MTL - My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters-Chapter 315 : "This is Jiang Cheng's unique attack method!" (Wan…

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Gunshots rang out suddenly.

But it didn't hit the girl's head, but wiped the girl's scalp and flew out, spattering a blood flower.

After the gunshots fell.

The girl's complexion changed dramatically in an instant, and then, almost like the previous person, she rushed to the side window without saying a word, and jumped out to escape the bus.

The bus is not going fast.

Jumping at this speed, the dead will definitely not die, but injuries such as fractures are definitely indispensable. Sometimes human bones are actually not very hard, and they are full of metaphysics.

Just like Schrödinger's bones, he has also seen someone walk on the ground in winter, fall into the snow, and then fall with seven broken bones.

Who is to make sense of this.

It's just that the people on this bus seem weird.

For a normal person, when the gunshots of the scar dog rang out behind him, not to mention starting to panic and scream, at least there should be some waves in his heart, and the girl sitting next to him, not only did not respond at all, even The mood leaned over and said that her name was Rubing.

This is not what a normal person should do.

For abnormal people, he naturally can only make unnatural responses.

However, even though there were two incidents of jumping out of the window, the bus still kept a steady speed and moved forward. It was obvious that the driver slowed down a little and stopped to ask what happened, but there was no meaning.

The other guests in the bus acted as if nothing had happened. Some closed their eyes, some checked their watches, and some fell asleep, doing what they were supposed to do.

Looking at it this way, it seems that there is only the young man behind him who projected the game screen on the back of the chair to play the game, which is more normal.

They were on a planet that had never been in the future, a planet called Sand Star.

As the name suggests, almost 90% of the area of ​​this planet is desert. On this planet, the most precious resource is water resources, and a large part of the sources of Dan water are provided from the outside world, which also leads to the lack of water on this planet. Water will be more expensive.

Commodities that need to consume Dan water resources are basically purchased from outside.

Such a planet was one of the early discovered planets in the Federation. At that time, it was a miracle to discover such a planet that could barely be used for habitation and was rich in mineral resources.

As most of the mineral resources on this planet were collected, and the federation gradually expanded rapidly and discovered more and better planets, this planet was gradually abandoned.

There is not even a federal government stationed on this planet, not even a law enforcement bureau.

Belonging to the ungovernable planet.

In other words, anything that happens on this planet is not protected by federal laws and regulations.

And they came to this planet this time to find a company on this planet called "Grave Digging Company", which is the company that X and Heiou Company jointly recommended.

One of the main businesses is to refine the origin consciousness of the world in the planet.

It is a service-providing company.

I just don't know why, it's not a very reasonable thing for such a company to place its base camp on an ungovernable planet like "Shaxing". After all, such an ungovernable planet attracts more chaotic forces and some The existence of gold diggers.

A company engaged in a legitimate industry like "Grave Digging Company" would logically not choose this kind of planet as the company's home base.

The reason why the chaotic forces chose "Sand Star" is of course no need to say, and the existence of gold diggers is more peculiar.

Gold diggers often exist in the form of individuals or small groups, and the business involved is more cumbersome.

It is impossible for a planet to be all chaotic forces. Chaos forces are also people. Humans need services and a living environment, and these chaotic forces are responsible for providing services to these chaotic forces.

And, from time to time, I do my own small side business to make money, such as seeing a foreigner who is easy to bully, and giving me a trick.

In addition, there are some large chain companies that make their home here.

For example, "Ge Feiyang Tax Collection Company" can be said to accurately screen target customers, as well as "Black Star Arms Company", large supermarkets, restaurants, shopping, insurance, prison robbery chain companies, etc.

In short, the people on this planet are very mixed, very mixed, and there are all kinds of people.

Only one thing is certain, that is, don't expect too much to meet people with good intentions on this planet.

Those who can survive on this planet have already packaged their goodwill and sold them for money when they first landed.

And their goal this time is to take this bus and go to the depths of the desert to find the "Grave Digging Company" to discuss cooperation.

