MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 59

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Hua Bairou never dreamed that her silly white sweet sister Zuo Die would dare to smash the head of the Holy King with a vase one day.

All the little people she turned into flowers covered their mouths with petal hands, and looked at Zuo Die in shock.

Zuo Die used all her strength to wake up the Holy King from the illusion, but even though the Holy King's body was so weak, when the vase approached her, Zuo Die felt that her hand was instantly covered by a big blue hand. Clinging tightly, the vase in her hand exploded with a bang, and the fragments flew directly into her eyes.

"Are you crazy?!"

Fan Yi, who was trying to control the situation, looked at Zuo Die in shock. Zuo Die's face was thrown into pieces. If it wasn't for the vampire's indestructible skin, she would have been disfigured long ago. What is that?"

Fan Yi blurted out: "With the ability of the Holy King, although she is in an illusion, she knows everything!"

Zuo Die: ...

Hua Bairou looked at her younger sister who was about to praise her courage, when Zuo Die suddenly lowered her head, and she looked down at the Holy King intently: "The Holy King... this is all a misunderstanding."

Fan Yi's control on the other side of the illusion has already escaped.

The Holy King has completely escaped her control, and her soul seems to have been emptied alone. With her hands behind her back, she looks at everything in front of her like a third party.

The reason why the Holy King is still so strong despite such serious injuries is because she is a dreamer.

In this regard, it is somewhat similar to the illusion controlled by Fan Yi. She has entered the dreams of many people before, and she has long been able to create dreams with ease.

Who can imagine anything in her worldview?

But her thoughts became extremely fast. Not only did she not immediately escape from the illusion like a normal discoverer, but she used Fan Yi's illusion to control her subconscious.

She wants to find their past along with the fragments of those memories.

On a snowy day, the former holy king stood on the lake in a blue mink fur with picturesque features.

Her two hands are in a certain enchantment posture, and she is saying something in her mouth. Under the frozen river, there are colorful fish swimming. They are connected head to tail, swimming into the appearance of Tai Chi gossip. .

Hua Bairou stared blankly at the scene in front of her, "What is she doing?"

Zuo Die is most familiar with animals. She raised her head and looked at the fish: "The Holy King seems to be begging the fish."

Please fish?

With the ability of the Holy King, what can she ask Yu'er?

Fan Yi has been confused by these two useless vampires around her, so they don't worry about the Holy King at all? The illusion is about to collapse, are they still watching the show? Just so confident in the Holy King?

Zuo Die looked seriously, reading Yu'er's meaning carefully, she hesitated for a moment, as if she couldn't believe it: "She said... if one day, she falls asleep, I hope Yu'er can take care of Madam."

In the distance, Song Nianying was wearing a long red dress and riding a giant purple wolf slowly. On this snowy day, she was like a gorgeous red plum blossoming in the wind.

"What are you doing?"

Song Nianying turned over and fell off the wolf's back, her long skirt fluttering, full of fairy air.

Yan Chuyu looked at her and smiled slightly: "But do you want soup again?"

Song Nianying looked into her eyes, then at the scattered fish under the ice, fell silent for a moment, then nodded.

They are the closest lovers.

Chu Yu is her pillow.

How can you hide her thoughts from her?

The two of them rode a wolf together and walked slowly towards the hut. On the vast snowy ground, there were footprints like purple wolf petals. Their backs were so beautiful.

The holy king in the illusion looked at his former self with red eyes.

She is really her wife.

The current Holy King is the master of the illusion, and when her mood changes, the scene changes accordingly.

The waning moon was like a hook, hanging above the dark sky.

Yan Chuyu stood in an ancient castle, surrounded by books, and there were crows hovering in the sky. Opposite her was a silver-haired and red-eyed vampire. He was tall and slender, with a straight nose, sword eyebrows and star eyes. A white ice robe, with silver hair draped over his shoulders, looked at the Holy King and shook his head helplessly, "Holy King, forgive me for being powerless."

Watching all this, Hua Bairou covered her mouth, "Wow, is this the early ancient **** king? So handsome."

Zuo Die had never seen this mysterious king before, "Is he so young?"

The Holy King was silent for a moment, she raised a hand, a light blue circle of light gathered on the palm, they were very faint, like quicksand in the hand, disappearing at any time.

"I can't even control my spiritual power."

She has fallen into the state of five declines, knowing that she can't be saved, but she still doesn't give up.

