MTL - My Sassy ‘Crown Princess’-Chapter 243 (31)

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Nodded his head in white and said, "Okay, where do we go?" "Here.

"Muffy said.

... "Help! Help!

As soon as Mo Fei and others wanted to leave, they heard a cry of help in dismay.

A colorful bird of more than ten meters flew out following several monks, and several monks were chased by wolves.

Wang Weixing looked at the sky, a bit of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Cheng Mobai swallowed the gullet:" Another cricket, no.

"Wang Weixing nodded, said?" "Yes, there is nothing wrong."

Cheng Mo said with a black and white face. "Isn't that the tomb master is a pharmacist?" How it looks now, it looks like a refiner.

Wang Weixing looked at the starling bird in the sky, frowning, and said, "Hurry up, the strength of this bird is no less than that in the late days. We are not opponents.

Cheng Mobai blinked and said, "Your consciousness is, run away? Wang Weixing nodded and said: "Yes.

Cheng Mobai blinked, and said, "I'm so unmotivated.

"Hurry up.

"Wang Weixing drank.

Along with Wang Weixing's words, Mo Fei saw that a heavenly repairer let the phoenix bird in the sky break his head, and Mo Fei and the building hurried to follow.

Cheng Mobai's face suddenly became pale, "You wait for me!" Mo Fei and the building followed Wang Weixing and Cheng Mobai and rushed out. The monsters and beasts all moved in the cemetery, and they would not normally rush out of the secret place.

"Master, shall we come out like this?" Mo Fei asked looking at Cheng Mobai.

Cheng Mobai rubbed his nose and said, "This ... this ... Wang Weixing is going to be a tortoise. I can't help it!" Wang Weixing rolled his eyes and said: "It seems like you didn't escape.

""what! "Several screams came into the ears of several people.

Cheng Mobai frowned, and said, "There seems to be something inside.

Dongfang Ling followed a group of practitioners and ran out in a panic.

Couldn't help seeing the Eastern Spirit for a moment.

"Sister Dongfang, what's going on inside?" Mofei asked.

Dongfang Ling was shocked and said, "A lot of spiders are dead inside.

""spider? "Is it dumbfounded?"

Dongfang Ling nodded and said, "Yes.

Couldn't it be more puzzled: "A group of spiders scared so many people out?" Dongfang Ling frowned, and said, "That's not an ordinary spider. Those spiders are very poisonous. They can kill the masters of self-explosion.

Mo Fei raised an eyebrow and said, "Are there many spiders like that? Dongfang Ling nodded and said, "Many, it's overwhelming, and there are a few masters who died on the spot."

"Several pieces of self-defense equipment on her body were used when they encountered spiders.

Could he frown, and said, "Oh, that's really troublesome.

"Have you seen Yanshou Elixir?" "Cheng Mobai asked.

Dongfang Ling smiled bitterly, then shook his head, "No trace at all.

"Oriental spirit frowned, and Yanshou Elixir was not seen at all. Perhaps the monsters in it had already been eaten.

446 eats too much Chiba looks at Mo Fei with arms folded, full of disdainfully authentic: "You mean, a few of you went in at such a great risk, and as a result, a rabbit was harvested.

Mo Fei nodded his head and sighed softly, "Yeah!" Still a rabbit with missing legs.

"" The rabbit, not even its root hair, belongs to you. "

"Chiba gritted his teeth and thought of it.

"It's not too bad.

"The building took the rabbit tail out of the space ring.

Couldn't he have widened his eyes and said with surprise: "This isn't the rabbit's tail?" The building nodded and said, "Yeah! I took advantage of Wang Weixing and Cheng Mobai to hide secretly.

"Ah, you are so bad.

"Chiba winked at the building authentically.

Do you look at the building with admiration, "You are so amazing, you can pull your teeth out! Let Wang Weixing know that you must kill you.

"The building's eyes flashed a bit loudly, and the building confidently said:" I really want to fight, who is not necessarily who, who is not, I may not be his opponent.

Murphy: "..." Chiba snatched the rabbit's tail, "How did I feel the smell of metal."

The building narrowed its eyes, and said, "Because this rabbit is a tadpole, and metal should be used.

Chiba capped the rabbit's tail in his hands, and said with regret: "There should be a lot of rare metals in it, but a little less.

Could Mo Fei just slap his lips and said, "Contentment is good.

Chiba said with interest: "I heard that many masters died during this trip to the cemetery?" Nodded his head, and said, "Yeah!" The masters in the early days of the level are not enough to see. When facing the three monsters before, they died many levels. As a result, the monster was dead. There was another pile in the cemetery (original secret). The monster, I heard, no one found the Yanshou potion, nor did it know if it was hidden by someone secretly, or this thing was long swallowed by the monster inside.

Chiba put his chin on his back and thoughtfully said, "I heard that Senior Wang Yangfei and Senior Zhuo Feixue went after the three-headed monster, but unfortunately, the monster was run away.

Mo Fei narrowed his eyes, said? "Do you really run away?" "Chiba nodded and said:" The rumor says so.

"Muffy shrugged," said: "Don't worry, don't do our business.

The news of the cemetery was full of rumors, and the news that Wang Yangfei had found the medicine for life extension in the cemetery was spread, and it attracted countless people to take risks.

After dying dozens of heavenly practitioners in a row, the enthusiasm slowly subsided.

Murphy and others have been staying in Chen Guo, watching the situation over the cemetery secretly.

"You said that another Heaven Class died today, it's really impermanent!" Mo Fei said with a long sigh.

The building nodded, and said, "Yeah!" Mo Fei said with a look of hope: "If I was next to that master in the sky, there might be nothing good in the graveyard (original secret), but a master in the sky The net worth should still be very generous.

The building shrugged and said: "Don't say that, even if you are a master of the sky, there are still poor people.

"Muffy:" Like? "Like your master.

"Buildings are natural.

Could Fei blinked and said, "That makes sense!" Cheng Mobai, the master of the sky, is really miserable, and he is often asked to be an apprentice to him.

Mo Fei tilted his head, and said with some confusion: "Why are there so many people dead, or do some people break into it?" The building shrugged, and said: "The birthday is here. I heard that Wang Yangfei found the potion for extending life. It ’s all crazy. There are three medicines for extending life, and now only one has news. Some people are willing to try it for a slim hope.

Mo Fei squinted and said: "I heard that the formula of Yanshou Pharmacy was born.

The building nodded and said, "I heard that they were taken away by people from the Tianshan School. It is not easy to get them.

Mofei grinned and said, "It's okay, when I become a pharmacist of the sky, there is no need for me to do anything, and someone will of course send the formula to me."

"The building smiled," said the same.

"Are you eating the delicious and delicious Xingshou meat of the barbecue?" Asked, "Did the three monster beast have fallen?" "I heard that the star beast ran to the central continent. As soon as it passed, I ate a lot of star divisions. After being seriously injured by several masters, they hid.

"Building Road.

Could he blink his eyes, and said, "Hide!" The building nodded, and said, "Yeah! The monster and beast were continuously hit hard. I heard that the strength is not as good as before.

"Muffy reached for the dried meat plate, but grabbed an empty space." No.

"Muffin blinked, a little disappointedly.

The building nodded and said, "Nothing? You can't eat well.

Could Mo Frow frown, puzzledly: "It's gone so quickly, I didn't eat much."

"I'll go get you that again?" The building asked hesitantly.

