MTL - Mysterious World: I Live Forever By Hanging Up My Phone!-Chapter 436 Fortunately in this life, it should be revealed! [1/4, seek

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at dusk

  Yu Qingyan returned to the Danfeng flying boat exhausted!

   When he saw Wei Han who was cooking tea on the deck, he showed a rare look of astonishment. He obviously didn't expect this apprentice to be waiting for him here.

   "What's the matter?" Yu Qingyan was surprised.

   "Drink tea!"

   Wei Han took out some Wannian Babao Fuyun Tea for a rare occasion.

  After they are brewed, the fragrance is overflowing and the aura is floating, just like the jade liquid in the sky.

  Yu Qingyan is also a tea-loving and wine-loving person. He picked up a cup of spirit tea and sipped it carefully. He immediately wiped away his tired appearance just now, and became cheerful and energetic!

"Good tea, good tea!" Yu Qingyan raised his beard excitedly: "This is the Ten Thousand Years Eight Treasures Floating Cloud Tea. Lu Yuanheng usually hides it like any treasure. Except for all kinds of Nascent Soul stage powers, he can give it to everyone. Not willing to give it, how did you get it from him?"

   Wei Han smiled and did not explain!

  Just handed over a jade box, which contained three catties of spiritual tea.

  The old man opened it and was even more shocked and stunned. This is a good thing that Yuan Yingqi can increase his spiritual consciousness after drinking it. Lu Yuanheng is willing to sell so much to him?

  Of course Wei Han would not say that he gave birth to it, but just smiled and said: "Teacher, take it, drink something good on weekdays, and just look for me when it's gone, I have a lot here!"

   "You boy!"

  Yu Qingyan put away the matter solemnly, and at the same time, a touch of emotion appeared in his heart.

  He knows how precious this kind of tea is, and Wei Han might have involved other secrets in taking out so many tea leaves, but this is the apprentice's chance after all, so he naturally won't interfere too much.

   "Did Master just go to discuss the migration route?" Wei Han asked.

   "More than that!" Yu Qingyan said depressedly: "Migration routes, personnel arrangements, allocation of guards and patrols, allocation of resources, etc. are all big problems. The alliance is full of quarrels, and our sect is full of quarrels."

   Wei Han nodded understandingly when he heard the words.

   Although it seems reasonable to withdraw in three ways, how to allocate personnel and sect resources are all related to the vital interests of the big bosses. Who can not fight?

Wei Han didn't care about other things, he just said in a serious manner: "Resources are not really important. Survival is the kingly way, so the route must be carefully chosen. Disciples have special physiques and are born to be able to distinguish good and bad. I don't know the master. Is there a jade book of sea charts? This disciple wants to take a look!"


  Yu Qingyan has no doubts about this.

  He has always known that Wei Han's physique is very special, and he really doesn't know what his specific abilities are. If he can test good and bad, he can try it.

   "You boy, no wonder you are waiting for me here!"

  Yu Qingyan smiled dumbly and handed over a jade slip.

  The sea charts are not a secret. The Holy Land of Qiantian migrated from Dongzhou to avoid the pursuit of the enemy. They naturally have detailed sea charts.

  This time, in order to fool the sects into migrating to the Eastern Continent with them, they spent a lot of money, and such a precious sea chart was released easily.

"The holy land of Qiantian is not small this time." Yu Qingyan sneered while drinking tea: "They took advantage of this evil disaster to encourage all the sects to migrate, and they clearly wanted to rely on their familiarity with Dongzhou to wait until the various sects migrated. Going to strange lands forces us to continue to follow them as an alliance."

   "Once this plan is successfully implemented, Qiantian Holy Land will probably return to a stronger state than it was a thousand years ago. The senior leaders of all sects are well aware of this, so a lot of good things have been tricked out during the vain and sloppy time!"

   "This sea chart is the result of Qiantian Holy Land sending people to explore the endless sea for thousands of years. Although it is not the most detailed, it is a more reliable one after all!"

   Wei Han frowned and glanced at the jade slip!

   Found that this chart is huge!

  Qingnan County and Danghun Prefecture are like a long strip of islands, while Dongzhou is a huge piece of land separated by hundreds of thousands of miles of huge sea area.

   "The Endless Sea has always been known for its dangers, but Qiantian Holy Land claims to have explored several offshore routes. As long as we don't lose our way and step into the deep sea, our safety is guaranteed!" Yu Qingyan continued.

   Wei Han frowned and sneered, safe ass!

  He found a total of five routes on the chart.

   Among them, three routes are major evils, one route is extreme evils, and one route is minor evils!

   That is to say, there is only one way out of the five routes, and the others are all dead ends. Once a large-scale migratory team sets foot in the sea area, the entire army will definitely be wiped out.

   "Master, can you intervene in the route selection?" Wei Han asked.

   "No!" Yu Qingyan frowned and shook his head: "No accident, we are with Mu Shizu, he has the right to speak, I am a fart! What? Did you find something wrong?"

   "It's really wrong!" Wei Han sighed, and said, "Four of them are dead ends, and there is no possibility of surviving all kinds of dangers. Only one is a small murderer, and you can survive if you fight hard!"


  Yu Qingyan was also so frightened that he gasped.

How can this be? Didn't Qiantian Holy Land have been explored by people?

"They should have explored on a small scale at that time, which is different from the current situation." Wei Han patiently explained: "Now we have so many people and so many flying boats, once we go into the sea, do you know how many monsters will be angered? So these routes Most of them are dead ends, and there is no possibility of survival at all!"

  Yu Qingyan opened his mouth, but didn't say a word for a long time!

  He knew that what Wei Han said was probably true, and he didn't have any evidence to prove it, but his sixth sense vaguely felt that his apprentice hadn't lied to him.

  That is to say, once the sects are divided into three groups of people, in the end, except for those who choose the right path to survive, the others will probably die.

  If the three groups fail to choose the right one, then let's die together!

"If Master believes in me, I will go to Master Mu and ask him to persuade everyone to choose this road." Wei Han circled the most southeast road on the chart and handed it over, saying seriously: "So It’s really not possible to go to each sect so that the vitality will not be seriously injured, and our group of people can go this way!”

   "If you can't even do this, I have to advise you, Master, to get out of the army from the beginning of the migration and go this way. Otherwise, don't say that Danfeng can't leave an inheritance, and the Longevity Valley will have to be destroyed!"

   Wei Han's convincing words!

It made Yu Qingyan's back sweat profusely, he knew that this apprentice would not be ashamed, and at this moment he actually said that he wanted to sail away from the team alone, which shows how dangerous the other routes are, so that Wei Han avoided them like snakes and scorpions .

"I will talk to Mu Shizu about this matter!" Yu Qingyan said seriously: "All sects in the alliance have divination methods, and I will try my best to persuade them. You go to die."

   "Thank you, Master, for your trust!" Wei Han silently breathed a sigh of relief.

  There is such a master who is willing to trust me unconditionally and works hard for me!

   It's really a blessing for him in this life, he should understand it!

  (end of this chapter)