MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 56 Innocent child

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Peggy and George, four of them mixed in the parade to participate in the parade of ghosts, all the way to a very happy, especially the middle of the head of the sly ghost also let Peggy ride on her clam shell, Peggy happy.

After the parade ended, I was still unsatisfied, and went to visit the toilet in the park with Pei. Peggy and George felt that there were too many people here. The toilet must be stinky, so they refused their invitation relentlessly and prepared to go to the ghost market with George. shopping.

Peggy is not the same as other poor ghosts. She has a brother who gives pocket money.

The two children pulled their hands and went to the direction of the ghost city. Because there were too many people, the two were short and afraid of being squeezed by people. So they discussed it and took a lonely path.

Two little devils walked and chatted, Peggy said: "George, when I go to reincarnation, I will leave all the pocket money to you, let you inherit my legacy."

George seriously thought about it and asked questioningly: "But you are a ghost to go to the fetus, not to die. Is this also called inheritance?"

"Well--" Peggy was asked about it at once, hesitated for a while, and said, "I don't know, let me go back and check the encyclopedia that my brother burned for me..."

George nodded. "Well, tell me after checking."

Peggy: "Well!"

The two said they were happy, suddenly faintly heard the sound of the struggles coming from the side, they turned their heads curiously, and saw two tall men dragging a young woman into the darkness, the girl was constantly struggling, But the mouth was tightly held and only a slight faint sound was heard.

Peggy squinted and asked, "What are you doing?"

The two men who were being mishandled were shocked by the cold voice. Looking back, they were two crisp children.

The two quickly rushed around and found that there was no accompanying adult. They looked at each other and one of them pretended to look like a sly. He smiled and asked: "Children, why are you still outside so late, your mom and dad? ?"

Peggy: "We don't have moms and dads."

The kidnapped girl finally saw someone coming, and her heart just raised a little hope. The result was that two children were in a hurry. I didn’t expect the two children to have a little defense, actually telling the truth innocently. The bad guys suddenly turned black and hope became desperate.

These two men are called social glory alone, and a nickname is old and black. They are all second-rates who are not doing business. It is the high-ranking people who originally planned to go to the original factory of the factory to hire the factory to do things.

The two men routinely made some damage in the old factory tonight. It was still early to see it. I heard that there was a ghost festival tour nearby, so I came over and took a look.

The quality and effect of this park tour was unexpectedly good, but in the eyes of these two people, the good thing is not only the garden tour itself, but also the flow of people in the garden tour. This garden tour will get in the middle of the night, and I want to know. How many young women are going to go back at night.

These two people are habitual criminals, very experienced to find a remote and uninhabited path to hide, and sure enough, they let them catch a single order.

I saw that I was going to succeed. I didn’t expect to have two children suddenly. They were still worried that these two children would be bad. After all, the manpower was limited. It was really difficult to catch a big one or two at a time.

Unexpectedly, the two children were very naive and unexpectedly.

When the social glory and the old black look at each other, they can see the unexpected joy in the other's eyes. The social glory bends down to the two children. When they are close, they discover that the two children look very good, especially small. The girl's round eyes are round, so that people can enjoy it when they look at it.

Can definitely sell a good price!

The social glory is so overjoyed that even the wretched smiles are a bit more sincere: "Children, it is very dangerous to be outside this night, is it good for my brother to send you home?"

Peggy and George looked at each other and George said: "Well, it's dangerous."

Peggy nodded and seriously said to the two big men: "Big brother, you are still outside so late, very dangerous."

Social glory: "...???"

He didn't clear the logic of the child for a while, but the old black didn't care. It was only the child's usual talking problem. He couldn't wait to answer: "If this is the case, then you should go back with your brother, my brother has a car."

Peggy also thought about it. George has raised his hand and said, "Okay."

Peggy had to follow: "That's alright."

Social Rong and Lao He did not expect these two children to be so deceived, nor did they know how the family was educated. It was like two fat toot lambs being thrown into the wild and let them slaughter.

The girl who was held down did not expect the two children to be so stupid, and suddenly struggled more intensely, and wanted to remind them to hurry.

Grabbing her old black is afraid of her bad things, she does not do two, endlessly elbows stunned her, and then stunned the girl with the society, one led two children, copying the path to them parked in the mall The van behind it went.

