MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 536 Big change! Sudden attack!

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Due to the height of the dwarf, even though Soma's smile was as friendly as possible, in the eyes of others, there was still a creepy feeling.

Facing this smile, Shi Ren, who was standing at the door, could still walk in with a calm smile.

But the person following him was already shaking like a sieve, his legs were weak, and his eyes were full of fear!

"Hey, shopkeeper Hal is enforcing the family law, it seems that it's not the right time to come!"

The screams in the courtyard were still light across the door, but became apparent as soon as they entered the house.

With full of anger and the distress of losing money, Turner would naturally not deal with the traitor with a knife.

Plus you have to collect the marks of all the mercenaries.

Looking at the crowd at the door looking inside, Sumanu pursed his lips, Hao Qiang stepped forward and closed the door again.

"It's okay, Steward Shi Ren came to me, it's a small shop, and there is no such thing as outdated."

"As for these traitors, I've made you laugh."

"There are many people in this city, but there are not many cakes to share. Everyone thinks about how to calculate their own people, but few think about exploring the outside world like Shi Ren is in charge."

"When I was in my early years, they were naturally upset and wanted to suppress me!"

He vacated a seat next to the counter for Shi Ren to sit down. Su Mo seemed to be unintentional, but in fact he started talking about it.

Shi Ren paused for a while, and nodded without changing his face: "Indeed, now our Demon Soul Race has no lord, and people below are panicking, most conservatives have completely taken the upper hand, and progressives like us will naturally being oppressed by these people"

"But they don't have a few days left!"

Su Mo: "Oh? How do you say this?"

With the intention of making friends with each other, the two of them became familiar with each other as if they had been friends for many years as soon as they met.

Seeing that Su Mo's mouth was asking, but his subordinates were very calmly fiddling with the beads in his hand, Shi Ren opened his mouth and changed the topic first.

"Hahaha, the shopkeeper Hal is really a wonderful person, it seems that I made the right trip this time!"

"These days, the outside world says that you are reckless, with only brute force and bear guts. Looking at it now, this rumor is completely untrue."

Su Mo shook his head: "The outside world also thinks that Shi Ren is a scumbag. He only knows how to transfer the benefits of the city to the outside world. After developing for so long, he has not found a friendly army. Now, it's not true!"

In this free city.

Shi Ren's external management rights are neither small nor small, nor big.

When he has allies, he will be responsible for establishing diplomatic relations with allies and negotiating trade exchanges between the two territories. Naturally, there are huge benefits to enjoy.

But in the absence of allies, his status is like a bare commander, dispensable.

I didn't explain it completely, but after pointing out I know what you think, Shi Ninja's expression changed, and finally became calm.

"It seems that shopkeeper Hal knows why I came here today, so I won't continue to fight with you here. I have a straight personality and speak straight!"

"The news about the gathering place of 30,000 humans, I know you want to send it to the human **** Su, so I have already checked it out for you in advance, and asked about their location and situation. This is what is recorded on this piece of paper."

"I will also buy the person who knows the news, and I will bring it to you now. As long as you bring paper and people over there, the human **** Su will definitely release more goodwill."

"And I don't have high requirements, as long as you can take me over to see this human **** Su"

"And I can assure you that as long as my Demon Soul Clan and the Human God Su Shen completely reach an alliance to communicate with each other, I can give you 5% of the trade profits between the two parties!"

He took out a piece of paper from his bosom, turned and pointed at the leaker who was kneeling on the ground with a surprised face. Shi Ren's expression was rarely serious.

"You believe me that much?"

Shi Ren: "If Boss Hal didn't deal with these mercenaries today, then I might still have a three-point defense in my heart, but now, listening to these beautiful screams, I believe that our goal, we Our pursuit, and even us, are simply a class of people!"

"There are many forces in this city, and there are many people with rights, but most people don't seem to understand where their rights come from, and at the same time, they don't understand at all. The self-righteous right will be like the shopkeeper of the Demon Domain Exchange, and it will disappear in an instant."

"The Fire Exchange, you, have been completely caught in the middle, believe me, the grass is not suitable for this city, once the winter is over, these anxious people will definitely make you make a real choice, and when the time comes At that time, if Lord Hal was choosing, it might be... too late!"

Word by word, Shi Ren said unpleasantly, but he didn't get stuck. Obviously, he had already prepared the draft before he came.

And, after he finished speaking, something miraculous happened.

Looking at Shi Ren's unremarkable old face, and his clothes without any peculiarities.

Su Mo just felt that it was pleasing to the eye no matter how he looked at it, and a kind of kindness that had never been before rose up in his heart.

It felt as if the two were really long-lost old friends, so much so that he subconsciously wanted to nod to agree to the other's request.

However, I didn't wait for this feeling to last any longer.

