MTL - Necromancers Are Frantically Stationing Troops In the Apocalypse-Chapter 353 , vagabond

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Chapter 353, Drifter

 Balconies, courtyards, and some secluded locations.

 The number of skeleton attendants even exceeds the number of guards in the residence of normal dignitaries.

Moreover, they are all undead attendants.

 The man leaned against the wall and recalled the information he had received previously.


The number of undead skeletons in the courtyard alone is enough to overturn all the previous intelligence content.

“Intelligence is as unreliable as ever.”

He glanced at the door opposite and the entire street, thinking about his next plan.

 After a brief thought.

 Close the scroll in his hand, shoulder the sword in his hand, and turn around to leave.


 In the study room.

Wu Heng distributed several bottles of first-level corpse core potion to the two maids.

 “Thank you, master!” The two nodded in thanks.

 Hands full of joy.

This kind of medicine is a rare treasure.

 It is also because of this potion that the two of them are much stronger than professionals of the same level.

Andewil is an ordinary assistant in the association, but her combat effectiveness is definitely not lower than the captain level of an ordinary team.

 The same is true for Minnie. Although the time to change jobs is the shortest, her attributes are not low either.

 What is relatively lacking is practical experience.

 But it’s not a big problem. If you accumulate it slowly, your attributes will improve, and the effect of training will be better.

 “Drink it directly!” Wu Heng said.

 Drank three bottles of potion one after another.

 The body has also gained a certain amount of growth.

"is that OK!"

Andweil said: "It feels pretty good, but it just doesn't seem as obvious as before."

Minnie said: "No, I feel pretty good."

“Weier has a high level. Once her body reaches a certain strength, the effect of the potion will be weakened. Minnie has just changed her job and can still take it many times.”

"Oh!" Minnie said, and then looked at 'Ande Weier', "Sister Weier, you have no effect anymore, give me this medicine from now on!"

 “If you don’t give it, it won’t be ineffective if it is weakened.”

 “Stingy!” Minnie pouted.

Wu Heng smiled and said: "There will be more potions in the future."

"I know! I just tease Sister Weier, she always looks very serious." Minnie said, pinching Anderweier's waist.

 The latter's body was agitated, he looked at Minnie who was running away, smiled and said: "Master, Minnie and I continue to clean the room."

“Well, let the tame beast also be responsible for the security of the residence.”


Anderweil nodded and followed downstairs.

Soon, the sound of ‘Minnie’ laughing and begging for mercy could be heard from the first floor.

Wu Heng released ‘Glenda’ and ‘Xiao Xiao’ and inspected them around the building.

 After confirming that there are no enemies or dangers, open the gate and go to the zombie world.



 Hiragui came out of the deacon's study, her expression still serious.

On the way back to his office and study, he said to the staff passing by: "Go and inform the team leader who has no mission to come to my study."

 “Yes, Archdeacon.” The staff member responded and left quickly.

 Sheila Gui returned to the study and began to put on armor.

Soon, there was a knock on the door, and several team captains walked in one after another.

 “Ardeacon, are you looking for us?” asked the captain of the team.

Sheela Gui glanced at a few people and said, "You teams will go out with me to inspect the pubs and hotels on Beacon Street."

 The captains frowned and looked at each other.

 The first captain said: "Is this the case of Deputy Deacon Wu Heng?"

"Well, there is news that criminals are staying overnight on Beacon Street." Sheila Ge said.

"Here..., there are so many people on Beacon Street, and there are a lot of pubs and hotels, it's hard for us people to take care of them all." Another captain said.

The dwarf captain of the third team stroked his beard and said, "How long can we waste by simply asking without bringing all the residents back for interrogation?"

 A female captain who was obviously dressed up said: "Deacon, I have a dance tonight. There are so many taverns on Beacon Street. Will it take a long time?"

Xilagui continued to hang the long sword on her waist and said: "The deacon has approved this matter. Everyone can't be absent when following me."

He glanced at the female captain again and said, "What is there to do at the dance? When this matter is over, I will let Wu Heng hold you and dance."

 The female captain’s eyes lit up, “Really?”

 Feeling that what he said was not quite right, he immediately changed his words, "No! I didn't mean that. I won't attend the dance, and I don't need Deputy Deacon Wu Heng to hold me and dance."


 The other captains were also amused.

After putting on the equipment, Xilagui walked straight out, "It won't take long, and we won't delay our dance at night. Bring the members and gather at the door."


 Everyone dispersed, gathered at the door, and headed to Beacon Street.


 Zombie world, old factory area.

Wu Heng walked out of the dormitory and took a look around the established market.

There are more and more bases coming to exchange supplies, and there is a long and slender queue along the entire road.