As for why not use the Unreal Gate to go quickly.

The main reason is that this trip is not in a hurry. For them, every time they arrive at a new planet, it is like a new tour. Without rushing in time, they can slowly feel the special features of this planet. It is good that there will be words in the autobiography in the future to describe the planet they once set foot on.

The bus went to the destination, and the group of them was charged 1,000 stars per person.

Five people, a total of 5000 stars.

This price is expensive, but the overall price on this planet is relatively expensive. After all, people who do business here always do things with their heads on their belts.

The price is also very reasonable.

And just then-

A man sitting in front of the bus suddenly got up, walked straight to Chen Jiang's side, and then sat on the seat beside Chen Jiang, instead of looking at Chen Jiang, he said as if talking to himself. .

"Brothers are new here?"


Chen Jiang tilted his head to look out the window and heard a voice beside his ear. He didn't look back but said casually, "Is it easy to see?"

"Well, people who stay here for a long time don't wear white clothes when they go out. There are sandstorms everywhere, and the clean clothes will be dirty in a few minutes."

"Neither of those two people were good people just now."

"Those two people should have recognized you as outsiders, and were going to come over to find a chance to make a profit, but I didn't expect you to act a little fiercely, and then you were scared away."

"After all, this kind of money-seekers are all bullies who are afraid of hardships, and they run away early when they encounter hardships."

"If I'm not mistaken, the young man should be a pickpocket, and the woman should be a beggar."


"Well, it's the kind that uses personal charm in exchange for property."

"So you're a good person?"

Chen Jiang tilted his head to look at the man sitting beside him, looked up and down with a playful look in his eyes, and said with a smile, "Then what are you?"


The man was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled: "Of course I'm not a good person, there is no good person here, but I don't have much malice towards you or us."

"this is my name card."

""Seven Days Killing Security Company", our company has a total of more than 500 people, all of which are equipped with excellent federal equipment, and have provided security services for many customers. It's all there for work. "

"There is a good security company that can protect your safety in "Shaxing" very well, and let you come back safely. After all, in the realm of "Shaxing", it depends on your... It may be difficult to guarantee a certain amount of security. "

"It only takes a little bit of star coins to hire us."

"The other people in this car are all in my hands, how about you brother? Think about it?"


Chen Jiang closed his eyes, shook his head and chuckled, then lay back on the chair and said, "Let me think about it and give you an answer later."

"it is good."

The man narrowed his eyes slightly and didn't speak, and then got up and left to go back to the original seat in front of his car.

after the man left.

Scardog sitting behind Chen Jiang, with a cigarette in his mouth, shook the ash out of the window, and said casually, "For a security company with 500 people, it is estimated that the main business is not only this one, so many people usually What kind of gangster or something like you don't have a part-time job?"

This made Li Hao who was sitting beside him laugh.

After the young man sitting next to the scar dog was scared away, Li Hao got up and sat beside the scar dog. At this time, Li Hao couldn't help but smile and said, "The company's secrets are just being slapped by you. Broken."

"But it seems that our reputation is not big enough."

"We have basically never made any cover up, and have always shown our true faces. I didn't expect that so far, no one can recognize us by seeing our faces."

"It's normal."

Scardog didn't care, and popped the cigarette that was about to burn out in his hand out of the window: "After all, even if a well-known star on the screen suddenly appears beside you, it is difficult for you to recognize it at first sight."

"What's more, our reputation is not yet big. If we are more famous, with Jiang Ge's iconic clothing, the recognition should not be low."

"It seems that we still need to add more fuel. This popularity is still a bit low."

"Sand Star" is located not far from the orange star, about eleven or twelve planets apart. If you use a starship to shuttle, it will take about three or four days to reach it.

In the opposite direction to "Good Cat Star".

The distance from the "Orange Star" is relatively close, and the distance from the "Good Cat Star" is relatively far.

At a relatively long distance, people here may have heard the name of Jiang Cheng Company and glanced at the faces of the main members of Jiang Cheng Company, but they may not have remembered them.

