MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 20 How to ask God advanced

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Yuzhengjia Township is located in Jintan Town, a neighboring provincial summer city. Jintan Town is located in the suburb of Xicheng City. The geographical position is relatively closed. There is no pillar industry developed in the local area. Many people choose to make a living in other places. Because he is good at doing business, there are many rich people in the town, and even with a lot of help from the fellows, Jintan Town has a relatively good economy, but the residents and families are relatively well-off.

Yu Zhengdu is the only son of the family. His grandparents died when he was a child. After he went to the floating city to go to school, his family had only two parents, and he was a bit deserted. So he told his parents on the phone. Taking a colleague back together, although the parents are a bit strange, they are still very welcome.


"Dad, Mom, I am back." Yu Zhengdu shouted through the security door.

"Come back, the news said that the traffic jam on the road today is not?" Yu mother wearing an apron, rubbing her hand to open the door, the door opened, her eyes are bright, the tone is two degrees higher, "This is your colleague? ”

"Yes." Yu Zhengdu gave them two introductions. "This is my mother, this is Shangyu."

"Oh, the small business leader is too good to watch it. It looks better than the stars." Yu's eyes are all bent and she said that she sideways gave them a way. "Quickly, come in and sit."

Shangyu seems to be a bit awkward, and it falls slightly behind the Yu Zhengdu, nodding his face and nodding his face: "Hello."

This reaction is not polite, but the beauty has obviously blinded the mother's mind. She did not feel that there was a problem at all, and she smiled and gave them two fruits.

"Dad?" Yu said.

"Going to the clan, I said that there is any proposal from Yu Manchuan." Yu said that while she went to see Shang, "I am cooking, you can watch TV for a while, and you can eat it later."

"Yeah." Shang Yan's body was a bit stiff, like hesitating for a while, then took out a bag and handed it over. "This is for you."

"Hey, come on, how so polite." Yu mother suddenly smiled and couldn't see her eyes and reached for something.

On the other side, the Yu Zhengdu stayed and stayed, watching the boss look surprised: "You brought a gift?"

The Shangyu look is somewhat unnatural, and he asks in confusion: "Do you always have a meeting when you come to the house for the first time?"

That's what it is, but you are a ghost, and it is a poor and awkward ghost...

Yu Zhengdu silently spit in his heart, and soon reacted again. Some shocked and whispered, "Isn't this the first time you go to someone else's house?"

Shang Yan sat straight and did not move like a bell. He only looked at him with a slanting look: "...the **** is not popular, and the average ghost can't afford me."

Yu Zhengdu: "...justified."

Yu mother took out the things from the bag and found that it was a set of four small black bowls with a baby fist. The shape was simple and simple, and the glazed surface also had small brown stripes. It was about antique craftsmanship, and the small bowl looked somewhat. Old and old.

Yu Zhengjia is a typical ordinary citizen family. The family does not have any elegant hobbies. They don’t know anything about porcelain. Yu’s mother took four small bowls and looked around. He said with particular enthusiasm: “These bowls looked at it. It’s practical, or let’s eat this bowl at noon.”

Although Yu Zhengdu felt that these bowls had no bright spots, they also gave the boss a face and immediately echoed: "Okay, it’s just four people and four bowls, it’s too suitable."

The merchant’s mouth was slightly invisible and slightly sucked. After a while, he slowly opened his mouth: “This is a tea pot.”

Yu mother: "..."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

The scene was once paralyzed, but Yu Jidu quickly took over the few tea pots without changing his color and raised his thumb: "I saw a good tea set at a glance. I went to wash it, so I used it to make tea."

Yu mother also calmly stood up straight: "I am going to give you some tea."

Shang Yu’s mouth was shaking again, but after all, he did not speak any more.

Yu Zhengdu quickly washed the tea pot, pretending to have nothing to do with himself and the merchants soaked a bowl of tea, Yu mother also went to the kitchen to open the lunch.

Yu Zhengdu took care of his mother, and then he went to ask the boss: "I didn't see you when I came. What is the tea set from?"

