MTL - NBA Backer King-Chapter 567 Garnett: I won't allow old K to be presumptuous on my head

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  Chapter 567 Garnett: I will not allow old K to be presumptuous on my head

   "Arrogant guy, does he still think this is his era? He is already in the past, I will blow him up next season, the Suns will never pass the Lakers, because I won't allow it."

  O'Neill was very angry when he was interviewed by the media after seeing all kinds of related news.

Duncan, who just won the championship and FMVP, also accepted an interview with the media, but said in a calm manner: "Old K is a generational hegemon, I hope he will have a decent comeback. I have nothing to say about his comeback attitude. His historical status is qualified to say so."

As one of the best power forwards in the league, Kevin Garnett also accepted an interview with the media, his attitude was a little more angry than Duncan, saying: "Old K should not say that, he is a veteran, and he is A veteran who has returned from a serious injury, his performance is history, this is not his era, for this era, he is just a spoiler, I will not allow him to be presumptuous on my head."


  Los Angeles, Kobe Bryant's mansion, watching Garnett's interview on the TV news, he angrily smashed the TV remote control on the TV.

   He wasn't mad about what Garnett said. These days, he's still mad at Old K, because Old K doesn't want to come back to the Lakers.

   "Kobe, you have broken at least ten remote controls and five mobile phones these days." Vanessa said helplessly, and quickly got up to clean up.

   Last April, the day after the regular season ended, the two suddenly announced their marriage, because their marriage was not favored by their families, and even Kobe’s parents and sisters didn’t plan to participate.

Kobe's parents looked down on Vanessa, thinking that the girl born in the poor hole wanted Kobe's money. Kobe was a very rich man. With his salary plus business income, he still had 10% of the shares in the old K's trading company, thousands of dollars per year. With $10,000 in income, they don't want Vanessa cheap.

Pharaoh does not agree with Kobe's parents' idea. He was born in the countryside. He lived in the sewers in New York during the most difficult time, and was accompanied by mice, cats and dogs. In his opinion, Kobe and Vanessa have a good relationship, why not together?

   In the end, he came forward to do ideological work for Kobe and his family, so that the relationship between Kobe and his family was not at the worst, and Kobe's family still attended the wedding ceremony.

   Of course, the most important reason is that he asked Kobe to give his parents and two sisters a lot of money.

  Pharaoh invited a large group of guests to Kobe, such as Barkley, Big Dream, Lightning, and also invited a group of Hollywood stars from Beverly Hills, and the marriage was a lively affair.

It is precisely because of this that Kobe is more and more grateful to Pharaoh, so he is very angry now, because in his opinion, Old K is old and has returned from a serious injury. Now it is time for him to take Old K to win the championship, but Old K rejected him. .

   "O'Neal wants to stop the Suns, I will join forces with him, I want to let old K understand that now only I can lead him to win the championship."

   Kobe said to Vanessa paranoid.

   "Okay, I know, old K will be back. But mom, dad and sisters are coming soon, you need to pack up and shave, you haven't shave for three days." Vanessa said quickly.


   Got support from Vanessa, Kobe was in a slightly better mood, got up and went to the bathroom.

   But after that, Kobe's family arrived.

   Now Kobe's parents and sisters still live in Los Angeles. The big villa Kobe bought for them is not as good as before, and it's a little awkward, but overall it's not bad.

   "Kobe, you don't really want K to return to the Lakers, do you?" Joe Bryant asked as soon as he saw Kobe.

   "What?" Kobe didn't understand.

Pam Bryant immediately persuaded: "Kobe, although you have four championships now, none of them were won by you, so you need to prove that without old K, you can lead the team to win the championship, you can't let it be. He's back."

   "Mom, Old K is old and seriously injured. He returns to the Lakers. Are you worried that he can still grab my core position? As for the position of the locker room leader, I don't care." Kobe said.

   Having said this, he said frustratedly: "But you don't have to worry, he won't come back, hasn't the Suns announced it?"

  Joe Bryant said: "I am worried that you will misunderstand O'Neal and you by saying something inappropriate in front of the media.

  The big shark is definitely stronger than the old K now. You can only hope to defeat the Blazers when you join forces with him. "

  Pam said: "Although you lost this year, as long as you strengthen your lineup in the offseason, there is still a great hope of defeating the Blazers next year."

   "I see." Kobe said gloomily.

   He doesn't like O'Neal very much. It's not that the silly fish has no strength, but that he doesn't like O'Neal's attitude towards basketball.


   On June 20, the capital, CCTV, and the Ministry of Sports held a meeting.

   Last season, CCTV's NBA live broadcast was two games a week, and there were even occasional extra games. The main broadcast games were of course the Nets games, and the Lakers also had a part.