Could he nod his head and said, "Okay! Get more. I heard that the meat of the three-headed monster was a big supplement. It would last ten years with just one sip." Do you really believe in the things you pass on? "The building didn't take it seriously.

He shrugged and said, "I just want to taste it.

The building looked at Mo Fei, struggling for a while, and said, "Fe Fei, have you eaten a lot recently?" Mo Fei looked up and looked at the building improperly. "What do you mean?" Do you think I eat too much? "" No! I was just wondering, do you have one, eat it for one, and supplement it for two, all eat more.

"Said the building, heading sideways.

"Cough ..." Murphy coughed sharply.

The building patted Mo Fei's back and said: "It's all right?" Mo Fei shook his head and said: "It's all right, do you dream in the day?" "Maybe not. If you really have it, I won't day dream, won't I? I have worked so hard recently, even if I have it! "The building looked at Mo Feidao with affection.

Could he smile awkwardly, shook his head, and said, "No.

"" The building's hands rested on Murphy's side, a serious way: "This can be.

Mo Fei bitterly said, "This is really not.

"Are you sure? The building asked.

Could he bit his lip and say, "I don't know.

The building smiled, holding Murphy's hand, and said, "Whether or not I take you to test.

"Muffy shook the building's hand and failed to get rid of it." No, it's not that easy! "Chiba touched Su Rong with his elbow, and said," Rong Rong, do you have any reason? "Su Rong shrugged." I don't know! " However, Master Mo Fei seems to have gained a lot of weight recently and is able to sleep more than before. It seems that he may be pregnant.

Chiba drummed his cheeks and said, "If anything, it's troublesome.

Su Rong looked at Chiba puzzledly and asked: "Trouble? What's the trouble? Chiba tilted her head and said, "I'm somebody else!" If his son is born in front of me, then my son will not be allowed to call his brother, how shameless I am! "Su Rong rolled his eyes and said," This kind of thing has nothing to care about.

Chiba put her back in her arms and said, "How can you ignore this kind of thing? This is the most important thing.

"Su Rong rolled his eyes and said:" You are really boring.

"Chiba hugged Su Rong and said earnestly:" It seems that I have to work harder.

"Su Rong smiled helplessly, and said," No need.

"Chiba:" ... why? "Su Rong shrugged," I already have it. "

""is it? When did this happen? Why don't I know, it's great, my son must be an elder brother.

"Chiba is full of excitement.

Su Rong smiled helplessly, and said, "Is it an older brother or a younger brother?

Chiba smiled smugly and said, "My son, that must be the material of my brother.

"The building came out holding Murphy's hand, and said cheerfully:" Chiba, Su Rong, I'll tell you the good news. Feifei has been pregnant for two months.

Chiba was carrying his hand and proudly said, "I also want to tell you the good news. Rong Rong has been pregnant for four months.

"The building looked at Chiba in amazement and said," Four months? Chiba, aren't you swollen and fat? Chiba looked at the building and said, "Do you see me as someone out of nothing?" The building nodded and said, "You are the kind of person! "Chiba:" Oh, you bastard, look for me, don't you? Mo Fei tilted his head, looked at Su Rong, and said curiously, "Rong Rong, do you really have it?" "Su Rong nodded and said," Well, what I found a few days ago hasn't had time to say.


"Muffy smiled.

"Tong Xi.

"Su Rong smiled lightly.

Chiba saw that Murphy and the building were leaving, her eyes could not help turning, and she stepped forward and asked, "Rong Rong, have you been pregnant for several months?" Su Rong rolled his eyes and said: "You only want Get up and ask me? Just now, you did n’t tell Murphy and the three princes that it was four months.

"Chiba scratched his head and said," This ... let's lose or not! Su Rong sighed and said, "It's only been one month!" Chiba blinked and said, "Is it only a month?" "Su Rong nodded and said:" Yeah! "... Yan Yan and Jing Yan came in one after the other.

"Yan Yan.

"Muffy shouted with joy.

"Feifei, I heard that you are pregnant and I brought you a lot of delicious food.

Yan Chen blinked his eyes.

Could a big smile be said, "I still feel sorry for you, I am so touched.

With the help of Murphy, Yan Chen and Jing Ye have entered the human realm.

Jing Ye has been fighting for Wang Weixing during this time. Although Jing Ye's strength is poor, he is very talented in the refining industry and is very appreciated by Wang Weixing.

"How have you been recently?" Mofei asked.

Yan Chen nodded and said, "Very good!" It would be even better if no one from the Jing family was entangled.

Yan Chen drummed up her cheeks. Before their downfall, the Jing family looked embarrassed and made Yan Chen feel bored. At this moment, they developed, and the Jing family gathered together to make Yan Chen feel more bored.

"Then I'm fine, yes, the people who come from Rongguo to Chen Guo, are you okay?" Murphy said.

Yan Chen nodded and said, "Fortunately, Chen Guoren looks at your face and treats the Rongguo people kindly. However, the strength of the Rongguo people is much weaker than Chen Guo. much better.

Nodded his head, and said, "That's good."

Yan Chen sighed lightly, and said, "The people who stayed in Rongguo heard that they were all dead.

Mo Fei frowned, and sighed lightly. Rongguo was so close to the setting sun. The previous war really affected the people of Rongguo.

Yan Chen looked at Mo Fei and said, "Mo Fei, those people are unwilling to leave. You can do everything you can, and you don't need to blame yourself.

Mofei smiled and said, "I know, I just feel that life is really fragile!" Yan Chen nodded and said, "Yeah!" "For those who can go to the heavens and do everything, Rongguo people are just ants-like beings.

"Only strong enough to control destiny!" Mo Fei couldn't help feeling.

Yan Chen nodded and said, "Yeah!" Not strong enough, he could only hold his thighs.

Visitor 447, "Master, Senior Wang, are you here?" Couldn't help seeing Cheng Mobai and Wang Weixing's joy, authentically.

"Apprentice, I heard you are pregnant.

Cheng Mobai looked at Murphy's belly, and asked strangely.

Could he nod his head and said, "Yeah!" "Creating evil! Why don't you let the guy in the building get pregnant, but want to be pregnant by yourself? How tired you are!" Cheng Mo said with angrily expression on his face.

Murphy: "..." He thought too! However, the original owner of this body didn't get upset, he had already given his attributes.

Cheng Mobai patted Mo Fei's shoulder and said, "Apprentice! You remember, let the little white face of the building give you a pregnant one. Such a tiring thing can't be done by you alone, we can't suffer, do you know?" Mo Fei: "..." "Did you know!" Seeing Mo Fei not responding, Cheng Mobai asked with a loud voice.

"I know, I know.

"Isn't he busy responding.

"It's pretty much the same.

"Cheng Mobai thought for a while, and said again?" You have one, you have two buildings, you have two, you have four people in the building, and you have ten buildings ... ... all in all, we can't let buildings take advantage.

Mo Fei: "..." Ten births, is the building a pig? Cheng Mobai looked at Mo Fei's stupid look, and said unpleasantly, "Apprentice, did you understand me?" "Is he busy?" He understood.

"Cheng Mobai nodded with satisfaction, and said," I understand, it's good, isn't it! You are my apprentice, you can't make me lose face, understand? Mofei smiled dryly, "I understand, I understand.

"Yes, apprentice, Wang Weixing is here this time and I have something for you.

"Cheng Mobai smiled.