It's also normal.

But that's okay.

Now that they are here, the people on "Shaxing" should completely remember their names.

After all, everyone is considered a peer, and it's impossible to tell if you don't know each other.


Soon half an hour passed.

"Sand City" has arrived.

A city built in the desert, and the "Grave Digging Company" they were looking for this time is located here, and the bus did not stop in the city, but outside the city.

The man came over from the front of the car again, stood beside Chen Jiang, and said calmly.

"Sir, first of all I have to remind you."

"This bus is the exclusive vehicle of our "Seven Days Killing Security Company", which is also the reason why you can travel through the desert without incident and arrive here safely. "

"Next, there is still about 100 meters away from entering the city."

"If you don't have our company to **** you along this journey, you are likely to be attacked by some sand bandits."

"Trust me, choosing us is the wisest choice you could possibly make in your life."

"No problem."

Chen Jiang got up calmly, raised his cane and pushed the man who was blocking his way aside, and then strode off the bus.

The scar dog sitting behind him also got up, and when passing by this man, he hit the man with his shoulders, and grinned: "Brother, you also believe me, you may be about to do the most unwise thing in your life. A choice."

Then he laughed and patted the man on the shoulder, got off the bus, and strode towards Brother Jiang.

The man stood blankly on the spot, looked at these people and stepped off the bus in a grand manner, walked towards the entrance of Shacheng, raised his watch and said softly: "Visitors, guys, get to work."


Just when Chen Jiang and the others got off the bus and walked towards the entrance of Shacheng, it was less than half a minute before they advanced less than 100 meters.

There was a rustling sound of guns being loaded from behind.

I saw the man just now, holding an energy automatic rifle in his hand, pointed at Chen Jiang and others, and said calmly: "Everyone, you may not be able to leave, forgot to introduce, our company usually has other business."

"Sand bandits are one of them."

I don't know when there were more than one or two hundred people beside him, forming a semi-circle shape, firmly surrounding Chen Jiang and others in the middle.

This scene just happened under the sun, in front of everyone at the city gate, but no one stopped this scene, and even many people sat on the city gate with relish, ready to watch such an impromptu drama.


Scardog turned to look at the group with interest and said with emotion: "This incident tells us how important intelligence is to the chaotic forces."

And Chen Jiang didn't want to waste too much effort on this group of people.

He didn't even look back, just continued leaning on his cane with one hand, and the roses under his feet kept blooming and withering toward the city gate.

And the next second—

A huge muzzle suddenly appeared in the void behind him.

A gun muzzle wider than the city gate and higher than the city gate.

Immediately afterwards, before everyone could react, the scarlet pattern on the barrel began to flicker violently, and then everyone standing at the city gate saw an unforgettable scene in their lifetime!

I saw a huge scarlet laser beam nearly 200 meters thick. From the huge muzzle, it shot towards the group of so-called murderers. The scorching high temperature even made everyone standing at the gate of the city. The burning tingling sensation!

Then this huge scarlet laser beam began to shoot in an arc!

I don't know how long it lasted.

It just feels like a long time has passed.

The laser beam finally disappeared, and the world finally became quiet. As for the group of sand gangsters armed with various firearms, they had long since disappeared. Only one, a huge fan-shaped deep pit, remained in place!

And the deep red was melted into crystals, like salt grains, and scattered in the fan-shaped deep pit.


Not even a corpse could be seen, and even the bus had long since disappeared!

In sufficiently strong heat, everything is melted!

As for Chen Jiang and others, they had long since disappeared, and they could easily enter the city through the Unreal Gate.


"Gu Dong."

The sound of swallowing saliva sounded one after another at the city gate.

Those who were still watching the play at the gate of the city, looking at the scene in front of them, couldn't take care of the scorching burning feeling on their bodies for a while, and they all stiffened in their eyes, looking at the deep fan-shaped pit not far in front of them with shocked expressions.

This scene is enough to make them remember for a lifetime!

They may never forget this scene in their lifetime!

