MTL - Mysterious World: I Live Forever By Hanging Up My Phone!-Chapter 435 Withdrawing from the spiritual vein, all thoughts are lost! [4/4, please subscribe

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   "This is Master Mu? Why did he come out?"

   "We pay homage to Master!"

  The hundreds of thousands of disciples in Changsheng Valley all respectfully saluted!

  Those who know the inside story can probably guess what this elusive master wants to do.

  And those abandoned children who didn't know the inside story looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously not understanding what they were doing, but many smart people suddenly realized a feeling of imminent disaster.


  Master Mu Yuebai didn't answer anyone, but raised his hands and scratched the ground.

  The surging energy of the Nascent Soul stage roared like a tide, and the terrifying power began to spread to a radius of hundreds of miles. A giant hand appeared out of thin air and shot towards the ground!

   Immediately afterwards, the mountains shook for a while!

  The ground is cracking wildly, mountains and palaces are collapsing!

  For a moment, countless disciples screamed and screamed. Under everyone's unbelievable gaze, the once domineering Changsheng Valley Gate turned into a large ruin, and the surrounding area was full of chaos and devastation!

  A huge dragon made of brilliant spirit stones began to emerge from the ground!

  It exudes amazing aura, shining brightly under the sunlight, blinding the eyes of everyone present.

   "This? This is the spiritual vein, why did the master take out the spiritual vein?"

   "What happened? How did this happen?"

   Now, no matter how stupid people are, they will find something is wrong!

  Master Mu Yuebai actually took out the spiritual veins, isn't he afraid that the sect's spiritual energy will decline from now on, and become an ordinary mortal land?

   "No, they are not going to join the war, they want to migrate!" An elderly foundation-building monk roared in despair: "Damn it, it was the same when the Five Elements Sect migrated back then. The ancestors couldn't do it, why did they want to move away!"

   "Migration? How is it possible? What about us?"

   "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

   "Elder, take us!"

  The disciples below all went crazy.

  The sect wanted to move but kept it from them and refused to board the ship. Who wouldn't understand what this meant? For a moment, the disciples of the Longevity Valley went crazy and wanted to board the ship.

  But the ancestor Mu Yuebai took away the spirit veins casually, and released the pressure with a cold snort!

  All the disciples who wanted to soar up were all shocked and vomited blood crazily.


  The old man waved his hand, and hundreds of airships, large and small, brazenly launched and flew towards the east, ignoring the pleading and crying abandoned children on the ground.

  Passing through the Four Seasons City, the ancestor Mu Yuebai repeated his old trick to withdraw the spirit vein!

  This huge fairy city was turned into ruins in an instant. I don't know how many people were killed or injured for a while, and I don't know how many casual cultivators and civilians cursed and begged in grief.

   Wei Han watched this scene expressionlessly, and everyone around him couldn't bear it.

  But everyone knows that no one can change anything, they can only wish the people below good luck.

   Without the blessing and deterrence of the Longevity Valley, it is clear what will happen to the people below.

   It’s nothing more than a drama where the wicked burn, kill, plunder and take the weak to vent their anger, slaughter and kill each other. In less than half a month, this place will be completely dead. I’m afraid less than one in ten people will escape.

   Of course, the magic monks are an exception!

  When they saw the orthodox cultivators being forced to migrate and flee for their lives, they were so ecstatic in their hearts. They became more high-profile and rampant one by one. I believe that it won't be long before this place will become a veritable magic land!

   At that time, there is no need for Maitreya Sect and Beixuan Dynasty to come!

  The Corpse Demon Sect will unite with other demon sects to turn this place into a hell.


   "The way of heaven is inhumane and treats everything as a dog. The world is hard!"

  Wei Han let out a long breath, and began to look at the migration team this time.

The scale of Changsheng Valley's migration is unprecedented. There are 124 airships of various types alone. There are dozens of airships similar to Babaozhai and other forces. There are also hundreds of ships that do not meet the evacuation conditions but insist on following His private flying boat was filled with all kinds of monks who were related to the disciples of Changsheng Valley.

   Flying boats fly across the sky covering the sky and blocking out the sun!

   This scene has attracted the attention of countless people on the ground.

  Similar scenes are constantly happening in various sects. Within half a day, the entire Qingnan County went crazy. Every mortal city and fairy city was in chaos, and incidents of burning, killing, looting and other venting anger continued to happen.

  Countless flying boats set sail from various sects, big and small, and flew towards the East China Sea, and finally gathered into a torrent of flying boats after half a month.

  A total of 374 sects in the county chose to migrate!

Among them, all the nine great immortal sects exist except the Corpse Demon Sect, and there are countless other large and medium-sized sects, with as many as 50,000 to 60,000 people, and as few as one or two thousand people, forming a fleet with tens of thousands of flying boats and tens of millions of people migratory army.

  So many people gathered on the East China Sea, a team that spread for hundreds of miles!

   At a glance, there are flying boats, magic weapons, and flying swords covering the sky and the sun. It is really an unforgettable scene.

"Holy Son, do all sects of the Alliance have to work together to cross the sea?" Jian Chengye asked in surprise, "It must be quite a movement with these people crossing the sea together. Aren't they afraid of angering the monsters in the sea? And the endless sea is so vast, there is no chart , what if you lose your way?"

   "We shouldn't be in charge of this matter!"

   Wei Han raised his eyes slightly, and silently looked at the magic treasures of the palaces standing proudly in the air. They guarded the team like patron saints, and would ultimately determine the direction of the migrating team.

"The teams of each sect should be divided into three groups to cross the sea in different directions!" Lu Qingying said with a smile on the side: "The endless sea is too dangerous, too many or too few people is not good, so dividing into three groups can ensure that each sect Inheritance, even if one or two pay off, as long as a group of people cross the endless sea, it will always be worthwhile!"

   "En!" Wei Han quite agrees when he heard the words, this is in line with the safe style of the bosses, but he doesn't know if the Changsheng Valley is divided into three groups, which group should they be divided into!

As if she had seen through his thoughts, Lu Qingying said again: "We should be following Master Mu Yuebai, the three great Nascent Soul Stages of the Changsheng Valley can lead a group of people across the sea by themselves, and Danfeng is closer to Master Mu ,so…"

  Wei Han couldn't help but smile!

   I heard that Babaozhai is also somewhat related to Master Mu.

  If this is the case, maybe we will have to cross the sea together this time.

"I just don't know which route they will choose!" Wei Han pondered in his heart: "If we choose a route that is not easy to take, I am afraid that not only everyone will suffer, but I will also suffer from Chi Yu? No, I have to inquire. The second is good, it is best to know the road map and then find a chance to divination."

   "Only by determining the safest route can you ensure your own safety, otherwise running on the vast sea is courting death. It is rumored that the Endless Sea is a place where it is difficult to get out even if you get lost in the Nascent Soul Stage. You must not be careless!"

  The more Wei Han thought about it, the more reasonable he felt!

  Although he knows that he is a soft-spoken person, he still has to give it a try. What if there is a dead end ahead? He has no ability to kill seven in and seven out in the endless sea!

   "Where is Master?" Wei Han asked with a frown.

   "The elders should be discussing matters!" Jian Chengye replied: "The details of this relocation still need to be discussed. Various matters are very complicated. It is estimated that we will have to stop here for ten days and half a month."


   Wei Han nodded and said nothing more.

  He just silently looked into the air, waiting for the opportunity!

   Now the only opportunity for him to get in touch with high-level officials is Master Yu Qingyan!

  (end of this chapter)