MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 285 sick dragon

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  Chapter 285 Sick Dragon

  Ji Que and his party arrived at Ningfu smoothly.

   I don't know if it was the cornucopia that acted as the magic needle for pacifying the sea, or for some other reason, it seemed that nothing had changed in the Ning Mansion, but in fact it exuded a trend of prosperity.

   It’s like an old tree that seems to be withered, but it’s come back to life after a beautiful spring.

  Yes, last time Ji Que came here to look for Ning Hongyu, all kinds of people in this deep house compound were silently exuding a sense of anxiety.

  Now, this feeling has disappeared, and the entire Ning Mansion is in a state of relaxation, from the servant girl to the young master.

  After seeing Ji Que, the second young master of the Ning family greeted him early, and kindly took him to meet his father Ning Chenghai.

  Ning Chenghai is an elder, so he didn't come to greet him in person, but sat in the hall early and waited.

   For Ji Que, the son-in-law-to-be, now he likes it very much.

   Not to mention that Ji Que saved the Ning family's decline with his treasure of wealth, they must be grateful, but the other party's ability is enough to attract his attention.

  The key is that this kid is quite handsome, similar to when he was young, so he can't help but feel very kind.

   As a result, there were a lot of people in the hall.

  Ning Chenghai stood up, patted the shoulder affectionately, and asked doubtfully, "Who are these people?"

  Ning Hongyu stood beside her and said naturally, "I am a rival in love."

  Ning Chenghai was surprised and said: "Why is there still a man, and this charming one."

  He was referring to Tang Yi's uncle who killed pigs and his aunt who liked embroidery.

   "That is the elder of the rival in love." Ning Hongyu explained.

  Ning Chenghai involuntarily looked at the lazy-looking Tang Yi, and realized that this was indeed an opponent his daughter could not ignore.

   Just judging from her appearance and figure, this girl is not inferior to her own daughter.

   You must know the link of looking at your face and your figure. My daughter has always been the best.

   Immediately, he looked at Lin Xiangzhi again, couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said to himself: "Are all the maids of this love rival so natural?"

Seeing her father's complex eyes, Ning Hongyu introduced generously: "This is Tang Yi, Ji Que's good brother who used to study, but now he is a daughter. This is Lin Xiangzhi, who used to be a cat, but now he has also become a cat. A woman."

  Ning Chenghai finally realized that this is the second rival in love, not a maid, no wonder she has such outstanding appearance and temperament.

  Ning Chenghai owns such a large family business and has been in business for so many years. He has never seen anything in the world, but he has never seen a situation where his daughter brings a rival in love, and the rival in love drags his family with him.

  For a moment, he actually felt that Ji Que had the flair of his youth.

  As a father, he naturally hates this kind of thing for his daughter, but as a man, he feels that he and Ji Que are in the same group.

  When he was young, he was also suave and suave. I don’t know how many ladies and fairies begged to be with him, and they all said that they didn’t want his money, but only him.

  Of course he believed it.

  At this time, Ning Hongyu had already introduced: "These two are the elders of Tang Yi's family."

  The pig butcher cupped his hands casually and said, "The pig butcher is not worth mentioning."

  Blind aunt cupped her hands, and said with a pleasant voice: "My family name is Xie, and I have met Senior Ning."

As the head of the Ning family, who has been in business for many years, Ning Chenghai naturally behaved very naturally, and said sincerely as soon as he cupped his hands: "Since we are all Ning's distinguished guests in Ning's mansion, we don't need to mention the little things about the love between our sons and daughters." , take a seat."

  For a while, Ning Mansion, which was already full of New Year flavor, became even more lively.

  Ning’s hospitality is naturally extremely considerate, silk and bamboo wind music, delicious food and drinks are down to earth, generous portions, the uncle who slaughtered the pig wanted to criticize, but he couldn’t find fault for a while.

  In the middle of the journey, Ning Mansion has masters coming in and out from time to time, showing the background without showing the mountains or the water.

   After drinking and eating, the group of people was naturally arranged properly.

Originally, if only Ji Que and Ning Hongyu had come back, the festively dressed small courtyard would be their residence, but good guy, Miss actually brought back two rivals in love, and one rival even dragged his family along with him. .

  Especially when they saw Tang Yi's pig-killing uncle and blind aunt, the servants didn't say anything, but secretly laughed in their hearts.

   But Ning Chenghai did not underestimate these people.

  Uncle Tang Yina looked rude, but just because he was able to maintain his nature in such a nonchalant manner in Ning Mansion, he was definitely not an ordinary pig butcher.

  On the road, the three of Tang Yi were walking on the road, and met the four brothers who were practicing Qigong, and they were a little curious about the appearance of the long bags on their bodies.

