MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1129 Happy

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The first one hundred and twenty-nine chapters are happy

"Father, the man hidden by Ulina is too evil. Isn’t that what we have done." Wu Lixiang was very upset.

Wu Haofeng said: "He is so powerful, even if the strong players of our Wu family are on the same level, they are not opponents of others."

"Father, it is better for us to deal with him with the help of the power of the city government. Urina is gone, we must give an account to the city government," Wu Lixiang said.

The Ukrainian wind was silent for a moment and said: "Yes, we will hand over the matter to the city government, so that we can give it to the city government."

So, he immediately sent someone to tell the city's main office, Ulina, and directly sold the Ulina.

Xue Dagang, the city owner of the city, got the news and immediately became angry: "Ulina has a private man in the camp, and must die, otherwise our Xuejia reputation will be damaged."

"Father, can you spare the Ulina, only kill the man." Xue Yizhen fell in love with Ulina at first sight, saying that the love is not completely correct, but he was indeed fascinated by the beauty of Ulina.

Xue Dagang said coldly: "No, I have to peel them off, and I can't let go of the Wu family. The Wu family wants to use my hand to kill the man in the room of Ulina. It is so nice, a glimpse, listen. Said that the younger sister and the second sister of Ulina are also beautiful, when you take them home."

Xue Yi's eyes lit up and suddenly released her lasciviousness: "Thank you father."

Xue Dagang immediately dispatched the strong, and then he personally led the team to the Wu family.

The Uighurs still don’t know that they are leading the wolves into the room. In fact, Xue Dagang had long wanted to annex the Ukrainian family, but he did not find an excuse.

This time is a good opportunity for Xue Dagang, how could he let go.

Many powerful people in the city's main government rushed to the Wu family, and the Ukrainian high-ranking team welcomed the team. Xue Dagang did not attack immediately.

He asked: "Where is Ulina and the man."

"City Lord, please come with me." Wu Haofeng personally led the team.

His cultivation is not as good as Xue Dagang, so his attitude is very respectful.

This time, in the final analysis, is the fault of Wujia. He still has some concerns that Xue Dagang took the opportunity to attack.

However, if they do not tell Xue Dagang, then when Ulina and the mysterious man leave, Xue Dagang will definitely find trouble with the Ukrainian family. The Wuhuan wind is also a last resort, only to use the knife to kill.

However, he still did not understand the strength of Takino, thinking that Xue Dagang could deal with him.

After a while, a large group of strong men surrounded Urina's hut.

Takino has long been clear, knowing that someone wants to attack him and Ulina.

He saw the cultivation of the people and did not care too much.

Although he said that he was in trouble, he was not afraid of these small characters. Moreover, as long as his injuries recovered, he would be able to mobilize the strong people in the Netherland. As long as he was not the strongman of the Xianwang level, he was fearless.

"I want to live, go up." Xue Dagang cold channel.

With a big hand, a group of strong men rushed into the cabin of Ulina.

Takuya wildly protects Ulina behind her, and then displays her spirits.

The dementors attacked and the strongmen who entered the house were all killed.

His gods attacked too strong, and the face that came in was not strong, and no one could resist his **** attack.

"Roll, I said, if anyone wants to bother me, I will kill." Takino’s voice contained pressure and shocked the outside strong.

Xue Dagang's face changed greatly, and he said coldly: "Well, Wuhufeng, you actually want to kill someone by knife, count it on my head, let's go, and find a Ukrainian account later."

He knew it was incomparable, very simple, and fled with the rest of his hands.

The people of Wuhuan and other Wujia people were dumbfounded. They did not think that the men hidden by Ulina were so powerful. They could not kill people by knife. Instead, they sinned Xue Dagang.

If Xue Dagang finds trouble with Wu’s family later, Wu’s family is really unable to resist.

"Father, if the city government wants to deal with our Wu family, we will probably be annihilated by our Ukrainian family." Wu Lixiang knew this time.

"It's all my fault, I miscalculated the strength of this person." Wu Yufeng regretted it.

Wu Lixiang sighed: "Father, we regret not using it now, or ask for the three sisters. If the mysterious man can stay, the city government does not dare to move us, even we can use his power to destroy the Xue family."

Takino heard the dialogue between the father and the daughter of Uganda, and immediately said: "Wu's father and daughter, you don't want to be beautiful, I won't help you, I will take a little better, I will take it. Lina left this place. As for your Wujia and Xuejia things, let's solve it yourself. Don't ask for Ulina. Even if Ulina asks me, I won't help you because you are rooted. Didn’t take Lina as a family member.”

He said nothing, lest the Uighurs find him trouble.

Urina really wants to plead for enthusiasm. Seeing Takuno said this, and no longer speaks.

Wujia is purely self-sufficient, and even if such a family is destroyed, it is a bad luck.

The next time, Takuya wild heart healing.

He is very seriously injured and there is no way to fully recover in a short time.

It is imperative to let the body recover something so that it can motivate the Netherland, otherwise the body that he is about to collapse will not be able to withstand it.

As long as he can mobilize the strong inside the Nether, there is nothing to be afraid of.

