MTL - My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters-Chapter 316 : "You said, is there a possibility that we will fall into x...

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"Sleeping God?"

Chen Jiang raised his brows slightly, leaning on a cane in one hand without speaking, just looking at the monk in front of him, full of mysterious pictures.

The monk in front of him was about three meters high and more than one meter wide, slightly larger than a home door, but not much larger.

At first glance, those pictures look like improvised doodles by children, but if you look closely, you will find that this thing does look like improvised doodles made by children.

The reason why it is considered mysterious is entirely because of the blessings of the civilization ruins derived from this **** civilization.

Without this string of titles.

Anyone who sees this thing will think from the bottom of their hearts that this thing is basically a child's impromptu graffiti.

Divine civilization?

Is there a god?

He narrowed his eyes and scrutinized the monk in front of him, thinking to himself that he didn't speak. He didn't have much news about this so-called divine civilization. What he would face after entering was completely unknown.

But based on his strength, he is confident to go to this civilization site.

"Have you ever been in?"


Liu Yishou shook his head bitterly and said, "It's just been excavated not long ago. You haven't seen that the excavation marks around this space are still brand new. The detector can't be controlled at all, and the signal is completely lost."

"Originally, we tried the wired one, that is, let a detector enter the Samana, and then transmit the picture inside through the physical data line, but it didn't work."

"As long as you enter this Shaman, all means of information transmission, whether wired or wireless, will be invalid."

"It can be said that as long as you come in, you will basically lose contact with the outside world."

"A real person must go in to investigate, but the risk factor and uncertain factors are relatively high. I haven't had time to find someone to check, and a few people have come, but it just happens..."

He stopped abruptly and said nothing.

But it's just right, a few of you are here, and you can just go in and investigate. If you get planted in it, it can give him some information, so that he can make better preparations later, or if there is really no way, sell it to other companies at a high price. .

But he didn't say it, after all, it sounded a bit unlucky.

Scar Dog squinted Liu Yishou but didn't speak. He naturally understood what Liu Yishou didn't finish saying, but it was normal. After all, they met Liu Yishou for the first time, and they didn't have any feelings for each other.

It's completely human nature for the other party to think like this, and they don't care.

Just as women can't expect all men to like them, they won't expect all men to support them unconditionally, which is simply a fantasy.

Chen Jiang, on the other hand, stood on the spot and did not speak. After a pause, he said, "Then go in."

It doesn't make any sense to stand here for a long time, it only makes sense to go in.

"it is good."

Scar Dog naturally had no objection, but took a deep breath and lit a cigarette for himself, then patted Liu Yishou's shoulder and said, "You definitely won't blow up this Shaman with dynamite after we go in, right? ?"


Liu Yishou was stunned for a moment before he could react, and then he said helplessly: "How come, the strength of this Samana is far beyond our imagination, the digging movement in the center of the earth will not be small, in our violent or even Under the violent excavation, this Samana was not damaged at all, how could it be damaged by explosives?"

"According to my guess, there may be a **** bless this monk."

"well said."

Chen Jiang nodded lightly, then leaned on a cane in one hand and walked towards the monk with a calm expression: "I have seen a lot of things in my life, but I have never seen a god."

He doesn't believe there is a **** here.

In other words, the **** here is not the omnipotent **** they know, but at most a human being with relatively powerful abilities. If it is really an omnipotent god, it will not become a civilization site. .

Immediately afterwards, the group did not stop, strode into the shamen in front of them, and stepped into the corridor.

Behind the Shamen is a tunnel that looks no different from a mine. If they hadn't known that they had stepped into the ruins of civilization, they would have thought they were in a mine.


What Chen Jiang and others didn't know was that.

The moment Chen Jiang and others stepped into the Shamen, Liu Yishou, who was standing outside the Shamen, suddenly froze instantly, his legs kept shaking, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept soaking down.

Almost in the blink of an eye, his clothes were soaked through.

From the perspective of Chen Jiang and others, they successfully entered the Shaman, and then proceeded along the corridor.

But in Liu Yishou's eyes, it was a completely different picture.

In Liu Yishou's eyes, the moment Jiang Cheng and the others stepped into this shamen, their bodies instantly froze in place and did not move, and then they stood in the shamen and turned around a little stiffly. Dead stare at him!

It's like asking him why you didn't come in!

"Jiang...Mr. Jiang Cheng."

After spending seven or eight years in an incurable place like Shaxing, Liu Yishou had seen quite a few storms and waves, and he was not frightened, nor was he frightened just like that. After he took a few deep breaths, He mustered up his courage and said with a slightly trembling voice.

"You, are you okay?"

However, Jiang Cheng and the others seemed to have not heard him speak, and still stood stiffly in the place where the monks were, and Tong Kong stared at him terribly!

He didn't speak, and he didn't make any extra moves, just staring at him like that!

After tentatively walking a few steps to the side, he found that the eyes of Jiang Cheng and others would change as he moved!

"Gu Dong."

In the silent space, there was a harsh saliva swallowing sound.

Liu Yishou could no longer be calm this time. With trembling hands shaking, he took a picture of Jiang Cheng and the others who were standing at the gate of the sand with their wristwatches, and then hurriedly got into his office and started to ascend button to quickly return to the ground!

dozens of minutes later.

Liu Yishou, who had returned to the surface, drank a few large cups of herbal tea, and sat down on his boss's chair to take a few breaths before he managed to suppress his inner disbelief!

Jiang Cheng company!

This is the name of a chaotic force that he has heard even if he is far away from Shaxing!

That one incident, and the fact that he can still move freely among the various planets in the Federation so far, is enough to prove the power of this force!

