MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 107 New hatred

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Lalde didn't know much about what Xu Wei was looking for in the Seventh Elders of the Light God, but he also knew that it was definitely not a good thing. He is not familiar with this seventh elder, but his actions are also slightly heard. The qualifications of the Seventh Elders in the Elders are not young, and they are a little longer than the third elders, but the people behind him are promoted one by one, and he has not moved, which is already a good explanation.

The ranks of the elders of the elders are not casually arranged. This position is also representative of the right to speak and status. The first elder, Suining, questioned the highest status. In the elders' group, it was said to be the same. In recent years, the second elders also developed their own forces and gradually began to confront the first elders. Both of them also came from relatively large ones. The family, the various relationships in the Snow Blade Kingdom and the Golden Flag Empire are intricate and difficult to separate.

The third elder was also ambitious before, but after disappearing for a period of two months ago this year, I will be back when I come back. After a serious illness, he also made a lot of jokes. It is said that he was scared by a group of geese passing through the church door last month.

This seventh elder is called Laijin Zucker. The Zucker family can only be regarded as a second-rate family in the Golden Flag Empire. Elder Laikin cannot get the support of the family. He entered the Guangming Divine Church and did not get the help of the family. Instead, it is a thigh – that is, the prophet of the present, an old man who has not appeared in the public for many years and has not made any effective prophecy.

It is predicted that the elders are from the Snow Blade Kingdom, the royal family of the Snow Blade Empire at that time. From the generations, he is the uncle of King Essenmir, now the Snow Blade Kingdom, and the first elder who used to be a period of time. Ten years ago, many contradictions within the Snow Blade Empire have not yet erupted. The Dark Lord Rohich Enke has not reappeared. The Snow Blade Empire maintains a superficial prosperity.

And the amazing prince Ryan...

After the disappearance of Prince Ryan - about his disappearance is actually some conspiracy theory, for example, is it for the purpose of vying for the throne, after all, the royal aristocracy usually has this bad idea, the snow blade empire is reduced to the kingdom, The strength has fallen sharply, and it is predicted that the elders will not be able to get mad at the official occasion, and they will not be the first elders.

He had no ambitions and strategies, and he was later taken down by the current elders, and he was "an old age."

The speed of the Reformation of the Light and the Reformation of the dynasty is comparable to that of the human empire. Under the drive of power desires, the behavior of clergy is much better than that of the human aristocracy.

It is predicted that the elders will step down from the elders of Lajin, the hands of the seventh elders of the Presbyterian Church. He began to predict the development of the elders, and then stepped on the shoulders of others, the behavior is very shameful.

This guy is very likely to hold a big thigh, a pair of incumbent first elders are the first look of the way, making others do not move him, the first elders do not want to give themselves a bad reputation to unload and kill, so let He stayed in the position of the seventh elder, not mixed.

Elder Laikin has no real power, but his face is full, and there are a lot of shelves outside, and all kinds of foxes are fake. But he is very clever. Whenever he acts as a sinner, he will lift the first elder and have a loyal face. People are more disgusted with him, but they are even more taboo.

Laldes is very indifferent to E Laijin’s elders. Not only does he not see him, but his family, Zucker, is also disdainful. This family was born in a nouveau riche 100 years ago, and it was a war money. This is enough to make people unable to lift their heads. The history of the family is short, and it can be counted as nothing. The education of the children in the family is also very problematic. Everyone who comes out is used to holding the thighs, stepping on the lows, and bullying the weak, which is the low-grade version of the elders of Laikin.

Lalde touched the head of his brother Ska and smiled at Xu Wei: "When I came in the city of Munda, I heard people say that the brave man has done a lot of eye-catching things and broke the dark gods. The conspiracy of what... It seems that your reputation can go further."

Xu Wei’s nod, and he tried to laugh as much as possible: “No way, I don’t have a family or an organization, I can only rely on myself to fight.”

- The meaning is very clear, the greater the reputation, the more the light gods do not move him, people are afraid that the famous pig is not necessarily the absolute truth.

Now, instead of worrying about what will happen to the seventh elder, it is better to think about the route from Mondama to the holy city of Randall. Two children running out of the street, Lodi and Lily, they are now wearing clean linen clothes, not good, made of ordinary fine cloth donated by nobles in the city, but they are always worn by them. It’s much better.

"Uncle Xu Wei! Uncle Xu Wei! Are you leaving? Grandpa said that you want to send you a fur...and send Lans meat to eat!"

Lodi added another sentence: "The dried meat is made with the big mouse pulled out of the mouse hole, it can be fat! And I also pulled out two copper plates in the mouse hole! Uncle Xu Wei, you are right! Mouse There is really a treasure in the hole!"

Laldes and Skar were all familiar with the word mouse.

Fragile aristocrats.

The seventh elder, Laijin Zucker, was sitting in the carriage and his face was very poor. According to the specifications, he can only take the golden oak car as the seventh elder, and it is coated with a layer of golden lacquer on the outside. It looks solemn and brilliant, but he did not expect more white termites in the south, and actually emptied the interior of his carriage. Now sitting inside can see the termites crawling up and down in the carriage.

He has never been to such a long distance before, so he is not prepared. I thought it was the same in the north and the south. As a result, I saw a group of termites, saw the dragonfly with the size of the egg, and saw the big, oily and slick mouse in the city. He...the whole person is not good. _(:зゝ∠)_

It’s terrible for this world! Why is he going to suffer from such a backward poverty? And what about the city of Mundama... Isn't that a market in the south? !

