MTL - Naruto Caged Bird-Chapter 10 : East of Konoha

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Under the sun, the first-flying birds are circling and jumping freely in the Hyuga Clan, in the clear sky? above the clouds? In the forest? Still under the roof~?

In the end, where will it fly to?

"The body is like a bird in a cage, life and death in a moment, "Bird in a Cage".


In the morning, the sun is always the clearest.

There is no scorching heat at noon, and no coldness at night, just basking in the sun like that, which is very good!

The people of Hyuga live and work in peace and contentment on the land where Konoha was first established. The Hyuga Clan, which shines under the rising sun, is "towards the sun" just like its name.

"East of Konoha" is the place where the ancestor of the Hyuga clan "Hyuga Tennin" chose for this clan to live, develop, and even grow.

Every day of every year and every month, the sun will continue the law of rising in the east and setting in the west.

From the beginning to the end, from morning to night, starting from the "source" of all things, they all shine on "Hinata", shine on "Senju", and fall on "Uchiha".

Such a living location is exactly where the ancestors of Konoha's three wealthy families chose their clan lands.

In those years, facing those two strong and powerful contemporaries, even "Tianren", who is known as "Forbearance of Forbearance", had to set up the family motto of "avoiding his edge, keeping a low profile". The rising sun is definitely not as dazzling as "Senju" at noon, nor is it as colorful as "Uchiha" when the red and black of the setting sun echo each other.

Just like the morning sun, Hyuga's people always give people a feeling of softness, laziness, and serenity.

And it was Hinata Tennin's choice that also allowed Hinata to skip the ideological competition between the two powerful families of Konoha, and avoid the opportunity to face the ninja geniuses of the other two clans of the same generation. As a result, the only high-end strength of the family can be preserved for a long time, and it is located under Konoha's powerful second clan like a lingering breath, and surpasses many other ninja clans.

Known as the "big family".

Even, until that day came, he called himself "the strongest family in Konoha"!

Well, the explanation of the day difference of the traverser at this time is: "I can't beat you, I will kill you. I can't bully the old, I will bully the young"!

After being reborn as Hinata Nissai, Nissai always hoped to find some "legendary" magical secrets from the family's ancient books, after sifting through all the ancient books in the clan. Finally summed up the truth of this cheating, and came to such a useless conclusion speechlessly.


Don't underestimate a family that has existed for a long time, and also don't underestimate an "old man" who has lived for a long time.

Do not believe?

"Young man, why don't we take two tricks?"

"Okay, sir, if you pass two moves, you will pass two moves!"


"Baji..." the old master Xianfeng Daogu, who looked like "Old Taoist Zhang", fell to the ground, and his free right hand grabbed your arm fiercely like an eagle's claw and said:

"Young man, you can't go, but you pushed me!".

This story seems to be still valid today.

The world of ninjas has never lacked unique talents, and there has never been a shortage of legendary ninjas who can be made into movies. What is missing is the "old man" who can live longer in this **** and cruel world.

Looking at the whole "Ninhshi", the only thing that can truly be called longevity is the "Onoki" who shines all day long and a few old "toads". Even the most resistant third-generation Hokage only lived for sixty-eight, and the gray-haired third-generation Lei Yin, he just looks old because of his insolent and anxious looks.

Hyuga Tenshin, at the age when an adult is most ambitious and ambitious, has to choose to hide himself and retreat behind the scenes.

Finally, on that day, when the two unparalleled people in Konoha passed away one after another in the battle of "Valley of the End", Hinata became a well-deserved Konoha giant like "Senju" and "Uchiha".

This seems to be an old fox who has the will and opportunity to forbear like "Sima Yi". It's a pity that my original army of hundreds of millions was not good enough, and the abilities of my descendants were seriously lacking. As a result, Lao Tzu's "Tsuka Tiger" son meows, and each generation is more meowed than the next generation.

Even the most gifted genius in the future, Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang's earliest ninja Ningji Hinata, his poor son died under a few "toothpicks", how unfair!

"Is that why you asked me to travel here?" At this time, Riji looked at the sky fiercely, thinking helplessly about the fate of himself and his future son.

As for Hinata's history, it has been dragged down until his son-in-law Naruto took over the position before he really became strong!

"Daughter is really a treasure!" Rizu, who thought it over clearly, is even planning to have a daughter in the future, or change his wife with Rizu in the future!

