MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 227

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Return the security uniform he borrowed.

The superimposition of the knowledge of surveillance on the transparent world and yellow-haired photography is simply a magical skill of diving.

Ms. Jingxiang is Tokuda Hiroshi's wife, and she is also the woman he said has signed the divorce agreement. These materials are not difficult to find.

Knowing that he is getting divorced, seeing the security of the building bringing his wife something at this time, he naturally wouldn't be suspicious.

He is not the protagonist of those novels. He is known to have evil plans against the women around him, and he has to passively wait for the other party to frame him before passively fighting back.

The correct approach, of course, is to deal with the other party first, regardless of the pros and cons.

If I make a mistake, I can only apologize.

Who made you want to **** my woman.

What's more, he didn't kill him.

Time soon came to the next day.

When Bai Chuanxia went to the police station to look for Ma Fei Hojo, she looked as usual: "Tokuda Hiroshi was attacked by unknown gangsters last night, he insisted that he was attacked by a ghost, he is currently undergoing a psychiatric evaluation, and I will continue to take over his work. "

After she finished speaking, seeing Bai Chuanxia looking at her strangely, she frowned and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"It's okay." Bai Chuanxia pursed her lips, except that she felt that Concubine Hojo was not at all as coquettish as she was yesterday at the police station.

Regarding Tokuda Hao's accident, there was no surprise at all, and he was not asked.

Of course, Bai Chuanxia would not take the initiative to ask, and went to the inquiry room with Aunt Ma Fei.

He met the suspect who was identified as a kidnapper and jailed.

Aged in his 20s, very young, sitting there looking around anxiously, his hands constantly changing positions.

Seeing Bai Chuanxia coming in, he hurriedly said, "I'm not a prisoner, I'm not a prisoner, she and I are in love."

The corners of Bai Chuanxia's mouth twitched, Dian Zhongdian, he also felt that he and his aunt were in love, but he couldn't just tie her home and make her into his own shape.

"Please calm down." Aunt Ma Fei's voice was very reassuring, with gentleness in her seriousness: "Please describe the process of your meeting again."

"Okay...Okay." The young man bit his finger: "She took the initiative to talk to me, and I went to the company for an interview."

"Why did she talk to you?" Bai Chuanxia narrowed his eyes, could it be that the other party is the kind of woman who enjoys playing with men's feelings.

"Oh, she is the front desk of the company." The young man said.

"..." Bai Chuanxia rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Chapter 294 Extraordinary means

Just as Bai Chuanxia was about to have an attack, he suddenly felt a strange sensation in his calf, glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, and froze for a moment.

One of Concubine Hojo's feet protruded out of the leather boot at some point, and her toes touched his calf and slid along the trouser leg.

On the desktop, she was looking at the young man with a serious face, majestic and beautiful.

Although the uniforms made up by the police department are women's trousers, not short skirts, and no stockings, even socks.

But Aunt Ma Fei's movements were very gentle, as if she was stroking and massaging.

Let Bai Chuanxia's anger towards the young man instantly concentrate from the top of his head to his lower body.

"Ahem." He coughed twice, adjusting his facial expression, so he couldn't do small movements under the table with a serious face like Auntie Ma.

"So Shota, how did you two start dating?"

"Well, after that time, I felt that she had a crush on me." Xiangta was a little shy, as if he felt a little shy about what he said, lowered his head, and continued:

"After I finished the interview, I waited outside the building for her to get off work. We talked about some topics again. How should I say it? I feel that this is destined."

"Sorry to interrupt you." Bai Chuanxia asked, "So how is your interview going?"

"It didn't meet the company's requirements." Xiangta lowered his head in embarrassment: "So I found a job as a car washer nearby."

"And when she gets off work, get off work with her, then go home together, and wait for her at the door of her apartment in the morning."

"Our relationship is established in this bit by bit."

"Later, she said that her family arranged for the marriage of her company executives and she was willing to elope with me, so I brought her to my house. This is not imprisonment."

"..." Bai Chuanxia covered his face with his hands and remained silent.

"Do you not believe me?" Xiangta was keenly aware of the change in his expression, and carefully asked, "I can feel that she loves me."

After a while, Bai Chuanxia put down his hands: "Mr. Xiangtai, you have to believe that I am on your side. Have you ever dated a girl before?"

"This..." Xiangta hesitated and said, "No."

"So do you think you like each other, what kind of interactions do you usually have, such as where to go on a date?"

"Because she said that she is busy at work, so going to and from get off work is our date."

"So have you ever said, "I love you" or something like that?"

"She and I are both relatively shy characters. It is needless to say this kind of thing."

"..." Bai Chuanxia covered his face for the third time, and organized his thoughts: "Okay, I know the specific situation, and I will conduct an in-depth investigation."

"It's troublesome." Xiangta suddenly said when he got up: "Sorry, has Miwako come to see me?"

Bai Chuanxia looked at Maki Hojo.

"In order to prevent the confession, you cannot meet until the results of the review come out." Hojo Mafei explained with a serious face.

"Okay, sorry for the inconvenience, both of you." Xiangta nodded with a sigh of relief.

Coming out of the inquiry room, Shirakawa Natsu and Maki Hojo entered the office together.

As a police officer, Maki Hojo has a one-person office, although the area is small and full of sundries.

"You really think he's innocent?" Bai Chuanxia's mouth twitched: "To be honest, this is definitely an act of a stalker."

"I don't know either." Maki Hojo sat leaning on the desk: "But I don't think he is."

"Auntie, you don't mean to see his handsomeness." Bai Chuanxia leaned over, the distance between the two of them was only two centimeters.

The prisoner, Shota, is not handsome, he can only be considered shy, and he is completely incomparable with Bai Chuanxia.

When Concubine Beijo heard his words, she frowned slightly: "Why do you say such things?"

"Trusting a man unconditionally like this makes me a little jealous." Bai Chuanxia leaned over again.

Of course he knew that although Auntie Concubine Ma was very good at it, she was also a very sensible person, a rational mature woman, in order to save trouble, she would not casually get involved with other men.

But this did not prevent him from taking the opportunity to tease Aunt Ma Fei.

"Yes." Concubine Hojo admitted directly: "When I see a handsome boy, I have no way to resist. Isn't this normal?"

"Uh." The corners of Bai Chuanxia's mouth twitched. Although she knew she was provoking, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

It feels like when I'm having **** with my girlfriend, she suddenly calls another man's name.

Concubine Hojo suddenly stretched out her hand, lifted his chin, and leaned over.

Bai Chuanxia thought that his aunt was going to kiss him, and stopped when the distance between their lips was only one millimeter: "If you can find out any doubts, you can pay a reward in advance."

After she finished speaking, she leaned her head back, distanced herself from him, reached out and took out a stack of documents from the desk and handed it to him:

"This is Miwako's information."

"Good guy, you still need to give feedback in time, right?" Bai Chuanxia had a strange expression. This mechanism of dividing the reward into several parts for the purpose of motivating people and giving timely feedback has been understood.

"Since it's a little reward, can I intervene?" Bai Chuanxia felt that speaking in front of Aunt Ma Fei would become particularly explicit and bold.

Concubine Hojo looked at him with a half-smile, sitting on the desk with her feet stacked, her legs raised, her chin resting on one hand:

"Okay, but even if Tokuda is injured, I can only postpone the case for three days at most, and I have to hand over all the evidence to the procuratorate."

"Really agreed?" Bai Chuanxia was taken aback for a moment, and then ecstatically, as long as he stabbed it, he could trigger the emergency mission of the yellow-haired app.

"No problem, three days is enough."

He discovered that Auntie Ma has two sides, a strict mother and a heroic policewoman.

But in front of men who have had relationships, they will be very bold.

When Bai Chuanxia walked out of the police station with the documents, he was suddenly taken aback. This matter seemed to be Auntie Ma's.

Why did it become my own thing without knowing it.

"Forget it." He threw these thoughts out of his head and took out the documents to read.

"Miwako Ueda, 26 years old, unmarried."

The woman in the photo is wearing an office worker uniform and is employed by the secretariat of the real estate company.

Although it is the secretariat, it is actually some work of serving tea and pouring water, and part-time receptionist reception.

This also shows that her appearance is above the average.

Bai Chuanxia is used to seeing beautiful women, so she thinks it is 70 points, but she has long hair, OL uniform, black silk high heels, and oval face, which is a bit like the face of first love.

Among the materials is an investigation report written by Maki Hojo.

In the early statement, Miwako denied the relationship with Shota, and said that Shota's behavior had an impact on her life.

Bai Chuanxia read all the statements.

The case is clear and clear, that is, Shota bullied Miwako with a gentle personality and didn't know how to refuse.

Thus, there are three major illusions in life.

This girl has a crush on me.

But Bai Chuanxia believed in Auntie Ma's judgment. She said that there was a problem, and there must be a problem.

Now hand over this matter to him, that is to say, if it is investigated by conventional means, then this is an iron case.

However, Auntie Ma's investigation must abide by the police code. At the moment of professional ethics, Auntie has always insisted on her own.

"We have to use some extraordinary means." Bai Chuanxia rubbed his chin. Normally, he would have called his brother over.

But he was also a little embarrassed by the behavior of this brother who had something to do.

The time came to evening.

Miwako came home after get off work, and she lived in a bachelor apartment near the city center.

The second she opened the door, a hand stretched out from behind and covered her mouth.

Chapter 295 Not Much Experience

"Woohoo!" Miwako wanted to call for help, but the palm covering her lips was so strong that her cry for help turned into a whimper.

"Sorry, please be quiet, otherwise you will die." Bai Chuanxia leaned close to her ear, his voice was very hoarse through the mask.

"Understood, just nod and close your eyes."

Miwako's struggle gradually slowed down, she immediately closed her eyes, nodded, showing a strong degree of cooperation.

Bai Chuanxia looked strange, and put the pistol back into his waist, which was originally intended to be used as a threat, but now it seems that it is useless.

Aunt Ma Fei has already proved that the normal procedure will not work, and he will not foolishly re-investigate when he knows that there are only two days.

There is no more direct way than asking the parties directly.

There is no doubt that the skill of the transparent world is a stealth skill.

The only disadvantage is that the duration is only 9 seconds, which makes him sometimes need to get stuck in a blind spot of vision and wait for 60 minutes CD in order to avoid surveillance.

He also made up his mind to strengthen other organs of his body as soon as possible.

"Holding...Sorry, what should I call you?" Mei Hezi closed her eyes tightly, speaking like a mosquito, afraid of offending the man behind her.

"You can call me the director." Bai Chuanxia smiled: "Come in."

He took out the blindfold from his pocket and put it on her eyes.

Miwako cooperated all the way and was guided to sit on the sofa by him.

Bai Chuanxia also began to look at her, she looked a little prettier than in the photo, with long hair, OL uniform, hip skirt, black stockings and high heels.

Typical office girl attire.

After sitting on the sofa, automatically close your feet and place them obliquely, with your hands on your thighs, sitting in a ladylike posture.