The merchant gave him a glance: "Have you heard of the sleeves?"

In the sleeve, Qiankun is a bizarre spell that can accommodate all things in the sleeves. Although he is not familiar with the fairy tales, he has seen the Journey to the West, and his eyes flashed instantly, and he excitedly reached out and touched it. Shangyu's sleeve: "I know this, can you put a lot of things in your sleeves, it's amazing, show me."

Shang Yan was wearing a casual outfit. The upper part of the shirt was covered with a thin gray cardigan. The sleeves of the cardigan were bundled. It was not like the legendary wide-breasted sleeves.

Yu Zhandu tried to open the sleeves of his cardigan a little, looked at his head and wondered, "No..."

Shang Yan reached out and pushed his head away. It was hard to say: "That is just the name of the spell. It is not necessary to use sleeves..."

Yu Zhengdu suddenly realized, curious asked: "Where are you placed?"

When Shangyu was about to speak, he heard an angry cry from the door: "Yu Manjiang is really a deceitful person. He even persuaded the clan to push the public money..."

Yu argued that he looked up and shouted: "Dad."

Yu Dad noticed that his son went home, he took the words and put on a smile and came over: "When did you get home?"

Then the eyes are bright again. Looking at Shanghao is a sigh: "Is this your colleague? It’s really a talent!"

Shang Yang is still quite a waist, and the father has nodded. After a while, he slowly added a less natural smile: "Hello."

When they had said hello, Yu Zhengdu asked: "What happened to Yu Manjiang?"

Yu Dad sat down opposite them and sighed and said: "Today, the clan will call the representatives of the various families together in the past, saying that Yu Manjiang received the instructions of the Three Gods dream, to expand the Three Temples, and the township is ready to push the public The main hall used to build the Three Temples."

Yu argued for a moment: "How is this done? Can public funds be pushed and pushed?"

Because Jintan Town is closed and the place is small, many customs still follow the previous standards. For example, some festival festivals are carried out in the same village.

The three temples that Yu Da said are built on a small temple on the edge of the Yu’s public priest. The temple is said to be the ancestors of Yu’s ancestors. The specific time dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The three brothers of the door were rich and good, and they did a lot of good things for the village. When they were in their old age, they were born with natural disasters. They were hungry for thousands of miles. The three brothers of Yu’s family donated all their bodies to disaster relief and saved many people. Because of these good deeds, after a hundred years, local villagers set up temples for them. Has been dedicated to this day.

In other words, these three gods are not the gods in the traditional sense, but the patron saints who belong to the Yu family. But the three gods are not insulted by the worship of the villagers. For many years, miracles often appear. , protect the side, enjoys a high prestige in the Yu clan.

But even the local gods who believe in the locals have never pushed the public to expand the temple.

When I talked about this, Yu Dad looked like a liver pain and patted his thigh and said: "I said this with other representatives of the villagers, but that Yu Manjiang said that the three gods gave him a dream and asked for help. Hey, the result of the support is really letting the public, let us say!"

Yu Xingdu heard the words, and his face also showed a difficult color: "If my colleagues are really instructed, I am afraid that you have no use."

The same kind of children they said were the deaf children of the Three Temples. They were able to ask the Three Gods to go through the Fusui (the divination of folk beliefs, also called Fusui), to convey the instructions of the Three Gods, and to have a small voice in the local.

If it is the instructions of the same people, it is really difficult to refuse this request as a villager blessed by the Three Gods.

Yu Dad said: "This is not a trivial matter. Even if it is an instruction to help out, the clan will not be so easy to nod. There is a morning in the morning, and finally one step back. Yu Manjiang means to ask the same person again tomorrow. Three gods, if the result is still the same, then everyone has nothing to say. The clan will be ready to go to Daguan and ask an expert to come and communicate with the three gods to see if there is room for change."

Yu argued that he nodded and poured a cup of tea: "Then you should not be angry, let's talk about it later."

