MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 122 : Thanks

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"I really appreciate you, young people." Looking at the cheek of the 60,000-knife in Jiang Haishou, the headmaster of Zhenyuan Primary School, with his trembling hands, took Jiang Hai’s hand tightly. The face said gratefully.

"Hey, you're welcome." Jiang Hai really wants to say that in fact, I am also trying to avoid taxes. But this is really hard to say. Before coming this morning, Jiang Hai specially gave his lawyer, Moses Adams a call. past.

I asked about this matter. Although it was only a small matter of donating tens of thousands of dollars, Jiang Hai’s client was not that big, so Moses Adams had already confirmed the first time he received a call from Jiang Hai.

This time, the primary school fundraising in the town is indeed within the scope of tax deduction. However, it cannot be offset too much. Within the scope of acceptance, it can reach 80%. That is to say, the donation of 60,000 US dollars can reach 40,000. The tax of eight thousand US dollars.

Although it was still a million, but at least a good reputation, Jiang Hai is such a person, otherwise he will not do it, he will do his best, so he hesitated after a while, also feel What Edward said is justified.

He is now in the US emperor, and with the upgrade of his scales, he can't easily leave here. Under such circumstances, it is better to have a good relationship with the people here than to build a car behind the door.

Don't ask them to help themselves, but at least don't pull your hind legs.

It is precisely because of this that there is such a scene of Jiang Hai today, 60,000 US dollars, in fact, he is not too willing.

"No, no, I still want to thank you. We are going to name the newly built gymnasium in your name." When he heard Jiang Hai’s words, the principal here did not think so, and he still said with excitement. When I heard that my name was going to name the gymnasium, Jiang Hai couldn't help but sneak a bit. Then there was something too embarrassing. He suddenly felt that 60,000 is not a little less.

Others have to name the gymnasium with their own names. Such things are not so easy in China.

However, Jiang Hai, who is not willing to pay more, can only laugh a few times.

The principals here, as well as the teachers next to them, are clearly still in a state of excitement.

After all, the problem of the most troubled money has been solved, and the rest of the matter is much simpler.

Just looking for the construction team to come, rebuilding these three rooms and the gym is a very fast thing.

After all, their houses here are bungalows, and the tofu **** project on the US side is really not much.

The foundations are very good, so the foundation does not need to move. It just smashes the main body of the house and then rebuilds. Although it is winter, there is no problem for the construction team.

The townspeople are still very concerned about the primary school in this town. After all, it is a public elementary school. Some family members are not very good students. They are also counting on studying here, so as long as they don’t spend money, they have time. Come here to make a difference. There are still many people in the town. It is precisely because of this that they have almost no artificial money.

Otherwise, a gymnasium, three rooms, can be covered by a distance of six or seventy thousand dollars. This money is enough to buy materials, and then used to pay labor, it is far worse.

However, Jiang Hai did not work on the project. He didn't understand it. Now he is boasted by these people. Looking at Jiang Hai's look, Shanti Clive at his side first responded. Come over, as a teacher, although I can't say that she read countless people, at least she can clearly see that these praises did not make Jiang Hai very enjoyable, but instead made him somewhat uncomfortable. This also shows that Jiang The character of the sea is somewhat introverted. Maybe in front of the familiar people, it will be very open, but at least now, he has some flaws. The reason why Jiang Hai will come to donate can be said to be inseparable from her.

Now Jiang Hai feels uncomfortable, then she feels that this is also her responsibility, so I thought about it, and said the initiative.

"This time I really appreciate you, we have nothing to say, now it is noon, or else I will invite you to dinner!"

When he heard the words of Sandy Clive, Jiang Hai couldn't help but sneak a bit. He was prepared to donate the money and left, but he didn't think so. Now there is a beautiful woman who invites himself to eat? What is rhythm?

"Yes, yes, yes, look at me, patronize and say, now it is noon. It is estimated that Mr. Jiang is also hungry. Xiandi, you will go with Mr. Jiang to eat, and spend the money counts me." In the words of Ti-Clive, the old principal responded and said immediately.

"Forget the principal, you still have money there. He is pulling me. Naturally, I have to ask for it. I don’t know Mr. Jiang, can’t you enjoy the face?” Hearing what the old principal said, here Sandy Clive said to him for the first time, then turned his head and said to Jiang Hai. Hearing her words, Jiang Hai smiled a little, although he was not willing to trouble others.