   At present, the domestic basketball fans, the Nets and the Lakers each have a share. A few years have passed, and there are not many fans of the Suns.

In terms of domestic individual fans, Dayao's momentum is very strong, his debut is the peak, his performance in his rookie season is much stronger than when Pharaoh made his debut, and he won the best rookie. He was selected for the best second team that year. He led the team to the finals and achieved a good record, winning the love and pursuit of countless fans.

But Lao Wang's background is still there, and in terms of personal data and honor, even if Dayao's performance is strong, Lao Wang can still be crushed, and he can be called the first person in the domestic sports world, and he has only retired for a year. Although the influence It has weakened, but it is still huge, and the glory of the first person in NBA history has also brought a great sense of pride to domestic fans. This is something that Dayao cannot give, so in terms of individual fans, he currently has more fans. .

   Today's CCTV meeting is to decide the schedule of broadcasts for the new season. Because of Wang Tiejun's comeback, there will be variables. Now we have to decide how much to give to the Nets, how much to the Lakers, and how much to give to the Suns.

   Among them, the key factor is the audience rating, which is to see who has more influence and whose game is more popular.

   Among them, the Lakers must have the least number of broadcasts. This one does not need to be discussed. Today, we only discuss the Nets and the Suns, that is, between Dayao and Lao K, who will CCTV choose.

"I don't think the state of old K will be good after his comeback. With such a serious injury, it would be good for ordinary people to walk. He is back now, and it will not be of much help to the Suns' record. Last season, the Suns were at the bottom of the Western Conference. If we Give the Suns too many broadcasts, what if the ratings aren't good?"

"But Lao K's influence is still there. His fans in China account for most of them. I can even say which basketball fans in China are not his fans, and would not watch his games? There is such a good basketball atmosphere in China now, it's him. He brought it up, and Dayao was also cultivated by him. Dayao was the peak when he debuted. Isn't he standing on the shoulders of Lao K? Now that Lao K is coming back after a year of retirement, we don't give enough broadcasts, can't you justify it? His fans You won't buy it, will you?"

   "But we are buying the copyright with money. If the Suns' record is poor, the fans will not buy it. The ratings will not be good at that time. Will you pay for the loss?"

   "Old K has so many fans, will no one watch it?"

"There are also a lot of Dayao fans now. Old K retired. Everyone watched Dayao's games. The Nets' record is there. Now it's clear that as long as we broadcast the Nets' games, there will be high ratings. There will be great risks in the match of the Suns, so of course you have to choose the guaranteed one.”

   There was a quarrel in the conference room, and the Minister of Sports, Lin Shengming, had a headache.

  The father said that the public was right, and the mother said that the mother was right. After he thought about it, he calmed the conference room and said, "Well, give the Lakers' games to the Sun, and the Lakers will broadcast one occasionally."

"Minister Lin, we broadcasted 48 regular season games last season, and the Lakers had 19 games, basically one a week. It would be inappropriate to give them all to the Sun. The risk is very high. I don't think the number of games played by the Lakers can be reduced too little. The Lakers games are very popular this season."

   "Old Liu, are you mistaken? The Lakers' ratings are so good because Old K's influence is still there. Now that Old K is back with the Suns, why are you broadcasting so many Lakers games?"

"Old Chen, what we are discussing now is not about feelings. The copyright has to be bought with money, which is very expensive. I admit that the good ratings of the Lakers are because of Lao K, but now a large number of Lakers fans have formed in China, should we ignore them? ?"

"Lao Liu, you ignored more old K's fans. I just said, how many basketball fans in China are not old K's fans? Do you think the fans in the new season are more willing to watch the Lakers games than the old K's fans? K's game? You are chasing the bottom line."

"Old Chen, let's be realistic. Old K is already abolished, and the Suns are a bad team. Last season, the Western Conference was at the bottom. Maybe because of feelings, fans will watch a few games at the beginning, but if you keep losing and keep losing, Old K is old. If it was beaten up, fans would still be willing to watch it? I still recommend less broadcast of Suns games, if the Lakers can’t, then it’s better to broadcast more of Dayao’s games.”

   There was another quarrel in the conference room, Lin Shengming knocked helplessly, and said loudly, "Quiet, whoever wants to quarrel any more will go out and quarrel."

Under the pressure of the minister, the talents quieted down, and Lin Shengming said: "Let's decide, the new season is still the original 50 games broadcast plan, the Nets will give 30 games, the Suns 12 games, the Lakers 8 games, that's all. Decided.

  If, if the old K is okay, the ratings of the Suns game are okay, we will discuss with the NBA league and adjust it when the time comes. "

   This decision is almost the same, there is a certain degree of flexibility, and both sides have accepted it.

   The matter was decided, and Zhang Heli was soon known.