She couldn't bear it.

I can't bear to... madam.

The ancient **** king knew the holy king. Back then, the holy king led the vampire clan to become powerful and prosperous. If it weren't for his disposition of indifference to fame and fortune, and his tolerance for everything, how could the Sangong and Twelve Divisions be so loyal to her?

"How much longer?"

The Holy King asked lightly, and the Ancient God King looked into her eyes: "I have controlled it with the Heart-biting Gu before, Holy King, your body can't take it anymore, there is still one month at most."

a month...

The screen rotates instantly.

Inside the ice castle.

Song Nianying hugged Yan Chuyu with tears in her eyes. Yan Chuyu was already extremely weak, her lips were as pale as paper. She leaned on Song Nianying and endured the pain.

In front of them, on the cold big bed, were two bright red festive wedding dresses.

The phoenix robe, the mandarin duck jacket, the beautiful and precious glazed jade hairpin are the most festive things, but Song Nianying's heart is pierced. She put her arms around Yan Chuyu's thin body and complained with a smile: "If your subordinates see When you come to the dignified holy king, he is so weak, will he rebel?"

Yan Chuyu leaned against her neck and looked at her cheek without turning his eyes.

With hot tears falling on her neck, Song Nianying choked with sobs: "If you are disobedient, why do you have to eat heart-eating Gu?"

That heart-eating Gu is the number against the sky of the race.

It can prolong the life of all sentient beings, but after eating it, every day is like thousands of insects and ants biting on the heart.

This is usually used by the clansmen to punish their enemies, so that they can't survive or die, and torture them for a few more days.

But Chu Yu...

Yan Chuyu was as angry as silk, "No...don't cry anymore, Niannian..."

her wife.

She only had this one wish, and before going to sleep, she drank this cup of carousel wine with Song Nianying.

From then on, she was not alone anymore.

She is Song Nianying's wife.

Song Nianying has always been cheerful and cheerful, but now, her tears are streaming down, and she can't control it no matter what.

Ever since she knew that Chu Yu was going to sleep, she had been obedient to her.

But today, she didn't want to do what she wanted.

"Want to marry me? Are you sick like this? I don't want it."

Tears had already deprived her of her sight, Song Nianying bit her lip, "If you don't wake up, I won't...I won't marry you, I will find ten or eight lovers, flaunt in front of your crystal coffin every day, and **** you off .”

Yan Chuyu's weak body was leaning against her, she didn't have much strength to speak, what she likes to do most now is to lean on his wife and listen to her heartbeat quietly.

Once, once, I like it...

"You have to wake up, you know?"

Song Nianying burst into tears.

The holy king who was standing outside the screen watched all this with tears streaming down his face, it turns turns out...

And the three vampires outside the illusion have already started to cry collectively.

Yan Chuyu raised her hand, she wiped away Song Nianying's tears little by little, "I...I want to go out with you to see the moon again..."

Vampires are called Moonchildren.

The moon is their belief.

Song Nianying hugged Yan Chuyu horizontally, and she walked towards the door step by step.

The moonlight is like yarn.

fell on them.

Yan Chuyu and Song Nianying snuggled up to each other.

Song Nianying turned her head to look at Yan Chuyu, her pupils could hardly be raised, and she was only supported by the last trace of free breath.

"If there is an afterlife, I don't want to be a ghost, and you don't want to be a holy king."

"We'll just be two ordinary people."

"Live a life of simplicity and happiness."

"If you don't get greedy, you'll be fine for the rest of your life."

Following Song Nianying's murmured words, Yan Chuyu, who was leaning on her, lowered her head lower and lower. Finally, her shoulders sank, and something fell.

At that moment, Song Nianying, who had agreed not to cry, burst into tears.

She turned her head and gently kissed Yan Chuyu's forehead, her voice trembling: "I'll wait for you, I will definitely wait for you."

Wait for you.

Such a simple word is usually sloppy when it comes out of the mouth.

But when the person who loved each other really left, Song Nianying realized how difficult it is to "wait".

Song Nianying personally carried Yan Chuyu into the crystal coffin. According to the request of the Holy King, no vampires were invited except for the ancient **** king who came to pay homage to the seal.

The Ancient God King appeared in white clothes. He looked at Song Nianying and sighed softly, "My condolences."

Song Nianying entered the crystal coffin with Yan Chuyu in her arms.