"It can only be like this." Yu Dad sighed and took a sip of tea, then "snapped" and looked at the black tea in his hand. "Isn't that what black glazed tea?" The Song Dynasty is popular..."

Shang Yang had just quietly sipped tea to listen to them. He heard this sentence and raised his eyes. He asked in confusion: "Do you know?"

Yu Zhengdu also was surprised: "Dad, when did you learn to watch tea sets?"

"Hey, how can I." Yu Dad waved his hand. "Today, at the meeting of Yu Manjiang, I saw the same in his home. This is the metaphor of Man Jiang, who is now learning tea, tea and tea sets in the whole cabinet. I came out to the clan to appreciate the use of the group. One of the ones he came out with was the same, saying that it was bought by the master of the kiln of the kiln, the black glazed tea of ​​the Song Dynasty. ”

Yu Dad is more than the pattern of tea in his hand. "Hey, like this one, he also introduced it to us. This kind of rabbit is a good craft. The set is worth a hundred thousand."

“So pay attention to this?” Yu Zhengdu took the tea pot and left to look at the right. He didn’t see a famous name. “Really?”

Shanghao nodded: "There is a golden rabbit in your hand."

"Yes." Yu Dad is now selling a hand, posing a professional attitude, "this kind of color according to the color of the different rabbits and silver rabbits, said that the Song Dynasty people like to fight tea, then what, Hey, what's coming... so use this black tea set..."

Yu Zhengdu looked at Dad and used "What" to complete a whole introduction without content, suddenly: ==

Shangyu does not seem to be able to stand it anymore. It is much harder to say something: "Song people fight tea with finely brewed tea. When making tea, stirring will produce foam. Good tea is 'with no trace of water', not in the cup. There are traces on the wall, so it is easier to see with a black tea pot."

"Yes, yes, it is like this." Yu Dad revealed an expression of appreciation. "It’s still a small business that is easy to understand. It’s a long time, and it’s a long time. It’s quoted in the classics, and it’s still ancient. I forgot it when I finished listening.”

"...that's the foundation of your culture." Yu Xingdu despised, and said, "Yu Manjiang is also true, and he still learns to be arty, and who does not know who."

"Who knows." Yu Dad said with a smile and went to see Shang. "I didn't expect the small business to be young, but also know so much, but there is culture."

Shangyu looked at the pair of live treasure fathers and sons, and they were speechless for a while. They squeezed out two words for a long time: "Common sense."


After lunch, Yu mother rushed to Dad to wash the dishes, and he began to pay tribute supplies.

The local sacrificial customs of Jintan Town have been handed down from generation to generation. Every year, each household will personally make some local snacks. When Yu will see his mother start preparing the fillings, he will take the initiative to pick up the work. .

Yu Zhengdu sat next to the Shangyu, and Shangyu was watching TV. The two talked without a hit.

Yu mother mixes the fillings of the snacks on the side, and mixes and asks the business: "Xiaoshang, what will you prepare for your hometown Qingming, or if you talk about it, if I can do it, how can I do it for you?" ?"

Shang Yang is obsessed with the recent high-profile drama idol drama "Gang Liang Old Dream". When he said that his mother was talking, he just slammed the thigh and angered and said: "What is this drama, how is the Song Dynasty?" Maybe doing this kind of thing, as well as these sets, clothes, and food, it’s not the same!”

Yu is arguing with his thigh: " can do it lightly."

The business has shrunk and shrunk, but it’s not enough, and it’s out of the phone: “This story is too outrageous, I have to go online to edit the screenwriter!!!”

Yu mother saw him screaming at a TV, could not help but laugh and joked: "Does Xiaoshang learn history? How do you know that the drama is wrong?"

The merchant snorted: "This is common sense, the scriptwriter is a pig!"

Yu mother: "..." The handsome guy is really unreasonable.

She smiled and repeated the question of the genius.

This time, the Shangyu finally heard it. He was a bit stunned in his eyes. He pointed at the TV in a moment and said: "Then you give me the kind of jujube cake inside."

Yu mother: "..." You are not still writing a play?

