MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 69 Trial death

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After Fan Li’s success in returning to Yang, the impersonated Fan Li who was found dead died of a heart attack, and the soul was detained by Luo Feng’s staff and brought to the Luofeng headquarters for trial.

The impersonal Fan Li was a middle-aged man with a gloomy look. When he was taken to Luofeng, he was panicked and unwilling. When he saw the appearance of Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu, his face was even more shocked: "It's you!! ”

Yu disputed and nodded calmly: "It is us."

The work of the heavy ghosts was originally handled by a special staff member, but the situation of impersonating Fan Li was special. Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu came in person.

This Fan Licai knows why he is exposed, but it is too late to regret it.

Yu Zhengdu is too lazy to talk to this kind of ghost nonsense, and said: "We have checked your situation. You have nothing to do with it. Why can you use the method of death?"

Fan Li said across the neck: "I am dead, I just don't tell you, how can you do?"

"Do you mean this without cooperation?" Yu said to cross his arms and hold his chest. "Your previous behavior seriously undermined the reincarnation order between the Yin and Yang circles. It is a crime that cannot be ruled by nature. Do you know what consequences you have to bear?"

The man still stalked his neck, and a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water: "I can't be a beast, anyway, I used to be a beast. I don't make a pig or a duck. It doesn't make any difference."

Yu is arrogant and stunned. This is why I understand why this person is so daring and willing to change his life. It seems that he has already understood the six reincarnations and has already calculated his own results. For him, there will be no Worse results, it is better to simply fight, this is the so-called barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes.

Shang Yan was impatient and pinched his fist: "So much nonsense, play a meal."

"Wait a minute, we are a socialist company, or pay attention to convincing people." Yu Zhandu stopped Shanghao.

Shang Yan glanced at him and silently took the fist back. "Yes, you first reason."

The imposing Fan Li’s appearance is a sneer: “It’s not bad. Now the government is also advancing with the times, paying attention to humanity work. OK, you are telling me reason and seeing that I can’t listen.”

Yu Zhengdu looked at him and said: "You just said that it is not a big difference between being a pig or a duck."

Fan Lisu immediately leaned back, and he was not afraid of the attitude of "not afraid of it anyway": "In any case, it is for people to eat, how much difference can it be?"

Yu Zhengdu smiled a little, turned on the computer, and put a ppt file on the screen, saying: "There must be a difference."

“Our company has a complete post-sales and after-sales system that can track the situation after each ghost is reincarnation. That is to say, whether you are a pig or a duck, we can track them one by one and find you out.” Yu Zhengdu turned the ppt to a page, and the page showed a few pictures.

Fan Li saw that the pictures were mainly pig-based foods, including braised pork, hot pot, and roast suckling pigs.

Yu Zhengdu: "If you are willing to cooperate with our work, we can provide you with a more decent death method, such as making pigs, sweet and sour, barbecue, etc., but if you do not cooperate..."

He turned another page, this time showing a few pictures of mosaics.

Yu Zhengdu smile: "Sorry, because the picture is bloody, afraid of causing discomfort, I gave the code, anyway, if you don't cooperate, after you reincarnate, we will let you survive, you can't die..."

Fan Li: "..."

Fan Li: ! ! !

He used to think that he was too big to reincarnate as a beast. He was slaughtered and eaten for a meal. He never imagined that the current government still had this kind of operation, and even managed to deal with his after the reincarnation.

Really miscalculated!

Yu Zhandu looked at him: " are just a beast when you are there. We don't break the law, and if you die again, you will continue to fall into our hands."

Fan Li: ! ! !

By relying on, when you are a person, you can break the law. The most important thing is that you must die. I thought that I had died a hundred times. He never thought that after death, this torture can still be recycled, and as the other party said, he has invested in the animal life, but there is no law enforcement. The organization is the master of him, as long as they are willing, can completely torture him forever, endless.

Fan Li was cold and shuddered.

Yu Zhengdu saw Fan Li’s eyes showing his fear, and Shi Shiran turned to the next page: “Next, I will introduce you to the 50 ways to eat chicken. It is the most popular and the most popular. - Fried chicken, fried chicken to eat well, there is a lot of attention, such as the oil temperature ..."

Not waiting for him to finish, Fan Li raised his hand weakly: "I said, I said."