And Ulina also stayed at home and concentrated on taking care of Takino.

Those of the Wu family will not see the extension of the wilderness, and they will start to find another way.

The strength of the Wu family is much weaker than that of the Xue family. If the Xue family wants to deal with their Wu family, the Wu family will indeed be destroyed.

The Ukrainian high-level officials have been negotiating for a long time, and there is no good way. Only when they flee from Wulong City, they can hide their names and change their identity lives in other places. They all know that Xue Dagang must report and will not let them go.

"Homeowners, we still leave before the departure of the wilderness of the wilderness, or once the Takino is gone, there will be no power of the main city of the city, and the army of the city will soon be killed." The elder said.

Wusong Wind Road: "The Wuye family in Wulong City will be abandoned in this way. I am really reluctant. I am a sinner of the family. I can’t see my ancestors. I really can’t think of it. Good vision, if we can get to the Takino, what the city government is, it is a breeze to destroy the Xue family."

He regrets very much, but regret does not work. Things have happened and there is no way to recover them.

Wu Jialian’s family business was gone, and the family’s direct disciples quietly left Wulong City in the dark.

Takuya knows that they are leaving and have not taken care of it.

Anyway, the people of Wujia are dead or alive, and he is too lazy to care.

Just looking at the part of Ulina, he still did not fall into the stone, telling the Xue family of the whereabouts of the strong men of Wu.

"Lina, everyone in your family has left. This is their only choice. If we don't leave, when we leave, the Wu family will definitely be killed by the Xue family." Takuya said.

"No matter what, they are my loved ones, I don't want them to have an accident." Urina sighed.

She looked nervous and was still worried about the Uighurs and they had an accident.

"Reassure, Xue family did not expect the people of Wujia to run, so there is no set up." Takuya said.

"That's good." Ulina breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ulina, you have a good rest. There are still up to three days. I will recover almost. When we leave, we will leave." Takuya said, continue to practice and recover from the injury.

"I can finally leave here." Urina is very happy and full of expectations.

She listened to Takino and said a lot of things outside, and naturally she was full of expectations for going out.


When the Uighurs left, the city government got the news the next day, and it was too late to pursue.

"It's really abominable. Have you ever explored the situation in Takino?" Xue Dagang said with anger.

"The city owner, still do not know who Takuno is, he suddenly emerged, I am afraid that only Ulina knows his situation."

"I must kill him, anyway..."

"The city owner, we have to start early, otherwise he will leave, and it is not easy for us to find him."

Xue Dagang said: "It seems that I need to use the happy order."

Xiaoyao Ling is the famous name of Jiuxian Xianjie. It is unparalleled.

The Happy Soul is a token issued by Xiaoyao Zong. The person holding this token can ask the strong person of Xiaoyao Zong to help with one thing.

Xiaoyao Zong has a high reputation. Once he has received the Happy Order, he will go all out and never stop.

However, the little harem is rarely seen in the world, who would have thought that the little Oolongcheng city owner actually held a happy order.

No one can survive without the killing order issued by Happy.

Xue Dagang has not been willing to use the Happy Order. This time, he was somewhat strange because he used the Happy Order from the unknown.

However, if he does not kill Takino, there will be obstacles in his heart, which will be detrimental to future cultivation.

Therefore, even if he is wasted, he will kill the Takino wilderness and be calm.

If other people know that he is using a happy man to deal with a man who has little relationship with him, it is estimated that he will be defeated.

Xue Da just did not care so much, I thought of doing it, and immediately issued a happy order, please let the strong man of Xiaoyao Zong go out to deal with Takino.

Xiaoyao Zong is one of the strongest seven sects in Jiuxian Xianjie. The strongest of the Xianwang class sits on the town and is extremely powerful.

They were extremely reputable, and when they received the news, they immediately sent a team of Xuan Xianjing strongmen to Wulongcheng.

There are a total of 12 people in the team of Xiaoyao Zong, who are the strongest in the late Ming Dynasty, three in the middle of the mysterious period, and eight in the early days of Xuan Xianjing. This is the most basic equipment.

According to Xue Dagang's situation, a team of Xuanxianqiang strong enough to solve the extension of the wilderness.

Takuya is still recuperating in Uzbekistan, and I don’t know that Xue Dagang can still call the strong man of Xiaoyao.

As time went by, his body finally recovered slowly. His resilience was amazing, but this time the injury was too heavy and it would be difficult to recover.

The injury has recovered some, and the recovery is faster.

When the Ukrainian family went to the empty space, Tuo’s wilderness could be cultivated with peace of mind, and the injury recovered more quickly. Even the power of the mind was restored.

He tried to mobilize the strong inside the Nether, and the result was that the Netherland couldn't be opened. It seems that his body can't bear the power of the Netherland, and he can't use the strong inside the Nether.

He couldn't help but regret it. He knew that he would leave a strong man outside and would not land on this field.

If someone helps him, he can recover faster. Fortunately, there are some elixir inside the ring, or else he really wants to cry.

He can't use it now, and even the drug house can't be used. If he can use the drug house, he can also rely on the life tree to quickly repair the injury.