Could Fei have a curious look at Wang Weixing and asked: "Senior Wang, do you want to give me a gift?" Wang Weixing nodded and took out a rabbit from the space ring. "This is a gift I prepared carefully for you .

"Mo Yi looked at the rabbit that Wang Weixing had taken out, and his face was a little weird. Wang Weixing, this guy, would send such things.

Why didn't he know that under the abstinence of Wang Weixing, a girl's heart was actually hidden.

Cheng Mobai smiled smugly, and said, "Mike! Don't underestimate this rabbit. Although this rabbit is useless, it was made by Wang Weixing with his whole family. For this dead rabbit, Wang Weixing It has become a poor light egg, even poorer than me! "Mo Fei:" ... "Master, do you know that you are poor? Wang Wei's disdainful glance at Cheng Mobai said, "What do you know! This rabbit is the first step of my experiment, and one day, I will make more powerful animals than in the graveyard (original secret). Moon beast, at that time, fighting with people, as long as I release a group of rabbits, my opponents fled.

Cheng Mobai said with a light whisper, "You pull down and rely on you to make self-conscious puppets. You don't even know why others are conscious."

Wang Weixing grinded his teeth and said, "I don't need to worry about you, I will figure it out sooner or later.

Mo Fei looked at Wang Weixing and said, "That Cang Qian should have been a psychic before his death.

Cheng Mobai nodded and said: "Yeah! Cang Qian is a pharmacist, naturally a spiritual awakener.

Mofei shrugged, explaining: "The rabbit's consciousness was controlled by the soul imprint in the soul crystal in his body, but this soul imprint disappeared inexplicably after the rabbit was maimed. The rabbit actually did not There is no self-awareness, but there is a guardian order in his mark, which is controlled by the order.

Cheng Mobai blinked and said, "Apprentice, how do you know so clearly?" "Muffy shrugged, set up a barrier, and let the lizard beast out.

Cheng Mobai's eyes widened and he said, "This thing isn't that ..." Myfei smiled mysteriously, and said: "It's a lizard monster in the tomb, and I brought it out.

Wang Weixing glanced at Murphy with admiration, "Good skill! "This guy from Mo Fei actually took out a monster without even knowing it, and he always followed Mo Fei without knowing it."

Cheng Mobai looked at the lizard beast, and said, "Apprentice, are you a monster, conscious?" Holding his arms, he said, "I have left a mark on the soul crystal of this beast. Mind action.

Wang Weixing squinted his eyes, glanced at Mo Fei, and said, "The level of this maggot monster is probably in the early days of the heavenly level. With it, you are equivalent to having a thug in the early days of the heavenly level!" Mo Fei nodded his head and said, "That's not necessarily true. The strength of this magpie beast is almost as weak as the average level, and the action is not very flexible.

"" Nevertheless, it is hard to come by.

"Cheng Mobai said.

"Mofei! I have a suggestion, do you want to listen!" Wang Weixing looked at Mofeidao eagerly.

Could it be that Wang Weixing's scorching eyes were so scary, "Senior Wang, what suggestions do you have?" Wang Weixing grinned and said, "Morfe! What do you think of this? I'll fight for you, you take this Let me study it! "Mo Fei:" ... "Cheng Mo's face was black and white, and he said," Wang Weixing, you bastard, you actually scolded my apprentice.

"Wang Weixing looked at Cheng Mobai angrily and said," Don't say it so badly, didn't I promise to be a bodyguard for your apprentice? " I do n’t think it ’s better than this beast! "Cheng Mobai said in angrily:" Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking about. You bought all the materials for Xingjing, and you ran out of materials. Now I say to my apprentice to be a bodyguard, that is to cheat me! Cheat! You also want to lie to the demon monster to study for you.

"Wang Weixing is full of embarrassment," said: "Even if you know, you don't have to say it. I have no face.

"Cheng Mobai gave a light sigh, and said," You dare to do it.

"No matter what, Wang Weixing stayed. Murphy's lizard monster was also taken over by Wang Weixing.

As more and more people died in the tomb, the enthusiasm for exploring the tomb gradually subsided.

Although the tomb craze gradually subsided, the number of people who came to Chen Guo did not decrease.

Many people rushed to Chen Guo and asked Mo Fei to refine the pharmaceutical agent.

Somehow, he opened a pharmacy in Chen Guo. As long as the other party is generous, no one can come.

With Wang Weixing and Cheng Mobai sitting, no one dared to make trouble.

Pharmacy room.

The building looked at Mo Fei uneasily, and said, "Fe Fei, are you okay, will you be tired? If we are tired, we will temporarily close the pharmacy.

Mo Fei shook his head, and said, "No, I have to give our sons a little bit of a wife, but it's difficult to get a daughter-in-law now, and you should plan ahead!" The building smiled coldly, "My son, if he can't even manage his wife, I will sweep him out.

"Mo Fei's face is dark," said: "How can you think so? "You are such a dad ..." The building murmured Mo Fei and said, "Rest assured, our son will be as popular as me.

Could Mo rolled his eyes and said, "Are you popular? The building nodded and said: "Of course.

Mo Fei pouted and said, "You are so popular, at that time, you were not dumped.

The building smiled awkwardly, and said, "It's all a thing of the past. What does he mention?" "I'm worried! "Mo Fei looked at the building with a worried expression on his face.

"What are you worried about?" The building asked.

"I'm worried that my son inherits you and is as indifferent as you are.

"Muffy shrugged.

The building disapprovedly said, "Isn't I very visionary? Otherwise, how could I pick you up?"

Mo Fei said quietly, "Did you pick me?" I was picked by your stepmother.

Building: "..." "Master, what are you talking about?" "Mo Yi asked.

Could he shrug his shoulders and say, "Nothing, why are you here? Is there any business coming?" Nodded his head and said, "Yeah!" Mo Fei tilted his head and said, "Who is the person who came?" Mo smiled and said, "You know, you are an acquaintance, Senior Chen Xiaoyao.

Mo Fei frowned, and said a little bit disgustedly, "How is he!" Mo Yi tilted his head and said, "Is he bad? Could Mo Fei slap his lips and say: "Of course he's not good, that guy picks up the door and also likes to owe the account, it's irrational, hey ..." Mo Yi: "... In fact, Chen Xiaoyao's senior paid 300,000 stars, It's kind enough.

"Muffy:" ... Which side are you on? Yes, he paid 300,000 Xingjing. That's good, but I did n’t pay for his son's treatment. Even Xingcao's expenses were not reimbursed, but it was tens of thousands of Xingjing.

"Then he is so abominable, will you go out and meet him, Master?" "Mo Yi asked hesitantly.

Mo Fei laughed and said, "See you, see you.

"How to say that the other party is a high-level master, and he is not good for not giving face.

"Do you know why he came?" Murphy asked.

Mo Yi shrugged and said, "I heard that he seems to be injured.

""injured? Someone must have won it, hey, this person owes it to him at first glance, and it is normal for him to be taken.

"Muffin muttered.

Mo Yi: "..." 448 was unwilling to walk out of the house. Outside the room, Cheng Mobai, Wang Weixing and Chen Xiaoyao chatted in full swing.

Couldn't help raising his eyebrows, he said: Chen Xiaoyao is a guy who will buy people's hearts, but he has become so fast with Cheng Mobai and Wang Weixing.

"Mo Shao, long time no see.

"Seeing Mo Fei come out, Chen Xiaoyao nodded toward Mo Fei gently and politely.