As a azure blue screen naturally rose, emitting a near-substantial light, after blocking Shi Ren's sight, Soma's mind quickly regained its clarity.

[Warning, it is detected that an illegal existence is trying to invade the domain of the host's consciousness, and the defense strength is being determined...]

[The opponent's mental attack strength is 3.8, and the host's mental defense strength is 6.69. It is recommended to strengthen consciousness defense or actively add defensive barriers]

[For every 100 survival points paid, the system will automatically provide the host with 1 point of spiritual defense for a duration of 12H]

"Mental attack?"

"Is this the ability of the Stone Ninja template, or... the power of authority behind the mark?"

Glancing at the information prompted by the system, he felt that his brain no longer had the weird feeling it had before. Soma's mind moved, and he did not choose to spend the survival points.

Humans may be physically weak, but they are not inferior to other creatures at the level of consciousness.

In addition, at present, this body seems to be an ordinary dwarf, but in fact it is a demigod body with multiple permissions, so it is naturally not enough to rely on Shi Ren's half-hearted ability.

"Lord Hal, Lord Hal?"

The blue system screen and the strong light emitted are naturally invisible to others.

But in Shi Ren's sight, Soma's performance just now was extremely obvious.

At the first moment of his explosive power, although Soma seemed to be resisting.

But in the next few seconds, he was completely lost, and his eyes didn't know where he was looking, as if he was in a daze.

This kind of performance, although it is different from when he affects other people.

But seeing Soma come back to his senses and the kindness that "naturally showed" on his face, Shi Ren's heart was suddenly overjoyed.

"Okay! Since Steward Shi Ren wants to see the human Su God, for our Demon Soul Clan, I can't stop it."

"But the winter is coming, and Soma-sama is also very busy. It is estimated that there is no time to meet us. If you want to go, you must at least wait until after the blizzard."

"Cough, so, I'll go back in a few days and help Steward Shi Ren apply for it. Once Lord Soma agrees, I'll take you there as soon as I come back!"

Looking at Hao Qiang, who was already holding back his smile in the corner, Su Mo coughed, and there was a hint of embarrassment on his face that he wanted to do things for his old friend.

This time, after confirming once again that he succeeded in casting the spell, Shi Ren couldn't sit still. He stood up happily and said in his mouth:

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, shopkeeper Hal must not be in a hurry!"

"Now the bridge of friendship between you and Su Shen has just been established. At this stage, we must not do things that make the other party unhappy. No matter what decisions are made, we must slowly make them!"

"Isn't it just waiting for a blizzard, we can totally afford it, and then please give Su Shen a few good words to express the advantages of our cooperation in the future..."

He was talking blah blah blah, and Shi Ren had even started to speak incoherently at the back.

From the construction of Liberty City, to the difficult situation of the Demon Soul Race after the loss of the lord, to the positive impact of the cooperation between the two parties, and the opportunity for the Fire Exchange to take off.

Under Somo's intentional flattery, Shi Ren spoke for a full half an hour, then sat down with a dry mouth, picked up the tea and poured it down violently.

Then, after checking the time and determining the specific cooperation matters, Shi Ren left the human beings who were still on the ground begging for mercy, and Shi Ren opened the door with satisfaction and walked away.

Although there were some twists and turns in the process, some unexpected things happened, such as the performance of this Hal after being affected by his ability, which was very different from other people.

However, the development of things still did not differ much from the prediction before coming, and it went very smoothly!

"Last time, because of my prudence, I missed the best opportunity to make a comeback, and my power was stolen by these shameless villains."

"This time, I will not miss it"

"Wait until Hal completes the negotiation, when I go to the territory of the human Sushen, it will be the Demon Soul Clan, no, it will be the time when this new continent will change!"

Shaking his head, looking at the signboard with five characters of Xinhuo Exchange hanging behind him, and the few people who came to apologize and waited at the door, Shi Ren laughed at himself, and his figure quickly disappeared at the corner of the street.

Facts have proved.

In Liberty City, everyone wants to break the rules, but everyone needs the rules to protect themselves.

Shi Ren wanted to regain his position and didn't want to break the rules, so he could only follow the system slowly.

And after he left, more people came to pay their gambling debts.

With the first family, the other families followed suit, and they assigned people to pay compensation.

There are eleven companies in total, and according to the degree of mischief, after the last one left, the Xinhuo Exchange recorded another 94,000 contribution points.

Compared to doing business properly, this kind of money came so fast that after Turner received all the money, he was still stunned and didn't realize what kind of game was going on.

"Have all the marks been collected?"

Instructing the mercenaries to go out to dispose of the corpse, looking at the mess and blood on the ground, Soma frowned and walked into the house.

"It's all collected. There are 18 marks in total. According to what you said last time, I gave everyone a green mark, and now all the marks I have collected are green marks."