This firepower is simply outrageous!

It can be said that this attack method is extremely environmentally friendly, and not even a bit of debris will be left, but the change to the terrain may be a bit big!

"Jiang...Jiang Cheng Company!"

At this time, a relatively thin man in the crowd shouted with a trembling expression on his face: "The five people just now were from Jiang Cheng's company. I have read the description of this attack in the relevant news reports!"

"This is Jiang Cheng's unique attack method!"

"That huge muzzle is the unique fire weapon of Jiang Cheng, the leader of Jiang Cheng Company!"

"Jiang Cheng Company is coming to "Shaxing"! "

"Damn, I ran away quickly, I don't know if it's too late to escape from "Shaxing" now! "

This man's voice suddenly reminded many people!

There are still many people here who have heard the name of "Jiang Cheng Company" as a chaotic force, but many people have only heard about it and have not learned about it in detail. The stories came to mind.

"Bombing more than 100 cities on the Orange Star, resulting in 700 million+ direct deaths!"

"Span thousands of light-years, live broadcast and bomb the Eagle's Mouth City on Beiyin Star!"

"Destroy several generations of soil emperor Chang's family on the good cat star!"


Waiting for a story, almost like a slideshow, instantly replays the minds of those who know it.


All those who had heard of the deeds of "Jiang Cheng Company" suddenly turned pale at this moment. Jiang Cheng Company was basically synonymous with death, and it was not the first time that Star Destruction had been done.

Who knows if Jiang Cheng's company will directly bomb Sha Xing.

This force does not follow any rules, it all depends on the mood!

Although there are no federal rules for Shaxing, there are some hidden rules. Under certain chaotic circumstances, there are certain rules that remain, and these rules obviously have no binding effect on Jiang Cheng Company and others.

And those who don't know the name of Jiang Cheng's company, at this time, are popularized by the people around them, or they have searched the forum for a while, and they all know the historical deeds of Jiang Cheng's company.


Jiang Cheng's company came to Shaxing, and after entering Shacheng for this hour, it began to spread in Shacheng at a very fast speed!

There are many chaotic forces on this planet, but no chaotic forces want to meet Jiang Cheng Company.


"Jiang Cheng Company?"

The owner of the grave digging company located in Shacheng, after listening to the latest news reported to him by his subordinates, frowned for a long time and said, "I know this Jiang Cheng company, and I don't know what to do when I come to Shaxing this time. , but it should have nothing to do with us."

"But to be on the safe side, let's run for a while."

"Go and make arrangements and leave Shacheng as soon as possible."


The man standing beside him quickly retreated.

And after this subordinate retired, the boss of the grave-digging company leaned on his boss chair and frowned and thought deeply.

He is the boss of this company. As for placing the company's headquarters on such a planet, there is naturally his purpose.

It's just that he didn't expect Jiang Cheng Company to come here.

Over the years, there has been no great chaotic force that will come to "Sand Star".

To put it badly, the people who can come to "Shaxing" are basically some chaotic forces that can't be on the table, and the chaotic forces that can really get their hands on it basically have their own base camp planet, or are located in the business. Inhabit the stars.

Could it be that... Jiang Cheng's company also got the news and wanted to get a piece of the pie?

But that news was strictly controlled by him, and even the people around him didn't know about it. Where did Jiang Cheng's company hear about it?

If it weren't for this, Jiang Cheng's company is so famous as a chaotic force, this "Shaxing" doesn't seem to have any place worthy of him, right?

However, just when he was thinking about the purpose of Jiang Cheng Company's visit to Shaxing.

The subordinate who had just retreated came back with a slightly pale complexion.

"Mr. Liu, someone is asking to see you."

"ask to see?"

The owner of the tomb digging company, Liu Yishou frowned and shouted angrily: "When is it, I'm here to report this, no one is here, hurry up and prepare the vehicle to run away."

"Seeking's Jiang Cheng Company."

"I said that no one will **** see anyone, even Jiang..."