Yu Zhengdu looked at the boss, and looked at the mother who was in trouble. She took out a mobile phone and searched a cooking tutorial very decisively. He said: "Mom cheers."

Yu mother: "... line."

For a while, Yu Zhengdu and a good face, Yu mother looked at the commercial drama of indulging in TV dramas, and rushed his son to swear, saying: "There are less paper money and incense sticks at home. You go out and buy it. By the way, take a small business to go out and stroll. ""

Yu Zhengdu should have come down and pulled a business: "Small business, let's go out and buy something."

Shang Yi opened his arm and opened him: "Wait, the white peony fake pregnancy is about to be exposed, wait for me to read!"

Yu Zhengdu: ... You are not still writing a play?

Finally, the vicious woman with the white peony was finally exposed to the true face, and she was left behind by the house. Shang Hao was satisfied and got up and fought to go out and buy things. She did not forget to write the scriptwriter on Weibo. A meal.


Yu Xingdu took out a small sheep electric motorcycle, and sat up on the leg. After taking a shot, the seat rushed to the business and said: "Come up, take you for a ride."

When Shang Xiao stared at the little motorcycle for a while, he slowly swaggered up and shouted: "This kind of transportation I used to never sit..."

Yu argued and raised his eyebrows: "You don't understand, this kind of car is the king of our town."

The merchant snorted: "The next time you come, you have to change a covered car."

Yu fights for a moment: "You are scheduled for the next time?"

Shang Yang: "..." is a little annoyed, how can it be so smooth!

Fortunately, Yu Yudu immediately added the words: "Where, I will put a parasol on the car next time."

The business snorted.

Ten minutes later, Shangyu held the waistline of Yu Zhengdu: "It’s fun to drive again."

Yu Zhengdu: "...I am going to die, it’s not going to be fast."

Jintan Town is a typical 38-line town in China. The central area is the old stockade that was left in the past. The residential buildings of gray-gray grey walls radiate from the central area, which is the urban-rural junction built in the 1980s and 1990s. Style self-built house.

Road planning is also a mess, especially the roads in the central area have not been repaired for decades, small and bumpy, and it really is the world of electric cars, but many traditional old shops are still concentrated in that area.

Yu Zhengdu took a merchant into a incense stick shop. This is a local old name. The business is particularly good in the first year of the year. The staff in the store is obviously a bit busy, but when they enter the door, they immediately rely on their outstanding appearance. Caused the attention of the proprietress.

The proprietress quickly took the things to the guests, and then squeezed into the front of the two people, and smiled and said: "Two young men, come to buy things for the family?"

Yu argued that he nodded and said that Yu’s mother gave him a list of purchases.

"Yes, you wait." The proprietress took a bag and began to load things. After a while, she came back with a bag full of bags. "I just entered two new paper money, big denominations, and burned to my ancestors." The most face."

Yu Zhengdu used to help his mother run errands at home. I know what this big denomination means. He opened the bag and took out a stack of paper money. He immediately said, "Oh," he said, "Mom, this one." It’s all a million, and I’m not afraid of inflation.”

He held a kind of paper money in the form of banknotes, but the portrait on the banknotes was replaced by the Jade Emperor, and the corner was written as "Huaxiaren Bank". The amount was exaggerated. Don't print as many inks as you like.

This kind of paper money began to appear when Yu is a small child. Because the novelty has a denomination, it was once popular. Now that the heat is slightly diminished, everyone still likes to burn a little when they worship, that is, as time goes by. The amount of money on this paper is getting more and more exaggerated. It will still be a hundred thousand prints when I first came out. I didn’t expect the amount to grow to one million now.

The proprietress said: "Now it's all burned, and the poor can't be poor."

The two men were screaming, and the merchants on the other side suddenly reached out and took away the paper money from Yu’s hands. They took out the bags and put them back on the booth. They frowned: "This kind of don't, take gold foil. Yellow paper will do."

The proprietress turned her head and looked at the young and cold-looking young man. He smiled and said: "Hey, why don't you, light gold foil is enough, when other people's ancestors' assets are over 100 million, what can their ancestors do?"