Mo Fei smiled and said, "Senior Chen, I haven't seen you in a long time.

"Chen Fan stood behind Chen Xiaoyao and saw Mo Fei come out, a few bright colors flashed in his eyes," Master Mo, it's been a long absence.

"Is looking at Chen Fan, smiling," said: "Chao Shao, did you poison your hair again?" Chen Fan shook his head and said, "No, I'm fine. Thank you Master for your concern."

Nodded his head, and said, "That's good."

"Chen Fan looked at Mo Fei and said hesitantly:" Mo Shao, you must have been very moist recently, with a red face. "

Could Mo Fei just slap his lips and say: Chen Fan wants to say that he is fat, so let's just say something. No moisturization is necessary. This dead child, like Chen Xiaoyao, is ashamed to stay together.

"I have eaten well and slept well recently.

"Murphy laughed.

Chen Fan nodded, and said, "This way!" "Is there anything for Chen to find me?" Mo Fei asked Chen Xiaoyao.

Chen Xiaoyao took out a box directly from the space. As soon as the box was opened, a strong blood flew towards him.

"This is the tail of the three-headed monster?" Murphy said with a little suspicion.

Chen Xiaoyao nodded and said, "Yes, the three monsters that escaped from the tomb were later moved to the central continent and killed by dozens of sky-level masters. I happened to be those dozen days One of the high class hands was lucky enough to be assigned a monster beast tail.

Mo Fei squinted and said, "This tail is a priceless treasure!" "That three-headed monster can live in the ancient tomb for ten thousand years, and it has the characteristics of an undead monster. What will be on it?

Chen Xiaoyao nodded and said, "Yeah! The most precious thing is the star core and skull of the three monsters, but that thing was divided up by the three immortal late immortals.

Mo Fei raised his eyebrows and said, "You are also an old immortal, and you have a face saying that they are always immortal."

Mo Fei looked at Chen Xiaoyao and said: "Senior Chen, did you bring this tail?" Chen Xiaoyao passed the formula in his hand to Mo Feidao: "This is the recipe I collected to refine the monster meat into a potion.

Could it be that Chen Xiaoyao took the formula in Chen Xiaoyao's hand, and couldn't help but stare, "Heaven-level potion formula?" Blood Spirit Elixir.

"Muffy took a quick look at the formula in his hand, and secretly said: The heart is pounding, making a lot of money, the formula of the level of medicine, this is a rare good thing! Old Chen Xiaoyao nodded his head, said : "Exactly, I want to ask you to help me make this monster tail into a potion.

Mo Fei smiled dryly, "Senior Chen, you really deserve me!" Chen Xiaoyao smiled faintly, and said, "Master Murphy, talented, how can I not believe it?" Mo Fei bitterly asked, "What if I'm broken?" "Although the potion can increase the absorption of the monster's flesh and blood several times, the failed potion is of no value. The monster's flesh, if eaten directly, can also have a great effect.

Chen Xiaoyao calmly smiled and said, "If everything is broken, even if I give it to Master Mofei to practice your hands.

Mo Fei raised an eyebrow and said: "How embarrassing! Since Chen Xiaoyao said so, even if he is refined, he can also say that he failed and took the medicine as his own.

"Yes, before, Master Murphy saved the dog's life. I didn't thank you very much. If it is not generous, then Master Murphy, I guess anyone who catches me will say that I am stingy.

"Chen Xiaoyao is kind of narrow.

Murphy: "... Senior Chen, you worry too much, how can I say that? You really think too much.

"Chen Xiaoyao:" Did I worry too much? Haha ... "Mofei frowned, and said," Senior Chen, I'm just a prefecture-level pharmacist now. For me, refining heavenly-level potions is still ... " No hurry, I can wait.

"Cheng Mobai sat lazily and said casually:" Apprentice, you can pick it up. This guy is not popular. You can't find any other pharmacist to make medicine for him except you. "

"Muffy:" ... "Master Ji, even if this is true, you are not good at speaking out in front of others.

Chen Xiaoyao smiled with a temper, but did not speak.

"Master Murphy, you pick it up, I believe you can do it.

"Chen Fan said.

Couldn't nod his head, saying, "Okay," Cheng Mobai held his chin, saying, "Muffy, you don't know yet. There are two heaven-level pharmacists who died in the tomb (original secret). The hatred of Sun Lifeng also died inside.

"Muffy:" ... No, "Cheng Mobai shrugged," Yes, they are indeed dead. "

Mo Fei frowned. The dead old man had demonstrated with him before, but it only took a long time before he died.

"That graveyard is just a meat grinder!" Anyone who goes deeper is finished.

Chen Xiaoyao said: "In fact, this cemetery should still have great exploration value, but it is too dangerous.

Mo Fei blinked and said, "Explore the value? What value can that ghost graveyard have? " "Chen Xiaoyao nodded and said," So far, no Cang Qian's body has been found, which means that the center of the cemetery has not been found.

Mo Fei blinked and said, "Is that so? The building smiled bitterly, and said, "There is so much danger outside, and Cang Qian's cemetery is just more dangerous.

"Chen Xiaoyao nodded and said:" Yeah! "At present, few people who have entered the cemetery have really gained anything, but many have died.

The eyes of the building changed a bit. With his current strength, it is still too dangerous to explore the cemetery. If he is promoted to heaven, then it may be different.

Chen Fan looked at Mo Fei and stopped talking.

Mo Fei turned his eyes and looked at Chen Fan and asked: "Chen Fan, why are you looking at me like this? Whatever you say!" Chen Fan gritted his teeth and said: "Master Mo Fei, you are really pregnant Is it? "Mo Fei smiled, and said," Yeah! "Chen Fan blinked, and said," Mo Fei, I heard that you have a potion here to make a man pregnant.

Nodded his head, his face gossiped, "Yeah!" Why are you interested in this medicine? Don't you want to give a baby to life too? "Chen Fan shrugged and said," Mo Shao, where do you want to go? I am entrusted.

Mo Fei raised an eyebrow and said: "Trusted? Chen Fan nodded and said: "Yeah! Xiao Chen is interested in this medicine, let me ask you.

Mo Fei rolled his eyes, his face strangely, "Xiao Chen is interested in this medicine?" How could he be interested in this potion? "Chen Fan shrugged and said," I'm not very clear! " Mo Fei squinted and said, "Willn't it be Xiao Chen, who wants to give life to a baby."

"Chen Fan smiled mysteriously and said," Dust Chen said, if you say so, let me tell you, he will not be as unpromising as you, he will only make people pregnant, not pregnant.

"Muffy:" ... The little white face will swell his face and fill him with fat, hum, it makes you pregnant. Does he have that ability? "Chen Fan:" ... "Xiao Chen, who was far away from Xia Zong, sneezed.

"Master Xiao, are you okay?" The maid next to Xiao Chen asked.

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "It's all right.

"It must be the **** who is jealous of himself and curses himself behind.

………… The building looked at Mo Fei and asked, “What's wrong? I'm in a bad mood.

Mo Fei's eyes looked at the building fiercely.

The building blinked and asked innocently: "Fei Fei, what are you doing looking at me with such enthusiasm?" Mo Fei smiled fiercely and threw the building onto the bed.

The building looked at Mo Fei and said, "Fei Fei, if you want to do something to me, I won't resist it. You don't need to do this.

"Must hold the collar of the building," said: "Less nonsense, undress.