Zhang Lili and Dayao have a very good relationship. When Dayao entered the Iron Army training camp for the first time, he was the one who brought him in. He also watched Dayao grow up, but he was still a little uncomfortable with CCTV's decision. Feel.

   "Xiaosu, he only gave the Suns 12 games. CCTV is the face of the Iron Army!" In a fit of anger, he called Su Qun.

  Suqun also said dissatisfiedly: "What about sending the beggars, the Lakers had 19 games last season, which is too snobbish?"

  Old Zhang said: "No matter how you say it, you have to be the same as Dayao, right? It's too realistic now. But the sports department has left room. If the ratings are okay, they should make adjustments."

"The 8 games of the Lakers are not needed at all. Last season was when the old K didn't come back. His fans still regarded the Lakers as the home team. Now that he is back with the Suns, his fans will still watch the Lakers games? The people in the sports department. It's just fooling around." Su Qun said.


  The time has come to the end of June, the news of Pharaoh's comeback is gradually sinking, and the day of the NBA draft has arrived.

  The Suns had the bottom-to-last record in the Western Conference last season, but they only got the ninth pick. Colangelo Jr. used this pick to select high school student Amare Stoudemire.

Stoudemire's talent is good, but because he is a high school student, there is a lot of uncertainty. He predicted that the draft position will be at the end of the lottery, and he was selected ninth, which also made him laugh, a kind of luck. a feeling of.

   As the draft ends, the trade window opens, but there is still a freeze period before the signing can be officially signed until late July.

   Little Colangelo returned to Phoenix, and the first thing he did was to get the head coach for next season.

   The head coach of the Suns this season is Frank Johnson, but his level is not very good. Now that the old K is coming back, he hopes to find another better head coach.

   Now he has two applications in hand, both former Suns assistant coach and head coach, the first is Mike D'Antoni, and the second is Scott Skiles.

   Skelt has served as the head coach of the Suns on an interim basis in these three seasons.

And D'Antoni, who worked for the Suns in the old K era, is very capable, but has different ideas. He returned to Europe to be the head coach for a few years, and now he is killed again. Wherever he falls, he is there. The feeling of getting up.

   In addition, he has another candidate, the big bird Larry Bird who just left the Pacers head coach position.

   In the past few seasons, the Pacers led by Larry Bird have never been able to win the championship. The Knicks led by Jordan and O'Neal before, and the Nets led by Dayao have never been able to rush to the East. The contract expired, and he chose to leave the coaching position.

  These three people, no, plus Frank Johnson, four people, he is more optimistic about Larry Bird and D'Antoni, and between these two, he is more optimistic about Big Bird.

  He first contacted Big Bird, and after the phone call, they had a chat, and then invited Larry Bird to coach the Suns.

After hearing   Larry Bird, he was silent for a long time before he said, "How much strength does Old K have?"

   "This, his agent, Hoxman, said that Old K still has at least 70% to 80% of his strength before his injury last year. I contacted him, and he said it was about the same." Little Colangelo said.

  Larry Bird's face twitched, 70% to 80%, who are you lying to?

Duncan's meniscus is torn, and it has already made him unable to fly. Old K's heel is broken, it is broken, his mobility, bounce ability, confrontation ability, etc., will all be seriously affected, more than the meniscus. The tear injury is ten times more serious, plus there is a comminuted fracture of the ankle joint, can he have 80% of his strength? Seventy-eight percent? He estimated that it would be good for Old K to be able to walk and play.

   "Forget it, the Pacers invited me to be the team's basketball director, so I won't come." After thinking about it, he declined the invitation from the Suns.

   Little Colangelo could only continue to contact D'Antoni, and the call was quickly connected.

   "Mr. Colangelo, nice to hear from you." D'Antoni said politely.

   "Mike, I said it directly, you should know the news that old K is coming back, right? Do you have any thoughts? You should understand what I mean." Little Colangelo asked directly.

  D'Antoni said immediately: "I understand, my basketball philosophy is not in line with old K, but this time I came prepared and I will make changes."

   "Oh, let's talk again." Little Colangelo said.

   An appointment was made, and the two ended the call.

   At this time, David Stern convened another high-level meeting to discuss one thing. The old K is coming back, so is the K-law going to be restarted?

   "Mr. President, I don't think it's necessary at all. Old K will never be able to return to the past. At most, his comeback will be a contract for a few years."

   "Agreed, Old K can barely come back, and it is also semi-disabled. His injury is not Duncan's torn meniscus, and he is older than Duncan. We don't need to restart K-law."

   "To be honest, if he hadn't been rich, I would definitely suspect that he came back for money, haha!"

  Everyone talked a lot and basically disagreed with restarting the K-law. In the end, David Stern made a decision not to restart the K-law.

   (end of this chapter)