  The three of them were arranged into a courtyard with four wing rooms. The plum blossoms in the courtyard were in full bloom, creating an elegant scene.

  Ning Hongyu really didn't brag before, even if Tang Yi's relatives came to dozens or hundreds, they could still live in such a standard.

  Because this large courtyard planted with wintersweet is all Ning's guest rooms.

  Uncle Butcher drank a little too much and was hiccupping. Tang Yi couldn't help asking, "How about the four people who practice the same kind of exercise?"

  Butcher said: "There are not many people who have practiced Qigong to their level, and the four of them all have formations when they walk, and their strength is not bad."

   "Three swords."

   Butcher added.

  Tang Yi nodded and said, "That's really good strength."

  Uncle had to be hacked to death with three knives, and the four of them were indeed number one.

  At the entrance, the butcher said: "Xiaoyi, you let us follow, are you afraid that the kid will die suddenly?"

"Your feeling is right. He is indeed being targeted, and I'm not sure if I can keep him. But this guy is really tough, and his talent is also amazing. After entering the realm of his life, his strength has been greatly improved, and even It’s almost as old as your father’s.”


  Speaking of Tang Yi's father, the butcher couldn't help wiping away his tears with his orchid fingers.

  Tang Yi looked at the sky, the weather is clear today, and the fiery red sunset glows in the sky, which is very beautiful.

  But this sunset glow, like dusk, is always fleeting.

  Maybe after this dusk, bad weather will come

  The capital city, the imperial palace, and majestic palaces are listed among them, as regular as a chessboard.

  The eaves of the house and the towering palace walls cut the sky into pieces.

  In the deepest part of the palace, there is a pool of water.

  Compared to the majestic and exquisite buildings of the other imperial palaces, the buildings here are much simpler, and the stone bridge over the pool is also quite old due to long-term wind and sun exposure.

   There are some duckweeds floating on the pool, the pool water is green and bottomless, looking down from above, it looks like a bottomless well.

  By the pool water is an equally quaint house, cleaned very cleanly.

   But that's all.

   Such a place, even if compared with the cold palace, looks crude, but it is the residence of the emperor.

  Emperor Sheng Yu of the Dasheng Dynasty lived here.

  Although this place is simple, it can nourish the heart and sleep peacefully.

  Sheng Yu, the emperor of the Great Sheng Dynasty, was originally a master of moving mountains, but as the lord of a country and a figure standing at the pinnacle of power, he was still worried about internal and external assassinations.

  The reason why Emperor Sheng Chao feels at ease living here is because there are dragons in the deep pool in front of him.

  In the Dasheng Dynasty, the emperors of all dynasties were feared, and their ancestral ability to tame dragons cast a layer of mystery on them.

  This deep pool is called Yanglongtan. The dragons in the pool only communicate with the emperors of past dynasties. There were countless people who wanted to assassinate the emperor, but they were all buried in the belly of the dragon.

  In a sense, the dragon in Yanglongtan is a symbol of the emperor's violence, and it is easier to be feared than the emperor himself.

  Because of the dragon in the pool, the emperor has always been able to sleep well.

   For the emperor, dragons are often more trustworthy than people.

  In the early morning, there is still misty water mist floating on the pool, which adds a sense of mystery to the green pool water.

  At this time, a proud figure appeared on the bridge.

  Wang Lizi, with a different surname, strode across the stone bridge in a well-fitting black python robe.

  On the way, she looked at the pool of green water with a dignified expression.

  The Son of Heaven can only get a good night's sleep in Yanglongju, which she has known for many years, but recently, the Son of Heaven, Sheng Yu, has not had a good night's sleep, so she hastily summoned her.

  In the innermost house of Yanglongju, Li Zi met the Emperor.

  Emperor Shengyu is a tall man with broad shoulders, wearing a dragon robe to look more majestic.

  It's just that today he is wearing casual clothes, and his face is a little haggard.

  After seeing Li Zi, he didn't say anything about rules, and cut straight to the point: "Sister Li, is there any suitable candidate in Qingqi Division?"

  Li Zi shook her head and said: "Your Majesty, there are already seven people in the department who have not been heard from in the pool. It would be inappropriate to send people down hastily."

  Half a month ago, Emperor Sheng Yu had a dream. In the dream, he came to the Longjuli deep in the Dragon Raising Pool.

  There are algae floating in the pool water, which looks very deep.

  After that, he saw the old dragon.

  It lies there, saying it is sick.

  Sheng Yu asked it, what's wrong with you?

  The old dragon opened his mouth, and said impatiently: "At first, my body was itchy, and I thought it was because the dragon scales were broken, but later I found that my stomach was also itchy, and it was uncomfortably itchy."

  As soon as the old dragon finished speaking, Sheng Yu saw the scales on its body moving.

   Taking a closer look at this, it directly woke him up.

