MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 35 girl hiding in the dark

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There is a mysterious shop in the dark corner of the town market in Bueno Harbor. The owner of the shop is a white-bearded old man with indescribable eyes.

He is an alchemist.

The temper of alchemists is very strange, because alchemy is a thing that costs gold coins, so most alchemists are very greedy, and have a soft spot for some rare things, and because there is some mysterious connection with witchcraft, Therefore, ordinary people are very afraid of this place, and even pirates do not want to have too much relationship with them.

Different from the lively market, the deserted place doesn't look like it.

The Goddess of Despair has moored many times in Port Buno. Roger is very familiar with this place, and he also talked to Andy in the bar, so Andy easily found this shop hidden in the deepest part of the market.

The wooden door was tightly closed, and there was no sign. Only on the side wall were the marks of the medicine bottle and the flame drawn by the old guy with squid ink. This was the symbol of an alchemist.

When Andy was outside, he vaguely heard what seemed to be a sound inside. After thinking about it, he pushed the door and walked in.

There are no windows here, so the room is a little dark, only candles are lit on the table like a counter. Because Andy opened the door, the flames swayed twice with the wind.

Behind the counter is an old man, leaning on the counter, his hair is a little sparse, but his beard is very thick, and it is also stained with various colors of medicine, I don't know what it is.

Behind the old man were all kinds of strange things hanging on wooden ropes. A black crow stood motionless by the old man's hand, as if it were a dead thing, but Andy still felt something strange in it.

Seeing Andy coming in, the old man raised his head symbolically, seeing a raw face, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

There was an old man in the shop and another man, covered in black robes, standing in the corner, silent, and Andy almost didn't notice him.

"Young man, what do you want?"

The old man's voice was a little hoarse, and there was a gloomy feeling he deliberately created, perhaps to scare the new little guy.

"I'll take a look first, you continue."

Andy spread his hands and motioned for the man in black robe to continue, because Andy's sudden entry interrupted his words.

The man in black robe glanced at Andy, as if confirming something, and then looked at the old man.

"When will that medicine be given to me?"

Andy paused lightly, and glanced at the man in black robe calmly. Although her voice was deliberately disguised as gloomy, she could still tell that it was a girl.

And definitely not very old.

"As I said, the transforming potion is in stock, and I can give it to you now, although the effect may not be very good, after all, I made it a few years ago, if I want to make it now, it will take at least three days, because there is a I don't have any material right now."

The old man said unhurriedly, his rough palm like a dry branch touched the crow and grinned.

"What do you mean by ineffective?"

The black-robed girl asked in a deep voice.

"Well, I just said that there may be a problem, maybe the eyes are not the same size? Or the nose is a little crooked? It may also be that the duration is not enough, I can't say for sure, if you are lucky, maybe there is no problem with the medicine. "

"I can give you three times the gold coins, and make me a bottle before tonight, okay?"

The black-robed girl was a little unwilling and continued to ask.

"Oh, the wizard is above, I missed so many gold coins!"

The old alchemist said, beating his chest and stomping his feet, with a somewhat annoyed expression, "I really lack materials. My apprentice goes out to purchase and will not be back until three days later."

The girl was silent for a while, then sighed, "Forget it, give me a bottle, I don't have time to wait any longer."

"As you wish, ma'am."

The alchemist smiled, moved with difficulty, and walked to the back room.

The crow stayed on the counter, staring motionless at the two people in the shop.

"What medicine did you buy?"

Andy came over and asked softly.

"This has nothing to do with you, little guy, take care of your own affairs."

The girl spoke viciously, making Andy a little embarrassed.

"He's really not a friend at all, maybe he's ugly! That's why he wears such a **** robe."

Andy thought maliciously, walked aside, and admired the things in the room. There are many strange things in the bottles and jars here. Andy doesn't know them, but he can feel all kinds of wonderful things in them. .

After a while, the old man came out, carefully holding a bottle of light blue medicine in his hand and handing it to the girl.

The girl looked at it, stretched out a hand from her black robe, and threw a bulging money bag on the counter.

"Never worked? It should be a rich lady."

Andy couldn't see any trace of work on the girl's hand, it was white and smooth, and it even smelled of milk as the girl's palm stretched out.

Anna has always been envious of such hands. Because she has to run a bar and practice swordsmanship and guns, Anna's hands are a bit rough. She has complained to Andy more than once, so Andy still understands it well.

The old man picked up the purse, opened it and looked at it, showing a greedy smile, and said to the girl, "It's an honor, if you need anything, I welcome you next time."

The girl nodded and turned to leave.

The old man returned to his original state, looked at Andy, and asked softly, "Pirates?"

Andy didn't wear a three-cornered hat. In order to avoid ostentation, he didn't even bring a machete or a musket. He only hid a dagger in his boot. Although he was still wearing sackcloth, there were many poor people in sackcloth. How did he do it? recognize your own.

"Although I'm old, old man, my nose is still good. I can smell your stench from far away. Don't be afraid. Compared with the noble lady just now, I'm more willing to deal with people like you."

The old man smiled and looked at Andy with a calm tone, "After watching it for so long, what do you want?"

"Is there a language potion? It's a potion that can understand the language of the headhunters."

Andy thought about it and asked.

But he didn't want the old man to almost laugh, looking at Andy with a funny face.

"I don't have this kind of thing here, I don't think any alchemist has it, you came to the wrong place, that kind of thing is made by evil wizards who extract knowledge from other people's souls, maybe you can go to Blackbeard Ask the captain there."

"Sorry, I didn't know that was the case."

"It doesn't matter, but I'm more curious, where did you learn about the existence of this medicine?"

The old man leaned forward slightly, his cloudy eyes looked at Andy, and the black crow turned his head slightly to look at him.

"I only heard from our captain occasionally. You should know him, the butcher of the sea, the great Captain Pixar."

Andy said quietly, looking at the old man's eyes calmly.

When the old man heard the words, his brows moved unconsciously, and he looked at Andy again and withdrew his body.

"It's not easy for such a young child to become a member of the Black Dragon, so what else do you need?"