MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 121 : donation

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"Hey, boy, is there something?" Just as Jiang Hai looked at the school in front of the car, suddenly the door of a small sentry box in the school was opened. An old man came out from inside wearing a thick cotton coat. The face asked seriously to Jiang Hai. When he heard his words, Jiang Hai did not support the big one. He opened the door directly and jumped from the inside.

"Oh, this is the case. I want to ask, is the teacher of Sandy Clive absent?" Going to the door of the school, Jiang Hai said to the old man opposite. When he heard Jiang Hai’s words, the old man used doubts. Looked at him.

"Come in and wait, I ask." Anyway, it is time for school holidays. At present, apart from the principal and the people who are raising funds to build the school, there is only him. He is not afraid of Jiang Hai. The bad guys, then opened the door to Jiang Hai, indicating that he was advanced to sit down, Jiang Haidao gave a thank you, and got into the kiosk.

As soon as he entered the kiosk, Jiang Hai felt a warm air coming in, and the cabin was warmer than Jiang Hai’s car.

"Sendi teacher is going out, please wait a moment." And after the old man entered the house, Jiang Hai also walked into the house, picked up the internal telephone inside the house, and called the teacher in the school, indicating that After Jiang Hai’s situation, he learned that Jiang Hai really knew Mr. Sandy’s teacher and came over to talk to him and then sat opposite him.

"Oh, okay." When he heard the old man, Jiang Hai smiled and nodded, then continued to look at the school outside.

"You guys are Winslows?" There may be some embarrassment to stay here, the old man here asked.

"Well, yes, I just came here last year, there is a green card here, I have a manor in the southwest side of the town." Hearing the old man, Jiang Hai said to the old man with a smile.

"Oh? You are the boss of the Green Forest?" Hearing what Jiang Hai said, the old man's eyes could not help but brighten, some strangely asked.

"Well, yes." For this identity, Jiang Hai has nothing to refuse, and he should nod directly.

"Wow, you made a big mess a few months ago, but it's really hard to imagine, how do you stumble over so many people with your little arms and calves?" Looking at Jiang Hai's body, this The old man on the side said something puzzled.

"Hey, I said it is luck, do you believe it?" In this regard, Jiang Hai really did not understand why it was, he could only smile awkwardly.

"Don't tease, I don't believe in God, your kid is so powerful, should you practice it, remove the mud control suit?" When he heard Jiang Hai's words, the old man said that he did a Bruce Lee touch the nose.

"Oh, let's be!" Hearing the old man's words, Jiang Haixiao was even more embarrassed.

"You don't underestimate me. I was also a good hand in the fight. If you put it forty years ago, you may not have beaten me!" Seeing Jiang Hai’s smile, the old man seems to be angry. It boasted up there.

Listening to the old man's words, Jiang Haixiao is even more embarrassed, but he is willing to say that Jiang Hai can only listen here.

Seeing that Jiang Hai is a good listener, the old man is even more vocal. He started as a hunting wolf when he was fifteen, and then hunted a brown bear at the age of 18 and went to the age of 23 After Alaska killed a polar bear, he also killed a penguin. At the age of 27, he swam in the Caribbean, but was attacked by a killer whale. When he was 31, he gambled in Las Vegas for one night. Earn three million dollars, but he was chased by the casino. He knocked down 15 people by himself. The fifteen people were the lightest ones, and they were disabled for life. In the end, he didn’t want to win money. Because they are giving medical expenses...

In fact, from the age of fifteen, Jiang Hai’s eyebrows are already jumping. Is this old man thinking that he has not seen the history of Boston? As one of the earliest locations to land on the American continent, in Massachusetts, in addition to the zoo, where are the wolves?

Twenty-three years old also killed polar bears and penguins. These two games should be seen in the Polar Pavilion, when have you seen them in nature? Even if Jiang Hai is not good at geography, he knows that penguins are Antarctic.

I also went to Las Vegas to make money and earned 3 million... Well, Jiang Hai’s heart is actually going to be violent, but the face is still pretending to be very serious. The old man is blowing 13 Really strong and irritating...

"Oh..." Just as Jiang Hai was almost unable to stop, the sound of knocking on the window came, Jiang Hai and the unfinished old man looked back and found the Xiandi-Clay who had just met Jiang Hai yesterday. The husband was kneeling in front of the window outside the kiosk.

"Hey, I am leaving, wait until I have time to come and chat with you." Seeing that Sandy Clive has arrived, Jiang Hai will soon be running, although there are still some unfinished, but the old man is still To let Jiang Hai go to the right thing, he took a shot of Jiang Hai’s shoulder and sent him out. Just after a small booth, Jiang Hai took a deep breath.

"Uncle Kyle is telling you about his youthful fashion?" Seeing Jiang Hai's appearance, Sandy Clive outside the kiosk said with a smile. When she heard her, Jiang Hai could not help but Nodded, the old man was too crazy when he was young.

"That is how he likes you. When he likes a young man, he always tells him how brave he is when he is young. The more he speaks, the more he likes him. How much do you talk to you? "When Jiang Hai went to the school, the Xiandi Clive here asked curiously to Jiang Hai."