Yu Zhengdu stopped the page flipping action, a little regret: "So soon, you don't want to see the practice of rose oil chicken and white-cut chicken?"

Fan Li seems to have foreseen his future and quickly stopped: "... don't want to."

A side of the business suddenly raised his hand: "I want to see."

Yu Zhengdu: "...When the next trial is over, I will send you the ppt."


The man who had the name of Fan Li was named Dong Tie. According to his confession, he had done a lot of bad things in recent years. He was almost arrested several times. Later, when he searched online to avoid the police arrest, he did not intend. In the dark network, I saw a post of a person with the id "Jiang", claiming to help all fugitives escape the hunt.

Dong Tieyi just started to try the mentality and "Jiang" private letter for a few times. After I did not expect Jiang to send him a few things, the policemen who had been chasing him for him really stopped chasing him. .

With these things to protect themselves, Dong Tie is more daring, and the bad things are getting bigger and bigger, and more and more mad, and the wonderful thing is that no matter what he does, the police seem to be unable to find him, even several On the other hand, when the police raided the house, they found out where he rented, and he did not find him.

However, when Dong Tie was proud of this, he gradually discovered that his body was getting worse and worse, and he was constantly afflicted with diseases.

Until this time, "Jiang" told him the truth. It turned out that what Jiang sent him to protect his body was not a yang item. These things can help him cover up the breath of the living, so that the police in Yang can not find his whereabouts, but these The fierce creatures are always with him, and they are constantly eroding his yang, making his body weak.

More importantly, with the help of these things, Dong Tie has infinitely expanded his evil thoughts and committed so many sins. Even if he is not eroded by femininity, Tian Li can't tolerate him. Jiang gave him science to give him a look. What kind of punishment may be imposed after death.

At this time, Dong Tiecai knew that Jiang had not been well-behaved since the beginning, but he had no retreat and could only continue to ask for help.

The way to find a replacement is Jiang’s proposal, including the need to find someone to replace the dead: the guide, the seal, and the related techniques are also given to him by Jiang.

The things that Jiang gave were very powerful. Everything was carried out in an orderly manner according to Chiang’s plan. I didn’t expect that the success would be successful. I was catching up with the life plan app of the local government, and Dong Tie’s plan for death was so leaked.

At the end of the day, Dong Tie was very embarrassed: "When I was still alive, the most fearful thing was the police's real-name system inspection. I didn't expect to go to the underworld, or because the real name system fell into the net..."

"Why don't you tell Skynet to recover, and not leak it!" The words that Yu Zhengdu just listened to him heard a fire, and the tone was cold. "If you don't do bad things, how can you be afraid of real-name system?"

At this time, Shang Hao finally slowly said: "Who is that 'Jiang'?"

The collapse of the heavens and the earth, the end of the world, even the spiritual masters, it is not easy to repair the realm of finding someone to die, but listening to Dong Tie’s statement, the “Jiang” on the Internet can easily help others. Looking for a replacement, and even almost smashing through the land, this kind of cultivation is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Dong Tie is very upset: "I don't know, we only contact online, I have never seen him."

Yu Zhengdu pushed the computer to him: "You are contacting him now."

On the computer screen, the practice of rose oil chicken and white-cut chicken was also clearly displayed. Dong Tie shook a little, and did not dare to have two words. He quickly took the mouse and skillfully entered a URL on the webpage. After logging in, he was in the background. The contact person clicked on a black avatar.

Dong Tie: [Jiang, is it? 】

The person whose id is "Jiang" does not know whether it is just online or has been waiting, and he will reply soon.

Jiang: [Successful? 】

Dong Tie saw a metaphor for a fight. Yu said that he had taken over the computer and directly replaced Dong Tie and Jiang.

Dong Tie: [Successful]

Jiang: [very good. 】

Jiang: [So, it’s your turn next time]

Yu contends that his brow is slightly wrinkled.

Dong Tie: [What do you mean? 】

But Jiang did not answer.

Yu Zhandu looked at Dong Tie, and saw Dong Tie’s face stunned. Obviously, he did not understand what Jiang’s words meant. Yu said that he had to turn to see Shanghao: “Boss, do you know what he means? ?"

Shang Hao only frowned, and did not answer for a while.

Just then, Dong Tie suddenly said: "Someone is calling me, I heard, someone is calling my name."