The building blinked, and said, "Well, just undressing? Do you want to take off your pants? "Muffy's eyes widened," said, "Shut up.

"The building smiled fondly," OK.

"" Today I want to be on it.

"Muffy rubbed his tongue and said.

The building's face was a little difficult. "Upper? No, you are pregnant. How hard it is to use the upper position! No more.

"Must hit a chin on the building," Shut up, I should be the one above.

The building nodded and said, "Yes, yes, you should be the one above, if you want to be above it is above, if you want it to be below it.

"Must bite on the chin of the building, said indignantly:" Don't pretend to be a hippie smiley, be serious, I won't eat you. "

Building: "..." Mo looked at the building, frowned, and asked alertly, "Three princes, what about my master?" "The building smiled, and said a little helplessly:" It must be him resting.

Mo Yi looked at the building with dissatisfaction and said, "Three princes, you should restrain yourself. After all, master, he is still pregnant."

"The building smiled bitterly, and said," It is difficult to be passionate, but I can't help it! " Mo Yi gave a soft whisper, and said, "It is difficult to be passionate? The third prince, why do n’t you say that you have poor determination? The building touched its nose with a guilty conscience, and said, "Okay, it's all my fault.

Mo nodded his head and said, "It was your fault originally, and you made excuses.

"Building:" ... "Murphy stepped out of the house, Murphy's hair was messy and looked a bit lazy.

Seeing Mo Yi, I was a bit embarrassed.

Mo Yi looked at Mo Fei and said: "Master, are you okay?" Mo Fei shook his head and said: "It's all right.

"Master, you should discount the third leg of the three princes. When is this time?

"Mo Yi said indignantly.

Murphy: "... I will talk about this later.

The building looked at Zheng Zheng, and said, helplessly, "Ah, your family is getting more and more tempered!" Zheng Zheng shrugged and said, "No! One by one, it's just a little wayward. He is fierce towards the third prince. It must be something you did not do.

"Building:" ... "Zheng Yi, an idiot, was all broken by one by one.

449 Time is like water, time is like shuttle.

The business of Murphy's pharmacy is surprisingly good, but as Murphy's month grows larger, Murphy has gradually reduced the amount of daily pharmaceutical preparations.

Things are more expensive, because Morpheus has reduced the number of medicines, and Morpheus's medicine is more popular.

"Master, there are more people coming to the pharmacy today.

"Mo together.

Mo Fei raised an eyebrow and said, "This group of people are really true. They can't rush away, and all the potions have given me ten times the price.

"" Rising again, ten times more? "Mo Yi said hesitantly.

Could he nod his head and say, "Yeah! Ten times the price, Mo Yi, who do you think I am! I'm going to be a pharmacist of the sky. Is the ten times the price too much?" Mo Yi shook Shaking his head, he said, "Not too much, not too much, but I am worried that no one will buy it.

Could Mo Fei just slap his lips and disapprove, saying: "I just want no one to buy, so many people buy medicinal medicaments, and they're driving me crazy, but, one by one, beware, there will always be someone who buys them."

Could it be meaningful to say: "There is a kind of person in this world who doesn't buy the right, but only buys the expensive one. You sell it cheaply, and he treats you as a fake.

Mo Yi said hesitantly: "Are there many people like this?" Nodded his head, full of emotion: "How much!" Such people are stupid and have a lot of money. At most, a group of local tyrants fell down, and another group of local tyrants stood up. The most important thing in this world is the local tyrants. Oh, these **** local tyrants.

"Fei Fei, one by one, what are you talking about? "The building came in and asked.

"You're talking about price increases.

"Mo Yi shrugged.

"It's gone, it's been a long time, and it should be up.

"The building nodded, thoughtfully.

Mo Yi: "..." Hasn't it gone for a long time? Obviously just recently rose.

"Fei Fei, is there any discomfort in your body?" The building looked at Mo Fei and asked.

Could he shake his head and say, "Nothing uncomfortable, it's fine.

"Fei Fei, you have a big belly!" "Chiba blinked.

"Because it is almost full term, Chiba, don't you say, Rong Rong's month is bigger than Murphy? Why is his belly smaller than Murphy?" The building asked narrowly.

Chiba poked his lips, said? : "What do you know! Condensed is the essence.

"You said that Rong Rong's month is bigger than Murphy's, and as a result, he is not born yet.

"The building is well organized.

The predecessor shouldered his hand and said indifferently, "I haven't seen it. Tota Lee ’s son, Nezha, was born after three years of failure. My son, like that Nezha, has a thick accumulation of hair. When you are born, you know My son, that must be the elder brother's expectation.

"The building did not feel good:" Swelling the face and filling the fat person, swelling the face and filling the fat person! " Still making so many excuses.

"Chiba:" ... "Zheng Zheng came out with his child in his arms." Three princes, Chiba, you are all here! " The building smiled. "Yeah!" Xiao Yu'er, you sleep so well! Zheng Zheng said with a pampered face: "When you are full, you sleep soundly, and when you are hungry, you become energetic.

"Xiao Yuer, she's so cute.

The building praised Zheng Yu's round bun face.

Zheng Zheng nodded and said, "That's my son, naturally cute. The third prince, when will the third prince be born?" "It's been only a few days.

There was a soft light in the eyes of the building.

"Where is Su Rong?" Zheng Zheng asked, turning to Chiba.


"Chiba is ambiguous.

Zheng Zheng hugged Zheng Yu and proudly said, "Son, did you hear that? Your two younger brothers are about to have a baby, and someone will chase you behind your **** and call your boss, you are not happy!" "..." Zheng Ye, this bastard, before his son was born, this guy was thinking about making his son the younger brother of his son, which was too much.

Wang Weixing said with a cheerful expression: "Buildings, Chiba, Zheng Zheng, you are all here! I have brought you gifts.

When the building saw Wang Weixing, he had a headache immediately.

Over the years, Wang Wei has done nothing but two things.

"Master, are you going to send me something?" The building asked.

Wang Weixing nodded and took out the lizard.

There was a twitch in the heart of the building. During this time, Wang Weixing sent either a rabbit or a lizard. Wang Weixing didn't feel greasy, he was greasy.

"Master, can't you be a little creative? It's either a rabbit or a lizard.

"The building is not authentic.

Wang Weixing smiled awkwardly, and said, "Although the tadpoles I made are either rabbits or lizards, they each have their own characteristics, some are good at jumping, some are good at running, some are good at punching ... Have their own characteristics.

"" The badger I want to give you this time is even more incredible. Previously, the lizard I refined was at most equivalent to the early cultivation of the mystery. This badger had at least the middle of the mystery.

"The building was unhappy and authentic:" Master, the materials you used are enough for you to ask ten mid-level bodyguards.

Wang Weixing said disapprovingly, "How can anyone be reliable?" The building pouted and said, "But people are more flexible than people!" The building gave a sigh of sigh. In the past, he always thought that Cheng Mobai was a loser. Wang Weixing would live a life. Now it seems that he really thinks too much. These two, half a catty, are no better than anyone.

Wang Wei smiled wryly, and said with confidence: "After a while, my uncle will have a new breed.

"The building suddenly thought of something, his face could not help changing.

Zheng Zheng held Zheng Yu and frowned, and said, "Senior Wang, I heard that someone has begun to explore the ancient tomb on a large scale.