"I think he likes me very much because he killed polar bears and penguins, killed killer whales, and gambled to win three million, but lost to the injured." Hearing Sandy Clive, Jiang Hai thought about it, so he really likes himself.

"Oh, that's not bad, but it's not a favorite. You know him and my sister, that is, what did you say to Kama Clive, who I saw last night?" When he heard Jiang Hai, Xiandi - Clive shrugged and said.

"Oh, I don't know." Jiang Hai took a moment, can you blow more? Earn 30 million and hit 30 people?

"He told Karma that after he killed the killer whale, he pulled the tail of the killer whale and slammed it on the shore and gave it to the refugees in the Caribbean for free..." Hear Jiang Hai Asked, Sandy Clive said with a smile.

"Oh... well..." At this time, Jiang Hai admitted that he had lost, 30 million, 30 people counted as a hair?

Although Jiang Hai has never seen a large killer whale, at least he has to have eight or nine meters, eight or nine tons, and it will fall ashore.

No matter what others can't do, Jiang Hai can't do it anyway. He can't do it with human limits. Maybe he can wait a few more levels before he can! It seems that the sky is no longer the limit of the old man. His limit is the universe.

"Right, what are you doing this time? Are we going to go to you tomorrow?" The two said as they walked into the distant school and walked into the gate, Santi-Clay The husband couldn't help but smashed his hand. Although he only went out for a little while, she still felt very cold. After a few calves and shocked the snow on her shoes, she asked Jiang Hai.

"Well, I can ask, what is the main purpose of going to me tomorrow?" After thinking about it, Jiang Hai decided to ask for it. He heard Jiang Hai’s words, the face of Sandy Clive. It’s not a lot of fun to flash.

"You also know that the classrooms in the town primary school have collapsed, so we need to raise some money to rebuild the primary school, but the townspeople do not have any money. I mainly want to see the size of your manor tomorrow, if you are sure that you have some spare cash. I hope that you can donate some money." In this regard, Sandy Clive did not hide his goal, directly said.

She said that Jiang Hai was relieved at the same time, but also had some acidity. Although it was originally finished by Edward yesterday, he felt that this beauty would like to hook up his chances, not more than one in a thousand. But now the other party has annihilated the probability of one thousandth of this, or let Jiang Hai be sour, otaku, is to love fantasy, the world's three major illusions.

"Since this is the case, I don't think I have to waste time. My manor is not small, but now there is no snow. If you want to visit, you are welcome to come back after the spring, and now you can't see it. You will not want to visit my room. As for the donation question you mentioned, Edward also told me yesterday that I think that as a member of this town, I will create a gift for the children. A good learning environment is also my duty, so I signed the contract today, I came directly." Looking at Sandy Clive, Jiang Hai shrugged and smiled and said to her.

"Really? That's great. Thank you very much for your kindness. The place for donation is here. I will take you there." I heard that Jiang Hai was actually coming to donate, and Xiandi Clive was very happy. The face excitedly said to Jiang Hai.

Then he took Jiang Hai to an office not far away. At this time, in this office, there were more than a dozen people standing or sitting. These people are the leaders of the school, and the teachers of the school, of course, not all. The teacher, although not a private school, is equipped with so many teachers, but the number of teachers in this school is not less than 30. Otherwise, the school will not exist. Now these people have some frowns. Do not look at the accounts on the desktop in front of you.

So far, they have only raised more than 12,000 US dollars. This is enough to cover a classroom. There are still two classrooms and gymnasiums. The money is completely unrecognizable. It’s up.

These teachers are all paid by the national teachers. Although they are not too small, they are definitely not too many. In addition to the expenses of life, there is basically nothing left. Nearly half of the money is made up by them. No, they can't get it.

"Everyone, this is Mr. Jiang Hai, it is to donate." At this time, Jiang Hai and Sandy Clive walked in together. When they came in, Xiandi introduced Jiang Hai enthusiastically and heard her. Then, a few people over there raised their heads, revealing a kind smile.

"Young man, thank you for your kindness. I thank you all the people in the school. How much do you want to donate?" Hearing that Jiang Hai was coming to donate, an old man sitting here stood up and smiled at Jiang Hai. Asked.

"I can ask, how much is left unfunded?" and the old man shook his hand, Jiang Hai asked him.

"At present, only the money for building a classroom is raised, and there are two classrooms and gymnasiums. Initially, at least 50,000 US dollars are needed." Hearing Jiang Hai’s words, a black female teacher sitting next to him said helplessly. .

"Then 60,000, don't come to the least, and you can't bitter the child, you have to build a solid one." Hearing this female teacher, Jiang Hai thought for a moment, laughing and facing the front. Everyone said that when I heard Jiang Hai’s words, there were still some dead rooms, and I was quiet in an instant. Almost everyone looked at Jiang Hai with a look of 60,000? They are a bit blind.


Today's second, Xiaofei was put on the shelves on Friday, and I also ask for a lot of support, a lot of collections!