MTL - My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters-Chapter 324 : "Sometimes you are really smart and inexplicable."

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And when X and Wang Jili opened the annual special of the Rose Club there, Chen Jiang didn't stop here.

The global event will start in three minutes.

This global event is of great significance to them.

As long as they reach the top of the list in this global event, they will have 10 billion one-star items in their hands, which is definitely a big boost.

And soon-

A prompt sounded in everyone's ears!

"Global Announcement!"

"The global event 'Survival Guide' has officially started!"

"The following are the detailed rules for this event!"

"All players need to go to an unknown world constructed by AI. In this world, there will be many interesting things. Please increase your concentration and carefully explore the clues around!"

"According to the degree of exploration, make relevant rankings."

"Every time you explore an unknown map, you will get a certain percentage of the degree of exploration. The player with the highest degree of exploration will get the first place in this global event list!"

"And the degree of exploration is different, and the rewards obtained are also different."


Scardog frowned strangely: "To be honest, I don't quite understand what this event means."

"It doesn't seem like the survival copy I imagined, but I don't quite understand what this copy is."


Not much time for them to discuss!

The next second, only a white light flashed in front of me, and then a few pedestrians disappeared in place!

When I opened my eyes again, I had already appeared in a strange world!

The world is pitch black!

But not quite like pitch black!

To be precise, there is light around the five of them, but the range is about one meter, including the top of the head, and the place above the height of one meter above the head is also dark.

This is a little strange.

Because they have absolutely no idea what the carriers of these lights are and where they come from.

"It's a little unscientific."

Scar Dog looked at the darkness in front of him, and the light in front of him, and smacked his tongue around his eyes.

This copy doesn't look very normal.

Li Hao tentatively walked a few steps into the dark shadow in front of him, and found that the light seemed to be following him. Got a flashlight in general.

However... at this time, the scar dog and others behind him looked a little unsightly.

the reason is simple.

Even after Li Hao took these few steps forward, they would no longer see Li Hao's people in their field of vision.

Li Hao is like oil melting into oil, blending into the darkness extremely smoothly.

"Li Hao! Li Hao!"

The scar dog couldn't help but started to bark. In a place like this, if a few people got separated, it would be difficult to have a chance to meet. With Li Hao's ability to act alone, who is the chance of surviving I don't know how many there will be.

After all, Li Hao's ability is a complete auxiliary ability!



Li Hao, who suddenly felt that something was not right, was slightly stunned for a moment. He turned to look and saw the darkness behind him, and then he suddenly reacted. In this darkness, once the distance between the two of them was two meters away, they were blocked by the darkness. Broken, can't see each other at all.

Why can't I suddenly hear the voices of Brother Jiang and the others?

"Map realization!"

Seeing the familiar spots of light on the map, Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and strode towards Brother Jiang and others. Fortunately, there is no limit to his talent here.

This gives them a huge advantage.

With this talent, the darkness of this activity has no influence on them.

When seeing Li Hao's smooth return, Scar Dog was slightly relieved, shook his head and said with emotion: "I know what type of copy this is, it should be an exploration copy, exploring in the dark."

"And the player's visibility is only one meter."

"That is, players never know what they will encounter next."

"In this case, let alone explore the map, it's fine if you don't have a mental breakdown."

"But then again, why didn't you respond to me when I called you just now?"

"Did you call me?"

Li Hao frowned and said suspiciously, "I didn't hear any sound."

"I can't."

Scar Dog also said strangely: "Could it be that my voice is too low? No, my voice is quite loud. Could it be that this darkness not only blocks sight, but also sound?"

"and many more-"

Wang Defa on the side suddenly stared at Li Hao with a vigilant expression and said word by word: "I thought of it! He may not be Li Hao himself!"

"I've watched almost all horror movies on Blue Star!"

"The scene in front of me is a scene used in most horror movies on Blue Star!"

"During the expedition of a team, a person suddenly got separated, and the person came back in a few minutes!"

"But in fact, this person is no longer the original person. The original person is dead or trapped somewhere. This person is the incarnation of a ghost!"


Li Hao was expressionless and silent for a while: "Sometimes you are really clever and inexplicable."

"If it's a ghost, shouldn't I be able to deprive me of my human talent?"

"My human talent "Map Representation" can be used without any restrictions in this event. "

"I drew a map of the surroundings just now, and there are no spots of light."

"But it doesn't mean that there is no living body, it's just that there are no light spots on my map. After all, my map can only mark human players, alien players, mutant beasts, and some people who have met and have been specially marked. "

"That is to say, there are no players or mutant beasts around us for the time being. As for other things, we are uncertain."

"But you can see the surrounding terrain."

"We are in an abandoned city, and the place where we are standing now should be a square or something."


Chen Jiang stood on the spot, leaning on a cane with one hand and scanning the surroundings, paused for a while, and then nodded lightly: "Let's walk forward and have a look."

"it is good."

Just looking at your feet, you can indeed see a lot of building debris and the like.

The only thing that is a little strange is that there are no players around them. There are a lot of players in the Ten Thousand Race Arena. If all players maintain such a density, the map must be at least as big as ten blue stars.

Or maybe they're just a special case here.

There is not much information in front of me, so I can only walk into the darkness to see if there is anything new to discover.

Just a few steps away!


Scardog looked at the white-lighted treasure chest one meter away in front of him, and stood there strangely and hesitated: "Is this a treasure?"

The visibility of this map is only one meter.

That is to say, the treasure chest can only be seen within one meter of the treasure chest.

"Item Name": White Light Treasure Chest.

"Prop Effect": After opening, you can get a prop at random, and the prop cannot be taken out of the copy.

A simple line of words.

With the consent of Brother Jiang, he tentatively opened the treasure chest!

Soon a candle-shaped prop appeared in front of you!

"Item Name": Candlelight.

"Item Level": Two-star items.

"Prop effect": After lighting, it can dispel the darkness, so that the visibility can reach 10 meters, but when the candle burns, it may attract some sleeping objects.

"Item Restriction": A one-time item that can last for thirty minutes after being ignited.

"Prop effect": I burn myself to bring you light, what do you want? I am your father? Let me die together!

Chen Jiang stared at the prop in his hand and nodded thoughtfully.

He probably knows how this copy is played.

That is, players exploring in the dark may encounter various opportunities, such as the treasure chest in front of them, but correspondingly, they should also encounter a sleeping monster or something strange!

And it can be roughly inferred from what just happened!

The darkness here blocks not only sight but also sound transmission.

In this case, no one knows what kind of existence is two meters away in front of them.

Without stopping, they continued to walk into the distance.

But the next second—

Scar Dog, who was walking at the front, suddenly stopped with a blank expression, staring at the thing in front of him without saying a word!

Only one meter away from the meeting!

It's a cross on the ground!

And on the cross, a corpse that was already somewhat withered and shriveled was nailed with nails!

At this time, there was a question mark floating above the corpse, which looked like an NPC in the game.

"This is?"

Li Hao frowned suspiciously and observed the crucified corpse in front of him. He initially thought it was a monster or something, but it didn't seem to be too aggressive, except for Somewhat scary.

And the question mark on the top of the head is also a bit eye-catching.

"Go and see?"

He hesitated a little.

Scar Dog nodded, took a deep breath, and then stepped cautiously towards the corpse on the cross. He was not too timid, and he had a lot of defensive items on his body. Logically speaking, it would not scare him. of.

But this thing suddenly appeared one meter in front of him, as long as it was a normal person, it would inevitably be a little embarrassing.

The moment he got close—

A panel that was visible to several people popped up on top of the cross's corpse.

"Ding, congratulations to a few brave explorers who found a corpse that seems to contain some kind of secret."

"There seems to be a rather unique item on this corpse."