Shang Hao no expression: "Ghosts call the soul."

Yu Zhengdu thought about the operation of Shangyu in the hospital shouting the name of Fan Li, suddenly suddenly realized, raised his eyebrows and asked: "He is already dead, is it useful to call the soul?"

Shang Yang shook his head: "It's useless."

Sure enough, after a while, Jiang’s message appeared again on the computer, which looked a bit excited.

Jiang: [You lied to me! 】

Jiang: [You are already dead! 】

Yu Zhengdu is very calm.

Dong Tie: [Yes]

Dong Tie: [Don't you lie to me? 】

Dong Tie: [You taught me to find someone to die for, I actually called my soul, what do you want to do? 】

Jiang: [You know even the ghosts and ghosts? You are not Dong Tie? who are you? 】

Dong Tie: [You first say, who are you? 】

However, the degree of prudence of the other party exceeded the expectation of Yu. They found that Dong Tie had died, and the account was not used by himself. The other party only asked two sentences and disappeared without asking the result.

Yu Zhengdu is very reluctant to continue to send messages.

Dong Tie: [Hey, hello, are you still there? 】

Dong Tie: [You have the ability to call me, you have the ability to answer me]

Real Dong Tie: "..."

Yu Zhengdu sent a half-day message no one back, and then refreshed, found that Jiang directly linked to the account has been written off.

Yu Zhengdu went to see Shanghao: "Boss, what should I do?"

Shang Yang indulged: "This Chiang should be from the beginning, step by step in the pursuit of Dong Tie's life."

Dong Tie heard a sigh: "What do you mean?"

"I understand." Yu Zhengdu thought for a moment, said, "Jiang Yi began to pretend to send something to Dong Tie to help him escape the police's pursuit. In fact, he was slowly pushing him to a dead end, so that he finally had to Accept the plan to find someone to die for?"

Shang Xiao nodded: "Dong Tie took Fan Li's name. If the real Fan Li succeeded, his name could escape the reincarnation and avoid the supervision of the heavens and the earth. At this time, he took his life again, that is, the real God doesn't know, ghosts don't know."

Yu is not convinced: "But what is he doing so hard to collect Dong Tie's life?"

Shang Xiao sneer: "Who wants to avoid ghosts and gods, even the world can not know, who knows what?"

Yu Xingdu looked at Dong Tie with a deep impression: "I guess, it should be worse than being a beast."

Dong Tie listened straight to the sigh: "Yes, is this the case?"

Yu Zheng crossed his face with a funny: "If that is the case, it is really a wicked person who has its own wicked people. If we know it, we will not accept you."

Dong Tie: "..."

Dong Tie was scared to plead: "I am willing to be a beast, I am willing to be a beast."

The staff came to take Dong Tie down, and Yu Dudu looked at the business with anxiety: "Boss, who is the name of "Jiang"? What do he want to do?"

"It's not a person, it can only be a ghost." Shang Yang is also a dignified person. "But I can't detect his breath."

Yu Zhengdu Shen Shen a moment, said: "It seems that this thing may be more troublesome and more complicated than we expected at the beginning."

Shang Yang looked up at him.

Yu Xingdu analyzed: "According to Dong Tie's statement, he was looking for Jiang's post in the dark net to find Jiang, indicating that Jiang Yi was in the Guangsha network, Dong Tie only entered the people in his network. One……"

Shang Yang also responded: "It may be more than one iron to find a replacement, we have to increase the investigation."

He is a little heavy, and death is a deceptive and highly harmful spell. It is a very difficult task to check out a large number of deaths when the former department is perfect.

Yu Qidu nodded, compared to an ok gesture: "I am not afraid, I have added a program to identify deaths in the background system of the life and death book, plus the double identification of the mobile terminal, I believe that the phenomenon of death will definitely be nothing.遁 shape."

The merchant stunned a moment: "... um."

I almost forgot, and now it is not the age of manual identification. It can only be said that technology changes society.

After a while, Shang Hao said: "I am very relieved to have you shut down the system. Then I will focus on checking the identity of Jiang."

He has a deep tone: "It may take a lot of time and effort..."

"Don't worry." Yu argued and waved his hand and whispered in the past. "When I was just chatting with him, I made a tracking program. As long as there is action behind him, I have a way to track him!"

Business: "..."

Today is also the day when technology overcomes spells.

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