MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 95

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It's embarrassing for Longwei to hold back people like this forever.

Sheng Wang was so ashamed that she was about to burn. She even had an idea to hide it and never show it to Song Nianying.

But Song Nianying had a surprising liking for this dragon tail. She bent down slightly, and her long hair like a waterfall ran across the neck of the Holy King, carrying a tempting mint fragrance. Her slender fingers caressed the lovely pink hair. Dragon tail, hold it in the palm of your hand and play with it.

Dragons are fickle and can change into various forms.

But only the dragon tail, no matter how it changes, can only be hidden and cannot be changed.

That is their most powerful and proud existence, but to their lover, it is the most fragile and deadly existence.

A broken voice almost blurted out, but was severely restrained by the Holy King. Her eyes were full of mist, and she angrily said to Song Nianying: "Loose... let go."

Her memory is blank.

The cognition of the dragon tail is also blank, I just feel that it is a cowardly existence for the invincible and powerful holy king's coat.

But Song Nianying looked at the dragon tail in her hand, her eyes exuded liking and something that only a lover can understand, she curled her lips, "Don't be afraid."

No one knows the existence of this dragon tail better than her.

Luo Ranfeng wanted to give their young wives some time to resolve their jealousy, but unexpectedly, an unspeakable voice came from the next door.

It was the broken whimper of the Holy King, and the sound of begging for mercy.

Luo Ranfeng: ...

Fortunately, she still proudly believes that, as a vampire, such a powerful existence, no matter what, the Holy King should be mixed with an attack, but look at her...

There is a strange aroma in the air.

Song Nianying knew that the time was urgent, so she gently held the dragon's tail to play with. The skillful technique made the Holy King believe that they had known each other for a long time as she said before, and their relationship had always been deep.

Yan Chuyu's hands were weakly propped against the wall, controlling her body from slipping down. Song Nianying's long, snow-white neck and her inescapable hands were close at hand.

Everyone said that the shadow of a **** exists in the world instead of gods, and loves everyone.

Behind her, there are countless suitors and admirers, and they all call her sister so affectionately.

I think she is the most gentle and beautiful existence.

But here with the Holy King, they are all "hypocrites". She doesn't care how she begs for mercy, how she warns, and she refuses to let her tail go.

Just half an hour of profound education.

Let the Holy King understand the importance of the dragon's tail, and it must not be easily exposed in the future, but how can she control it?

Song Nianying looked into her eyes, her lips were red with a sense of oppression, "I can't take it anymore? Please, please, I will let you go."

The Holy King really reached out to push her, but Song Nianying easily grabbed her wrist, clasping both hands together.


After all, she is also a ghost.

A **** shadow with memory, but not as good as a holy king with a muddy head?

Really disobedient.

Still getting stronger.

The experience in the past is that she holds the best bargaining chip of the Holy King. She knows how to smash the reserved mask of the Holy King, how to defeat her forbearance and indifference, and force her to beg for mercy and watch her cry.

Yan Chuyu lay powerlessly on the bed, with her back facing Song Nianying, and Song Nianying covered her with a quilt, "You take a rest, my sister and I will discuss tomorrow's gathering of souls."

If you want to be reborn, you must first gather Yunrou's soul.

The holy king grabbed the quilt to wrap himself, and said nothing angrily.

She just... unexpectedly... actually treated her like this.

The Holy King felt that he had completely collapsed. They were clearly dressed and did not do anything, but they seemed to have done everything.

When the dragon tail was held in Song Nianying's hand, the Holy King felt as if he had thrown away his helmet and armor and could only throw himself at the helpless people, completely collapsing.

Moreover, the most important thing is that during this process, the Holy King not only restrained himself from losing his composure, but also controlled the temptation of blood.

Sucking blood was originally the instinct of the vampires.

When Song Nianying's fragrant body approached, she loved and panicked so much.

Song Nianying lowered her head and wanted to kiss the Holy King's forehead, but Yan Chuyu blocked her face with both hands and refused to let her kiss.

At that moment, Song Nianying's heart melted.

Her little Jiaojiao.

Thousands of years later, it is still the same.

I still remember the first time she owned her heartily, Chu Yu also collapsed and lost control and felt embarrassed.

Perhaps, the seventh princess, who has been proud and reserved since she was a child, was born aloof, never thought that one day she would be controlled by others like this.

When Song Nianying went to Luo Ranfeng's place, she deliberately washed her hands repeatedly to make sure that there would be no trace left.

Luo Ranfeng was cracking melon seeds in the room, when she saw her come in, she smiled, "Is it over?"

Song Nianying blushed, "We... have nothing to do."

With her words, it's okay to lie to Zuo Die and Hua Bairou, those little idiots, but who is Luo Ranfeng?

She raised her eyes and looked at Song Nianying with a smile: "Is there any embarrassment with my sister? You are just bullying me because I haven't recovered my memory."

Everyone thinks that the Dragon Clan is powerful, even Luo Ranfeng thought so before.

But... who would have imagined how messy and helpless such a powerful ethnic group would be if they were willing to be controlled by their lovers.

This is where the horror of mind reading lies.

Song Nianying smiled, and she looked at Luo Ranfeng: "Sister, how did you and Yun Rou control it?"

All experienced emotions.

When they were young, she and Chu Yu didn't get out of bed for several days and nights. Of course, she was the one who bullied the lovely Seventh Princess.

In this kind of matter, Song Nianying has always been more diligent and talented than Chu Yu.

When it comes to the person I like, even if it is the first ancestor, Luo Ranfeng has a smile in his eyes, "She is so pure and flawless, like Bai Xue, even if I can't restrain myself, I won't want her in broad daylight."

Yun Rou has been locked under the icicle all year round, handcuffed and fettered.

Hearing this, Song Nianying suddenly felt very uncomfortable, and huddled tightly into a ball.

If you think about it in another way, Chu Yu was locked under the icicle for thousands of years, and she suffered all kinds of tortures, she might have been blackened long ago.

What is the success of crossing the catastrophe.

She might even become worse than the evil god.

Luo Ranfeng looked at her, read her mind, and said slowly: "Over the years, the evil gods have often dragged me into the devil's realm, trying to drag me into the abyss. When I was confused many times, Ying'er, guess what? What do you see?"

Song Nianying pursed her lips and looked at her.

Luo Ranfeng smiled slightly: "All I saw was you back then, how you brought me back who was prostrate on the ground wearing dirty clothes and was cursed as evil and dirty."

For the warmth of that moment, that trust, she will not fall.

Song Nianying's eyes were moist. She was about to speak when there was a knock on the door.

She and Luo Ranfeng looked up and smiled at each other helplessly.

It is the holy king.

She was still worried about letting Song Nianying and Luo Ranfeng be together.

Opening the door, Song Nianying looked at the Holy King, "Why are you up?"

Didn't you just say you couldn't stand it?

Sheng Wang gave her a cold look, "Stay away from me."

Now, the only thing she could restrain Song Nianying was this cold warning, but it didn't work at all, even Luo Ranfeng restrained her smile when she read her thoughts.

——She actually came to chat with people after bullying me in seven days.

It's no wonder that the Holy King is extraordinarily "careful" about Luo Ranfeng's affairs, it's like Song Nianying's concern for the Merman, which is engraved into his soul.

It's also strange that when Song Nianying and Sheng Wang were chatting at the water's edge, they once said that apart from each other's character, what kind of people do they admire.

Song Nianying was so innocent at that time, she shook her feet and said with a smile: "I like that kind of gentle big sister type."

gentle big sister...

Looking at Shenying's trip to the world, they were all called sisters, and the one who asked her to call her sister, wasn't that the one?

Although the Holy King didn't show much at that time, the stones in his hands were crushed to ashes.

Everyone is here.

Time is precious.

Luo Ranfeng asked if he wanted to leave now, Sheng Wang nodded indifferently and had no objection, but Song Nianying looked at her worriedly, "Do you want to relax a bit?"

Yan Chuyu's face turned red all of a sudden, and she became angry from embarrassment: "I'm fine!"

Song Nianying smiled indulgently when she heard it, raised her hand, and stroked Chu Yu's long hair, "Okay, okay, we're doing fine."

I don't know who cried so loudly before.

Luo Ranfeng and the Holy King can do a flash pass, one step ahead, Song Nianying exchanged for a leather pants spider, the leather pants spider has been fed by Zuo Die for a few days, and the belly is full, when she sees her sister, Happily like a puppy, he fell to the ground, kicked his eight legs together, and exposed his belly.

Song Nianying touched its belly with a smile, one person and one spider quarreled for a while, and she asked, "Did you eat Zuo Die again?"

The spider in leather pants whined and stood up eagerly, Song Nianying smiled and shook his head: "I don't blame you for wasting money, I know you ate it all."

She took out a small plastic bag full of pearls from her pocket.

"This is for you, go back and give it to Zuo Die, you can exchange it for money."

The spider in leather pants looked at the pearls in the bag, tilted his head, and looked at his sister suspiciously.

Where did my sister come from?

Where did it come from?

Naturally, it is the fruit of my sister's labor.

Along the way, Sheng Wang and Luo Ranfeng were competing with each other.

Before coming here, the two had had a competition. In terms of foot strength, it was obvious that Luo Ranfeng was better, but in terms of stamina, the Holy King was better.

Now, Luo Ranfeng was left an arm's length behind by the Holy King, she was slightly surprised, and then figured it out.

Although the Holy King didn't say anything, when she got there, the way she folded her arms and looked down at Luo Ranfeng said everything.

The ancestors are the ancestors.

She patted the dust off her body, and smiled slightly: "The power of God's Shadow is really extraordinary. If I say it, the Shark King in the Sea can't compare to it."

Ying'er really lied to her, and said nothing.

Luo Ranfeng tilted her head, looked at Yan Chuyu carefully, looked at her slightly red and swollen lips, thoughtfully.

Perhaps, really did not enter the topic?

The Holy King was startled for a moment, then understood the meaning of her words, clenched his fists, and suppressed his shame.

This old mind-reading thing is really annoying.

"Where is she?"

The Holy King turned his back to Luo Ranfeng, looking at the snowy expanse in front of him.

Vampires are not afraid of the cold. Standing in this snowy place, the Holy King will not feel any discomfort, but a very clean feeling.

Here, there are not too many people and too many things, it is her favorite place to live in seclusion.

If I can live here with Niannian...

Luo Ranfeng turned her head, she closed her eyes, felt the faint breath in the air that almost melted into the air, and lowered her head angrily, "The wind and snow are not strong enough, I can't feel her."

The Holy King looked at Luo Ranfeng full of compassion, his red lips parted slightly, and he rarely spoke to comfort him: "It's so pitiful."

Luo Ranfeng: ...

She turned her head and looked at the snowflakes all over the sky, "If Nian Nian comes, even if the sun is dark, even if the breath is too weak to catch, I will definitely find her as soon as possible."

Luo Ranfeng bit her lip and stared at Yan Chuyu.

What is this dragon going to do?

She looked at Yan Chuyu with a half-smile: "Although I live in seclusion, I have heard that human feelings are always sensitive, so I understand."

The Holy King turned around, looked into her eyes, and asked coldly, "So what?"

She seemed to be naturally indifferent to these things.

"You haven't even suffered."

Still have the nerve to say her?

Luo Ranfeng: ...

Without Song Nianying around, Yan Chuyu was really a terrifying murderous god, with a bad temper, indifferent and arrogant, and his mouth was so poisonous.

A hundred kilometers away, there is a faint aura of divine shadow floating over. The Holy King has one hand behind her back. She is wearing a long lake blue dress, like a spring water that is incompatible with this ice and snow world. Her blue eyes are staring at you. Looking at Luo Ranfeng, there was an aura between her eyebrows: "You also know that to save your lover, I need to work together with Nian Nian."

The Holy King seemed to have thought of a way to restrain Luo Ranfeng. She had a simple mind, so as long as she didn't think about the next topic, she couldn't read it.

Luo Ranfeng lowered her eyes slightly, did she come to threaten her?

The Holy King put one hand behind his back, "Her future rebirth needs to be nourished by the breath of Nian Nian, wrapped in my dragon ball fetal sac, in a sense—" She elongated her voice and blinked her long eyelashes, " She is our child."

Luo Ranfeng staggered and almost fell.

The Holy King brushed off the wind and frost on his body, "You are her lover, so naturally you have to follow her. So, don't get too close to Nian Nian."

Her eyes changed, "I don't like it."

Just finished saying this, with the shallow sound of the flute, the spider in leather pants ran towards them with a snort of cool air. Song Nianying descended from the sky, took out the jade flute tied around his waist, and looked at them curiously: "You guys! What are you talking about? So happy?"

It's really strange that they actually chatted together.

The Holy King didn't speak, but turned his head away, while Luo Ranfeng smiled slightly and looked at Song Nianying: "Aren't you happy, I'm chatting with your family, do you want to call your mother?"

Song Nianying: ...

Holy King: ...

As soon as the words fell, as Song Nianying's toes landed on the ground, the wind suddenly became steeper and faster, rolling up large snowflakes, faintly gathering human shapes, Luo Ranfeng opened his eyes wide, full of surprise and disbelief, "You ..."

And the snow-pile person seemed to have never heard her words, and unexpectedly passed her, with a cold breath, he came straight towards the shadow.

Protecting Song Nianying has become an instinct. The Holy King reacted quickly. He took out the water sword from his waist with his right hand. He raised his hand and was about to chop it off. Luo Ranfeng grabbed his wrist and said, "Don't!"