  Many survivors got out of the car to chat and smoke. Everyone was dressed in a wasteland style.

 At this time, Qi Hancai came over from behind, "Why didn't you call me?"

“It’s nothing, just take a look.” Wu Heng said.

Qi Hancai followed and continued: "There are more and more shelters coming to exchange supplies, and many special jobs have been recruited recently. I plan to take advantage of the wasteland behind the yard to build more before winter. Some warehouses and factories.”

 Behind the yard is a large open space with weeds taller than people.

“Winter is about to come, and the amount of work is quite large.”

“Let’s build it first. If it doesn’t work, we’ll continue in the next spring.”

Wu Heng had no objection, "Okay, you can arrange it. If you need a warehouse, nearby communities can use it."

"Well, the military came again yesterday and wanted to talk to you about the price of military equipment. You were not there at the time, so I declined." Qi Hancai said again.

Wu Heng doesn't have the time to think about military matters now.

 Said directly: "Don't worry about this now, we will talk about it later."

 “Okay!” The two of them chatted while walking.

Qi Hancai continued to talk about some things in the old factory area.

Outside the door, people in other shelters all looked over with their heads raised.

Most people have met Qi Hancai, the leader of the old factory area and an awakener.

 But I have never seen Wu Heng.

“Hey, brother, who is that person next to your leader?” A survivor asked directly as he handed a cigarette to the registered person.

 “Which one do you mean?”

The survivor said: "The man next to leader Qi Hancai."

“Oh, our leader, Qi Hancai is our deputy leader.” the registration officer said.

This is no secret either.

 The people in the military knew about this, and the positions in the old factory area were also arranged in this way.

The survivor frowned, "Damn it, you awakened ones!"

The staff member smiled, waved his hand and said, "It's your turn to change the food, go in!"

 “Oooh!” the survivor drove in.

 The rest of the people followed suit.

 Continue to inquire.

 Originally, they only thought that the most powerful person in the old factory was Qi Hancai, but now it seems that the strength of the old factory is stronger than they imagined.

 At least, the number of superpowers will not be less than two people.

Wu Heng and Qi Hancai walked around the market and then went to the factory again.

Qi Hancai asked: "When are you going to clean the turntable?"

 “It’ll be two days later, wait for my news!”

 “Okay!” Qi Hancai nodded.

Wu Heng chatted with her for a few more words, returned to the dormitory, and then returned to Treasure Island.


 Treasure Island.

Wu Heng lay on the bed and looked at the roof of the shed. I was thinking about my current situation.

 Coming to Treasure Island, I feel that the number of enemies has skyrocketed.

 First of all, it was the murder of the steward of the ‘Buck Merchant Group’ fleet. He was suspended from the association because of this incident. If he wanted to be reinstated, he had to find the real culprit or more direct evidence to prove that he was not the one who did it.

 At present, there are no direct clues.

 The second point is the danger we are about to face.

The enemy intends to remove himself from the position of deputy deacon, and there must be more arrangements later.

  The ‘Vagabond’ that Shilagui mentioned today happened to land on the island at this time.

 One has to wonder if he is here to find him.

 A level 16 professional who has killed an archdeacon still poses a certain threat.

 The last one is the pirate's wanted notice, as well as the white envelope and the Pirate King mentioned by 'Philippa'.

There is still a threat to myself, but it obviously has nothing to do with this matter.

 The possibility of pirates planning this incident is basically unlikely.

"The most dangerous one is the rogue. He dares to kill the deputy deacon and he won't be on the wanted list. He seems to be a veteran."

"Waiting for him to come to me would be too passive. It would be best to lure him out and confront him head-on. I may not be afraid of him." Wu Heng muttered to himself.

 Release the two ghosts again.

 Floating in the air.

Wu Heng said: "There have been a lot of troubles recently. Please help me take care of it at night."

 “Hey~! Sir, this is really worrying.” Xiaoxiao said.

Glenda still smiled as usual, "Don't worry, we don't need to rest anyway."

"Thanks for your hard work."

 Two ghosts flew out of the building and started to alert.

Wu Heng also closed his eyes and rested.


 The next day.

Wu Heng had breakfast and took the skeleton attendant Xue Hand with him. As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw the iron door next door also opened.

 A gorgeously decorated carriage, protected by many guards, drove out slowly.

 The carriage stopped beside him, and the curtain was raised, revealing the fair and beautiful face of 'Shanara'.

Shannara is still so beautiful, her facial features are exquisite and gorgeous, and her skin is as smooth as gelatin.

If there were no viral outbreaks in the modern world.

Wu Heng can definitely crush all the popular stars if he takes her back.

  If you start a live broadcast, there will definitely be a big brother who will give you a reward if you sit there.