Before he could finish speaking, Liu Yishou suddenly froze in place, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he didn't speak. He suddenly reacted to which force his subordinates were asking to see.

After a pause, he bite the bullet and said, "Just say I'm not here, you can drag me for a while."

But at this moment-

Chen Jiang leaned on a cane with one hand, opened the curtain and walked in as if no one was beside him. Sitting on the sofa, he glanced around casually before opening his mouth and said, "Boss Liu is planning to run away again, and he is not here. To avoid our Jiang Cheng company."

"When did Jiang Cheng's company become so unpopular?"


The corner of Liu Yishou's mouth twitched slightly, and after waving his hand to let his subordinates retreat, he took a deep breath and forcibly walked over to Jiang Cheng and sat on the sofa opposite Jiang Cheng.

While making a cup of hot tea for Jiang Cheng and others, he adjusted his facial expression and said.

"Where to avoid it, I just want to tidy up and change into a better outfit to receive Jiang Cheng's company."


Chen Jiang nodded lightly, and was too lazy to say anything, he went straight to the topic, and prepared to settle the matter first: "This time I came to Shaxing, I came here specifically for you, you should also know that I am looking for you. For what?"

The purpose of his visit this time is very simple, that is, to let the grave digging company help him to extract the consciousness of the origin of the world of Orange Star, and take it back to his Blue Star father to eat.

Of course, this is illegal, and seriously illegal.

According to X, no matter how much money is given, no company is willing.

But Chen Jiang always believed in one sentence.

That is, the rich kid can pull the grind for you, but the gun king can push your **** for you.

What is better than money is a gun.

So he came this time to take the next step after Liu refused.


Liu Yishou lowered his head and did not speak with an ugly expression. As expected, Jiang Cheng's company really came after him!

But how did that thing leak out?


"Sand Star" is a mineral resource star that is barely habitable and has been abandoned by the Federation.

But in seven or eight years, he discovered the "sand star" at the center of the earth, with a... civilization ruins.

Civilization ruins mean a lot of unknown technology and huge wealth!

Not to mention, a technology of the Federation, the remote space portal, was obtained from a civilization site!

According to his excavation and research over the years, it can basically be judged that this is the site of a divine civilization.

A civilization site with mythical power!

Seeing that this site is about to be opened, a professional team can be dispatched to investigate. As a result, Jiang Cheng came at this time and wanted to pick his fruit!

From the bottom of his heart, he is unwilling to fight a hundred times!

This is his blood!

Just let him do this, hand it over, how could he be willing!

For the sake of this civilization site, he spent seven or eight years in "Shaxing", a place where birds don't poop. How much torture and how much sand did he endure in these seven or eight years? !

In this place where the temperature difference between day and night is huge, has he been sick many times?

After paying so much, when it is time to finally reap the fruit of victory, at this time someone wants to **** his fruit, and he is naturally unwilling!

But...he has heard the reputation of Jiang Cheng's company, and he doesn't want to die!

He knew that Jiang Cheng's company came to Shaxing for the sake of those chaotic forces that could not take the stage.

It's just... unwilling!

After Liu Yishou took a deep breath, the meaning of struggle kept surging in his eyes. After a while, his whole body softened as if he had accepted his fate.

"Mr. Jiang Cheng, that's amazing."

"I just don't know Mr. Jiang Cheng, where did you know about this?"


Chen Jiang raised his brows lightly, his face was a little weird, he looked at the man in front of him, and felt something was wrong in his heart, he said in a succinct manner: "Jiang Cheng's company naturally has its own sources of information."

"it is good!"

After Liu Yishou paused for a while, his eyes regained his vigour, and he looked at Jiang Cheng and the others with a serious expression and said hoarsely, "Since several of you feel that you have settled for me this time, then I will not let you down, everyone. It's really got me going."

"But... the grave digging company has spent seven or eight years and a lot of money on it!"

"I give it to you in vain like this, I am so unwilling to do so!"

"Thirty percent, the grave digging company only needs 30 percent of the harvest, and the remaining 70 percent of the harvest is from Jiang Cheng's company!"

