MTL - Naruto’s Strongest Force-Chapter 66

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Everywhere is concerned about profit, and the current Uchiha's various benefits should be the most among all the ninja villages.

Uchiha has just attracted an explosive baby boom. When these babies grow up, Uchiha will usher in its most powerful period.

There are people, money, Natsuki and Fugaku are still two kaleidoscopes.

Itachi and Shisui who left the village were also very big threats.

Now, isn't it just because of those interests that major families support the Third Hokage? If Uchiha can bring more benefits.

It goes without saying that the candidate for the next Hokage must be Uchiha.

Although Danzo no longer has the name of Nebe, it doesn't matter, Nebe recognizes him as this person.

During this period of time, Danzo summoned back many of his old subordinates.

The third generation felt that as long as there was no appropriation and the income of Danzo was limited, there would be no big waves at the root.

But he didn't know that Danzo already had other sources of funds.

The third generation promised Danzo that as long as he could give him more than half of the formulas in the Uchiha shop.

Funds related to restoring Danzo's roots.

Danzo promised with all his heart.

Hum, if I get half of the formula, will I still need you?

After Sandai drew a cake for Danzo, he waited to enjoy the cake.

As for whether Danzo will embezzle it for himself, he naturally has his own methods.

Hyuga Kaito, the fourth elder of the clan.

Danzo's contemporaries.

When he was young, he was a genius. He traveled across the battlefield and led the Hyuga clan to achieve many extraordinary feats. He was an upright, cheerful, and enterprising person.

But it was a pity that Tian was jealous of Yingcai. During a mission, while trying to save his companions, his left leg was severely injured. Everything from the bones to muscles and even nerves were necrotic.

The Hyuga family saved his legs with all their strength, but from then on, let alone returning to the fighting sequence, they could not even stand up.

He only saved this leg, but it had no feeling and was completely disabled.

In the end, he could only sit in a wheelchair, and a generation of genius died.

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the harder you fall.

After Hyuga Kaito became a useless person, the clan began to talk about him slowly.

People are always jealous.

When Kaito Hyuga was still a genius, no one dared to gossip, but when Kaito became a useless person, all kinds of unpleasant rumors began to flow out.

Hyuga Kaito was angry, sad, and desperate, but he finally cheered up and took the position of the fourth elder based on his merits back then.

Most of the elders of the clan did not care about the life and death of the children of the branch family.

Hyuga Kaito is different. When he guides young people, he never looks at the clan or the branch families. Over the years, he has a very wide network of contacts.

He also often makes plans for the family in order to make the Hinata family stronger.

On this day, Hinata Kaito stood in the yard again, moving forward with difficulty.

He once thought that if he continued to rehabilitate, a miracle would happen and his leg would recover.

Unfortunately, the reality is cruel. He has been exercising from youth to middle age, and now he is almost entering old age. The daily exercise has not made his body better.

The left leg still had no feeling, and the right leg had been injured many times due to such forced exercise.

Maybe it will be like this for the rest of my life.

Kaito thought a little frustrated.

"Haidou..." A strange voice sounded.

Hyuga Kaito turned around and saw that it was Shimura Danzo.

Hyuga Kaito has not seen Danzo for almost ten years. Although they are in the same period, they have no friendship. I wonder why Danzo came to him?

Kaito frowned and sat on the ground against the wall pillar.

He did not ask why Danzo suddenly appeared. His courtyard was not in the Zong family compound, and there were not many guards outside to stop Danzo.

"Danzo, why are you here?"

At this time, Kaito discovered that Danzo's right hand was not bandaged.

"Your arm?"

Danzo's arm had been in a bandage for many years, and he said it was injured.

But as the elder of the Hyuga clan, Kaito received different rumors.

Not only did Danzo wrap his arm tightly, there was also a seal on it.

Needless to say, Danzo's arm must have a big secret.

Over the years, everyone has become accustomed to Danzo's appearance. Unexpectedly, there is no seal now.

Moreover, Danzo also exposed his arm.

"After recovery, it will naturally be revealed."

Danzo waved his arms twice, and his strong and powerful body made the wind sound.

Kaito's expression changed, and he stared at Danzo's arm with a complicated expression.

Danzo smiled slightly proudly: "This is something we have researched from the root. It can strengthen the body. Even if the nerve is broken, there will be no problem."

Kaito held on to the pillar and moved not far away, where there was a wheelchair.

Danzo didn't help him, so Kaito walked and walked, and it took a few minutes before he sat down heavily in the wheelchair.

"What's your purpose?"

Kaito breathed slowly, and Danzo came over to show off his arms. Of course he had a purpose, otherwise why are you here, to give him warmth?

Danzo swings his arms casually and spits out lightly: "Guard Team."

Hyuga Kaito waved his hand: "Your reputation is ruined to the core. Stop trying to join the police force."

Hyuga Kaito paused: "Besides, the security force is always in Hizashi's hands. If it hadn't been for the intervention of the great elder, you would have been unable to change defenses."