That day, after reading "Hyuga Biography" and various historical records of the Hyuga clan, I got the answer in my heart bit by bit.

After coming to this world and becoming a member of the Hyuga tribe, wouldn’t it be the most important thing to figure out what kind of existence is Hinata’s ultimate combat power "Hyuga Tennin" proposed by "brother" Nichizu during the future Chunin exam?

You know, there are people on the head to enjoy the shade.

In that way, without anyone noticing, they can secretly "excavate, plagiarize, and learn from teachers." No, it should be said to "discover and inherit" the mantle of the legendary white-bearded grandfather Hinata Tennin.

In this way, three years later, he can marry Bai Fumei, take over as CEO, beat Uchiha, and reach the pinnacle of life from then on.

Thinking about it, the daily difference at this time actually made me a little excited. The fantasy at that moment even made my saliva flow all over the place!

Unfortunately, things backfired.

This is not the world of Xianxia, ​​the old man has already turned into ashes!

The ideal is always full, but the reality is always very skinny. Uncovering that layer of cover, who knows which one of ABCDEFG is shaken out, as for the "H" or something, I always thought it was a nightmare that could not exist when I was still in the land of China!

Looking at this whole clan of Jonin every day, Nizashi at this time even felt—in that world where shadows are like dogs in the later stage, what will happen to them in the end?

They will all be "cracked" by Kaguya, after various "hanging", "binding" and "extracting".

Self-hanging, southeast branch!


Hinata's "strongness" is certain.

But for the ninja world of the same age, there will always be a world with a few unparalleled and powerful ninjas, even the level called "Tiannin" will inevitably fade away, not to mention the swarm of jounin.

In the end, the awesome title of "Tennin" revealed in the Chunin Exam can only become the background of his son Neji, and can only be passed on alone among the Hyuga clan. It can only be revealed from the mouth of "the patriarch of Hyuga at that time", the elder brother Rizuku.

Is such a strong man who brought Hinata to glory, singing or crying?

The Hyuga giants, which have been built on the strength of the entire ethnic group from the beginning to the end, always lack the top combat power of "who will fight for the front" in the same generation. This embarrassing Hinata is also like this from generation to generation, relying on the surviving shadow of the previous generation-living longer and preserving more strength to support this now growing family.

Live longer and naturally "live more". The healthy and healthy children of the wealthy family have accomplished a feat that Konoha's other two schools combined could not achieve.

There are so many people!

This is indeed a good way to improve a family, a village, or even a country.

Because, in the previous life, the daily difference has fully witnessed the dividends that can be brought by the population of the country as a unit. The strong men among the 1.3 billion people can bring up a cloud with a wave of their sleeves. With one click of the keyboard, I can get a hot review.

Living for a long time will not bring good things to the children and grandchildren!

People, as they grow older, will make their once vigorous thoughts more and more conservative, and will do some things to protect their own interests because of aging and lack of security. UU Reading www.

Just like the strongest Hokage who is now in full swing, the third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzane known as "Ninjao".

When the old man is gray-haired and wrinkled, can he still think clearly? Is it possible to make such truly wonderful judgments and commands as before?

He once personally brought this village (Huaxia) from war to glory, and when he was old, he also brought pain to this place he loved so much. Looking at this prosperous village (Huaxia) today, it seems that there is no need to elaborate on right and wrong.

The future always belongs to the new generation!

(Sometimes I always want to write something that discusses "politics", but because of the control, I can only express my understanding and opinions in the cracks!)

Similarly, the aging Hinata at this time, in order to control the growing number of people, even far exceeding the sum of the number of other groups.

Konoha's seemingly most docile and harmonious "white giant" Hyuga Clan has also been corroded by time.

In the end, a phenomenon of "main family" enslaving "divided families" evolved that no other Konoha families had. What's more, for his own high-sounding interests, he invented a more vicious spell "caged bird" than the Indian style used by Konoha's root "root".

Bird in a cage?

The body is like a bird in a cage, and life and death are just a thought—this is the best interpretation of the "bird in a cage" spell.



After reading chapter by chapter, do you find that the plot of this book has gradually become darker and stricter with the age of the day.

Just like we used to grow up little by little, with less laughter, fewer mistakes, and the disappearance of the second grade, what will greet us?

"Caged bird"? ?