But when it comes to this, he is not very good at saying anything. He can only nod and say that he agrees.

Seeing Jiang Hai agree, the Sandy Clive here also laughed, and then returned to school with Jiang Hai.

In the US emperor, although almost every student after high school graduates, there is a driver's license, because this is also a credit.

But not all people have cars, especially some girls. Most of the boys like cars, so when they graduate from high school, they will ask their parents to buy a car for him to come and ask, but the girl does not. Too much, they sometimes learn to drive a license just for credits. For example, Sandy Clive, she does not have a car.

Fortunately, her home is not far from the school. It takes only ten minutes to walk every day, and it is convenient.

However, Jiang Hai should be invited to dinner today. There are no good restaurants near the school. If they want to go to the town, they should take Jiang Hai’s car.

After the two men and the guards greeted each other, they sat on Jiang Hai’s car. They also watched it here. Jiang Hai is really very dull. In general, the man always has to be a gentleman to drive to the woman. The door is right, but Jiang Hai just took care of himself in the cab, which also made Sandy Clive look at Jiang Hai's eyes with some doubts. This Jiang Hai is a bit interesting.

"Where are we going?" Seeing that Sandy Clive had come up, Jiang Hai asked her with a smile.

"Let's go eat steak. I know a French restaurant in the town. It's still very good." When I heard Jiang Hai's question, Sandy Clive thought about it and decided to take Chiang Hai to eat well. .

Hearing that he wants to eat French food, Jiang Hai calculated it in his heart. French cuisine is said to be the most gorgeous in the world, and it is also the most expensive food. Jiang Haifu had wanted to eat before, but after he made a fortune, he really did not eat it. Because the French cuisine is famous for foie gras and snails, these two things, Jiang Hai do not like to eat. As for the steak, the French prefer to use the outer ridge to make the steak. The outer ridge is somewhat fat for Jiang Hai. On the outer ridge, he prefers to eat the tenderloin and the eye, as well as the upper brain. These are relatively thin. As for the marble pressed pattern, indeed, the pattern is fat, it can also be said to be fat, but this thing, a roast It is almost the same, and in the mouth, in addition to the delicious smell of butter, there is no fat taste.

Moreover, even if he wants to eat steak, he will not eat at home. Is the premium grade a beef so easy to eat outside? But now, since it is said by Xiandi, Jiang Hai is not very good to refuse, because after all, the two are not too familiar, just let the customer go with the Lord, so I asked the road, Jiang Hai drove the car, toward the west The restaurant is gone.

On the road, the two are obviously embarrassed, because Jiang Hai is a stuffy gourd, he will not take the initiative to find a topic to chat with the girl, otherwise it is not possible to be so isolated.

And Sandy Clive, although it is the beautiful girl of Kailang, but the girl is a girl after all, and she and Jiang Hai are not very familiar, count it, today is only the third time to meet, so there is nothing to talk about. For a while, the atmosphere inside the car was very strange, but fortunately, Jiang Hai’s driving technology, after optimization, is still very good.

The car was fast and steady, and when the atmosphere inside the car had not fallen below the freezing point, he had already driven the car.

Parked in front of the hotel door, Jiang Hai and Sandy Clive walked into the Western restaurant.

"Sir, ma'am, hello, do you need a meal, do you have an appointment?" Although the western restaurant in the town is definitely not comparable to the main city like Boston, the quality of the staff here is also the same. The type of restaurant was much better. Jiang Hai and Sandy Clive just stepped in and there was a waiter who voluntarily greeted him and smiled at the two.

"We want to dine, but there is no appointment." When listening to the waiter, Xiandi also said on his own initiative.

Like the current season, the restaurant is not full, so after hearing that Xiandi and Jiang Hai did not make an appointment, the other party did not say anything like sorry, but led two people directly. Double table.

After the two were seated, a handsome white guy came over with a meal card and asked the two to eat.

"Let's take a look, I am asking you today, so you don't have to be polite, what do you want to eat, just order something." Actively handed the menu to Jiang Hai's hand, Xiandi said with a smile, and Jiang Hai did not Polite, but took the meal directly and looked at it, but at first glance, he had some hair, because he was a little confused, what was written on it.

Western restaurants like this are divided into two parts. One is a single point. This is much more to say. What do you want to eat? 90% of these things are main dishes, and the other is a set meal. The main course is divided into a set, b sets, c sets, a wide variety, and the above is English, but also French, watching Jiang Haiya Hanzi pain.


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