Shangyu simply ignored the proprietress and only crossed the head and Yu said to cross the road: "Those who are useless, you need gold foil yellow paper."

Yu Zhengdu was also stunned, and then he remembered it. He stood in front of him, but the big man in the underworld came to talk about what to use in the underworld, and who could be more clear than him.

Blame the boss too much like a handsome human!


From the incense stick shop, Yu Zhengdu did not go home immediately, but put the electric car to the side of the road, with the merchants from the old alley all the way to the old alley, feel the town style.

The road in the old lane of Jintan Town is paved with stone roads. It is uneven, and there is no other style. There are shops on both sides of the road, and pedestrians are bustling.

The two slowly walked on the slate, and the merchants turned their eyes to see what the shops on both sides of the road were selling, and they used Yu to cross the use of the coins.

"...There is no production in the underworld, no business, money can't buy things over there. Yang thinks that the paper money burned in the past is for the ancestors. This is actually a misunderstanding. Since ancient times, the meaning of burning paper money is only the belief of the people. ”

Both the gods and the ghosts have relied heavily on human worship, and the reality that is more needed than the sacred rituals is the human faith.

There is a small question mark on the head of Yu’s mind: “If you say this, you don’t have to burn paper money. Isn’t it more direct to use love to generate electricity?”

Shang Yu’s mouth twitched slightly, as if he was very reluctant to pick him up, and he continued to reluctantly continue: “...the previous gold foil yellow paper was used to make a ghost.”

The immortal world has always liked the gold-plated figure. In addition to the plastic stamping of the human body, the yellow paper gold foil with the belief of the living can also grow, so it is also popular in the underworld.

Therefore, the strange world of the future generations of people because of misunderstanding, as long as there is no tin foil gold foil, no matter how much the denomination is written, it is actually useless.

"Before the collapse of the underworld, there is also a broken mountain, the unqualified broken money produced by the human world, the paper more tin and less silver ingots, even if it burns more, the **** is not used, all thrown into the broken mountain."

Yu Xingdu suddenly realized that he could not help but admire: "You guys can be really wise, and there is such a mountain. There will definitely be no bad money to drive out good money!"

You guys... bad money drives out good money...

Shang Hao looked at him with Yu Guang: "Please don't make a summary."

Yu Zheng crossed his elbow and hit the boss, squinting. "Let's wait, when our company makes money, I will give you a gold foil to burn a car, so that you become a man with a real Jinshan!"

"No, I have Jinshan." Shangyu lifted his chin and his eyes were quite arrogant.

Yu Zhengdu was slightly surprised: "... is it really fake?"

"Really... What is that?" Shang Hao suddenly turned his head and stared at a small stall on the side of the road.

Yu Zhengdu followed his line of sight and turned out to be a local snack called "sugar lion". This thing was completely made of melted syrup wrapped in fried peanuts. After solidification, it was shaped into a small lion. One is only placed in a small stall, which is very embarrassing.

The sweetness of caramel and the aroma of fried peanuts are combined to make it smell sweet, so that the population can't help but madly secrete.

But when you eat it, you describe it in one word...hey.

That is a whole lot of sugar and peanuts, and because the materials are used, the price is not cheap. In the heart of Yu, this is the local “cutting cake” of Jintan Town.

Yu Zhengdu blurted out: "Oh, cut the cake."

Business: "...?"

"Oh no, sugar lion." Yu Zhengdu corrected it and wrinkled his nose. "This thing is sweet and sweet. I can eat a lion for half a month."

Shang Hao stared at the lion for a while, and the metaphor was forced to lift and lift the chin: "You buy one for me."

Yu Zhengdu: ... This is what the ghost who claims to have Jinshan should say?

This lion is thirty! He also wants to let the staff out!

The boss can really brag!

Yu Xingdu silently took out the mobile phone and paid for the money. Shang Yu was satisfied with picking up a lion. Yu Chengdu wanted to tell him to squat down and eat slowly. He saw a slogan and directly put the lion head. Bite away.