 “Why are you walking around again?” Shannara said softly.

“Go to the association, what are you doing?” Wu Heng asked.

Shannara said: "Some things about the business group."

“Oh! There are a lot of people coming to the island recently, please pay attention to your safety.”

Shannara smiled, "Thank you, Archdeacon, for reminding me. I will be careful."

 “Well, walk slowly!” Wu Heng waved his hand.

Shannara nodded, blinked quietly, lowered the curtain again, and the carriage slowly left.

 The relationship between the two should still be kept at a distance in the outside world.

Wu Heng walked out of the intersection, called a carriage parked on the roadside, and got directly on it.

 The carriage moved forward slowly, heading to the central area.


First we went to the association and went to the office study to take a look at the skeleton responsible for monitoring.

 There is no useful information in the entire record book.

 The only useful sentence is to leave the island with the fleet in two days and go to the next association station.

 The other party is leaving.

 “It really has nothing to do with him?

Although I have doubts in my heart, at present, there is really no substantive evidence found on him.

 Let the skeleton continue recording.

Wu Heng walked out of the association again and headed to the Snake Emblem Consortium opposite.


Wu Heng put on the veil and left the association.

On the way, Glenda's voice rang in my ears.

 “There is someone following you, a high-level professional.”

Wu Heng suddenly turned his head and saw a figure standing behind him.

Wearing a loose robe with leather armor underneath, he holds a sword in one hand and the other arm is covered with tattoos of various patterns.

 Wanderer - Kerimu.

 He followed me here.

 Want to take action on the road?

 So courageous?

 But in my heart, I felt a little more relaxed. At least it was better to show up from the front than to attack from behind.

"You want to take action during the day? I'm just suspended, not dismissed." Wu Heng stood there, his eyes falling on the other party.

 The man opposite unbuttoned his robe, took off one sleeve of his arm, revealing a large tattoo, and said, "You know I'm coming to find you?"

Wu Heng smiled, "Rogue 'Kerimu', I know you."

Kerimu narrowed his eyes, "Are you waiting for me on purpose?"

"Nothing to talk about." Wu Heng continued: "We don't have any grudges, right? Do you need a fifth-level professional like you to kill my deputy deacon?"

 Keranmu tied his clothes around his waist and said directly: "Don't blame me for using money to do things."

The voice fell.

Kerimu turned into a figure and ran forward quickly.

Wu Heng's body retreated, and at the same time the [White Bone Armor] was formed.

 At the same time, the skeleton attendant Xue Hand also drew out his two swords and crashed directly into the original 'Vagabond'.


 The deafening metallic chirping sounded.

 The two weapons collided and sparks flew out.

Immediately afterwards, Kerin suddenly flashed alert and threw his body to one side.

 Almost at the same time.

ˆBang bang bang~!

 The dense bullets landed at his original position, splashing sparks on the bluestone road.

 Dodge bullets?

  Is this what a melee profession should do?

Wu Heng was surprised, but immediately turned the gun and fired the bullet at the opponent's position again.

Keranmu rolled one after another, holding the ground with one hand, and with a roar, thick smoke instantly enveloped his entire body.

 The whole street was filled with screams.

 The crowd fled in all directions, avoiding the area where the two men were fighting.

Wu Heng continued to pull the trigger into the smoke.

The next second, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air behind him, Kerimu appeared in mid-air, and his long sword slashed across his neck.

Wu Heng was shocked and his adrenal glands secreted rapidly.

 Pushing the body forward.

 At the same time, Glenda's figure emerged, pointing in the air at the center of 'Kerimu''s eyebrows.

 Keranmu's pupils were blank for a moment, and Wu Heng also took the opportunity to distance himself.

 Roll to stand up.

 Place one hand on the ground and release [breath of death].

 Dense dark clouds enveloped the surrounding area, and the negative attributes of necromancy magic began to fill the surrounding area.

 Keranmu began to feel itchy in his throat, dizzy, and his face turned sickly sallow.

At the same time, the skeleton attendant who had lost his target just now raised his sword and came over again, slashing straight at the opponent.

 Keranmu tore the two scrolls into pieces.

The negative state on his body disappeared instantly. He looked at the opposite side and said: "You are the deputy deacon I have killed, and you are still a little worse."

The words just fell.

Keranmu’s arms were covered with tattoos, he put one hand on the ground and muttered something in his mouth.

 The next second.

 Tattoos begin to become three-dimensional.

 The black pattern and the detached arm rushed towards this side quickly along the ground.

 Swarms of snakes entangled the **** hands' feet, and black rats and ghosts rushed toward Wu Heng.

   Thanks to 08a for the reward.

   Thanks for the tip from Xiankanyuan.



 (End of this chapter)