  He saw that there were eyes all under those dragon scales.

  The human eye.

  They were densely packed there, looking at him, it made one's scalp tingle.

  If the dream entrusted by the old dragon is true, those eyes may not only be under the dragon scales, but spread into the dragon's belly, so the old dragon will feel itchy.

  Of course this was just a dream, Emperor Sheng Yu decided to verify it.

  This old dragon was raised by the first emperor back then, and he is not familiar with him, but he can only communicate with the old dragon by using the "dragon raising scripture" he has practiced.

   But the strange thing is that the old dragon in the Longtan didn't respond to him at all.

  It is necessary to know that this secret method unique to the royal family is the foundation of raising dragons. The dragons raised are often responsive to requests, and if there is no response, it seems that something has changed.

  After that, he immediately tried to communicate with the little dragon he raised as a child, but there was still no response.

   At this point, the situation suddenly became weird.

  Sheng Yu had no choice but to find Li Wang and ask her to send someone into Tan to investigate the matter.

  The reason why Li Zi was asked to do this is because she wanted to keep it a secret. There was a problem with the dragon raised by the emperor, and I don’t know what kind of turmoil it would cause.

   Li Zi knew the seriousness of the matter, so he sent his trusted subordinates down, and as a result, seven people in a row, no matter how high or low the level, all left without returning.

   This kind of non-return was not eaten by the dragon, but lost contact all of a sudden, silently.

   You must know that they all wear the seal of the royal family. After encountering a dragon, they can protect their bodies for a moment without saying anything, and they can make a lot of noise.

  With the movement, the emperor can further know what happened to the dragon inside.

  Unfortunately, there was no movement, these masters seemed to be drowned suddenly.

  No, even if the drowned body can at least float up, it turned out not.

   But what is certain is that there has been a lot of changes in the Dragon Raising Pool, and the dragon inside is really sick.

  If it is the kind of disease in the dream, it will be particularly difficult.

  Because this disease is obviously very evil, it’s fine for Long to die after getting sick, for fear that something will happen and cause greater turmoil.

  For a moment, Sheng Yu hesitated.

   This grand dynasty seems to be peaceful, but in fact there are already undercurrents inside and outside the court. Even if he is an emperor, sometimes he has to act cautiously.

  The two dragons below are both at the level of a grandmaster. In fact, it is safest to send a grandmaster who moved the mountain to investigate.

  He has a useful grandmaster by his side, but it is very difficult to completely control a person at the level of a grandmaster.

   On the surface, he respects him as the emperor, but he may be secretly eating food from other families. Once there is a major change below, it will be another disaster if the food is not kept.

  The change of the deep water dragon is an ominous sign.

   "If it doesn't work, I have to go and see it myself." Sheng Yu thought deeply.

  The ancient books on raising dragons can only be consulted by the emperors of the past dynasties. He has re-read it many times these days, but he still doesn't have much clue.

  Dragon may die of old age or illness. Our ancestors once raised a dragon that could fly nine days, but there has never been an example where the dragon pool was dead and silent, and the old dragon dreamed, and his body was covered with human eyes.

  At this time, King Li couldn't help thinking: "According to the description of your majesty's dream, I feel like some kind of distortion."


   "Your Majesty should have heard about the Foreign Object Society."

  Sheng Yu nodded and said, "Go ahead."

"In the past few years, whether it is Qingqi Division or Jiangmo Building, there have been news that foreign objects will become active again. The biggest difference between the group of foreign objects in the Foreign Object Society and ours is that they will appear distortions, such as Suddenly, many hands grew.

According to the recent dossiers, the Beidi Subduing Demon Branch just pulled out a sub-altar named 'Xiaohan' of the Foreign Object Society not long ago. One is full of arms, and one is full of human feet, which should be caused by distortion. "

  Sheng Yu thought about it: "This is similar to the diseased dragon's eyes. Who are the people who unplugged this punishment altar?"

King Li replied: "Honorable Chen Laoshi, and his descendants Ning Hongye and Ji Que, for some reason, judging from the records in the file, they seem to have clashed with foreign objects, and they were the ones who broke the Gu Yu points before. altar."

   "Where are they?"

   "Chen Venerable is still in Beidi, while Ning Hongyu and Ji Que happened to be in Ningfu recently."

   "Do you think they can be trusted?"

   "It's worth it." Li Wang replied without any hesitation.

   "I know the name 'Crossing the Border and Killing Ning Hongyu', and I also know that you and her have known each other since childhood and have a close relationship, and Ji Que should not be active in the south this time." The emperor thought about it.

  Wang Li replied directly: "Don't disrespect Ning Hongyu, otherwise how could the Ning family want him to be their son-in-law."

  The emperor pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, then make a time and announce them to the palace."


  (end of this chapter)