Yu Zhengdu had to make a sound reminder: "... small business, pay attention to temperament!"

The lion's head is actually about 10 centimeters in diameter. The Shangyu mouth is covered with a look. It is graceful to say that it is not temperament?

Yu Zhandu looked at his cheeks that were bulging by the lion's head, and then listened to his distorted accent, contrary to his heart, "...too much."

The merchant licked the sugar lion and continued to move forward. After a while, he took another snack. He was very skilled at seeing the metaphor, crazy suggestion.

Yu Zhengdu: ""

Shangyu left hand sugar lion, right hand snack, finally satisfied.

Yu Zhengdu met him for a while and ate a lion's head. He couldn't help but ask: "Don't you think it's too sweet?"

As soon as he said, Shanghao really stopped and felt a little. Nodded: "A bit, you buy me a bottle of water."

Yu Zhengdu: ... Why should he ask?

He confessed to buy a bottle of water and handed it back to him: "Give it to you."

The two looked at each other and then silenced together.

I saw the left-handed sugar lion, the right-hand snack, and it was full.

Yu Zhengdu is trying to say that I will give you a snack first, and then I will see that Shang Hao suddenly opened his mouth: "Ah-"

Yu Zhengdu: Service!

He actually wants to refuse a bit, but the boss is usually very careful. If he refuses, he will not know if he will be remembered.

Yu Zhengdu thought about it, and finally succumbed to the ** warning, silently unscrewed the bottle cap... but he did not expect that the Shangyu was so excessive, and he would take a few steps to feed him!

The boss looked very happy, but he suffered from the strange eyes of passers-by.

Oh, it’s really hard to work.

After a while, the alley came to an end, it was a pass, and the road leading to the pass was a residential building, so there was nothing to go around.

Shang Yang has already finished eating the sugar lion. It seems that the meaning is still unfinished. Yu is afraid that he will go back and look at what is going on. He will turn to the small alley on the side and say: "We go back and go, people are less."

The merchants are undecided. If he loses his snacks, he seems to have lost his soul. He does not care to follow the metaphor and walk slowly.

Before the first metaphor, he just turned into the path and suddenly "squeaked" and said, "How come an old man is here?"

Shang Yan heard the words lazily, and then the eyes that were originally in the state of emptiness slightly smashed.

I saw a corner of the path, a ragged, old man who described the hustle and huddle, squatting against the wall and sleeping. He was wearing his hair, and the yellow hair in the silver covered almost his entire face. Can't see the specific face.

Yu argues and wonders: "I have never seen this person, is it from a foreign country?"

He looked at the old man's white hair, and he didn't know how he got into the town. He felt a little unbearable in his heart. He took a long time from his pocket and found a little change. Then he went to the old man and shouted. Road: "Grandpa, hello."

After a while, the old man slowly opened his eyes and looked at him through his hair. His eyes were full of doubts: "Can you see me?"

Yu Zhengdu:? ? ? ?

The old man was about to say something again, and he saw another person suddenly caught him in front of him. His face looked like a smile: "Hello, Ford is God."


The next morning, after Yu Zhengdu’s family finished eating, he followed Yu’s father to Yu’s public.

Yu is a local surname, and the people are prosperous. The old village is in the southwest of Jintan Town. The residential buildings are densely built. The Yu’s public priest is at the forefront of the whole stockade. It has a large open space in front of the ancestral hall. The open space is a pond. On the right is a small temple that forms a right angle with the male gong.

There are three statues in the temple, which are the three gods believed by the Yu family.

When Yu arrived, when they arrived, the open space was already full of people. They consciously formed a semicircle, and the orthogonal heads were in the discussion. Listen carefully, mainly in order to push the public to expand the Three Temples in the battle. .

As a villager's representative, Yu Dad entered the public servant alone and Yu ran into the crowd.

I saw the incense case in front of the Temple of the Three Temples and the Gongs. In addition to the sacrifices and the cinnabar yellow paper, there was a huge incense burner in front of the case. It was from the Three Temples, and the incense burner was inserted. The root is one meter long and the weight of the arm is thick.

