MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 288

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Bai Chuanxia found that Huanna was in pain and convulsed all over, and she had no time to look at this side, so she also hugged Nao's slender waist with both hands.

Nao's figure was the petite among his women, and she was the most girlish. When she was hugged in her arms, she always seemed to be bullying a young girl who had just developed.

Always strangling him tightly, as if stuck to it, so worried that it would bring out the inside.

Nasu's screams gradually coincided with his movements, and began to rhythmically.

Huannai's consciousness is blurred, she wants to call out, the punishment doesn't matter anymore, just die.

But Nao's miserable cry echoed in her ears.

"No, I can't give up."

Kannai told himself to persevere with the remaining rationality.

That weak little girl screamed so miserably, her pain must be above her own.

Therefore, we cannot give up yet.

Huannai was confused, as if her mother was by her side.

"I'm sorry, mom... woo-woo..."

Tears welled up in my eyes.

Her abdomen had already lost feeling and became numb, but the pain did not decrease at all, and it kept stimulating her nerves.

She gradually lost control of her abdominal muscles.

The body is no longer my own.

She wanted to have her lower body removed and end this pain.

Eyes turned white.


The muscles of the lower body completely lost control, and the water flowed out between the feet and landed on the sheets, and the wet area was getting bigger and bigger.

Kannai had no chance to feel shyness or anything like that, she had completely fainted in the moment just now.

Bai Chuanxia immediately noticed that she was strange.

Hastily pulled it out of Nao's body, and was not in the mood to pay attention to the valgus.

When he came to Huannai, he hurriedly turned off the pregnancy test machine, and saw obvious bruises on her abdomen.

"Is there a problem with this?"

Nao stroked her abdomen with his hand: "Hey, it's okay, it will be fine in a few hours."

"Okay, let's prepare for the next scene." Bai Chuanxia nodded, letting her feel the pain was just the first step, and she didn't expect to faint from the pain.

He turned his head to look at Naxu, she was looking at Lezihu, and they were eccentric with each other.

"Hey." Bai Chuanxia sighed, Nao and Fox usually get along pretty well, but once he joins in, the atmosphere of the three of them becomes strange.

Le Zihu always likes to tease him, and then sees Nao get angry.

Nao is also not a character who refuses to admit defeat. If she is angry, she will definitely take revenge.

There is absolutely no hope for women to get along in harmony.

Yazhikui has been sitting on the side since the beginning, watching the one person and one fox with great interest, his eyes seem to be watching a romantic drama at 8 o'clock.


Huannai slowly opened her eyes. She felt a strong soreness in her abdomen. The discomfort made her want to vomit. Enduring the nausea, she looked around.

An empty room with only one door.

"Are you awake?" Mi Zhikui leaned against the wall and looked at her: "You are all good."

"Us?" Huannai seemed to think of something, and suddenly turned his head to look around.

The little girl played by Nao is lying on the ground with a pale face.

"how are you feeling?"

Kanna hurried up and took Nao's hand.

She remembers it clearly.

Before she fainted, the little girl screamed much more miserable than she did, and it was hard to imagine how much pain she had suffered.

"I...I'm fine." Nao's voice was weak, and she looked at Kanna with gratitude in her eyes: "Thank you, if it wasn't for you, I would definitely not be able to hold on."

"No, it was you who made me decide to persevere." Kanna stretched out her hand, hugged Nao, and comforted her.

This poor, weak and helpless little girl made her seem to see herself.

"Let's talk about lyrical things later." Yazhikui pointed to the only door in the room: "When the demon explained the rules just now, you all fainted. We still have about half an hour to rest."

"After half an hour, we need to walk through that door. According to the devil, the other side of the door is our inner demon, and we need to defeat him."

"What do you mean?" Huannai felt that this statement was too mysterious.

"I don't know either, I'll find out later." Mizhikui shook his head: "There's still half an hour left, why don't you tell me why you came here."

Chapter 377

"Me?" Kannai has been in a high state of tension since she came here, and she only started to think about this question when she heard Yazhikui mention it.

According to the devil's words, he was sent here because he was sorry for the life his mother gave him.

Could it be because he had **** with Bai Chuanxia, ​​who might become a stepdad?

So committed the crime of chaos and ethics?

Of course, she won't say these things, she shook her head after silence: "I don't know why I came here, I'm in the hotel, and I came here when I woke up."

"I'm sleeping at home too." Sitting aside, Nao timidly said, "I've always gotten along well with my mother. The devil must have made a mistake to bring me here."

After the two finished speaking, they looked at Mi Zhikui.

She's the only one here who knows anything.

