MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1107 Seven girls were arrested

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The first thousand one hundred and seven seven chapters of the seven girls were arrested

Seven girls have such an idea, not to mention those around them, and seeing the eyes of Takuno wild is full of awe.

"This person has an extraordinary experience, and there is such a follower of Yuzhu blame, too scary."

"Yeah, I really didn't think that Li Qiang had kicked the iron plate this time. As a result, Li Tianyi had sent his life."

"Their father and son are too strong and overbearing, and they should die."


Takuya's arguments about others are not concerned, but they are more concerned about the views of the seven girls.

"Miss, don't just talk about me, I haven't asked the lady to name it." Takuya said with a smile.

"Call me a little seven, everyone calls me that." The seven girls said.

She also learned to be smart this time, no longer saying that she is a seven-girl.

The name of the seven girls is too loud, I am afraid that few people in the devil world do not know.

"Little Seven Girl."

"Dragon Feather, have you seen Tuoye?" asked the seven girls.

Takuno said: "I have just arrived at Luotiancheng. I have never heard of this character. Xiaoqiu girl is looking for him. It should be very close to him."

"Forget it, I will find it myself." The seven girls were disappointed.

Takuya said quickly: "Small seven girls, you can ask the jade bamboo monster, he often goes into Luotiancheng, maybe he has heard of it."

"Yuzhu strange seniors, do you know Takino?" Seven girls asked immediately.

"Seven... Miss, you must not call my predecessor, just call me Yuzhu blame. I often go into Luotiancheng, but I have never heard of Takino, maybe he has not yet arrived at Luotiancheng. "Yuzhu blame knows the identity of the seven girls, see her called the predecessor, suddenly scared."

What is the identity of the demon king, the generation is much higher than the jade bamboo blame, the strength is even more incomparable, the seven girls are the goddess of the demon king, can let her call a few seniors.

The jade bamboo blame has its own self-knowledge and does not dare to climb high.

"Yuzhu strange predecessors, just thank you for killing Li Tianyi, if there is any trouble in the future, you can give it to me." The seven girls are very derogatory.

"Hey..." Yuzhu strangely laughed a few times and didn't talk.

Others are old and good, and they can see that there is something in the wilderness, and he sees that the seven girls are full of love in the eyes of Takuya.

"Who is the son of the son, I know the seven girls, and I seem to like each other very much, and I don't want to show it. It's weird."

He didn't ask much about this kind of thing.

"Miss Xiaoqi, what are your plans for the next time, Li Tianqi is dead, it is very likely that someone will avenge him. You might as well leave here early and go back to your own site." Takuya said.

The seven girls shook their heads: "I won't go back. I came out this time to find Takino, I can't find him. I will never go back."

Her tone is firm and moving.

Takuya’s heart is faint, and he can’t tell the seven girls their true identity.

"Miss Xiao Qi, do you have any plans? If you can use us, we can help."

Since I can't reveal my identity, I will go with the Seven Girls for a while and protect her. In the end, Takuya is still worried about seven girls.

"Long Yu Big Brother, you really want to help me find Takino." Seven girls asked happily.

She has been looking for Takino wildly for so long, and she is very tired.

Someone is willing to help her, of course she can't ask for it.

"Of course, I have nothing to do with it anyway." Takuya was flat.

"Dongzi, then I will go to the news first, and I will tell you immediately with the news." Yuzhu is very savvy, and immediately resigned.

Seven girls are grateful: "Dragon Feather, thank you."

"Don't be polite, let's go, look around." Takuya wild laughed.

The seven girls looking for Takino wild are very attentive. When they see people, they ask, let Takuno wilderness be ashamed, he is around, but he does not dare to recognize his identity.

He knows the Seven Girls too much. If she tells her her true identity, the Seven Girls are likely to follow him to cultivate the world.

The Seven Girls are the favorite descendants of the Demon King and the Devil. She left, and the Devil and the Devil did not know what to do.

Takuya is not worried about the demon king and the devil, the key is to fear hurting the seven girls.

The Devils are also well-behaved. Those high-level races in the Devils will not marry the Magic, and will weaken their blood.

It’s too difficult for Tuoye to be with the Seven Girls. There are too many uncertain factors.

What's more, Tuo Yeye wanted to go back to the world of cultivation, and he really didn't have the feelings of his children.

"Seven girls, you are not looking for a way to do this. It is better to write out the characteristics of Takino, and then we will look for it, so that we can just wait for news in Luo Tiancheng." Takino proposed.

He couldn't bear to see the seven girls so hard, so he said this.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this method." The seven girls were very happy.

They immediately acted, and the seven girls portrayed the image of Takuno, and then offered it.

As long as she can find Takino, she is willing to take out the million devils as a reward, so that the price is rewarded, I believe no one is not tempted.

It is a pity that Takino has long since ceased to exist because he changed his identity and it is impossible to find him.

