MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 123 : Meet

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"I really can't understand, you can do it. △I tell the truth, I eat French food for the first time. It's delicious. I don't know." Understand, understand, don't understand, don't understand, Jiang Hai The greatest advantage of this person, his second self-confidence, in front of a woman, can not be installed without understanding, so after he looked at a circle, he licked his teeth.

I returned the menu and returned it, and said helplessly.

When I heard Jiang Hai’s words, Xiandi Clive here was awkward, because in her opinion, a wealthy person like Jiang Hai should be very talented in pursuit of quality of life. Therefore, I took Jiang Hailai to eat French food, but I didn’t think that Jiang Hai had not eaten it. This made Xiandi feel a little dumbfounded.

"Well, I hope that for a while, you will feel good, give us two meals." After taking the dishes and glanced at it, Sandy Clive studied here.

"Is it a set, b or c?" Hearing the words of Xiandi, the waiter here then asked.

"b set." Looked at the menu, Sandy Clive thought for a moment.

The so-called a set, b sets and c sets are also very particular here. A set is commonly called traditional set meal, a total of 13 dishes, the first frozen appetizing head, the second soup, the third hot appetizing head plate , the fourth fish, the fifth main course, the sixth hot plate, the seventh cold plate, the eighth snowball, the ninth barbecue or the salad, the tenth vegetable, the eleventh dish dessert, The twelfth road is salty, the thirteenth meal after dessert, in general, this is a very formal person's banquet to have so much to say.

Apparently Jiang Hai did not have the patience to wait for his thirteen dishes. It was because of the feeling that Xiandi had a b course, b course was five dishes, frozen appetizer, soup, hot dish, main course. , dessert, in addition to the c package, is an appetizing starter, frozen or hot can be free to choose, a main dish, a dessert.

The frozen appetizer, Sandy Clive, chose the tuna salad. Of course, it is estimated that one person can't give a few pieces of tuna, and the soup is the creamy mushroom soup. After all, this is the most famous French dish. She chose French glutinous potatoes, and the final dessert was strawberry crepe, but there was some hesitation when it came to the main meal.

"Is there any recommendation today?" Other things were done. Xiandi was not very anxious. Hesitated for a long time and did not make a decision. He looked up and asked the waiter in front of him.

"Today's recommendation is red wine beef stew. We just got a new Burgundy red wine from France this morning. Two people can taste it." When I heard the waiter, Sandy Clive nodded with satisfaction. .

"That's right, you can serve." As she decided that this was the case, the waiter over there also bowed respectfully, and went on to tell the kitchen to take the food. After he left, Jiang Haicai looked at it. Sandy Clive.

"Looks like you often come." Looked around, Jiang Hai said to Sandy Clive.

"Well, I came here often, because my father used to be a chef here. I used to come here to play when I was young, but since my dad was no longer here, I probably still I have been there four or five times.” When she heard Jiang Hai’s words, Sandy Clive said with a smile. When she heard her words, Jiang Hai nodded and nodded. The French chef seemed to be very powerful. .

"What about you? You rich people like you, haven't eaten French food? No, it should be!" Answering Jiang Hai's question, Xiandi Clive asked Jiang Hai, and heard her words, Jiang Hai's face. There is some shame on it.

"Oh, my, I don't want to laugh when I say it. I used to be a bitter person. Later, when I had the money, I came to the US emperor and bought the Green Forest Manor. There are still some people in my bones. Small farmers think, so when you look at me, I almost don't talk to people in the town. I just live in the house. If you tell the truth, you may not believe it. I know the town mayor, the police chief, and the town. Some of the salespersons in the market look like me, I only know my men. I don’t know anyone in the town. I usually come to the town to eat, and often go to the Italian restaurant in the west of the town. Their fried crab meat is still very delicious." Looking at Sandy Clive, Jiang Hai said slowly.

"Wow, you can really be different from the wealthy people I know." When she heard Jiang Hai’s words, Sandy Clive said with some surprise that she thought Jiang Hai did not contact the town. It is because he does not look at the residents of the town. He may have his own circle of friends, but now it seems that there are some big boys in front of him, as if they are a otaku.

"I really didn't think that you even liked to eat the food of that Italian shop. I also liked it. Did you taste the lobster pasta that you have tasted?" Since the scorpion played a section, Xiandi Clive also worked with Jiang. The sea said it casually.

"Eat, the taste is not bad, the milk is very strong, but for me, there are some embarrassment, except for this other is fine." When listening to Sandy Clive, Jiang Hai also immediately said.

"Which lobsters are not sloppy, and I have heard that there are fisheries in the green forest. Do you not eat a fisherman?" A funny look at Jiang Hai, Xiandi Clive said half-jokingly.

"Hey, eat, so I said something awkward, not particularly embarrassing." Jiang Haiyan blinked his eyes and said innocently.

"Well, you play a language trap with a teacher? Do you feel so good?" Looking at Jiang Hai, Sandy couldn't help but laugh.

Looking at Xiandi's appearance, Jiang Hai also chuckled a bit, then continued.

To be honest, this should be Jiang Hai’s two years, and he said so much to a girl for the first time.

Jiang Hai, although somewhat awkward and somewhat introverted, is himself a very cheerful person. Since his parents died, he has some inferiority when he comes into contact with strangers.

Therefore, his cheerful side will only face people who are familiar with himself, and will not face strangers.

He and Sandy, it should be strangers, but there is no way. He hasn’t talked to people of the same age for a long time. In the manor, there are only two people of his age, and Harriman is impossible. He chats, and Bell sometimes talks with him for a while, but more time, he also has to work.

The only one who can talk to him, and the free time to accompany him, is only the two sons of Philip, but the family is coming over a festival, after Christmas, New Year, they are gone, they are Go, Jiang Hai has nothing to do.

After spending a few days, today, when Sandy hooked up the addiction of his speech, he began to talk about it.

As for Xiandi, she also likes to listen to Jiang Hai. Because Jiang Hai said that she looks very interesting and simple, she doesn’t have the feeling of mouthfuls of the rich son who is bragging in the mouth. Money, but the words are very close to life.

This makes Sandy very fond of Jiang Hai, plus the original, Jiang Hai helped their school solve the problem of money, the gratitude of the preconceived, plus this goodwill, further development, may have to say later, but at least Now she is very willing to chat with Jiang Hai, as a teacher, in fact, it is very easy to say, so the two people are more and more happy.

Even after serving, the two were eating while talking. In fact, this is a bit rude in the Western countries. Just like the requirements of the elderly in the country, the food is not spoken, the bed is not spoken, but both of them are It is the same age, and no one cares about this.

Still talking about the fiery, with the deep conversation between the two, Sandy Clive found that Jiang Hai is really an interesting man...

Perhaps because he left the school, he did not have a living relationship outside, and sometimes Jiang Hai was somewhat naive.

Talking, doing something, is not like an adult, but more like a big boy.

Listening to his complaints, listening to him joking, listening to him showing off the fish and beef in his manor, Sandy Clive suddenly felt that this guy seems to be really interesting, he is not like she imagined The ones that are installed, or off-line, have some trips. Such people are not suitable for being a boyfriend, but it is not bad if they are friends.

“The beef here is good, but the beef itself is too far away from me. When you have time, you will come to me to play. If you don’t say anything, the special grade a beef tube is enough.” Jiang Haike at this time Did not notice any changes in Sandy Clive.

He just said with a fork on the burgundy red beef stew in front of him, and smiled at her.

"Okay, then I have to taste, the taste of premium a grade beef, but I have not eaten it in some days. I will tell you that when I last ate a premium grade a beef, my dad was here. The chef, I sneaked into the kitchen and ate it. It has been for many years now. I only ate a small piece at that time, but I was fascinated by this thing, but you said, it’s enough, that I will go eat tomorrow." Looking at Jiang Hai has been talking about the beef in his manor, Sandy Clive also smiled.

"Well, no problem, welcome at any time, but my manor is now white, there is no fun, and it’s going to be frozen by boat. If you wait for a while, the cattle will be released, you can go out to sea. "There is more fun." Jiang Hai is not blowing. The premium grade beef in his manor is indeed enough. In his opinion, now Xiandi Clive is also a friend of his own. Come and eat beef, this is a big deal, the only pity is that there is nothing to play now.

"It doesn't matter, we can eat again at night... Yes, I heard you haven't visited Boston well yet, so thank you for asking me to eat beef tomorrow night, I will be your guide tomorrow. Take you to Boston!"


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