The construction of the development zone is not dense. At the end of the night, the rear of the mall is very desolate. At this time, there is no one.

Social glory and Laohe have never done such a simple and smooth kidnapping. They only feel that it is really helping them. They pull the door of the van away, disguise all the gentleness and patience all the way, push the two children directly, and then The stunned girl was also thrown into the back seat.

Social Rong took the car keys around the driver's seat and told the old man: "I drive, you tie them both."

The old black nodded, followed the car, closed the door, his face with a sly smile: "Children, your family usually do not tell you not to walk with strangers?"

The little boy shook his head: "No."

The little girl said: "Brother will only worry about strangers walking with me."

Old Black thought that his words would scare the two children, but they didn't expect them to be not afraid. They also said a bunch of words that he could not understand.

The second son of the old man couldn’t help but express his feelings: The family of this child is really too irresponsible. I don’t know how to educate it!

But this is also good, they are cheaper.

He thought as he took out tools such as rope and tape from under the seat and smiled and said: "Children, is it good for your brother to tie you up?"

This always shows that he is a bad person! Always know that you are afraid!

I saw two children and looked at each other again, and then joined hands with great cooperation: "Okay."

Old black:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

If there are more than one such family and children in society, he will have a fortune!

It’s unbelievable that the old black side has such innocent children and skillfully binds them to the girl and puts their mouths on tape.

After doing this, he still had some psychedelic, scratching his head and climbing to the co-pilot, and said to the society: "Go."

The social glory of the car, just on the road, suddenly heard the little girl asked: "Big brother, where are we going now?"

When the society sighed back and looked back, it was shocked and suddenly, and the little girl was kneeling on the back of her chair, and her eyes were watching her.

She was very close, so close at a distance, the lovely eyes were somehow horrible, very big and deep, like they could not see the whole.

"I fucked--" society stunned and stepped on the brakes, turned his head and yelled at the old black. "Isn't you letting them tie them up? What are you doing?"

It’s not a shock to the old black, and inexplicably said: “I’m tied up...”

"This is called tying?" The society hurriedly parked the car, climbed back to the back, personally tied the ropes to the two children, and refused to insult the old black. "This little thing can't be done, it's really waste!"

He personally tied the two children, but did not feel relieved and added a rope, confirmed twice, then climbed back to the driver's seat, while continuing to smash the old black and start the car.

The old black was smashed with a dog's blood sprinkler. He didn't dare to talk back. He was already in confusion and began to doubt himself. Was it really that he was not tied?

He really couldn't figure it out, couldn't help but look back again, and this suddenly shocked him out of a cold sweat.

I saw the two children, but they were not tied, and they were playing clap games behind.

"Rong Ge, Rong Ge..." Laohe finally noticed that something was wrong, shaking hands and pulling the social glory.

Social Rong is driving, and open him impatiently, shouting: "What other shit?"

The old black voice shook: "You see, look behind you?"

“What's the good thing?” The society frowned, but still glanced at the rearview mirror. This look, the eyes suddenly slammed, and it was a sudden brake. The two bodies smashed forward uncontrollably. .

The two children in the back seat were not affected at all, and they continued to clap their hands happily.

Little girl: "You take one, I take one, one child is on the plane..."

Little boy: "You take two, I take two, two children throw their hands..."

Little girl: "You shoot three, I shoot three..."

The night is deep, the silence is silent, and the sounds of the two children seem inexplicably empty and resounding in the closed car.

Let the two second-rate sons who think that they are not afraid of fear are indifferent to a goose bump.

The old black thoughts began to be unable to control the direction of terror, and they shook like a sieve: "Rong, Rong Ge, what is going on?"

The social glory is bigger than the old black, and boldly asks: "You two, how to unlock the rope?"

The child stopped clapping and looked over with his head.

The little girl smiled and said: "You don't know?"

Social glory: "..." How could he know!

Seeing the little boy suddenly spooked openly: "I hate the feeling of being tied."

He looked up and looked at the society, and there was a hollow in his big eyes: "If you tie your neck, you will die."

As he said, a rope with a strange pattern suddenly appeared on his neck. "It's like this."

The social glory was still lucky, and when I saw the rope that appeared out of thin air, my defense line suddenly collapsed.

But the little boy didn’t manage that he would collapse and not collapse. He only said to himself: “Do you see it clearly...”