"This is our last bottom line!"

"After all, without us, some relevant data and the information we have obtained over the years, Mr. Jiang Cheng, you don't know, 30% of the harvest is already our bottom line, otherwise..."

He wanted to say, otherwise I would rather die than give in, but he didn't say it later, because he was afraid that Jiang Cheng would say something and you would die.

Such words are not auspicious, so don't say it.

30% is not unacceptable. After all, civilization sites are often full of inexplicable dangers. Since Jiang Cheng's company has intervened, he doesn't need to find other exploration teams.

If you look for other exploration teams, one is uneasy about strength, and the other is uneasy about being human.

But Jiang Cheng Company is different.

At least the strength can be completely assured.

Although he was still a little unwilling, there was nothing he could do about it. This is how society was originally. It was normal for big fish to eat small fish. He was used to it.

It's just that the cover-up efforts made over the years may seem like a joke in the eyes of the caring people.


Chen Jiang remained silent with a strange expression on his face, gazing that the man in front of him didn't speak for the first time.

What is this man talking about?

He just wanted to come to this man and let this man help him extract the consciousness of the origin of the orange star. Isn't the grave digging company doing this?

Why does this person seem to have a secret?

"really not bad."

And Scar Dog was also sitting on the side, lighting a cigarette, and said with emotion: "Brother, change your name, I feel that you are somewhat unworthy of a name like Liu Yishou."

"After coming out and mixing for so many years, the city is deep enough to raise whales. We have seen many."

"But a city like yours is so shallow that it's difficult to raise tadpoles, it's still quite rare.

"Let's elaborate, we're starting to get a little bit interested."


Liu Yishou was stunned for a moment, his eyes flashed a bit of daze, and then the whole person responded in an instant, and said in disbelief, "Aren't you coming from the ruins of civilization?"


Even Li Hao couldn't help sighing, and helplessly said, "It may not have been just now, but now it is certain that it is. How did you get to be the boss of the grave digging company?"

"Tell me about this civilization site or something, we are starting to be more interested."

"We're not in a hurry, let's talk about this civilization site first."

Even Chen Jiang couldn't help laughing. The corner of his mouth rose and he said with a smile: "Let's talk about it. It just so happened that a friend of mine recently got into the ruins of civilization. I'm still quite curious about this."


Liu Yishou's expression was so gloomy that he couldn't help but want to give himself two slaps. If time could go backwards, he would definitely seal his mouth tightly before Jiang Cheng and others entered his office!

Stop talking nonsense!


He didn't ask anything, he just suffered!

It is estimated that in the eyes of Jiang Cheng and others, he has become a fool now, right? !


He took a deep breath and said tentatively, "If I say now... what I just said about the civilization site was that I didn't wake up and was talking nonsense, would you believe it?"


Scar Dog shook the ash in his hand into the teacup in front of him, and stared at Liu Yishou with a smile: "What do you think?"


The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

After a long silence.

Liu Yishou also accepted his fate, sighed heavily, then leaned on the sofa and looked at Jiang Cheng and others and said, "The universe has existed for a long, long, long time..."

"Longer than the existence of the Nicholas Galaxy Federation."

"And in such a long time, the Nicholas Galaxy Federation is just one of the civilizations that have risen. There are various civilizations before this, but these civilizations have been annihilated in the long river of history due to various reasons. ."

"And the historical wreckage of these civilizations will be stored in the universe through a variety of special means!"

"For example, a widely used technology in the Federation, the remote space portal, was developed by studying the things in a civilization site."

"And the information about the origin consciousness of the world, as well as the opening of the Ten Thousand Race Arena, and other related information, are also information obtained from a civilization site."

"Before this, the Federation didn't even know that a planet had the existence of the origin consciousness of the world."

"And the origin consciousness of the world of these planets has certain authority of the rules of the universe, so that various props with magical effects can be produced."

"The appearance of props can be said to have had the greatest impact on the Federation so far, and it is also the most popular among the people."

