to maintain the game environment.

If you can’t expand external conflicts and still want to make money, then you can only let the people inside die and reduce the number of people who share the cake.

In this way, while everyone can share the money, even if the salary exchange takes a little more, it will not cause other people's reactions.

And if you want to do this, the balance that Xinhuo Exchange is in now naturally has a huge advantage!

"Very good, you're right, we do have to wait for the right opportunity!"

Seeing that Su Mo understood, Hao Qiang smeared it on the table, and the handwriting that had just appeared turned into random drops of water.

From a latent point of view, Hao Qiang has become more and more proficient after the tense period of just entering the city.

Similarly, without rushing out, they sat in the inner hall, and the two continued to talk nonsense that seemed to have no meaning.

The discussion didn't stop until Turner came in at noon.

"How about it, has the transaction volume changed today?"

Turner shook his head: "It's still the same, except that three people came over and charged the membership card with 1,000 contribution points, the goods received are the same as before, and the goods sold are only temporarily stored in their hands."

"Forget it, let's not talk about that. We'll go to trade mercenaries and buy some people back later?"

"Okay, that's what I mean, and I can also handle Hao Qiang's identity!"

Standing up, he patted the debris on his body, seemingly indifferent, Somo revealed the real reason why the two were waiting.

Unlike other places, where mercenaries are traded, Soma was not able to see the open part of the ground when he visited the city last time. UU Reading

And this thing is definitely not unfamiliar to the people in the city.

"His identity? He's not a mercenary, isn't he..."

"Yes, I forcibly transferred his identity to him, and he didn't pay the fine. He needs to go and deal with it!"

Using the excuses given by the two guards earlier, Turner was not surprised when he heard it, and nodded honestly.

Then, following the back door, Turner took the lead, and the three walked out.

Compared with a few days ago, the interior of Liberty City is still bright and beautiful today. All the gates of the exchanges are open, and a steady stream of people walk in and out, with stereotyped smiles on their faces.

The guards in charge of the patrols were still wearing straight armor, and Qi Yu walked across the street in a dignified manner, maintaining a seemingly chaotic order.

In this city, everyone plays their own "role", day after day.

For the unfamiliar, this is an open, inclusive and developed port city.

But for the three people who have already figured out the inside story, everything here exudes a disgusting and decadent smell.

He greeted the people around him in a formulaic manner. As he walked more and more streets, Soma's eyes narrowed as he recalled the terrain he had previously remembered in his mind.

As I guessed, the place responsible for trading mercenaries is not in the public area.

For this business that may generate huge profits, the guards still conservatively control it, and there is no accident in this location...

Inside the high wall!