MTL - Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!-Chapter 1

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In the afternoon, the lazy sunshine passed through the thin screens and fell into the black and white apartment. A soft layer of soft light added a soft warmth to the simple yet slightly empty room.

There are several financial magazines on the black coffee table in the living room. Two or three men's t-shirts are scattered on the gray leather sofa. The brand name revealed by the luo shows that it is expensive.

There is a rare and expensive potted plant on the left side of the sofa. The branches and leaves are delicate and beautiful. Unfortunately, because the owner does not care, it pulls his head and looks like a weak and weak.

Along the potted plants, there is a well-equipped gym. Compared with the coldness in the living room, the things inside are often favored by the owner, especially on the treadmill, but still stained with water, obviously Have been used.

Next to the gym is the bathroom, where the rain like a raindrop stops, the glass door opens, and the hot air comes out of a very handsome man.

His short hair is dripping wet, and under his smooth forehead is a pair of narrow long phoenix eyes, a tall nose, a thin lip, and a very good neckline, along the raised clavicle, down the wheat color. The chest, the obvious abdominal muscles and the slender legs, the water stains that have not been completely dried, make this male body **** to the extreme.

He rubbed his hair and tied the large towel to his waist. The slender fingers habitually picked up the cigarettes, ignited them and slammed them on the phone, and connected the cell phone that had been shaking.

"Hey." The voice was as good as it was, with some sloppy hoarseness, and the accident was very embarrassing.

The person opposite the phone was crying out when he heard his voice: "Chu Ge! You finally answered the phone! You finally appeared! I am going crazy!"

Chu Yuyun raised his hand slightly and took the phone away from his ear. When the people inside finished, he replied leisurely: "There was a bad signal in Senegal a few days ago."

Xiao Zhang immediately exclaimed when he heard this: "Senegal?? Chugo, are you going to participate in the car rally or go across the Sahara?"

Chu Yuyun was careless: "Try it all."

The opposite Xiao Zhang took a breath: "Serve, capitalized clothes!"

Chu Yuyun bounced off the ash and continued to ask: "What is it?"

Xiao Zhang remembered his work. He immediately screamed: "Chu Ge! Huateng Film has already bid for eight figures. They are really ironic to buy "Devil World"! Why don't you let go? Why don't you sell it! How many people dream of making a TV series into a TV series! You can make a movie directly, but also take a few shots in one breath. This is a slap in the face!"

Compared with the excitement of the other party, the party of Chu Yuyun did not even have any fluctuations in his voice: "Do not sell, no interest in making it into a movie."

Xiao Zhang is really embarrassed: "Why! They are looking for first-class directors, first-line stars, absolutely big lineup, absolutely..."

When he did not finish his words, Chu Yuyun returned with a sentence: "There is no educational significance, shooting out the scourge."

Xiao Zhang was stunned by him, and couldn’t help but say: "How can it be educational? Our protagonist is more bloody! More positive energy! How positive!"

Chu Yuyunhehe: "Are you sure the audience wants to see the protagonist instead of the villain?"

Xiao Zhang was so hard that he couldn’t speak.

Chu Yuyun looked at the time and didn't want to say more: "Oh, if you still have this, you don't have to say it, I am not interested."

Xiao Zhang saw that he wanted to hang up the phone, and quickly screamed: "Chu Ge! If you don't sell, don't sell it, let's talk about the new story! "Devil World" is over for three months, do you want to consider writing? New? Readers are waiting!"

Chu Yuyun thought back without thinking: "There is no plan for this."

If Xiao Zhang estimates in front of him, he will kneel down and hold his thighs: "Chu Ge, you will do well, write something! Money, money, money!"

Chu Yuyun pressed the smoke into the ashes of the black spar and returned to him: "I don't need money."

Xiao Zhang cried: "Which is too much money..."

Chu Yuyun opened his long legs and looked for clothes to go out and said: "I really want money, why do you want to write a book? Back to Holly is not making more?"