"Some special talents and props have allowed the residents of the Federation to have more possibilities, and also made the means of the Federation more diverse."

"And in the depths of the earth star of Shaxing, there is a ruins of a **** civilization."

"According to speculation, it should be that this civilization site had an extremely powerful suction force at that time, attracting many things in the universe, thus possessing a certain quality and forming such a planet."

"And that civilization site was sealed in the center of this planet."

"Over the years, the tomb excavation company has been looking for the specific location of this civilization site underground, and began to excavate. A few days ago, it has successfully opened up the passage from the surface to this civilization site."

"It's just that no one has been sent in yet."

"After all... There is a certain danger in this. No one knows what the civilization site below is and what is inside."

"And the signal receiving distance of the detector is not enough to support him to work in the civilization ruins deep in the earth."


Then Liu Yishou paused for a while before taking a deep breath again. He looked at Jiang Cheng and the others with a serious expression and said solemnly, "This is most of my information about the civilization site."

"It's also the gravedig company's biggest secret."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but slap himself with a few big mouths again. After this time, he must practice some kind of shut-mouth meditation and correct his big mouth.

"God civilization?"

Scar Dog thought for a while with a weird look on his face and said, "The ruins of the civilization who entered it seem to be the civilization of the gods, right?"

"Could it be the ruins of a civilization?"

"This godly civilization, is it possible that there are gods?"

Chen Jiang, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and leaned on the sofa. He didn't speak for the first time, but combed the information in his mind. He had a prop in his hand that he had not used yet.

It's called Heaven's Gate!

The effect is very simple, activating this item will open a door of light to heaven, and everything you encounter is unknown!

Will there be any connection?

But this civilization site, he really wanted to go down to see it.

As for the dangers that will be encountered, they have a lot of protective props on their bodies, and they even have talents and props such as resurrection, so they should not encounter too much danger.

No matter how bad it is, go back in time and solve the crisis directly from the source.

In this case, if you don't dare to explore, then it would be better to go to the Arena of Ten Thousand Races.

Then he raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Liu Yishou who was sitting across from him, and said with a satisfied smile, "I heard that before I came here, there are basically no good people on Shaxing."

"This time, I only know how much water this sentence has."

"Then wish us a happy cooperation this time."

"Let's take a look at the entrance of the civilization site now. We will return early in the morning. We are also curious about what will be in that **** civilization."

"it is good."

After Liu Yishou sighed helplessly, he walked behind the desk in the office, opened the calligraphy and paintings on the wall, revealed a red button, and pressed it gently.

The entire office began to sink rapidly, sinking into the ground, and entering into pitch darkness!

But through the flashing lights outside the window, you can probably guess that this office is built on a huge underground elevator. To be precise, this office is an elevator.

This design is somewhat interesting.

After about 20 minutes of landing, the speed of the office's descent began to slow down and gradually stabilized.

until three minutes later.

This rapidly descending office has officially stopped, and this place is deep in the heart of the earth.

Somewhat surprisingly, the temperature here is not very high, even cooler than the temperature on the surface.

Scardog walked out of the office, looked up at the seemingly empty space around him, and said in surprise, "Is it so cool, doesn't it mean that the core temperature is relatively high?"

"This planet is different."

Liu Yishou shook his head and explained: "Actually, if you look around, you can see here and close to the depths of the earth's center, but the surroundings are still full of sand."

"It's just that it was squeezed together and became very solid. This planet is basically made of sand."

"Is this the ruins of that civilization?"

"No, the ruins of civilization are there."

Liu Yishou pointed seriously to a monk on the wall of this empty space with all kinds of complicated pictures: "How long has this monk existed, there is nowhere to investigate, but it can be judged that behind this monk is a deity. ruins of civilization."

"After entering it, anything that happens is unpredictable."

"'ll meet a sleeping **** inside."


ps: 4D chapter!

The new revision and upgrade address of the mobile station: https://, data and bookmarks are synchronized with the computer station, no ads and fresh reading!