Wang Weixing nodded and said: "Yeah! Before, there were two practitioners in the middle of the heavenly level. In the cemetery, they searched for rare and precious treasures and broke through to the late days of the heavenly level. Now, the tomb is lively again.

The building narrowed its eyes. After entering the heavenly level, every step forward is difficult, and it is definitely an opportunity for the practitioner to advance from the middle of the heavenly level to the later stage of the heavenly level.

Cheng Mobai poked his lips in disapproval and said: "Some people have been promoted from the middle to the later stages, but some have died undead.

"Wang Weixing shrugged and said," Cultivation is to act against the sky, and it's hard to be a big player if you're tied to your feet. "

Zheng Zheng looked at Wang Weixing and said, "Senior Wang, do you plan to enter the tomb too?" Wang Weixing nodded and said: "Yeah! "He planned to go into the tomb again to find a few monsters, but did not want to go deeper.

"Senior, be careful!" Zheng Zheng said.

Wang Weixing smiled and said, "Nothing can happen.

"After such a long digging one after another, the periphery of the tomb is not so dangerous anymore. Occasionally, the prefecture-level masters join in, and occasionally they can retreat and even gain a lot.

The building squinted. Although the ancient tomb was dangerous, the chance inside it was not small. After a while, he might go in and explore.

Sleeping stupid Zheng Yu slowly opened his eyes.

Wang Weixing looked at Zheng Yu and said with a smile: "Xiao Yuer is awake! The true spirit of this child is very promising at first sight!" Zheng Ye stared at Wang Weixing with a bright eyes and said, "Predecessor Wang, look The appearance of my son is not expected by the boss in the future.

Wang Weixing nodded, and said, "Like, your son is fat and has a boss's style, and he must be a dragon and a phoenix in the future."

Zheng Zheng smiled smugly and said, "Three princes, Chiba, did you hear that? Senior Wang also said that my son is the boss's material. In the future, let your sons mingle with my son. Everyone is his own. My son is fooled and promises not to let you suffer.

"The building skin laughed and said without a smile?": "Who follows with who is not necessarily."

Zheng Zheng said disapprovingly, "Isn't this obvious?" My son is already born. Your son is still in the stomach. Age determines everything.

The building dismissed it authentically: "Most of the people in the world came later.

"Zheng Zheng pouted his lips and said," Then we wait and see.

The building nodded and said, "Okay! "Mo Yi came out in a hurry," the three princes, the master is about to give birth.

The building's complexion suddenly turned white. "It's going to be born. Is this going to be born?" Did n’t you say it would take two more days? Zheng Zheng looked at the building that was at a loss, and said quietly: "This error is normal for a few days. Don't worry, nothing can go wrong, and his life-long miss is also one day ahead.

"The building's complexion improved a little, but still trembled." I'll see him.

The building stumbled, and almost tripped the threshold when it passed the threshold.

Zheng Zheng looked at the building in horror and muttered to Chiba, and said, "Isn't that why you have to have a baby? The third prince is actually nervous like this. I do n’t know, it ’s the third prince who wants to have a child Here it is.

Chiba smiled, and said, "Don't laugh a hundred steps in fifty steps, you will not be scared to urinate your pants.

Zheng Zheng frowned, and said angrily: "What are you talking about, how can I have scared urine pants?" Chiba poked his lips and said, "I know, isn't it almost peeing?" Your legs were soft then! Like noodles, alas, really shameful.

Zheng Zheng looked at Chiba and said in his heart: laugh, laugh, feng shui take turns. When Su Rong gave birth to a child, you might not be urinating pants, but really urinating pants ... Chiba stood Outside the door, listening to the screams coming from the room, I couldn't help sweating my forehead. "No, isn't it? Zheng Zheng shook his head, and said, "What the three princes and concubines say are prefecture-level masters, and it's nothing to have a child.

"Ah ..." came a terrible scream.

Chiba's heart jumped, "Is something wrong?" Zheng frowned, and said, "This sound sounds like the third prince.

Chiba frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction: "The guy in the building is really not that he had children, what is he calling?" Zheng Zheng sighed and said, "I think the three princes are worried.

"Chiba poked his lips and said," Worry, worry, you can't yell so blindly! It's scary! Anyone who calls the building thinks something must have happened. "

Mo opened the door, and Chiba hurriedly asked, "Muff, all right.

"" Master is fine, the child has been born, but ... "Mo said.

"But what?" Chiba asked nervously.

Mo shrugged and said, "The three princes are fainted.

Chiba breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The guy in the building can't help but be scared!" I haven't seen it before, this guy's courage is so small.

Zheng Zheng gave Chiba a scornful look, and said, "Don't stand still and talk. It doesn't hurt your back. When Rong Rongsheng was born, you might not be frightened, but frightened to death.

"Chiba frowned, and said angrily:" Go away, don't curse me.

Zheng Zheng went in with Chiba. Could he be lying on the bed with sweat on his face and the building was sober?

Chiba looked at the building and said with a little surprise: "Oh, building, haven't you passed out?" Mo Fei said with a pale face, and said angrily: "I passed out and made me wake up.

"Chiba blinked and gave a thumbs-up to Murphy."

450 uneasy Zheng Zheng's eyes were looking around, and finally he fixed his eyes on a small breast bag beside the building.

"Three princes, is this your son?" Zheng Zheng asked.

The building nodded and said, "Yeah!" Zheng Ye was full of worries: "Three princes, your son is crumpled, like a monkey, so ugly, it will not be good to marry someone in the future!" The building gave Zheng Ye a vicious look Zheng Ye, the dog who can't vomit ivory in his mouth, has been a bit abnormal with his son since he had a son. He knows nonsense all day.

The building said unpleasantly, "When your son was born, he was more wrinkled than my son, more like a monkey.

Zheng Zheng said indifferently: "Three princes, what are you talking about? My son has always been fat and cute.

The building disapprovedly said: "My son will be fatter sooner or later, fatter and more adorable than your son."

"" My son is the cutest.

Zheng Zheng strives for authenticity.

"That's what you think.

"The building said quietly.

Could not look at Zheng Zheng and the building silently, these two guys usually looked normal, but at this time, they were in conflict for this kind of thing, really lived and went back.

"To shut up.

Chiba scolded at Zheng Zhenghe's building.

Chiba was carrying his hand, and looked at them both with contempt. "Noisy, such a little thing can make you quarrel, look at you, you are so big, actually so boring! Can you be a little bit prosperous?" Buildings and Zheng Zheng's eyes bet on Chiba at the same time, and a proud smile appeared on the corner of Chiba's mouth.

"What ’s so noisy, look at your two sons, a monkey and a pig head. It ’s all bad. Wait until my son is born. Throw your son a few streets. There ’s no way. I ’m good. My son is like me. It must be the most beautiful and best-looking. How can your son like a vulgar fan compare with my peerless son! "Chiba is proud and authentic.

The building and Zheng Zheng both extended their feet and kicked towards Chiba.

Chiba was kicked back two steps by the two of them, "The gentleman can't move! You two bastards.

"......... Cheng Mobai and Wang Wei walked in. Could there be a smile on his face when he saw Cheng Mobai?

"Master," Cheng Mobai looked at Mo Fei and asked, "Apprentice, is this your son?" Mo Fei nodded and said, "Yes!" "Fei Fei! Your son looks like you, nothing at all Building! "Cheng Mobaizhi said with high spirits.