She wanted to see if it was cold there, if she would feel uncomfortable after lying down for a long time, and if she would be lonely.

Sealing the Holy King is not an easy task.

Even if the race enjoys tens of millions of worship, the king who is called the ancient **** cannot be underestimated.

He brought a lot of artifacts. According to the original idea, he wanted to put a barrier on them to ensure that the body of the Holy King would not be violated in the next hundred or thousand years.

Once she is gone, there will be no one in the vampire family who can command everyone.

The ancient **** king has always been obsessed with various spells, and his mind is not on it. To support the next successor, it will take at least a few decades, a little more than a hundred years or a thousand years.

She quietly hugged Yan Chuyu and lay in the crystal coffin for a while, Song Nianying turned her head, kissed her lips, tears rolled down, "Chuyu... you just left me for less than an hour, I feel so uncomfortable, you Speaking of the future, how should I go?"

The ancient **** king lowered his head.

Song Nianying raised her hand slowly, and she stroked Yan Chuyu's cheek little by little.

her eyebrows...

her eyes...

her nose...

Lips that have been kissed thousands of times by her...

The spirit of the holy king who watched all this from the illusion seemed to be gone, except for tears, her body seemed to be empty.

She used to be asleep, ignorant of everything outside.

But now, seeing it, her heart seemed to be torn apart piece by piece.

When it came time to seal, Song Nianying shook his head at the Ancient God King, "I'll do it."

her wife.

She sealed it herself.

The ancient **** king couldn't bear it in his eyes.

Sealing the person you love the most with your own hands, even a **** shadow... can't bear it.

With a twist of Song Nianying's hand, a silver dagger slipped out of her sleeve, which she had prepared long ago.

She first cut her hand mercilessly, and a piercing wound, with blood, rolled out of the crystal coffin.

Surrounded by a faint yellow breath, with a light fragrance of mint.

The ancient **** king held back forbearance, he looked at the blood in this place, this is the blood of the **** shadow, how precious it is.

The Gu worms on Yan Chuyu's body were drawn out, and they looked at Song Nianying anxiously, thinking that Shenying was going to kill them.

But Song Nianying didn't move, just waved his hand to let them leave.

This is Chu Yu's choice, and she will not anger them.

The Gu worms dispersed, and a blue breath spewed out from the Holy King's mouth, wisps and wisps, slowly dissipating.

This is the last of her left in this world.

It's like the last breath a person takes when he's about to die.

Song Nianying watched obsessively, with reluctance in her eyes, she raised the dagger, and amidst the sharp "Don't—" voice of the Ancient God King, her chest was thrown away by the sharp knife.

Inside, a golden heart was faintly revealed.

As for the Holy King lying in the crystal coffin, with a tear in the corner of her eye, her last trace of breath dispersed.

She really fell asleep.

All that remains is this tear.

The tears surrounded Song Nianying's side with nostalgia, as if begging her not to let her do this.

But Song Nianying's favorite light smile hung on the corner of her mouth, and she continued to exert force with her hands without even frowning.

Between heaven and earth, there are countless monsters who want even a single hair or drop of blood from her.

But if she doesn't allow it, no one can get it.

Today, her most precious thing is given to her wife.

The golden apex blood rose slowly, circled around Song Nianying, looking for Yan Chuyu's breath, and was about to fall.

That tear was stopped at the moment it was about to fall, but who can stop Shenying's apex blood? The blue teardrops were dyed bright red, and finally, they slowly landed on Song Nianying's palm.

"I said, don't want you to leave."

Song Nianying looked at Yan Chuyu with a pale face, the colic in her heart almost killed her.

The Ancient God King wanted to help her, but she waved her hand, looked at the blood and tears in her palm, and fell silent.

After that, it was a hundred years of loneliness.

She walked around alone.

Without the sharp-blooded **** shadow, his strength was greatly weakened.

She originally wanted to stay here with Yan Chuyu all the time, but she was afraid that because of her own flesh and blood, she would attract too powerful covets, who would pry into the mystery and hurt her Chuyu.

Even the crystal coffin accompanying her has become a luxury.

She wandered alone, was hunted down everywhere by herself, and lived a life without Chu Yu.

On the way, the ancient **** king sent many vampires to find her whereabouts, but unexpectedly, the search would take hundreds of years.

See you in a hundred years.

Things change.

Song Nianying was no longer her original appearance, she was wearing a white jade mask, her eyes were indescribably haggard.