"Please choose whether to accept this item or not."

"There is a 50% chance that this tool will provide you a lot of help here, and a 50% chance that it will cause you some trouble."


Scardog stared at the panel that popped up above the corpse's head and couldn't help complaining: "It's really a drama, how does this kind of thing feel like some NPC lines in some online games."

"Probably figured it out, this thing is equivalent to a Schrödinger's treasure chest."

"There is a 50% chance of a good thing, and a 50% chance of a bad thing."

"How to say Jiang Ge, can't open it."


Chen Jiang raised his brows lightly, and chose to turn on this thing without any hesitation. After all, even if it brings bad things, it shouldn't bring them too much crisis, but this thing can help them understand well. this copy.

This copy does not have too detailed rules.

There is only one such thing as exploration.

But they have walked dozens of steps from the initial point to now, and the exploration degree is still 0%, and there is no change at all.

At this time, on the Exploration Ranking List, the first one is a Zerg player.

"Global Exploration Ranking!"

"Listing one: Zerg players are ruthless."

"Exploration: 0.01%."

Only such a player's exploration degree is not 0%, even the second ranking is 0% exploration degree.

The same is 0%, this person can be ranked ahead of them, it should be in the case of 0% at the same time, this person has the highest degree of exploration than them, after all, only two decimal places are taken, three digits and beyond are no longer displayed.

As for them, they can't see their nouns at all. On this list, only 10,000 people can be on the list.

And they didn't make the list, which means they're not in the top 10,000 in the world anyway.

Players who are on the list will receive an additional ranking reward after the event ends.

But they are not in a hurry. After all, they are just testing the general rules and some gameplay of this dungeon. When almost everything is figured out, they can start to explore the map unscrupulously.

And the fastest way to explore the map is to destroy a map.

As long as he completely destroys a place, this place should be considered what they explored, right?

It's just that I don't know if it conforms to the rules or not. I have to try it out later. If it doesn't work, I can only take some other measures.

And this time-

Scardog also chose to accept the props on the corpse.


"Congratulations to the brave explorers who chose to accept the props on this corpse!"

"Get the item 'Third Person'!"

"This item has been cursed, so it is forced to activate!"


Scar Dog couldn't help but scolded with an unhappy expression: "Go!"

But before he could speak, they suddenly felt like they were out of their bodies, and their bodies felt light!

Then the whole thing floated in the air.

And this time-

A prop panel also appeared in the air.

"Item name": third person.

"Item Level": Two-star items.

"Prop Effect": After activation, the prop holder will change from the first-person perspective to the third-person perspective.

"Item Restriction": A one-time item that lasts for ten minutes after activation.

"Prop introduction": "I'm afraid to face everyone, but when the perspective becomes the third person, I'm suddenly not afraid." - A scientist with depression on a certain planet.

At this time, Chen Jiang and others felt very unique. They felt like they were floating in the air, while their bodies were still in place.

It's not like the soul is out of the body.

Only the perspective has been changed.

They can freely manipulate their bodies, it's just the sense of disobedience from this perspective's so weird!

"This feeling..."

Li Hao frowned and looked down at the body that belonged to him. For a while, he had a toothache and didn't know what to say: "This feeling is really strange, to be honest, I have never thought about it in my life, I can still have this experience."


ps: advise!

All brothers who smoke, please do not open the window of your vehicle to smoke.

It was too windy today. When I was thinking about the plot and smoking in the car, I directly blew the cigarette **** into my eyes, and my whole body froze instantly, almost **** blind!


I was still wearing glasses, but the cigarette **** didn't know how it got in, it just flew around the glasses and flew into my eyes!

This chapter with one eye open, the other eye keeps weeping!

I can only code 4000 words. I can't help it anymore. I have to go to the hospital to have a look at my eyes.

I never thought in my **** life that one day my eyeballs would be able to smoke!

If there is something wrong with my eyes, there is no discussion, I must blind the protagonist's eyes.