He lifted the lid of the container in his hand, and through the transparent glass, Soma could see the mark floating up and down in the green liquid at a glance.

As the saying goes, there are specialties in the arts.

The Demon Soul Clan who developed the imprint also put a lot of effort into how to preserve it.

The green mark, stored in the liquid of the corresponding color, can guarantee that there will be no corruption for 60 natural days.

After putting the cover back again, after covering up the mark on the inside, Soma took it and carefully placed it on the corner of the bed and pressed it with the quilt.

"Hal, we can't use these marks anymore, and it's useless to collect them. Could it be that there are some secrets in their marks?"

Seeing Soma doing this, Turner tilted his head and thought for a while, and finally asked out of curiosity.

"No, I just collected it just in case. By the way, you must not tell others about the imprint!"

"Of course I know this!"

Under the dim light of the oil lamp, the two dwarves looked at each other.

Seeing Turner's honest appearance, Soma nodded, turned his eyes to the outside sky.

"After tonight, there are only seven days left until the blizzard. After I finish dealing with the city, I have to go out again. The next time I come back, I may have to wait until the blizzard is over, or... even later!"

Turner was silent.

"You don't have to worry about me. I've already got on the line with the humans. I used to help them deal with some difficult things. There won't be any risk. Instead, it's the city side. Hao Qiang will give it to me when I leave. You stay, and if Hao Qiang makes a move, you must cooperate with him and don't miss the opportunity."

"I have a hunch that peace in this city will not last long!"

For some reason, at the time of the seven days, the sky at night was a little darker than usual, which made people feel uneasy.

During the day, the sky was still clear, but after the sun went down, the dark clouds quickly accumulated as if they had been ordered.

It was just early nine o'clock in the evening, above Liberty City, it was hard to see the moonlight that would shed on weekdays.

With some howling cold wind blowing into the interior of the house, when the blowing oil lamp flames sway, this feeling will be even more terrifying!

"I know, don't worry, I'll take care of it at home."

"This Liberty City is a stagnant pool, and the peaceful days are just a whitewashed dream by some people. If our strength does not increase, it will be someone else's day... a meal on a plate!"

Some people live in chaos all their lives, and they don't understand themselves when they get old.

Some people find an opportunity, and in just a few dozen days, they can have a reborn change.

Seeing that there was a clearness in Turner's eyes that had never been seen before, Soma smiled and put his hand up.

However, before Soma continued to speak.


A tremor that only came when the iron stone mountain was renovated suddenly penetrated horizontally from the ground, hit the bottom of Liberty City heavily, and then transmitted to every building in the city.

After a few clatters, the newly renovated flat courtyard of the Fire Exchange was fine, but there were several huge gaps in the ground, revealing the dark masonry below.

But in the distance, other buildings that have not been reinforced will not have such good luck!

In just a split second, several four-story buildings that could be seen through the windows collapsed with a loud rumbling sound.

At the same time, one after another, cries and howls, accompanied by shouts of killing and sky-high fire, began to play out in the city, piercing the sky with vibrations.

"The shopkeeper, it's not good, the beasts of the Empire of Light don't know how to get in, run away, hurry up and take refuge in the inner city!"

Holding the brooms, hoes, shovels for cleaning the courtyard, the standard long knives already in charge of maintaining order, and the mercenaries bought in seven days, they ran in faithfully with "fully armed".

And sitting on the bed, when I heard the Empire of Light, I touched it, inner city, a few key words.

Suma, who had been squinting through the window to observe the direction of the fire outside, finally stood up abruptly.

Seven days from winter, at this moment when the sky is about to change.

After all, the people of the Empire of Light couldn't hold back and launched the last general attack before winter came.

According to the current position and magnitude of the fire, the fire at the gate of the city is the most prosperous, but the second is...

Inner city gate!

Quickly took out the machete for self-defense from the weapon cabinet next to him, and took out the dwarf hammer on the head of the bed.

"Every time the Empire of Light calls, will we go to the inner city for refuge?"

The mercenary who was held by him and was still looking around nodded immediately: "Yes, this is the request of the escort, the outer city will be abandoned by them at a critical moment, and only the inner city will be transferred with them!"

The expected answer was accompanied by a thunderous explosion, as well as a fire from the direction of the inner city.

All the Demon Souls knew that the enemy had invaded, and immediately moved to the inner city.

The attacking Guangming Empire is obviously clear in Yemen, knowing that a battle is launched in the inner city will maximize the casualties!

Looking at the open gate, the ordinary Demon Souls who ran away in a hurry, Soma's heart was shocked immediately, and several thoughts flashed in his mind.

However, after a few seconds, these thoughts finally merged into the same one.


"This time, I'm afraid there will be a real winner between the Demon Soul Race and the Empire of Light!"