"Hmph." Mizhikui let out a chuckle, and glanced over the two of them with disdain: "Devils are not good things. The so-called redemption is just fun in the name of justice."

"Evil souls, in the eyes of demons, are like lights in the dark night. They brought you here. It must be your evil that attracted them."

"According to the rules of the game, if you can't face up to your sins, you won't be able to leave the game."

When Hannai heard this, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

She was not sure if she was brought here because she had **** with Bai Chuanxia.

So I did it with my mother's unmarried boyfriend, is it a mess, Lun.

It is difficult to give a precise definition of this kind of thing.

"What does it mean that you can't go back?" Nao was more concerned about this.

"Literally." Yazhikui shrugged: "This is the third game I have experienced. I was brought here because I killed my friend."

"You killed someone?" Huannai turned pale and stepped back a little.

Yazhikui smiled, not hiding his meaning: "My friend is a scumbag, she always likes to **** the men I associate with."

"Aha?!" Kanna looked at the **** and beautiful Yayuki, and Fox asked, "So you killed her?"

"Yeah, I cut off her head with a hatchet." Yazhikui narrowed his beautiful eyes, licked his lips, and his eyes were shining dangerously.

Huannai trembled all over, and confirmed her eyes. She was a pervert, and her body backed up a little: "So you came here?"

"Yeah." Yazhikui nodded, and then a relieved smile appeared on his face: "But after a few games, I realized that what I hate is not that she snatches my man, but that she always leaves me aside."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Huannai: "Most people are like this. They don't know what they really want, and then they do things that they actively regret."

Bai Chuanxia was standing in the corner with a strange expression.

Yagyu temporarily changed his lines.

The original line was about her mother, but now she changed it to have a scumbag girlfriend.

Le Zihu stood beside him, wiping his neck with a smile.


Bai Chuan Xia Chao Le Zihu pursed his mouth, the good brother definitely did not allude to him.

Kanna is still digesting Yayuki's words.

Nao said cautiously: "I... I'm actually planning to kill my adoptive father."

"Aha?" Kanna hadn't recovered from the shock just now, and looked at Nao again.

This weak little girl is also planning to kill someone.

With her weak appearance, can she kill a chicken?

Those caught by the devil are really all villains.

"He obviously already has a mother." Nao's soft voice was firm, "Obviously he said that he would be with his mother forever, obviously he had gone through so much, and it was hard to get together, but in the end he was looking for her outside." woman."

"Well, this... can't you get a divorce?" Huannai looked surprised, and said cautiously: "You don't need to kill people."

She also wanted to separate Bai Chuanxia and her mother.

But it never occurred to me to kill someone.

"Because after falling in love with someone, I can only hold him in my heart—" Nao put her hands on her chest, her eyes pious: "Thinking of the person you like, being with other women, making love to me, talking about what you said to me, Sure enough, I still feel that only after I die, will I keep the most beautiful appearance forever."

"Eh." Hannai took two steps back indistinctly. This weak-looking girl also has psychological problems.

She wouldn't like the adoptive father she talked about.

Being able to be brought here by the devil has somewhat psychological problems.

Bai Chuanxia stood in the corner, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Nao's words are not in the script book, and she freely played them.

He felt that Nao's words were meant for him.

"No, we can't wait any longer."

Bai Chuanxia took a deep breath and decided to go directly to the next link.

He adjusted his tone.

A hoarse and mysterious voice sounded in the empty room.

"Tell the sin and you will be forgiven. That is God's business."

"The devil says it's unreasonable. We prefer to see sinful souls go to **** and take their punishment."

"Now, congratulations, the lucky ones selected by the devil game, you will have a chance to realize your crimes while you are alive."

"The game is very simple, walk into that door, then face yourself, get the customs clearance props, and then pass the level."

Kanna was still thinking about Nao, and was taken aback by the sudden voice.

"I'll go first." Yazhikui stood up, walked to the only door in the room, and walked out of the door in the sight of Huannai, disappearing from her sight.

Huannai opened her mouth wide, looking towards the door in disbelief.

The woman just disappeared, without any cover around her, just disappeared out of thin air.

"I...I'm leaving too." Nao stood up, her voice was fearful but firm: "I still have to go out, my plan hasn't been completed yet."

She also walked towards the door and disappeared from Huannai's sight.

"Wait..." Huannai wanted to shout, but found that she was the only one left in the room.

She looked around, but there was no sound.

Wordless fear came to her heart, her body trembled a bit, as if a demon was hiding around and watching her secretly.

Huannai didn't dare to stay, gritted her teeth, and walked quickly to the door.

She could hear her heart beating non-stop.

The moment he walked through the door, his heart reached his throat.