Behind the incense case, that is, the one of the three temples, there is a Taishi chair painted in vermilion.

Different from the ordinary Taishi chair, the chair's seat, backrest and hand-held place, as long as it touches the body part, all have long nails. The nail had a finger length and a pointed end, and it was shining in the sun.

Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu explained: "The temples of the Three Temples are naked and half-length. When they succeed, they will sit on the nail chair and communicate with others."

This ritual is also the reason why the Yu Clan will believe in the Three Gods. It is different from the other children. The same is true of the three temples. The same is true for the nails. The nails are real. The steel nails of the material will bleed when you touch it. If you don't have the power to possess it, how can you sit on the chair?

However, before the work of Luo Feng, he always felt that Tong Fu was only a kind of blind eye. Now, in retrospect, I can only rejoice that I am not the kind of person who owes me. Although I don't believe it, I don't disrespect it.

The corners of the merchant’s mouth twitched a little, and faintly said: “The so-called **** is not possessed, so it is so easy to get on the person, what can be a god.”

Yu Zhengdu: " whisper!"

They are now surrounded by the believers of the Three Gods!

Sure enough, many of the folks who heard the sound turned around and had anger in their eyes. Some people directly screamed: "Where are the people talking nonsense!"

Yu Zhengdu silently stood a little farther away from the business, and then used the same paragraph of everyone to condemn the eyes to see the past: it is him! I am innocent!

Shang Yan frowned and stretched his hand: "Why are you standing so far?"

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

The squad, the father and the old folks condemned him together.

After a while, the sounds around him gradually went down. Yu said that he would look up and see a group of people coming out of the public servant. The leader was a middle-aged man in a suit and a few villagers. The people of the clan association were surrounded by a group of people and there was a young Taoist.

Just listen to someone in the crowd: "That is the master of Minnan. I heard that it is a high-ranking person."

"No, this Taoist is too young?"

"You are ignorant of this. It is said that this Taoist is very talented, his age is small, his generation is very high. He is the younger brother of the Guanyang Guanguan, and he is higher than the Lord."

"It is him. I heard that it is particularly difficult to ask, or because Mr. Yu and the viewer of the Yangyangguan have personal relationships, and they look at the face of Mr. Yu, and they barely come over."

"It's no wonder." They can afford the name "Mr. Yu" locally, but there is only one person who is the president of the current clan association.

Yu Zhengdu is also wearing a suit for the leader of the commercial science popularization: "That is Yu Manjiang, the richest man in our town."

In fact, in the early 20 years, Yu Manjiang’s family was only an ordinary family of Yu’s family. Later, somehow, he suddenly began to take the big fortune, and his wealth was accumulated quickly. It became a local in a few years. The rich, the right to speak in the township has also risen.

According to Yu Manjiang, it is because he sincerely believes in the Three Gods and has been repeatedly sacred by God. After he became rich, he is more pious. He donates money to the Three Temples every year. The reason for the expansion of the Temple of the Three Temples was also because he said that he was dreamed of by the Three Gods.

I saw Yu Manjiang and the young Taoist priests say a few words, and then personally entered the Three Temples, please come out with a dark-skinned man, the man is red|naked upper body, the chest and back are painted with cinnabar, this is The colleague of the Three Temples.

At the same time, the colleague walked to the front of the Taoist priest, and his hands folded for him, and he leaned over and the Taoist hurriedly returned.

Later, Yu Manjiang went to the front station and said to everyone in the open space: "All the folks, I believe everyone knows. The three gods descended the gods a few days ago, and hoped that we would expand the Three Temples, but Yu’s old village did not. The only way to open a suitable open space is to push the public servant. This is also the instruction given by the three gods. However, the opinions of the representatives are not uniform at present, so Mr. Yu’s special invitation from Minnan has been visited. The martyrdom is long, and the three gods are invited by the same class. The leader of the road communicates with the three gods. We have no opinion on this arrangement."