When the Ancient God King appeared behind her, she had just visited Chu Yu.

Chu Yu was still the same, lying quietly in the crystal coffin, as if falling asleep, without any sign of waking up.

Song Nianying left behind her aura, which is why the Ancient God King searched for her and found her.

Standing by the sea, Song Nianying's long hair was disheveled. She took off her mask and smiled at the ancient **** king: "You are here."

Haven't seen in a hundred years.

She was terribly haggard.

The Ancient God King looked at her, his throat seemed to be choked by something, and he couldn't speak.

He knew that Song Nianying intentionally left that aura, and she must have something to tell him.

If... the Holy King wakes up and sees her like this, how painful it will be.

Song Nianying looked at the sea in a daze, "I went to see her, thank you, you took good care of her."

The Ancient God King looked at her, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

He knew that no matter how she escaped, she would come back to see the Holy King every year.

The breath around the Holy King's crystal coffin was left by her.

For so many years, Song Nianying, who has been hunted down and persecuted, will still come back, seal her wife with her blood, and protect her from being harmed, but she herself has been riddled with holes and hollowed out .

Song Nianying murmured: "She is so cruel, why doesn't she wake up?"

Knowing that among the vampire clan, no one in the vampire clan has ever woken up from sleep for thousands of years, but she still did not give up.

She wanted to take another look at her Chu Yu, give her a hug, tell her how much she missed her all these years, how difficult her life was, and then lose her temper with her and ask her why she was so cruel and took so long to wake up .

Those pursuits, those betrayals, and those deceptions were all tolerable to Song Nianying.

What really made her unbearable was the world without Chu Yu.

She has been waiting for hundreds of years.

Waiting for her white hair, waiting for her tears to dry up, she still didn't wake up.

She carries her memory with her, and is tormented by heart-wrenching thoughts and memories every day, no matter where she goes, there are their memories.

She couldn't hold on anymore.

The Ancient God King looked at her back, really couldn't bear to let her go on like this, he really wanted to tell his wife, wake up, the Holy King has been asleep for so long, maybe she really can't wake up.

Come out and live the life you deserve.

She is the shadow of a god, the proud child of heaven, as long as she wants, what kind of life is there?

The ancient **** king has experienced changes in the world, and he had many lovers with deep feelings, but didn't they all come out in the end?

Song Nianying turned her head to look at the Ancient God King, and asked tearfully, "Will she wake up?"

The weak pleading words suppressed the words from the heart of the ancient **** king. After all, he was not hard-hearted. Under Song Nianying's earnest gaze, he nodded slightly.

The tears in her eyes melted, Song Nianying smiled faintly, she raised her hand, on the palm, the drop of blood and tears that she had held for a hundred years slowly changed, and finally turned into a jade ring finger that was half red and half white , fell on her palm.

It was her blood, and Chu Yu's tears.

Carrying all their memories and past.

Song Nianying: "I promised to wait for her."

"But I can't bear to live without her any longer."

The Ancient God King looked at her, "You want to—"

Song Nianying nodded, "I want to seal myself."

The Ancient God King immediately shook his head, "If you do this, although the memory and the past will be sealed, all power will also be sealed."

Such a body, once the divine power is sealed, what will happen to the ancient **** king just thinking about it makes him tremble with fear.

But a **** shadow is a **** shadow.

Once she made up her mind, nothing could change it.

"What is more painful to me than her leaving."

"I called you here to ask you to do me a favor."

The Ancient God King was anxious, "What?"

"Help me temporarily erase all other people's memories about us."


Song Nianying smiled with tears in her eyes. She looked at the Ancient God King and said slowly, "In this world, no one knows that wherever there is Yan Chuyu, there must be me, Song Nianying."

They used to be inseparable like that.

The wind blew, knocking over the thousand waves, and the rain fell all over the sky, like someone's tears, falling in my heart little by little.

Song Nianying gently kissed the jade finger, and at the moment when the Ancient God King was asked to turn around and leave, she looked up at the waning moon in the sky and murmured, "Chu Yu, I can't hold on any longer."

She put the jade ring finger on her hand, and the memory was instantly stripped away in her mind like a tide. At the last moment, Song Nianying, who was standing on the cliff, opened her arms. She turned herself into the wind, took a deep leap, and jumped into the In the ocean where they first met.

The waves are rolling.

whose memory was buried.

Whose lover is covered up again.

"I love you."
