MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 501

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You can inhale it into [Shenwei Space], and then detonate it directly!

The explosion of several tons of atomic uranium is comparable to the power of thousands of little boy atomic bombs!

Even a sixth-level powerhouse will probably not be able to hold it!

Taking a ten thousand steps back, even such a powerful explosion could not kill the enemy.

It is also enough to cause the entire [Divine Prestige Space] to collapse and banish the enemy to the endless void...

This is the fundamental purpose of Natsume calling all miners to fully exploit this uranium mine.

It is always a good thing to have one more trump card ultimate move!

Seeing that uranium mining is on the right track here.

After Natsume left a few clones to help here, his body flashed back to the village in an instant.


The first and second preparatory work have been completed.

Finally, the expedition team was assembled.

You, Kaguya, Madara, and Obito need not say more, they are all ready.

The only one left is a certain classmate.

You know, he is full of spy talents, but he is one of the best candidates for this expedition!

Chapter 427 Don't worry, I won't force him

Due to the lack of medical ninjas.

[Yanyin Village] A real medical building has not yet been built.

Therefore, a temporary medical treatment center was set up on the [Orphanage] side.

The entire [orphanage], the front yard is used to receive and treat the wounded.

The backyard is the dormitory and canteen for the orphans.

Of course, the dean is still held by Ye Naiyu.

Kabuto, who also masters medical ninjutsu, maintains the [orphanage] together as a medical assistant.

As a result, although it seems a little nondescript.

But the actual effect is not bad.

One: No Naiyu and other medical ninjas can teach orphans medical ninjutsu through the process of treating the wounded, so that they can acquire special skills.

Second: Those young orphans can also do some simple tasks such as disinfection, sterilization and dressing for the wounded, experience the feeling of personal treatment, and earn some tips for the [orphanage].

Finally: such a close communication can also enhance the connection between the orphanage and ordinary villagers, and gradually deepen the integration of the two sides.

It can be said to accomplish many things with one fell swoop.

all in all.

In the past six months, the emerging model of [Orphanage] has indeed achieved remarkable results.

Not only has it left a good reputation among the villagers.

It also allowed the [Orphanage] to accumulate a lot of funds, and it does not even need to rely on the allocation of the village finances.

Among them, several orphans also learned basic medical ninjutsu.

Some patients with minor injuries can be treated independently.

As such.

[Orphanage] It can be regarded as finding a path that is enough to circulate and be autonomous.

Don't have to worry anymore, like when I was in [Kinoha Village] before.

You must rely on selling yourself in exchange for the village's financial support for the [orphanage].


It is better to teach him to fish than to teach him to fish.

It is said that every time he sees the prosperity of the [orphanage] today, as the dean of the orphanage, Ye Naiyu will secretly cry with joy, and his tears will not stop...

You can see how moved she is.

At this moment, the [Orphanage] is still treating the wounded in an orderly manner.

"Huh? Don't kill the big brother again?"

"Are you here again?"

Seeing Zaibuzhan being carried into the hospital on a stretcher, Dou again laughed and teased.

"Quick, quick, brother Dou, help me get a cure!"

Zabuzhan was lying on the stretcher with scars all over his body, and he was struggling to ask for help.

"Today looks more serious than ever..."

"Wait? Why is the **** hurt again?"

"If you don't kill eldest brother, what are you training every day in your training ground?"

"Why does your **** hurt all the time?"

Look at the **** that will not cut a piece of erosion.

Even the well-informed classmate Dou couldn't help but smack his tongue in amazement.

"Damn, that **** Hyuga Fukagawa!"

"Relying on the new blood line limit given to him by your young patriarch, he asked me to practice endlessly, and bombarded my **** like an arrow target on the spot..."

"Who can stand this?"

No longer gritted his teeth and complained.

However, although the process is painful, it is also beneficial.

At the very least, Zaibuzhan's strength has improved a lot because of this; and his ability to fight against attacks has risen steadily.

Otherwise, he would have quit long ago.

How can you be asking for trouble every day?

"Brother Fukagawa has become stronger again?"

"It's amazing!"

Dou sighed with emotion; he skillfully took off his trousers and prepared to start the treatment.

"I'm about to start, please bear with me!"

After that, a chakra healing light spread out from the hands of the pocket and acted on the **** that was not cut again.

"Ow, ooh!"

"Comfortable, cool!~~~"

The cool feeling from the buttocks made the waves scream uncontrollably.

The sound of the wave caused the other injured people around to look at them.

People who don't know, really think what he is doing!

At the same time, looking at the comfortable appearance of not cutting again.

In the distance, hidden in the corner.

Silently watching all this Shiro.

He gritted his teeth even more, secretly determined to learn to heal ninjutsu.

"Dou, are you ready? I'm still waiting!"

"Don't waste time on that old ghost, his **** won't heal."

"Hahaha! It makes sense..."

"Brother Dou, have you had lunch yet? Why don't you come to my house for some food later?"

There were all kinds of ridicules all around.

It is clear.

Kao, who is proficient in medical ninjutsu, has helped many people.

Among the Yanyin ninjas, they all have a good impression.


"Coming soon, you wait!"

Dou replied cheerfully.

Compared to the gloomy appearance before.

At this moment, he is really cheerful.

Obviously, the environment is also extremely important to a person's personality.

In an environment of gratitude and praise for a long time, the probability of a person's blackening will naturally be much lower.

at the same time.

In front of the window sill on the second floor of the orphanage, two figures were also watching everything below.

Natsume: "It's really changed a lot from when I first saw him a year ago!"

Ye Naiyu: "Thanks to Lord Natsume, otherwise this child may be ruined in his life..."

Xia Mu waved his hand:

"Between us, we don't have to say those compliments."

"It's not a compliment; all the children in the orphanage, including me, including Dou; are extremely grateful to Natsume-sama. Without you, we wouldn't be where we are now..."

Ye Naiyu expressed his sincere gratitude.

And that was really what was in her heart.

"Doing my job well is the best reward for me."

"Furthermore, the mission this time is a hundred times more difficult than infiltrating [Yanyin Village]..."

"It's not something to be thankful for."

"Do you agree with him to go?"

Xia Mu turned back, stared at Ye Naiyu, and asked in a deep voice.

Ye Naiyu: "Then can I replace Dou..."

Natsume directly rejected:


"The orphanage needs your support, and the village and family also need you."

"Also, Dou's latent talent is far above yours..."

"It is about the survival of the ninja world, and it must not be influenced by emotions."

Hearing this, Ye Naiyu bit her red lips, knowing that she should not refute.