Yu Manjiang has a small prestige in the local area, and the arrangement is reasonable. Everyone naturally agrees.

I saw the martyrdom long before going to the incense case, squatting in the direction of the Three Temples, and reading a few words in the mouth, then clicking on the huge incense of the column in the incense burner, and then rushing to the same gesture.

At the same time, he nodded and walked around the nail chair at the back of the incense case. He began to support the ceremony. He scratched a few yellow characters while he was cursing, and burned it into the grass. Afterwards, he was stunned and said something in his mouth: The gods move down to show the magical powers, and the left side starts, with me turning, the right side is launched, with my line, as the wind dances, the flames drop for the fire..."

When I heard the business, I suddenly snorted and said with a smile: "Do you ask the gods in your village?"

After the peers began to support, the people in the entire square were quiet, and the voice of Shangyu was particularly prominent. Everyone turned to the sound.

The whole voice of Shang Yang is full of disdain: "Which years have passed, and the set of side-by-side roads is used. Is this God really incompetent?"

The nerves in Yu’s body were tight, and he wanted to draw a line with the boss, but earlier the boss had pulled him into the same line.

Sure enough, people in the crowd who knew him began to reprimand: "Is this not the son of Yuchuan?"

"What do you say? Actually, nonsense in front of the Three Gods, is it not to be killed?"

"Oh, these young people really don't know how to be tall."

There are also people who are close enough to push him: "You have to apologize with the Three Gods to ask for forgiveness. Otherwise, if the three gods are angry, you can't eat and walk."

Yu was not prepared for a while, and was directly pushed out, and was suddenly exposed to the public.

The colleague also stopped the ceremony and looked over with a sullen face. "Is it just your rumor?"

"It's me." Shang Yan has a long leg and a stance, gracefully stepping out of the crowd.

Yu Zhengdu immediately refused to accept: "Why are you not being introduced?"

Shang Hao picked up his eyebrows: "Push it, didn't push it."

He gave a dislike: "mortal."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

Peer looked at the two of them and said coldly: "If you kneel down and ask the three gods to sin, I can consider asking for you."

Shang Hao arrogantly gave him a look, the tone is extremely disdain: "How to ask for love? Drink water to **** the ash, please God?"

The same face was black and sneered: "Young people, are you reading and reading silly, letting the material science wash your brain, thinking that the support of the same person is just a superstitious activity, wait for me to invite the three gods, you will Know how naive you are."

Shang Yiyi: "On your side, do you still say that you are not a superstitious activity?"

When he spoke out, the masses in the square were not satisfied, and they all condemned them. Yu Manjiang also came over and saw Yu Yu’s glance, and his face was angry. He said: “What are you going to do? I know you are reading. I don’t believe this much, but it’s awkward to find someone to mess around.”

He said that he looked back at Yu’s father: "Yu Chuan, you are in charge of your son."

Yu’s father didn’t expect his son to suddenly ran out. His colleague was still arrogant, and he was sweating. He quickly said: “To fight, you must plead guilty with the Three Gods!”

Yu Manjiang went to see Shang Yang: "And you are also. After reading a few years, I thought I had the truth. I really thought that my colleagues would not come to God?"

The merchant glared at him: "Who said that he would not come to God? What I said is, what age is it, it is ridiculous to ask God to use such a backward method."

Yu Manjiang didn't understand it for a while, and there were a few question marks on his head.

My peers are also inexplicable: "What do you mean by this?"

Shang Yan said: "You really can't keep up with this development. You have to drink water and talk about nails. You don't really want to worship."

My peers were out of anger, and they said with anger and coldness: "Why, can you please God?"

"Do you want to ask?" Shangyu’s tone is disdainful, and he hopes to surrender to Yu. "Tell him, how do you tell the story now?"

Yu Zhengdu: ... boss, you cue me before, but I will discuss it with me first.

Fortunately, he is also a person who has seen the storm, thinking about the boss's usual thinking, said with great confidence: "SMS!"

Business: "..."

He actually wants to say that those ghosts are called directly to fight for a meal...

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