I saw the rope slowly tightening, grabbing his neck, and then his pale face turned blue, purple, black, and his expression distorted: "This way, it will die... ”

The little girl’s face showed a sympathetic look and comforted: “It looks like a suffocation.”

The social glory and the old black also felt that they had to suffocate, and the two could no longer scream out, and the ghosts screamed and drove to drive the door: "There are ghosts - there are ghosts -"

But somehow, letting them push the door and kick the door, the door is dead and can't open.

At the same time, the little girl continued to exchange ideas with the little boy: "In fact, I am also very miserable, so..."

As she said, she raised her little hand and slowly inserted it into her head. As she moved, the red blood continually flowed out, dyed her tender face, and saw her force the next moment. As soon as she pulled out, she pulled out a piece of things from her head, and her head was directly missing.

The little boy finally stopped pulling his neck. "Ah," he yelled out and said with sympathy: "It looks so painful."

"Yeah." The little girl nodded, then handed the piece of the hand to the front seat and asked, "Big brother, this is my celestial cover, do you want to see it?"

Social glory and old black: "..."

Two big brothers who have been mixed for more than 30 years of society have been fainting.

George said with all his heart: "They are so timid, this is fainted."

Peggy screamed and hurriedly covered the skull. He asked with guilty conscience: "What should I do? It seems that I have been overplayed, my brother is going to be angry!"

George thought for a moment: "I have a way!"


The next morning, Yu Zhengdu just received a news push when he opened the phone:

Local headline: The most unlucky kidnapper in history, a car accident on the road to kidnapping, directly hit the police station door [Click to open details]

Yu argues that the curious place is open, and suddenly it is shocked by an oncoming sand sculpture:

Local headlines: Last night, unemployed people with nicknames Social and Laohe kidnapped a single woman in the development zone. Unexpectedly, there was an accident in the kidnapping on the road. He directly hit the police station and was unconscious on the spot. The police were checking the vehicle. It was discovered that the back seat was tied to a woman and the person was married. Surprisingly, after the two kidnappers woke up, they insisted that they had hit the ghost and described the detailed process of hitting the ghost to the police. After a detailed investigation, the police found that the two men were the haunted events in the recent development zone. The initiator of the ......

Below the news, all are the ruthless mockery of netizens:

[What kind of sand sculpture kidnappers, why did the kidnapping pass through the police station? 】

[Can a sand sculpture be compiled as an excuse to hit a ghost after being caught? 】

[Wait, the haunted incident in the development zone factory was made by these two people? 】

[... Does this mean that the two men are still quite entertained? 】

[23333 Seeking the details of the kidnappers, I want to know exactly how to paint and paint]

The news editor also seems to be very interested in this part of the content, reply to the netizen below the news:

[According to reliable news, the kidnappers compiled two children's ghosts, one is suffocating and dying, one will take the heavenly cover with bare hands]

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

This familiar is both visual and visual.

At the same time, Shang Xiao got caught in the office and went to find Pei Qi, and blocked her in the corner. He said seriously: "Pei Qi, what you did in my enchantment last night, I have understood."

Peggy stood up straight and looked awkward: "Ghost King, I didn't mean it, it was the first hand of the bad guy."

Shang Hao said coldly: "That doesn't work. Before you said good to your brother, there is something to tell him, you can't do it yourself."

Peggy raised her head violently, tears in her big eyes, and said with a pitiful face: "I will not dare any more in the future, don't you tell my brother?"

Her voice is soft and she is so pitiful: "Ghost King, you are the best..."

Business: "..."

Shang Yan sighed and said helplessly: "Okay, only once, the next is not an example."

Peggy:! ! George plans to pass!

The two reached a tacit agreement, and the merchants took her hand and walked into the company together. I didn't expect to see Yu Weidu seriously when he entered the door: "Pei Qi, what did you did last night?"

Business:! ! !

Shang Hao slammed Peggy's hand and said in a clear voice: "She and George scared the two bad guys and sent them to the police station."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

Peggy: "...????"

The promise of Ghost King’s brother is too unreliable!

The author has something to say: Shang Yang: As long as I have a look of a look, I will say everything!

Peggy: I am so angry!

Hey, who said yesterday to Peggy's Demi, line up to lead the bones! 2k novel reading network