MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 229

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"Of course, legal aid will be assigned to you at that time, but that kind of lawyer is just going through the motions, standing up and saying "I have no objection" after the judge announces the charges."

"Looking at the punishment in the past years, since you were not charged with violence during your imprisonment, there is a high probability that you will be sentenced to three to six years in prison."

"That's right." Xiangta lowered his head, his eyes darkened: "How can a white-collar beauty like her like a guy like me who failed in interviews?"

As he spoke, he raised his head, eyes red, and said with a smile: "It's impossible to think about it, I'm really disgusting enough."

"Talk to yourself that you like others, and pretend to be affectionate that the other person likes you too. In fact, you are just causing trouble to others."

Bai Chuanxia raised his eyebrows: "Compared to these, you should be more concerned about your sentence?"

"That's right." Xiangta lowered his head again: "There is no other way."

"Look into my eyes." Bai Chuanxia said suddenly.

"What?" Xiangta raised his head and looked at him strangely.

"I will find evidence of your innocence." Bai Chuanxia said: "But you better hope that everything you say is the truth. If I find out that you lied to me, I will seal you in cement and throw you into Tokyo." Bay, I promise I will."

Xiangta was taken aback for a moment, obviously frightened by Bai Chuanxia's appearance.

Bai Chuanxia ignored him, stood up, and quickly left the detention center.

There are still two days before the case is submitted to the court for conviction, and he must race against time.

First of all, it is necessary to determine whether Xiangta is one of the three major illusions in life, or whether the two really have a crush on each other.

Time came to the second day.

A luxury sports car was parked at the gate of Meihezi's work company.

Bai Chuanxia got out of the car.

Miwako didn't come to work, and the hijacking happened only yesterday, so she would either change the locks at home today, or prepare to move.

There was only one girl in OL uniform at the front desk, Shirakawa knew her name was Keiko Hirota.

In the answer last night, I asked about it.

When she saw a super handsome guy coming down from the luxury sports car, her eyes lit up, and she bowed and said, "Hi, may I help you."

"Sorry, can I ask you a few questions?" Bai Chuanxia smiled and took out his police officer ID. Of course it was fake, but with Concubine Ma around, even if he asked, it would be true for the time being.

"Sorry, I need the company's approval." Hirota Keiko saw that it was a policeman, and the excitement in his eyes became smaller for a moment, and he entered the work mode:

"Can you wait a moment?"

"It's just a little thought." Bai Chuanxia looked around, lowered his voice and secretly slipped him a stack of envelopes, without opening it, he knew that there was a thick stack of banknotes inside, at least 1 million.

Hirota Keiko was taken aback, and immediately stood up straight, took a step back, and bowed: "It is our citizen's duty to cooperate with the police."

The police asked, how could it be possible to stuff the red envelopes, something abnormal, there must be a demon, how dare she accept it.

In the next second, she saw the handsome weak policeman in front of her with red eye circles.

"You... are you okay? How about I pour you a glass of water."

Keiko Hirota was in a daze, she looked around cautiously, but she didn't see the camera, so she was sure it wasn't some TV prank show.

"Sorry, I've been under too much pressure recently, thank you, you are a good person." Bai Chuanxia took the water, his face was full of gratitude, and then his face darkened, as if he had opened up the conversation:

"It's my dream to be a policeman, but my senior was a guy who could squeeze newcomers very much."

He wasn't lying. The last time he entered Auntie Ma's body, she was the one who squeezed him cleanest among all the women.

Hirota Keiko is still in a daze, can you say that casually, handsome guy, it's the first time we've met, and I'm not familiar with you.

She looked at the luxury sports car parked outside again, and decided to finish listening first.

Chapter 297 Adult Woman

At the front desk of the company, Bai Chuanxia held tea in his hand with a strange expression.

He just wanted to act weaker to get a confession. If the normal procedure is followed, there is a high probability that Meihezi's colleagues will pretend not to know in order not to cause trouble.

But the lady at the front desk said excuse me and disappeared.

Hirota Keiko is quickly putting on makeup in the bathroom in front of the mirror. Words that are usually seen in novels such as "rich second generation", "little milk dog" and "weak subject" continue to emerge.

Bai Chuanxia looked at his watch, ten minutes had passed, and he planned to get up first.

Hirota Keiko stepped on high heels, walking slowly, her image and temperament and her working status just now seemed to be a different person.

"Sorry, Officer Xia, I didn't feel well just now."

"Uh, it's okay." Bai Chuanxia pretended not to see the makeup on her face: "I want to know, did Miwako get close to other men before dating Taro Tanaka?"

"Other men?" Hirota Keiko's eyes flashed strangely, then she shook her head: "I don't know, she and I are just colleagues."

When Bai Chuanxia heard this, frustration appeared in his eyes, and he stuffed the envelope containing one million dollars back into his bag, stood up, and saluted her:

"Miss Hirota Keiko, excuse me, you don't have any clues here, I'll go to another place to ask."

After he finished speaking, he turned to leave.

"Wait, I seem to see that she has been working with a man since last year."

"Oh?" Bai Chuanxia smiled, "Do you know their relationship?"

"I asked Miwako." Hirota Keiko recalled: "She said they were just friends."

"Okay, when did you see them together." Bai Chuanxia asked several questions in succession.

Hirota Keiko answered one by one.

"Thank you very much for your help." After Bai Chuanxia saluted her, he turned and left.

"Officer Xia~" Seeing that he was about to leave, Keiko Hirota leaned over and said, "I have answered so many of your questions, why don't you thank me with practical actions?"

"Sorry, Miss Hirota Keiko." Shirakawa Natsu extended his hand to her: "Cooperating with the police is everyone's duty, please respect yourself."

After he finished speaking, while Keiko Hirota was in a daze, he got into the luxury sports car and left.

At first, he took out the envelope containing the money and took it away.

Leaving Keiko Hirota stunned, she stomped her feet suddenly and finally realized that she had been prostituted for nothing.

Bai Chuanxia looked at the transcript while driving.

According to Keiko Hirota, Miwako and Shota commute to get off work together every day, but the two are not too close, more like ordinary friends.

"Like a friend?"

Bai Chuanxia tapped the steering wheel with her fingers and pulled the car to the side of the road.

He took out the photo from his pocket and asked the store owner along the way.

"Hello boss, do you recognize these two people?"

"Sorry, no impression."

"Hi lady, may I ask..."

Bai Chuanxia asked all the way along the road the two of them had to go to work.

Until at a roasted bird shop.

"I've met these two people, and they occasionally come to my store to eat skewers together."

"Do they look like a couple?" Bai Chuanxia asked hurriedly with a frozen expression.

"Yeah." The boss looked at the photo and shook his head after recalling, "Looks like a couple but doesn't look like one."

"Boss, please don't joke around."

"Sorry, I was the one who expressed the question, and I don't know how to say it."

"OK, thanks."

Bai Chuanxia came out of the roasted bird shop and asked all the way to the door of Meihezi's house.

"Well, this is our resident, this boy will send her downstairs every day, so I have the impression."

"Thank you very much." Bai Chuanxia took out a pack of cigarettes and stuffed them in his hand: "What else?"

"Because the boys would watch her go upstairs before leaving, but they never went up."

"Then did she react, like fear or something?"

"How could you be afraid? She would turn around and bow every time. I always thought they were a couple."


Bai Chuanxia looked up at the apartment. It wasn't high-end, but the monthly rent was not small, equivalent to half the salary of ordinary white-collar workers.

When I returned to the car, I felt a burst of fatigue, and I had been busy all afternoon before I knew it.

After a little hesitation in the car, he drove back to the police station.

I met Aunt Ma Fei at the door.

"Beautiful lady, you need a handsome driver." Bai Chuanxia parked the sports car in front of her and closed the door.

Concubine Ma cast a glance at him, and without pretentiousness, she opened the door and got into the car.

Bai Chuanxia glanced at her high chest.

"Is it because Miwako admits that there was a misunderstanding between him and Shota, and Shota can be released without charge."

"Yes." Concubine Ma's expression was half a smile, "If it's just a misunderstanding, then the two of them just played boldly, and our police don't have the power to pursue it."

"Can we arrange a meeting?" Bai Chuanxia said while driving, "I think I already know the truth of the matter."

"Yes." Concubine Ma gave him a meaningful look.

On the second day, the detention center.

"Miwako..." Shota wanted to ask a question when he saw Miwako, but after a flash of confusion in his eyes, he lowered his head again and sat back in his seat.

Miwako wore ordinary home clothes and a short skirt, with her head bowed.

"He's my assistant, and now we're making the final mediation." Concubine Ma sat back on her seat after sweeping her gaze over everyone, and handed the stage to Bai Chuanxia.

"Miss Miwako." Bai Chuanxia stood up and looked at the silent Miwako: "Miwako, miss, what I want to ask is your true thoughts. Please tell the truth, you said that Shota imprisoned you in his house, according to I investigated, and the neighbors around did not hear any calls for help. During the period, he went to his company to ask for leave, and was even asked to work overtime for half a day. During this period, you are fully capable of leaving.”

After a long silence, Mei Hezi shook her head, "That's not true, but I was too scared, afraid that he would hurt me, so I didn't dare to call for help."

Bai Chuanxia: "I asked about the store you have been to, and the boss said that you often have a good conversation, and it doesn't seem to be an attitude towards harassers."

"No, there is no such thing." Miwako continued to deny.

Hearing this, Shota lowered his head lower and lower.

"Do you really think Shota is bothering you?"


"Don't you have any affection for him?"


"You're planning to marry a better Tanaka Taro, that's why you said that, right?"

When Bai Chuanxia asked this, Shota raised his head, a certain kind of hope flashed in his eyes.

After a long silence, Mei Hezi shook her head: "No."

"Don't you have any affection for Xiangta at all?"


"Not at all?"

"No, only trouble."

Shota lowered his head slowly.

Outside the detention center, on a luxury sports car.

Concubine Ma opened the door and stepped into the passenger seat.

"Shota pleaded guilty."

"He is innocent. Miwako sacrificed him for her own happiness." Bai Chuanxia held the steering wheel.

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