However, it was such a force that in less than three seconds, the group was destroyed!

To be precise, it doesn't seem to be dead.

It's just like he has lost his mind, his body is stiff and motionless at the door of the sand!

This must be the power of that divine civilization!

At this time, he can only be thankful that when he was excavating this civilization site, he didn't step in under the excitement, but made a lot of preliminaries first. There are many crises!

It's just that he didn't expect that as soon as he stepped into the Samana, there would be a crisis!

Isn't this crisis coming too **** fast!

Even Jiang Cheng's company has been picked, what should he do with this civilization site? !

At this moment, he sat on the boss's chair and took a deep breath, and made a secret decision in his heart, he must not be able to excavate this civilization site, and can only sell it to other companies!


At this time, Chen Jiang and others naturally didn't know what happened outside.

They are still in this long corridor, continuing to move forward.

"Is it at least ten minutes away?"

Scardog frowned, looked at the tunnel with no end behind him and said, "There is no sign of this coming to an end. Are you sure what the ruins of a god's civilization are here?"

"You said, is there a possibility that we have fallen into a ghost wall?"


Li Hao shook his head and said with a serious face: "I will make a mark every tens of meters. So far, we have not seen any signs of falling into the ghost wall, nor have we seen any repeated marks."

"And this relatively long corridor seems to be exactly the same, but in fact, if you look closely, you will find that there are some small differences between each section of the road and each section of the road."

"But what you said also makes sense. The best way to verify is to go back along the original road to see if we can get out of the Shaman. If we can, it means that everything is fine. If not, it means that we may really fall into a ghost. Hit the wall."

Chen Jiang didn't speak either, and acquiesced to this behavior, although the best way to verify is actually to activate the "absolute purification" of the three-star props, or other purification props, so that even if he falls into a ghost attack, he can be purified.

But this kind of thing has a cooling-off period after all, so it's better to save it before the critical moment.


After ten minutes.

Chen Jiang and the others followed this corridor and successfully returned to the original path, and came out of the Shamen again.

"Is this gone?"

Scar Dog stood outside Shamen with a dissatisfied expression, looking at the office that had disappeared, and Liu Yishou said, "It's only been more than 20 minutes, this Liu Yishou left?"


Li Hao didn't care: "People have no obligation to watch you here all the time."

"Okay, let's go in. Since we can go back the same way, it proves that there is no problem. It's just that this corridor is indeed a little longer, so it's not a ghost hitting the wall."

"Let's go."


It's just that when Chen Jiang and others stepped into the Shamen again, if someone stood outside the Shamen and watched, they would find the picture Liu Yishou saw just now.

Chen Jiang and the others stood stiffly in the same place, Tong Kong stared to the outside of the Shaman!

Like five, paraffin dolls made of real people.


"The photo is gone?"

At this time, Liu Yishou, who was sitting in the office, was about to check the photo of Jiang Cheng and his group that he had just taken, when he suddenly found that the photo was gone, and it just disappeared out of thin air, as if it had been deleted by someone.

"Did I get too nervous and didn't take the picture?"

He frowned and sat in the boss chair, thinking deeply without speaking, for a moment he wasn't sure if the photo was lost because of his problem or the problem with the watch, or because the photo disappeared by himself.

If it's the first one, that's fine.

But if it is the second type, then the problem is bigger, it means that this civilization site... is indeed the site of the civilization of the gods, and these are the means of that civilization.

The correct way to verify which of the two guesses is correct is to return to the ground again, and then take a photo seriously, but when he thinks of this, the corner of his mouth twitches a few times.

just forget it.

He didn't plan to go down for the time being.

That scene has left a little shadow in his heart. The ghost knows that when he goes down again, will he find Jiang Cheng and others suddenly standing behind him, staring at him like that!

It is better to sell this civilization site first, but this is not a job that can be solved in a short time. It takes at least two or three months to find an informant and verify the strength of the company. .

In the next two or three months, I hope that nothing goes wrong with this civilization site.


"Finally something different has changed."

After a dozen times of teleportation through the Illusory Gate, they successfully passed through the corridor and came to a different place.

Yes, they stole a bit of laziness and used the Illusory Gate to quickly pass through this corridor.

In fact, when they stepped into this corridor for the first time, they could do this, but they thought at the time that this was a civilized site after all, and maybe there would be some more precious information engraved on the walls of the corridor, so they didn't do it.

Decided to use both feet to measure, and finally found no too effective information inside the walls of the corridor, so I decided to use the Unreal Gate to hurry.

After all, it is impossible to see whether there is anything painted on the inside of the wall of the corridor. This kind of overly detailed thing can be said to be the drawback of this talent.

But it's normal.

After all, the map is to engrave things in the mind. If even such delicate things can be portrayed, the requirements for brain capacity are too high. It is estimated that the mental power consumed in an instant can make a person sucked dry.

And the scene in front of them at this time looks very... strange.

Yes, after searching all the words in their brains, they decided to use this word to describe the scene in front of them.

It was completely different from what they imagined.

They had imagined that when they entered this civilization site, they would see something like an ancient Since they are all divine civilizations, it seems not unreasonable to see some great swords rising into the sky.

But the scene in front of him seemed too peaceful.

There was only a huge piece of grass in front of me, and the grass seemed to be at least one meter high. When a shorter girl entered, she could only see her scalp.

And this grass is not like the kind of grass they commonly see, it doesn't have too sharp edges, it's softer overall, and it looks like a fluffy grass, a bit like a tall dog's tail grass.

It is very dense, and all the places that are visible to the naked eye are crowded.

And beyond that, nothing else.

There are no signs of life activity, and it looks like a painting.


ps: There will be more later.

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