MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 127 傩 mask

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In the mall, people come and go, the sun outside the mall is bright, but in the moment when Yu is in the mask, all this has changed.

The shopping mall suddenly became a ruin, and the white walls all became smoked black. The clean floor was cracked, revealing the gray concrete underneath. The gap between the crawler's crawlers was gravel and ash, and the shops around it were all empty. Only the broken goods are scattered on the ground, just like a looting.

There are still broken bricks and broken glass on the ceiling, and the dust is flying.

The air is dim yellow, the glass walls are all cracked, and the broken holes, through the large glass wall, on the street outside the mall, another scene.

The people walking on the street, or the smiles, or the hurrying faces, turned into a blue-white and gray-violet color. They turned their heads and saw cracked wounds, fluffy flesh, and **** sputum. Under the sly eyes, they also lost their gaze. Their arms were drooping and their steps were slow, like a purposeless soul.

The background behind them is a city that is constantly falling.

The bright light is blocked by the lead clouds, and the whole city is caught in a sudden sinister, four-fold mottled, and the magnificent buildings do not break, shatter, collapse, and sink.

Broken bricks, broken steel bars, cross-section cement blocks and modern industrial waste are piled up in the streets.

The street lamp ruptured, and the city's wire network collapsed halfway like a spider web. The abandoned dirty car stopped halfway and the tires were all dry.

The smog whistling, the yellow round paper and the white square cloth floating in the air, a closer look, all paper money and noodles.

As the city gradually collapsed, the "rumbling" of the feet trembled, and the earth shook the net into numerous pieces, the ground rolled, and then the dark red sticky blood surged out of the gap.

Suddenly, the breathing suddenly became rushed, and the forehead came out of the cold sweat uncontrollably. The sweat slipped into his eyes, blurring the scene. He wanted to reach out and wipe it, but inexplicably, his hands seemed to be smashed. The force is suppressed, and no one can move.

Through the distorted mirror image formed by the sweat, he saw a red sky.

A vast, boundless, boiling blood sea.

Once the city civilization turned into the sea, it instantly became blood.

In the boiling blood, countless thin and sloppy arms came out, and the arms were so dense that they extended to the farthest place that the naked eye could reach. With the screaming, they tried to reach out to the air and seemed to want to grasp what It seems to be trying to escape this sea.

The struggling ghosts are in vain, the blood is tumbling, the raging waves are slowly receding, and under the sea, a brand new city gradually reveals its outline.

The tall city Guo, the rolling village, countless soul lights floating in the air, merged into the sky, illuminating the scene in the besieged city.

It is a myriad of strange shapes, cow head, horse face, impermanence, Yasha... and more blue-violet ghosts in paper and linen, the horses and horses run over, the strange animals on the road run and jump, no The flesh, the cat with only white bones, the dog with the intestines dragged to the ground, the mouse whose mouth has been cracked to the stomach, and the head being squatted, leaving only a layer of chicken and duck swaying around the neck.

The huge city is full of traffic, but the people are stunned, but there is no singular anger. Everything is silent and dead.

Yu’s arm couldn’t contain a layer of dense goose bumps, and the heart was like a beggar’s ghost hand clenching and squeezing, giving birth to boundless sadness and pain.

He wants to press his own heart, but it seems to be pinned by invisible power, and it can't be moved at all.


He tried to call out the names of the people around him, but a little bit of action made him feel very hard. He felt that he had already opened his mouth, but he could not make a sound.

Discuss, help me take off the mask...

The overwhelming sense of lowness enveloped him, trapping him in an emotional black hole that could not help himself.

But he couldn't make a sound, so he could only try hard to raise his hand. His eyes turned hard and went to see his movements. Then he saw that his hand finally lifted slowly.

He was happy in his heart, but soon the silky sorrow faded again, only under the raised arm, and one hand hangs down, keeping a motionless position.

What he lifted up was just the soul separated from the body.

Yu Zhengdu had a burst of coldness in his body, and his throat seemed to be tightly held by an invisible hand, making him unable to breathe.

The feeling of suffocation spread throughout the body, his eyes began to faint, then at this time, he saw a more amazing sight.

Outside the vast city, the place where the **** sea faded, suddenly the waves of the sky were picked up, and then a huge, almost huge mountain shadow climbed up from the sea.

Yu Zhengdu felt that he was on the verge of fainting, but the illusion still made him feel a sense of tremor. He tried his best to breathe in the air, his eyes slammed hard, and he wanted to squeeze out the sweat in his eyes. The sight in front of you is more clear.