Danzo waved his hand somewhat casually.

"I don't want Genbu to join the guard force again, but I want the guard force to do me a favor."

"Wrap your left leg around me. I guarantee it will be even more flexible than before."

Hinata Kaito asked warily: "What to do?"

Although he hopes that his leg will get better, he will never trade it for the interests of the clan.

"a piece of cake."

Danzo said easily: "As long as you instruct your Hinata security team to roll your eyes more often when patrolling, and help me see the various secret recipes of Uchiha."

Hinata Kaito's face darkened slightly.

"The Uchiha clan now regards those restaurants and shops as fortune trees. Now you want me to steal the secret recipe for you?"

The rise of Chinese cuisine relies on its different production methods and unique secret recipes.

Since no one has tried it before, I was curious and wanted to try it.

After eating it, I found that the taste is difficult to replicate outside, so more and more people eat it.

But unless you have a shop with the same sign, you have never heard of the recipes of those dishes, let alone eating from other shops.

"We, the Hyuga clan, have good relations with the Uchiha clan, and we will not betray our friends for some petty profit."

Kaito rejected Danzo, after all, he wanted his family to be stronger, not his own recovery.

Danzo narrowed his eyes: "Penny-wise and pound-foolish profit? Kaito, do you know how much money their shop can make every year? At least this amount."

Danzo held out two fingers.

Kaidou said nonchalantly: "It's only two million. Their business is so good, isn't that what it should be?"

Danzo shook his head: "Wrong, it's twenty million."


Kaidou was greatly shocked. You must know that an S-level mission is only a million-level mission.

Moreover, there is a high chance that people will die in S-level missions, but Uchiha only needs to open the store and cook food every day, and he can actually make 20 million in profits a year.

This is simply unbelievable. Even if you are a shadow-level player, you will always have professional intelligence from the village.

Then you won't be able to do a few S-level missions in a year, and even some S-level missions will take a year or two to complete.

"Is it really that profitable?" Kaidou still didn't believe it.

Danzo was prepared and handed the investigation report to Kaito.

Chapter 83 Everyone has their own agenda

Kaito slowly read the report, reading every item very carefully.

Danzo said: "Your Hyuga family just has a good relationship with Uchiha now. Uchiha is already working hard to develop, and their clan encourages procreation."

"Now a batch of babies have been born. In another ten years, Uchiha will become the largest clan in the entire ninja world."

"With their financial strength, the whole of Konoha will have to look at his face. The position of Hokage will be within easy reach for them."

Kaito's expression changed slightly, because Danzo's report also included more [Chinese Food] shops in Tian Country.

Although Tiannokuni Elementary School is small, there are so many shops. Although these shops are not run by Uchiha, they must have something to do with Uchiha.

As we all know, Itachi and Shisui should be in Otogakure Village, but they did not appear in public.

The third generation was intimidated by the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan and did not label the two and other Uchihas as traitorous ninjas.

"The Third Hokage negotiated with Uchiha and wanted to support Uchiha's shop, but Uchiha refused. He has always held the method of making Chinese food in his hands and ate alone."

"If we don't think of a solution, maybe in ten or twenty years, the Hyuga family will become a vassal."

"If you, the Hyuga clan, get the secret recipe, you can make it together with the village and make this cake bigger together."

"With the relationship between the third generation and the daimyo, it might not be a bad idea to promote this business to the entire Fire Country."

Danzo spared no effort to bewitch.

Kaito is very sober. It is normal for every ninja clan to have their own secrets. If the secret can generate profits, then it should be protected.

If you, Sarutobi Hiruzen, want the White Wolf with nothing, it is normal for others not to agree.

However, Danzo's words also made him listen a lot. He just read all the reports.

The above are some food unit price statistics, people flow statistics, and the final calculated value.

These values ​​are relatively conservative, which means that Uchiha's profits may be much greater than the amount of 20 million per year.

Kaito is also very jealous. He knows that now that the Third Ninja War has passed, all countries are working hard to develop their economies.

Now for the development of the country and the development of the family, every family is working hard to make money.

But the Hyuga clan has some embarrassments. The advantage of the Hyuga clan is its investigative ability, which is one of the best in the entire ninja world.

If it were wartime, Konoha would give Hinata a high subsidy to act as a scout.

But in non-wartime, on various tasks, having a member of the Hyuga clan can make the task much less difficult.

Therefore, Hinata is a sought-after item in the mission hall. As long as he goes there, others will beg him to form a team.

Therefore, the Hyuga clan is not short of money, and it has always been this way.

However, the Hyuga clan was somewhat weak, with no leading figures emerging, and coupled with a comfortable life, they gradually lost their ambition.

Everything is done separately.

Because the branch family will only obey the orders of the clan, no matter how many military exploits the branch family obtains, their power in the Konoha Village will still be very small.

The elders who have always wanted to strengthen the Hyuga clan always hope to gain greater power.