It is estimated that some people will pretend to be a wilderness for the reward. With the familiarity of the seven girls to Takino, the impersonators will not succeed, and Takuno is not very worried.

After the rewarding mission was issued, the seven girls stayed with Luo Tiancheng with Tuoyuan and waited for the good news.

They didn't mean to leave, obviously they didn't put Tianjing in their eyes.

In fact, they can see very clearly that Tian Mingzi will not be motivated by such an insignificant person as Li Tianwei. Even if he gets the news, he will send a few strong people to Luo Tiancheng to see if they are not threatening to build up the wilderness.

Yuzhu blame has been exploring the news of the adventure land, to help the extension of the wilderness to find the entrance to the world of cultivation.

Takuya wilderness accompanied the seven girls every day, worried that she was in danger, fearing that she would be deceived.

Not to mention that after the reward mission was issued, counterfeit goods soon appeared.

The seven girls are not so deceived, and the counterfeit goods are very miserable.

There are more people who suffer, and there are fewer brands.

Luo Tiancheng did not have a city owner, or it was similar to the original, did not become confused, and Li Tianqi and his son died, and people were so happy that many people even celebrated.

The city like Luo Tiancheng is what the various forces want to control. It is only that there is no victory or defeat for the time being. I don’t know who can become the new city owner of Luo Tiancheng.

For these things, Takuya is too lazy to care.

But someone might recommend him as the city owner and let him be in the whirlpool.

Everyone is passing on him, even the Yuzhu blame is willing to become his follower, naturally caused a lot of speculation.

Most people think that he is extraordinary. Maybe it is a descendant of a powerful person, or a disciple. Only in this way can he explain why the jade bamboo monster is willing to follow him.

No one would have thought that the jade bamboo blame was his acceptance, not because he had a strong backing.

Everyone asked Tuo Nao to be the city owner. He refused.

He didn't want to stay in the devil world for a long time, and naturally he wouldn't care about the position of the city master.

If he is going to stay in the devil world for a long time, it would be a good choice to become the owner of Luotiancheng.

There are quite a few big forces who have also found Tuoye and want to make good friends with him.

For these people, Takuya still needs to be perfunctory, and maybe they can know through the entrances and exits of the world.

Takino was busy, and the seven girls were very bored and went to the streets alone.

For so long, there is still no news of Takino, and the seven girls are very anxious.

She went out, just want to try her luck and see if she could meet Takuno.

While walking, while thinking about the days of getting along with Takino, she was a bit lost.

Suddenly, a strong man appeared beside her, stunned her at once, and did not give her a chance to release the monster.

The man stunned the seven girls, and immediately took the seven girls to a secret underground room to shut up the seven girls.

They don't know the identity of the seven girls, and they don't know the identity of Takino, so I plan to interrogate them first, and then figure out the details of Takino and the seven girls.

I don't know how long it took, the seven girls woke up, and she immediately found herself imprisoned.

"Let me go, or I will kill you." The seven girls' big temper broke out.

"Little Seven Girls, wanting to go out easily, answering a few questions, we will let you go," said an old man.

After the last time I left home, the Seven Girls learned a lot.

She looked around and looked at the old man and said, "I believe in you. If you catch me, you will not let me leave."

"Little Seven Girl, we are not interested in you, just want to know the identity of Long Yu, you just tell us, let you go right away."

The seven girls shook their heads: "I only know that he is called Long Yu. I don't know what background he has, nor is it any of the eight sons of the Devil."

She is telling the truth, but the person who caught her obviously does not believe her words.

"Little Seven Girl, you are so uncooperative, you can't blame us." The old man sighed coldly.

"What do you want to do to me, you better think clearly, if I am hurt, you are dead." Seven girls threatened.

"Little girl, what identity do you dare to threaten us." The old man shouted coldly.

He changed the way, still want to know the identity of the seven girls.

"My father is the day..." The seven girls were alert and did not speak immediately.

She knows that although the Demon King is very powerful and has too many enemies, it is not necessarily a good thing to say that the Devil King is coming.

It is better to say nothing, but let the enemy have scruples.

"What is your father?" asked the old man.

"Don't tell you, say it scared you." The seven girls screamed coldly.

"Little girl, you really don't cooperate, it seems that we must move some means." The old man angered.

"Come on, I am not afraid of you, my brow will not wrinkle." Seven girls are firm.

Those people really don't dare to do it. They know some things. It is estimated that there are strong backers behind the seven girls, otherwise there will not be so many powerful monsters.

"First off for a while, grinding her temper." The old man said.

"Let me go out, let me go,..."


"Call, it’s really tiring to finally send those people away." Takuya said with a long breath.

He looked around and found no trace of the seven girls.

Then he asked the boss, only to know that the seven girls had gone out for a long time, and have not returned yet.

"The seven girls will not have anything to do." Takuya's wild heart could not help but come up with such an idea.

He immediately contacted the jade bamboo monster: "Yuzhu strange, immediately find a way to explore the whereabouts of the seven girls, she went out for a long time."