But in vain.

He could only vaguely see the shadowy hands dragging long, heavy chains. As he climbed from the bottom of the sea, he raised his hands up and raised his neck like a beast to make a long rage against the sky. Then, with both arms struggling to move forward, a huge, chain-like chain will slam to the silent city.

At this point, Yu Zhengdu suddenly saw it clearly, the chain was burnt red, and Mars continued to splash in the process of incitement, turning into a huge fireball to roll down the city.

Inside the wall, the grotesque people and animals seemed to be aware of the danger, and they stopped silently and raised their heads slowly.

Run fast...

Yu Zhengdu wants to shout, but can't make a slight voice.

Mars, chains, and the footsteps of giants are falling over the city.

"Why don't you talk?" The voice of Shang Xiao suddenly sounded.

Then the mask was taken off and the scene in front of me changed.

The mall is still the mall, bright and bright, people come and go, outside the huge glass wall, the sun is shining, the sky is clear, the crowds on the road are laughing or making trouble, or the line is in a hurry, or leisurely, there is a car rang, The color of the roadside lights changed, and a large group of people hurried through the zebra crossing, a scene of fireworks.

The feeling of suffocation faded with the suffocation.

At this time, Shangyu discovered that there was something wrong with him. He quickly reached out and supported him. This support did not matter. Yu’s entire arm was covered with a layer of fine cold sweat, and Shangyu reached out to explore the dispute. The back, only to find that his clothes are almost soaked.

"What happened to you?" The merchant frowned. He had just photographed him according to the request of Yu. After the filming, he still did not move. He did not respond, and he took the mask. I couldn’t think of this under the mask.

Yu Xingdu had some feeling of disengagement. The body leaned halfway on Shangyu’s body. After a while, he only breathed a sigh of relief, and then he waved his hand and appeased him: “It doesn’t matter.”

But his pale face was unconvincing, and the merchant half hugged him and wiped his sweat away: "What happened?"

Yu Zhengduo shook his head, and everything he saw seemed to be a real illusion, but for a moment, only the vague impression was left. He hesitated and said: "I seem to see... strange things. ”

Shang Yang: "What?"

"I can't remember clearly." Yu Zhengdu shook his head, and the nerves in his brain still collapsed tightly, but the memory is like a nightmare that will wake up in the morning, only a few fragments are left, "it seems to be dead... many Many dead people, strange cities, strange seas."

The only thing he has decided is that "all are dead, there is no breath of living people... I seem to be, I seem to die at any time."

The two men's eyes tacitly moved together to the mask that was held in the hands of the merchant.

Shang Yan’s eyes hang down slightly: “傩 mask.”

In many ancient rituals in China, masks are often things with special symbolic meanings. When large-scale rituals are held in the world, the main rituals who represent gods or ghosts need to wear masks, and the masks used in the rituals Often given divinity, it is generally believed that the person who is given divine power can see what is invisible to the mortal eye through the eye of the mask.

Before the end of the era of the law, jumping over the official is a typical break dance ceremony.

It’s just that they didn’t even think that today, through the mask of the dance, you can see what mortals should not see.

Although Yu Zhengdu has not remembered the scene he just saw, he still reminds him of the heart that is not so good. It is definitely not a good thing.

He asked Shang Shi: "What exactly did I see?"

The business is dark, "is the world after death."

"The world after death?" Yu said that he repeated his words.

Shanghao nodded.

The mask in the funeral usually represents the ghost **** that was played, and the singer used the bell and the mask, it is likely to see the world through the eyes of the ghost.

In this way, Yu’s uneasiness seems to have an explanation. The world of the dead soul must be uneasy for the stranger, but he feels that it is not only that, but he can’t think of it again.

Yu argued that he had bitten his teeth and suddenly took the mask from the merchant’s hand and put it on his face again.

"What are you doing?" Shang Hao quickly reached out to take off the mask.

The breath of Yu Zhengdu has just stabilized, his lip color is still pale, and his forehead is still unable to sweat. It is naturally impossible for him to put on his mask again.

"I have to see what it is." Yu said, "I don't think things are that simple... just take a look."

When the business lingered for a moment, he slowly let go, and he confessed to wearing the mask on his face, but this time, the scene in front of him did not change.

Or the mall, or the crowd, Yu Zhengdu waited for a while, determined that I really couldn’t see anything, I just wanted to continue trying, Shanghao had already reached out and took the mask down: "How?"