Mo Fei blinked and said, "Really?" His son hadn't grown up yet. He really didn't understand. How did Cheng Mobai see this guy, his son was like him.

Cheng Mobai nodded, said? : "Yeah, apprentice, you are of good blood, so your son is hereditary."

Mofei smiled and said, "Maybe.

This is the reason he was born. The origin is really not good. The building is a congenital spirit, so the blood of the building is good.

Cheng Mobai patted Mo Fei's shoulder, and said, "Hey apprentice, look at your face, don't ask for trouble next time, let the children do such things as giving birth to the building. You see his skin is thick and thick Yes, there are ten live and live tigers. The guy in the building is a waste. You have to know how to use the waste.

"Mo Fei:" ... "Hehe, if his building is a waste, then no one in the world is a waste. The idiot Cheng Mobai, the building will become a master of the sky sooner or later. At that time, watching the building will not put Cheng Mobai into a pile ... … The building stood on one side, his head bowed, and he said, "How could he think about turning around all day long? It's the **** of Cheng Mobai. This old guy is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and he will be punished sooner or later.

Yan Chen came up with Jing Yan carrying a large bag of food.

Yan Chen's recent days have been very happy, her strength has increased rapidly, and her weight has also increased rapidly.

"Fei Fei, you are thin.

Yan Chen looked at Murphy Road.

Couldn't he roll his eyes, his body was full of meat, and Yan Chen said that he was thin.


Yan Chen looked at Murphy Road with pity.

Mo Fei smiled and said, "Is it? Are you thin?" Yan Chen held her chest and said, "It's thinner, but, Mo Fe, you can rest assured, I brought you a lot of delicious food, you You will soon be fat again. You don't have to worry about it. You are thin and feelless. The three princes don't like you.

Mofei smiled and said, "Thank you very much.

"He wants to lose weight, lose weight! Yan Chen, this bastard, gave him so much delicious food. Forget it, he is still full and is losing weight.

Yan Chen waved her hand and said, "You're welcome.

"Wow ..." The baby in his hands suddenly burst into tears.

"The boss doesn't cry, is the boss hungry? I'll find you animal milk.

"Is comforting.

Mo Yi looked at Mo Fei and said hesitantly: "Master, the three princes gave the young master the name of the boss, is it really good?" "I have beaten him, but he will not change his life. name.

Mo Fei secretly said: The main responsible person for this incident is Zheng Zheng. If it weren't for Zheng Zheng, he would always be the boss of his son, and the building would not have given his son such a name.

Mo Yi pouted his lips and said, "The three princes are really wayward.

"Nodded, nodded," said: "Yeah! However, the boss, Lou boss yelled a lot, and it is quite smooth.

| ”Yan Chen looked at the crying poor boss Lou and immediately ran over and took it over.“ It looks like he is hungry! Pitiful.

When the first eldest man saw Yan Chen, his eyes lighted up immediately, and there was a suspicious water stain on the corner of his eyes.

Every time Yan Chen came, he would bring animal milk to the boss, and every time Yan Chen came, the boss's complexion looked like a seductive beauty.

Could it be that his son was ashamed, he just wanted to cover his eyes.

Lou Lou blinked his eyes in black and white, staring at Yan Chen sparklingly, squinting in his mouth.

Yan Chen gave it to his face, and stuffed the boss with a bottle full of animal milk.

Lou's boss hugged the baby bottle and was relieved.

Yan Chen gave Lou's boss a special bottle that was three times the size of an ordinary baby bottle. Even so, Lou Lao's sea lion drank more than half of the animal milk in the bottle.

Yan Chen blinked her eyes and said with admiration: "Fei Fei, your son has a good appetite.

Nodded his head, and said, "Yeah!" "Mr. Fei secretly said: The boss of the building is so edible, it is definitely not hereditary, it is the guy in the building that is not good. When the guy in the building was a kid, it must be a rice bucket.

Yan Chen looked at Mo Fei and said, "Fei Fei, the people who stayed in Chen Guo before will have entered the tomb one after another. It is said that the people who entered the tomb this time are very powerful.

"Must have gritted his teeth, and said:" Really? Yan Chen nodded and said, "Yeah!" After these people explored, the tomb was afraid that people would dig the ground three feet.

Mo Fei helped his forehead and said: "I always feel that these people will not be smooth sailing.

Yan Chen blinked and said, "Why? "" It's just sleep.

"Muffy said.

Mo Yi looked at Yan Chen and said, "The young master's perception is accurate.

Yan Chen blinked. "In this case, I won't go to the tomb."

Mo Fei's eyelids jumped, and he said angrily: "What are you going to the tomb for? Do you want to deliver food?" "Yan Chen scratched his head and said," Although the tomb is the world of masters at the level of level and prefecture, there are also miscellaneous fish like us leaking! I was going to do business with my uncle outside the tomb, and those experts still order us something, which is enough for us to benefit a lot.

"Isn't he angry?" Those masters stomped their feet, and you were shocked to death.

Yan Chen spat out her tongue, and a little helplessness flashed on her face.

Could Mo Fei grind his teeth, and said, "You must not go, you know?" Yan Chen nodded, and said, "I know, I know, I listen to you.

In a blink of an eye, Murphy's child has been two months old, and Su Rong also has a vague tendency to start.

Chen Guo's situation has become more and more tense, and people coming to Chen Guo are in constant flow.

The danger in the tomb (original secret) is too great, but there are many things in it. A dozen gates finally came together, driven by the interests.

Mo Yi hugged Zheng Yu and looked at Mo Fei, saying: "Master, Chen Guo has come a lot of people recently!" Mo Fei frowned, and said, "I don't know why, my anxiety is getting stronger.

Mo Yi looked at Mo Fei and asked: "Master thinks it would be unsafe to explore the tomb this time?" Mo Fei nodded his head and sighed. "It's not unsafe, it's very unsafe."

Mo Yi frowned, and said, "No, there are so many masters in the sky.

"Chao Mobai, the 451 poisoner, walked in and asked?" Could it be, one by one, what are you talking about? Mo Yi looked at Cheng Mobai and said, "What about the ancient tomb, senior Cheng, are you ready to go?" Cheng Mobai nodded and said: "Yeah! Leave tomorrow.

"Master said, he has an ominous hunch, I don't think you guys should go.

"Mo thought for a moment.

For Mo Fei, Mo has always been an unconditional trust. After all, since he knew Mo Fei, Mo Yi has witnessed too many extraordinary things.

Cheng Mobai rolled his eyes helplessly, and said, "No, how to do it, I told everyone.

Mo Fei looked at Cheng Mobai and said, "Master, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years!" "Cheng Mobai dismissively said:" Rest assured, apprentice, your master and I have a sense of size, I only walk around the outside, and will not go deep.

Could Mo Fei look at Cheng Mobai's appearance, and nodded, and said, "The Master is careful, if things are not right, you will withdraw immediately."

Cheng Mobai nodded and said: "I know, apprentice! After giving birth to a child, you will become a mother-in-law. A man cannot be so fearful! As the saying goes, if you don't enter a tiger's hole, you will get a tiger. If you are afraid of wolves before, then you are afraid of tigers, but you are not like my apprentice.

"Mo Fei rolled his eyes. Cheng Mobai's idiot really treats his lungs like a donkey! He shouldn't worry about this dead old man.

Cheng Mobai patted Mofei's shoulder, and said, "Apprentice, you can rest assured, your master and I are not so weak.

Mo Fei nodded and said: "I know, I know.