Fortunately, he still remembers what he is doing - the Holy City has been talking about the PY trade between the brave Xu Wei and the light **** of the Son of Denis... cough, is a friend relationship. In short, everyone knows that Xu Wei is on the side of the Pope, and Xu Wei claims to have killed the Devil. The troubadour has done a very good role in this matter, and no one has thought that the bard who has no power and no power will be so powerful in promoting public opinion.

The masses listen to the wind is rain, whoever says what they believe, there is not much non-resolving power. Therefore, the dirty water that is now buckled on Xu's head is hidden and can't be avoided. This dirty water basin is also on the head of Danist and the Pope, waiting for people to knock them over. Although most people now think that the poetry is chasing the brave Xu Wei, and giving him a top and a top hat, his reputation is growing, and he has spread rapidly from Randall. Now the northern part of the Golden Flag Empire is The legend of the brave warrior Xu Wei killed the Dark Lord.

The most urgent task is to take Xu Wei back.

As long as Xu Wei pleads guilty, everything will be easier.

As for him, he would rather die than die... This is useless. The Dark Lord is not dead. It is a fact that is easy to expose. With the arrogant character of the demon king, if he knows that the human empire has such rumors, the brave can still Live long?

And people find that the devil is still alive, the public opinion will immediately press against Xu Wei, maybe they will force him to really challenge the devil - who is willing to go? Dinister kept saying that Xu Wei was very brave. He really killed the devil, and the semi-mad and stupid prophet also said that the brave killed the demon - but now it turns out that this is a fake!

This kind of unfortunate thing is that no one will do it!

At that time, Xu Wei was wrong in whatever he did. He would find out how powerful the people are. But the premise of all this is that he can successfully bring Xu Wei back and let him stay in the holy city. He couldn't escape if something went wrong.

Wait until you see this brave... Be sure to toss him well! This way my sin on this road is worth! - Seventh Elder Laijin Zhuk’s thoughts.

As soon as he bowed his head, he saw a termite on the pastry box placed on the front of the little man. The elder Laikin wanted to vomit.

He did not know that after the arrest of the oriole, another group of bright gods was heading towards the city of Mundama. The leader was the guardian of the Pope, Deca, Gur Karst, and Ge The goal of the Cavaliers is also the brave Xu Wei.

He did not know that the public opinion in the holy city of Randall was quietly changing. After the Pope discovered the movement of the elders, he used his network to investigate Xu’s current position and what he had done recently. I really let him find it, so Xu Guang’s bright bishop in the city of Mundamar was also secretly passed to the ears of Pope Deka, but the elders knew nothing about it.

Although the publicity of the city of Mundama is not very good for the reputation of the church, the bishop of the church actually betrayed the **** of light and plunged into the embrace of darkness... This is a stain, but this bishop is the Presbyterian Church. Over there, the same year was also placed under the seventh elders. The seventh elder had such a relationship with the first elder. Pulling out the radish and taking out the mud may be a good thing for the pope.

In the past two years, the first elders have suppressed the second elders, and they have been sitting on them faintly. They started to be a big one and they are all out to the outside world. The Pope Daika has endured him for a long time.

The so-called politics is not to step on one. Now that there is a good chance to suppress the first elder, why not do it?

Pope Dyka told Dinister that the child seemed to be calm and proper, but still a little unsettled. When he heard that Xu Wei had done such a big thing in Mundamar City, he was excited. Chaos: "I know! Xu Wei is amazing! Hey! This reminds me of the days when we played wild dogs in orphanages!"

Pope Dyka looked helpless: "... When I first saw you, didn't you say that you like small animals?"

Dinister smirked. What is his nature? The Princess of Daka is also very clear that Dinister has never been a stupid good boy. But this is good, if he is really full of purity and kindness, then there is no way to be this saint.

Dinister wanted to fly to the city of Mundama immediately, and Xu Wei returned to Randall to show off and was seriously dismissed by his father-in-law. His Majesty the Pope said that Dinister was not stable enough and his character was too diligent to be suitable for such a thing. Moreover, as a saint, he is responsible for the mascot. It just disappears. The elders’ group members know that they have movements as long as they are not stupid.

But the guardian Gur is only one of the seven guardian knights of the Pope, not eye-catching.

Dinister was very upset, and said that when Xu Wei came back, he must eat several times with him to express his feelings for him.

The seventh elder did not receive any instructions from the elders to him, so he did not know that he was followed by a team.

The third thing he didn't think of was the attitude of the dark devil Roshenko to Xu Wei. Who can think of these two people who should have been incompetent... Actually, the relationship is quite "squeaky".

Made up to fall in love, sticky and sultry.

Xu Wei only knows that he wants to be unlucky. The person who made him unlucky is the famous seventh elder, and his heart is full of anger. The seventh elder is actually in his blacklist. He stayed in Randall for a while, because he was wanted for the fight with the second emperor on the street, and finally went to the Shengyuan Highlands to ask the Elf Queen to give him what moonlight springs. It is considered that the crime will be sold off. This incident was a blessing in disguise. He did not expect that he could become friends with the Holy Light Elf, so he was not resentful to the two emperors who had been beaten by him at that time.

After all, I also listened to the _ (: з ゝ∠) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The only thing he hated was the one who picked it up. The second emperor's status is noble, and he will not see a beautiful girl to play. It is him who has picked up the matter with a slick-speaking class. The class is the Zuck family.

After the emperor was desecrated, the Zhuk family's mixed ball should also be punished, but the seventh elder Jinle Zucker pushed things down.

After Xu Hao’s cell, the follower Zhu Zike came to provoke him to come over.

Grandma's old legs, what is the purpose, this time to go to the holy city if you can see him, you must fight to death.

After the game was over, he returned to him as if he had mocked himself. Do not need to marry his grandson, not worthy.