Yu Zhengduo shook his head: "Nothing."

Shang Yan glanced at the mask and said: "The power of God has disappeared."

What the **** is this mask?

Yu said that he would cross the palm of his hand and said, "Go and find the person who jumps over the official."

The two found the staff of the mall. The excuse liked this mask. I hoped that the actor and the actor would ask where to buy. The staff did not think much. Seeing that both of them looked good, they immediately took them to the lounge to find the one. actor.

It is a pity that the actor is just an ordinary young man. He is ignorant of the vision created by this mask, and he is slightly cramped. He is also the first official performance, and he is worried. Will make a mistake.

However, after he finished speaking, the actors of several lion dances with him followed and laughed and said: "He is like this, he is modest, he is the most hard-working, most standard movement of the teachers in our organization. It is best to praise him."

As soon as they made fun of it, the young actor had to scratch his head with embarrassment.

Yu Zhengdu also asked a few words on the side of the attack, to make sure that the other party is really just a regular guest performer, and had to go to see Shangyu doubtfully.

If Shangyu has thoughts: "The heaven and earth aura is recovering."

In a short sentence, Yu Zhengdu suddenly understood it.

The aura of heaven and earth is recovering, so many phenomena that should have disappeared have reappeared, such as the droughts and floods of the Siling Mountains and the zombies that are everywhere in the mountains, such as the resurrected non-initiated nationals, such as Hu Xiaoyue, who became a fine after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The modern break dance should be just a performance of the wishes, but perhaps the youth’s movements are of a special standard, and perhaps the mask itself is unusual, so after the performance of the official performance, the mask won the present in a short time. The divinity that should be obtained.

Imagine this festival, and Yu Yu is not moving, but asks the youth: "Where is this mask bought?"

"It's not bought, it's our organization." The young man explained, "Our organization is dedicated to this line. This mask has been used for a long time. This is used by the master of my master."

Yu is arguing for a trip, so there is an explanation. If this mask is used for a long time, perhaps it has a special power.

He thought for a moment and asked: "Can you sell this mask to me?"

“Ah?” The youth is somewhat puzzled. “What do you want this mask to do?”

Yu Xingdu naturally can't tell the truth, only vaguely said that he likes it very much, and offered to raise the price of the high point. It is not to swindle the young man. Just understand that the young man did not understand the deeper things, the mask. The vision is nothing but a mistake.

The young man scratched his head and seemed to be undecided. "This is our institution. I can't do it."

Instead, the colleague next to him drooled when he heard the price, and actively expressed his willingness to call back to the company to ask.

Their institution is mainly for people to open and perform festivals. Break dance is only one of their many performances. It has no special meaning. This kind of mask is also a thing that is not worth anything at all. That is to say, it takes a long time to use. When someone hears that they want to buy at a high price, they don’t even hesitate. They agree directly.

Yu contested the scene and transferred the money. The young actor who jumped over the official officer was somewhat reluctant, but he only said: "This mask is what my teacher will use. Please keep it safe."

Yu Zhengdu nodded and said: "It will be."

Say goodbye to the youth, walk out of the restroom, and there is still a sense of repression that can't be said.

He glanced at the mask and said casually: "Zhong Wei is really scary."

Shang Yan also glanced at it: "It's okay, I am even more embarrassed."

"Do you know Zhong Rong?" The gossip of the famous celebrities and ghosts made the metaphor of the low spirits swept away. The whole person was excited and asked, "How, he himself, no, this. Is the ghost as powerful as the story?"

"Generally." Shang Yu’s tone revealed a faint contempt. "He never won me after fighting."

Yu Xingdu heard this word sinking a bit: "Do you often fight?"

"Yeah." Shang Xiaodao said, "This ghost is not good. If you lose the fight, you will start."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

So, the boss has been quarreling with people from the past?

The author has something to say: "The soul of the teacher"

Kwai: Not a rival.

And, the nutrient solution is watered down! Please grasp the last chance!

I found that everyone's imagination is now much richer than the author... The use of the bell and the mask is just because the jumper is part of the ceremonial ritual.

Jumping bells are also called jumping judgments. There are generally six jumps: jumping five blessings, jumping plus officials, jumping peaches, jumping Kuixing stars, jumping fortune gods, jumping dragons and phoenixes, that is, jumping Fu Fu Shouyi Caizi opera. (above from Baidu)

_(:3∠)_How many settings have you seen in the end? Every time you come out, you have to go to the seniors’ guess. 2k