This sentence completely made Xiao Zhang's classmates weak.

He really has nothing to say. After three years of editing, he never thought that he would sign such a great god.

The first time I wrote a book, I became a god, and it became a pillar in the website in a year. It was a miracle.

After deep understanding, Zhang Ren was full of admiration and enthusiasm.

This great **** is a true life winner!

The height of one meter eighty-five, the **** body of the model, but also the handsome and handsome, the eyebrows are not knowing how many people can pick up the soul.

... born with such a demon look, the fate is still very capable.

Before writing a book, he was an executive of the world's top 100 Holly Group. His future was bright and his annual salary was soft. As long as he mixed up, he became a celebrity on the Forbes list.

However... he did not speak for a word, the reason is: I want to take some time to write this novel.

What a special thing! I am willful to have no friends!

Xiao Zhang stares at the mobile phone that has been hung up. The mood is very complicated: people are more than people, really can't live!

Chu Yuyun did not put down his mobile phone. He flipped through the address book, skipped a slip of his name, and finally stopped at a note with the note "7.31".

Komatsu? Chu Yunyun thought about it. It seems that he remembered that he was a little boy who met at the bar before going to Senegal. He was very beautiful, with white skin and thin waist. The focus was on the bed.

After spending a lot of months in the desert, Chu Yunyun still wants to relax.

He opened the name and dialed the phone. He only rang two times, and a clear surprise was heard across the street: "Chu Ge? I thought you would not contact me again!"

Chu Yuyun’s voice is low, especially magnetic: “Is it free at night?”

The opposite young man took a breath and excitedly said: "There are some!" Even if you are busy, go! Such a best man can not be asked for it!

Long handsome, generous, gentle and tolerant, even more terrible is to live a great life... After a long time and think about that night, Komatsu feels blushing! I thought I couldn't get in touch anymore. I didn't expect to be able to come again. How could I not go?

Chu Yuyun smiled and said: "I booked a seat at Yad in the evening and ate together."

Komatsu listened, even more excited, Michelin Samsung restaurant, really special is too big!

Chu Yuyun put on his clothes and took the car key to go out.

It was only at this time that Chu Yunyun did not expect anyway, and this time he never returned to this apartment where he lived alone for six years.

At the moment of the car accident, Chu Yuyun understood that he was absolutely dead.

However, in the darkness, his consciousness still did not disappear, and even after a long wandering, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Before he saw the sights in front of him, he made a lot of mistakes in the huge amount of information that suddenly poured into his mind.

He is not dead...

But it did leave its own world.

...This is "Devil World", but how can he come to his own novel?

Suddenly, the pungent **** suffocation and the thick burnt smell came to the surface. Chu Yuyun was not a spoiled person. After seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn’t hold back the nausea that turned the river.

Live **** on earth.

The scarlet fire almost illuminates the darkness of the sky, and the scent of the sticky body is accompanied by the rise of the black smoke of the wood, which makes Qionglou Yuyu a mess, so that countless people become a piece of dead meat, blood flowing into the river, ash Flying around, under the heat of baking, everything is constantly distorted, creating a picture that is terrible to annihilate humanity.

Chu looked at the clouds.

There was a breeze blowing through the air, and a slender figure was far and near.

Extremely illusory and unreal, the man seems to be out of the flame, with a burst of cool and refreshing aroma, like a fairy falling into hell, dragging light blue clothes, covered with misty gauze, The dark hair and the placket tumbling, accompanied by his elegant and slow pace, light like a thin elf, swelled, beautiful and refined.

He stopped in front of Chu Yunyun, bent slightly, and his face was so gentle that he could kill people. His voice was also very good: "Your home is ruined, your parents are Killed, go back with me, I will be your family and be your father."

Such a **** hell, such as the beauty of the moon, saying that such a beautiful words, no one can refuse.


Chu Yuyun looked gray.

There are only two lines of words in his mind:

Mo Jiuyi.

When your father set me up for this bad taste, I really didn't expect to experience it myself.