Wang Weixing looked at Mo Fei and said, "This time, there are about twenty masters in the tombs. There are people from the right path and the magic gate. I think nothing will happen.

Hearing Wang Weixing's words, could he nod his head, relieved, and said, "That's good."

"In the tomb.

Cheng Mobai and Wang Weixing kept spinning around a three-color chicken.

The tricolor chicken's strength is not too strong, only the peak of the ground level, but this guy has a special ability that can teleport.

Cheng Mobai and Wang Weixing worked hard for a long time, but failed to capture it.

Cheng Mobai was anxious to jump up and down, and Wang Weixing also faced frost.

"Senior Cheng, Senior Wang, there seems to be any significant discoveries in front of us. Are we going to take a look at it?" A prefect level expert asked, the man was a person from Hua Tianzong, and originally had the same knowledge with Cheng Mobai and Wang Weixing.

Wang Weixing shook his head and said, "No need, wait for me to catch this three-colored chicken and say.

"Senior Wang, there is a medicine garden in front of me!" Such a large pharmacy is much more precious than three-colored chicken.

"The man said somewhat disapprovingly.

Wang Weixing said indifferently: "There are already so many people in the front, and it will be too late to go in.

"Sacred Pool Golden Lotus, Sacred Pool Golden Lotus.

"In the tomb (the original secret), there was a burst of shouts of excitement, and Wang Weixing's eyelids couldn't help jumping.

"Sacred Pool Jinlian, this is a good thing!" Cheng Mobai couldn't help but feel a little authentic.

Wang Weixing nodded and said, "Yeah!" It is said that Shengchi Jinlian can give birth to human flesh and bones, and has the effect of resurrection. This statement obviously exaggerates the efficacy of Shengchi Jinlian, but the efficacy of Shengchi Jinlian is really amazing, as long as people With one breath left, you can save it with Shengchi Jinlian, and eating Shengji Jinlian raw can not only break through the level, but also prolong a person's life span of 500 years.

Cheng Mobai squinted his eyes and said, "Should we go over and see?" Wang Weixing couldn't help but feel a little moved. Although he was here for a while, there was a world of treasures like Jinlian of the Sacred Pool. He was still a little moved.

"There are a lot of sky-level masters in that place. We are going now and we don't know if it is too late.

"Wang Wei walked.

At the moment when Wang Weixing hesitated, an explosion sounded suddenly.

Countless screams passed into the ears of both men, and the hearts of Wang Weixing and Cheng Mobai sank at the same time.

"What is that?" Wang Weixing looked ugly, looking at the black smoke emerging from the direction of the medicine garden.

Cheng Mobai blinked his eyes and said, "I don't know!" "Quickly, we're leaving here, I remember, this is a soul killer poison, this thing will spread with the wind, and it will die.

Wang Weixing's face was ugly and authentic.

Wang Weixing and Cheng Mobai flew towards the outside of the tomb at the same time. Behind the two, a prefect level master suddenly issued a scream, and the whole person turned into a pool of blood.

Cheng Mobai glanced at this scene, his heart sank immediately.

"I knew I should listen to Murphy.

"Cheng Mobai said.

Wang Weixing reluctantly said, "It is too late to say this now.

Cheng Mobai nodded and said: "That's right, that's right.

"..." "Master, master is bad.

"Mo Yi walked into the road eagerly.

Could he frown, and said, "No, why isn't it?" "The prefecture-level masters who entered the tomb (original mystery) are all dead, and the sky-level masters are also dead.

"Mo together.

Mo Fei squinted and said, "All dead? How could that be.

"I heard that at the time, a holy pond golden lotus appeared in the ancient tomb (the original mystery), and the people in the ancient tomb (mystery) were crazy. As soon as a heavenly master pulled the golden lotus out, the golden lotus quickly Withered, and then a black smoke came out. It is said that there were hundreds of doses of soul killer poison under the golden lotus. When the golden lotus was picked, the poison came out.

"" The prefecture-level masters have poor strength. They are dead as soon as they are affected by the poison. The masters of the sky can barely support the escape, but several people near the poisoning center have died.

Mo Fei's face suddenly became ugly. The soul-killing potion was the first of ten poisons. Compared with the other nine poisons, the toxicity was much more violent. This guy, Qian Qian, actually buried hundreds in the tomb (secret) Soul killer poison is really cruel! "Is there any news from my master and Wang Weixing?" Mo Fei asked.

Mo Yi shook his head and said, "Not yet, but at that time, they should be outside, presumably, they should be alive.

Could Mo Fei help his forehead, and said, "Are these two guys poisoned?" Mo Yi squinted and said, "It is said that the poison spread throughout the tomb in no time. No one in the tomb was spared. However, there is a difference in the severity of the poison. Senior Wang and Senior Cheng, then The meeting should be outside the cemetery, and the poisoning should not be serious.

"Muffy took a deep breath and said?" "Tell the two old guys long ago so that they don't go, they just don't believe in evil, this is all right.

Mo Yi looked at Mo Fei and asked: "Master, soul-eliminating potion, can you solve it?" Could Mo rolled his eyes and said, "Do you really think I'm a fairy?" "Mo Yi:" ... "If Wang Weixing and Cheng Mobai were poisoned, then no matter how difficult, he must find a way, **** it, why don't these two old guys listen to advice.

Yan Chen came in and said, "Mr. Fei, thank you very much! If it weren't for you, then I would be afraid that I would be dead.

"Muffy waved and said," It's all right.

"If the two old guys, Cheng Mobai and Wang Weixing, are as obedient as Yan Chen, these two dead old men, born of strength, rely on their strength, and will not take his words at heart.

"Fei Fei, Cheng Mobai and Wang Weixing are back.

"The building came in.

Mo Fei was relieved and said, "Are you back? Just come back.

Cheng Mobai and Wang Weixing came in one after the other.

"Apprentice!" Cheng Mobai shouted in guilty conscience.

Could he look at Cheng Mobai and said: "Master, are you okay?" Cheng Mobai smiled bitterly and said: "There is something.

Cheng Mobai extended his left hand towards Murphy.

Could Mo Fei look at Cheng Mobai's outstretched hand and sighed helplessly, "Master, you're poisoned?" Cheng Mobai nodded and said, "Yeah!" Mo Fei looked at Cheng Mobai's arm and had a headache.

Cheng Mobai is a little guilty and authentic? : "The poison in me is not deep. I originally wanted to force the poison onto my arm, and then pinched my arm. When I was about to chop my hand, the poison quickly spread to my whole body ..." , Inspected Cheng Mobai's body, his face was abnormally ugly.

Cheng Mobai looked at Mo Fei and asked, "Apprentice, can you solve this poison?" Mo Fei smiled awkwardly, and said, "I don't have such great skills for the time being.

Mo Yi frowned and said, "Senior Wang, have you been poisoned?" Wang Weixing nodded and said: "Yes.

"Muffy:" ... "" Master, I heard that all of you who entered the tomb are poisoned. Is it true? " The building asked.

Wang Weixing nodded and said, "It should be true.

"They were far away from where the tomb poison erupted, and the poisoning should be considered mild.

The building squinted and said, "That's trouble.

Mo Fei looked at the building and asked, "Trouble? The building nodded and said, "Yeah! Those people are poisoned, can't they come to you? Mo Fei opened his eyes wide and said, "Find me, what do you want me to do?" "The building is lightly authentic: