MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 245

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His appearance is indeed more people want to bully.

The action of the two attracted another girl, who also joined in.

In just a few minutes, Qingshuixi was surrounded by three scantily clad sisters.

Qingshuixi was obviously at a loss.

Bai Chuanxia just watched Qingshuixi being half pushed and half taken away by the three women.

"...What the **** is this tm?"

"Hee hee, do you want to take a look?" Nao smiled.

"En." Bai Chuanxia nodded, and followed the four of them far behind.

Watching the four people enter the remote position.

He leaned against the wall and looked over.

I just feel black in front of my eyes.

Qingshuixi was in the middle, his hands and feet were held down by two women, and another woman had already untied his clothes.

Chapter 318 Unsightly

Qing Shuixi had tears in his eyes and clenched his teeth, but he didn't dare to shout out loud.

"I'm easy to bully."

These five words are written on the face.

Malice is contagious, after Qingshuixi showed weakness.

The girl's movements became more and more daring. Her cosplay role is that of a royal sister, wearing a two-dimensional **** military uniform and wearing high-heeled leather boots.

She stood up and stepped on Qingshuixi's legs.


After Qingshuixi exclaimed, he didn't dare to look at the girl, but turned his head away.

"Hurry up." The girl said to her companion.

"Please don't do this." Qing Shuixi's voice was like a mosquito.

"Stop talking nonsense, shut up." The cos kid raised his voice.

"Hee hee, little brother, be obedient." said the girl who pressed his arm.

"Wow, why is this kid so small~~~!" The **** the other side blushed slightly and stared intently.

"I haven't developed yet, what a child, haha."

Qingshuixi reacted weakly, making the bully bolder.

She pressed Qing Shuixi's arm with one hand, and pushed his younger brother with her knee: "What is this, a ring can fit in it, it's as big as a baby, wow haha."

Bai Chuanxia stood at the corner, looking sideways at the backs of the three girls.

Qing Shuixi's body could not be seen from his position, so it wasn't too hot on the eyes.

"Hee hee, Xia, are we going to help?" Nasu leaned into his ear, with a smile in his voice.

Hearing the laughter of the three girls, Bai Chuanxia shook his head: "Wait a minute."

Qingshuixi is the key figure in this case.

From the girl's conversation just now.

"Small." "Baby-like." Adjectives.

Pretty much like the standard bitter master template.

Bai Chuanxia decided that as soon as he called for help, he would come out and stop him immediately.

Nao giggled and hugged his arm.

As long as she is with Baichuanxia, ​​she will be very happy.

The girl's conversation came.

"Wahhaha, this guy is crying, how pitiful."

The leading girl handed the mobile phone to the companion next to her: "You take pictures."

She looked at Qingshuixi and unbuttoned the belt of her shorts.

"Hey, no, are you really having **** with this guy?"

"Hee hee, don't you think it's very interesting, like bullying elementary school students." The girl took her shorts down to her knees and sat down.

"Haha, you are really a devil."

"Could it be too much? He might be in trouble if he exposes it."

"Don't worry, don't worry." The girl moved her body and said to Qingshuixi, "You did it voluntarily, right?"

"Woo..." Qing Shuixi's face was full of tears,

"I'll come too." The girl next to her let go of her hand, spread her legs, and sat astride Qing Shuixi's face, her cheeks flushed.

"Woooooo..." Qing Shuixi whimpered and shook his head, as if trying to break free.

"Aha." The girl moaned, more to satisfy some kind of psychological pleasure.

The corners of Bai Chuanxia's mouth twitched, how did this start to play.

Whether to go out or not, Qingshuixi's resistance is not too fierce, whether it is voluntary or forced.

He reached out his hand to cover Nasu's eyes: "Nao, don't look, hot eyes, let's go outside for a while first."

This Qingshuixi looks more like a half-push.

It's better to go on a date with Nao than to stay here.

"Okay~" Nasu smiled and took his hand, and ran outside.

"Hey, are you a child?" Bai Chuanxia was dragged by her, and walked quickly to the venue.

"Look over there, it's so beautiful~" Nao pointed to a girl standing in the crowd, she was wearing a gorgeous white wedding dress.

"Yeah." Bai Chuanxia held Nao's little hand, "I'll let Nao wear it."

Nasu stood on tiptoe, kissed him on the cheek, and ran away with a smile after winning his hand: "Look over there, over there."

"Okay." Bai Chuanxia took her hand and looked at her lively appearance: "Nao, why are you always so happy."

Hearing this, Nasu turned around and put her hands behind her back: "I want the time Xiaoxia and I are together to be happy memories."

"Ah." Bai Chuanxia was speechless for a while.

"I'm super happy today." Nao leaned down and pressed his face against his chest: "Xia has been busy with her own affairs recently, but today she specially asked me to come out on a date."

"Sorry, I've been really busy recently." Bai Chuanxia didn't forget about his aunt, and the hidden mission of the APP.

Before finishing these, I dare not be with Nao every day.

"After finishing all this work, I will definitely be with you, and then you will find me annoying."

"No way~" Nao rubbed against his chest, "No matter how long we've been together, I won't be satisfied with liking Xia."

"Well, me too." Bai Chuanxia took advantage of the situation and hugged her.

Contemporary couples embrace each other without being too conspicuous.

"But now I only pretend to be Xia 61% in my heart." Nao became arrogant again after finishing speaking.

"Got it, got it." Bai Chuanxia patted her head: "My girlfriend is so cute."

When he finished speaking, he turned around and saw the three girls walking together talking and laughing.

Apparently the constant time has ended.

"Let's go and have a look." Bai Chuanxia didn't forget that today's goal was Qingshuixi, and took her hand and walked towards the corner of the stairs.

Unlike the noise outside, it is very quiet here.

As he approached, a strange moan was faintly heard in the air.

"What the hell?"

He poked his head out at the corner, feeling that his eyes were dark again, retracted his head, and covered Nao's eyes behind him: "Don't look, your eyes are too hot."

"Oh~" Nao nodded obediently.

Bai Chuanxia motioned her to stand where she was, and poked her head out again, feeling her scalp tingling.

Qingshuixi hadn't left yet, but was pressed to the ground facing the ground.

Behind him is also a male cosplayer, who is hugging his slender waist from behind, his movements are unsightly.

"What the **** is this shit?" Bai Chuanxia was glad that there were a lot of cosplay clothes of this kind, covering up the key parts, and just watched the two stick together and move.

But still hot.

Qing Shuixi was beautifully made up, lying on the ground, her eyes were blurred, and she looked completely spoiled and lost her intention to resist.

"Damn." Of course, Bai Chuanxia would not be here to watch the performance of the two, so he took Nao's hand and ran to the staff to report.

Not long after, I saw Qingshuixi stumbling out of it.

In the following time, while accompanying Nao, Shirakawa Xia saw him start to visit the comic exhibition as if nothing had happened.

I didn't communicate with the male cosplayer who was on him just now, it seems to be a random passerby.

On the way home, it can be said that the investigation turned up nothing.

"I'm so happy today~" Nao rested her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah." Bai Chuanxia felt that today was not in vain: "I have something to do tonight, so go get busy first."

"Okay." Nao didn't bother, but just raised his head.

Bai Chuanxia lowered his head and kissed her lightly on the lips, waved goodbye, and drove away.

It's only afternoon now.

He decided to investigate the last person involved, Yuko Kimura.

According to the address on the information, stop in front of a tailor shop.

Through the window, I saw a young girl sitting at the front desk, skillfully processing the clothes on the table.

Chapter 319 The situation is not good

The girl sat behind the workbench, concentrating on her hands, as if the workbench was her whole world.

"Strange." Bai Chuanxia observed her through the car window.

I saw the scene of Qingshuixi's hot eyes just now, but now seeing his girlfriend look like a normal person, it's quite abrupt.

He looked around, it was just a small shop on the corner, and the traffic was not high.

There are some kimonos hanging in the store. It seems that the business scope is mainly traditional clothing.

Bai Chuanxia opened the car door and went in to have a look.

Go outside the store, reach out and push the door open.


There was a crisp copper bell behind the wooden door.

Immediately, Yuko Kimura raised her head from work, looked over, and saw a handsome young man like Shirakawa Xia, doubts flashed in her eyes:

"Hi, welcome, is there anything I can do for you?"

She has a pair of star eyes, which makes her look serious and serious.

"Excuse me, are you the boss?" Bai Chuan smiled with a refreshing smile. With a head of blond hair, under the sunlight coming in through the glass, it is warm and warm.

As a pure love yellow hair, his blond advanced route comes with a bonus of favorability.

Yuko Kimura stayed on his face for two more seconds: