MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 85 watch movie

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The first Luofeng Cup ceo design competition finally ended in the dark curtain of Shangzheng Guangming Zhengda.

Zhao Ruola was still full of confidence to get the first place. I didn't expect the technology to eventually lose to the black-box operation. Not only that, but the program that she wrote automatically grabbed the aesthetics too far ahead and was eliminated.

The company's colleagues did not dare to have opinions on the boss.

[You said, what kind of soup you poured into the boss! 】

[You wear a suit and shoes that are unremarkable to the boss. Is this the champion? ! ! 】

[Also double performance! 】

Yu Zhengdu is very calm about this, the reply will be copied and pasted: [you look for the boss to go]

After a while, everyone will stop.

The relationship can't afford it!

After the unilateral announcement of the end of the Cold War, the merchants expressed very generously that the dispute could continue to enter and leave his office as freely as before.

Yu Zhengdu: ... It is true that during the Cold War, he did not feel that the number of times he went to the office was reduced.

Of course, I still have to be very surprised in my face, and the time for prenatal education cannot be dropped.

So after a few more days, this day Yu Fei is writing code, Lu Lingxi came over to find him, said that colleagues at Luofeng headquarters told her that he hoped to organize the group building activities like the company in Yang.

Yu Zhengdu thinks that it has not been short since he entered Luofeng. In addition to the garden tour that the last Ghost Festival did, the company seems to have never engaged in collective activities. Before the company was small, it was all Ghost, he didn't put it in his heart. Now think about it, the ghost also has social needs. In addition, the influence of the business and the ghost king dressup contest in the past few days, the spirit of the people is very tight for a while, this node It is also a good arrangement to relax for everyone.

Yu Zhengdu: "It's good, you can arrange it."

Lu Lingxi hesitated a moment and said the real reason for him to discuss it: "Everyone said that they don't want to continue playing in the cemetery and the suburbs. They are boring and want to go to some places in the sun."

Yu Zhengdu hesitated: "Is this a violation?"

Lu Lingxi was frustrated: "Yes, the underworld collapses. We work through the places in the sun, and we limit too much. We can't do anything."

Yu Zhengdu also understands everyone's thoughts, because it can't affect the order of the Yang Dynasty. The scope of the activities of the ghosts is relatively limited, and it is impossible to use the entertainment facilities in the Yang Dynasty. The daily life is really boring.

He thought about it and said, "Let's do it, let's go to the cinema with a midnight show to watch a movie."

Lu Lingxi eyes brightened: "This idea is good."

If you watch a movie in the package, the time and place can be controlled at the time of rest in the sun. If you are in the middle of the night, you can basically do not affect the normal inter-yang order.

Lu Ling Xi Li Ling machine: "I read the news that there is a new box office in the new movie. The producer has bought a lot of ghost fields. We can just fill in those ghost fields."

Yu Zhengdu looked at her with a hard time: "You are really a money-saving ghost."

Lu Ling’s rhythm and humility: “I don’t dare to be a ghost. It’s a real ghost.”

Yu Zhengdu Fufu: "The kind of ghost field is just locked in the box office. The movie theater does not necessarily play normally. This money is not necessary to save. It is normal to pack one."

"Or cto has the power." Lu Lingxi erected a thumb and asked about it. "So, look, this activity is up to you to help with the boss to apply?"

Yu Zhengduo squinted at her: "This requires me to apply. What does the company want from your personnel manager?"

Lu Lingru is well-founded: "You can forgive you if you take the boss to do the dress-up game. If you apply for the event, the boss will not refuse."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

He could not refute.

After thinking about it for a moment, he got up and knocked on the office door of Shangyu.

Peggy’s prenatal music has been changed from Mozart to Beethoven, and the businessman asked him: “What?”

Yu Zhengdu put the movie and time period that Lu Lingxi picked up in front of him, and casually said: "I want to go to the cinema with you."

Shang Xiao’s body leaned back slightly and held it with restraint: “I haven’t thought about whether or not to promise you, is it too fast to start dating now?”

Yu Zhengdu: "..." Really, when the boss said this, can the face not show the expression of ecstasy.

He calmly said: "It is the collective activity of the applicant company."

Business: "..."

Shang Yan’s face was visible to the naked eye, and he took over the plan of Yu’s handing over. The tone was very cold: “What kind of collective activity is done for no reason...”

Yu Zhengdu smiled: "If the boss has time, I would like to apply for a movie with you alone."

A corner of the mouth of the merchant: "Agree."

He replied too quickly, and when he spoke out the eloquence, he looked up and saw that he was looking at him. The Shangyu quickly looked up and added: "I mean group activities, I agree, yours. I have to consider it when I apply alone."

"This way..." Yu Zhengdu extended his voice. "If the boss is too busy, then forget it."

"Fortunately, these two days are not very busy." Shangyu also really transferred his schedule, carefully looked at it, and then thought carefully, " should leave this weekend time out, I think it will not work to see this time."

Yu argues to laugh and not speak.

He knew that the boss said that most of the considerations were only considering how to set the time.


Luo Feng’s group building activities were able to take place. The ghosts of the whole company were very excited. The ghosts had not watched movies on the big screen for a long time, and they still showed a considerable expectation.

On the night of the group building, a group of ghosts went to the cinema in the private room under the organization of Lu Lingxi. Zhao Ruola did not go to the elderly because he had to take care of the elderly. He thought that the living people stayed up late and worked hard. Lu Lingxi He also informed that Zheng Yan could not go, but because the film in the package was exactly what Zheng Yan wanted to see, and the modern young people did not fear staying up late, Zheng Yan still went strong together.

Don't forget to bring his mini gossip mirror and bodhi bracelet before departure.

Yu Zhengdu looked at Zheng Yan while walking and playing on the side of the string, could not help but said: "With a ghost exorcism props to go to the movies with a group of ghosts, do you think it is appropriate?"

"Go out in the middle of the night, if you run into other ghosts?" Zheng Yan said seriously, "I am just in case."

Yu Zhandu looked at the employees around Luofeng and answered him seriously: "I don't want to appear if I want other ghosts."

When I arrived at the cinema, I found that there were not only a group of ghosts in the company, but also a lot of living people. When I went to see the movie schedule, I remembered that tomorrow is Friday, just a new movie is on the line, and the evening is zero. The premiere of the new movie.

Lu Lingxi hesitated for a moment, and Yu said that he would wave his hand: "It is precisely the difference between the different fields, not to tighten, reminding everyone not to go to other people's fields."

Lu Lingxi nodded and began to work as an employee. Yu Zhandu was acting as a representative to negotiate with the staff of the cinema. The staff looked at him and the businessmen and Zheng Yan who stood behind him. Some surprised: "You are three people." What about the package?"

To say that they are small games, but they are the biggest venue in the cinema, but also let the cinema put popcorn and cola on the armrests of all the seats in advance, the staff thought it was a company, and it was strange what company Wrap the field in the middle of the night.

Unexpectedly, there were three men.

You said that it would be reasonable if a man with two women or a woman with two men is reasonable!

Yu Zhengduo does not change color: "There is money and willfulness."

staff member:"……"

The staff gave Yu Zhengdu a confirmation of the scene, thought about it, and reminded: "Yes, we have a little trouble with the equipment recently, but the impact is not big, if you will watch the film, if there is a little situation, let us know." It is."

Yu Zhengdu asked: "What is the situation?"

The staff hesitated, only vaguely said: "It is not a big deal, that is, our system is infected with a virus. The midnight games of these days are sometimes halfway through, and will suddenly be inserted into another film, but not long, One minute, it will not affect your normal viewing."

Yu argues that the staff's argument is a bit unreasonable, but it is a cinema thing. For them, it doesn't affect normal viewing anyway, so he just smiles and says, "Okay."

Into the movie hall, everyone consciously left the best viewing area in the middle to the Shangyu, but Shangyu did not sit in the past, but took the Yu to fight, and walked in the corner of the last row.

Colleagues were greatly moved: "I didn't expect the boss to be so good, but I left the good location for everyone and went to the corner."

Shang Hao was too lazy to listen to what everyone said, and took Yu Yu to sit down in the corner and glanced at him with a smug look: "Sit here and you want to stare at me and not be too conspicuous."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

Although the boss claimed that he had not talked about love, he knew it deeply.

The staff of the cinema: ...the men are all wrapped up, how can there be two to go to the corner to sit, just stay in the middle?

Luo Feng this time is a very popular comedy film, because the theater is a colleague, everyone is more relaxed, not as calm as in the movie theater, everyone is watching and whispering, plus the company gives everyone in advance Prepared popcorn and drinks, the atmosphere is very relaxed and harmonious.

Shangyu held a cheek and watched a movie while eating popcorn, but his mood was not very high.

After a while, he found his downturn and smacked him with his arm. He whispered, "What's wrong, not happy?"

Shang Yang looked at him sideways and replied in a whispered voice: "I originally wanted to go to see this film with you on the weekend. I didn't expect the consonance to set this bag, I really wouldn't do anything."

Yu argues and laughs: "Are you still thinking about it? How are the movies fixed?"

The business side does not change color: "I am prepared."

Yu Xingdu touched out the phone and dimmed the screen: "It doesn't matter, we will re-select one now."

It’s only a smile, and the head is smashed: “Okay, let’s choose another one.”

The two men's heads are close together, and Shangyu can still feel the breath of Yu. The corner of his mouth does not consciously reveal a little smile. He thinks and handes over the big bucket of popcorn in his arms: "I took my burst." Rice is given to you."

Yu Zhandu looked at the bucket of popcorn and had to remind him: "The boss, the popcorn we prepared was originally for the two to eat."

Shanghao never admits defeat: "No one dares to popcorn with me."

Yu Zhengdu: "..." The boss is right.

At the same time, the staff who came in to inspect the field looked at the two people crowded together in the corner, and looked at Zheng Yan, who was sitting alone in the middle position. His eyes were full of sympathy: single dogs, miserable.

Shang Hao grabbed a popcorn and handed it to Yu Zhengdu: "Eat."

Yu Zhengdu is looking at other movie evaluations on the mobile phone, and he has not looked up. He just bite the popcorn with the hand of the merchant.

Shang Yan’s face showed an imperceptible smile, and he took a bite. In his heart, the popcorn in this movie theater was delicious.

At this time, a group of people screamed outside the movie hall. The sound insulation of the cinema was originally done very well, but the voice was too loud, and it was actually passed through the wall to their studio.

Although the sound has reached a lot, they have been reduced a lot, but they can still hear the screaming screams, which led to the ghosts of the audience turning around, and they are somewhat inexplicable.

Yu’s intuition was not quite right, and he stood up and said, “I’ll go out and see.”

Shang Yan had eaten popcorn and was having a good time. When he was interrupted by this, his face was a sinking: "I am going with you."

The two went out together in the hallway and saw a few girls who were watching the movie standing in the hallway and wiping tears. The staff of several cinemas next to them were pacifying them: "It’s okay, it’s just a movie, it’s not true. of……"

One of the girls collapsed: "I have to be scared to death. Do you have this failure and will not stop broadcasting?"

The staff looked helpless: "We are already repairing, and we have all reminded everyone that this is the case..."

The girl roared: "You didn't say it was this kind of film!"

Yu argued and frowned, and asked: "What happened?"

The staff member happened to be the one who started to receive the metaphor. When he saw him, he apologized on his face and said, "Hey, that is the situation that I told you before. It just happened again. Their field was inserted midway." a movie..."

Yu Zhandu looked at the few shivering girls and asked, "What kind of film is that?"

The staff blinked: "The horror film."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

The staff: "Hey, we can't do anything. The technology has been inspected for a few days, but we haven't found a result yet. With such a big movie theater, we can't do business because of this glitch... ”

Yu is arguing for a look: "What is the situation?"

When the staff is not good enough, they will honestly say it.

It turns out that from the first few days, the movie will be on the side of the movie, and half of the movie will suddenly appear a horror movie. The frequency is not high. It may appear one or two times a night, sometimes it may not appear. Not too long, it will take half a minute to a minute, but because it is a horror film, the impact is quite big.

The theater said that it was a device failure, and the internals were also checked in this direction. It was only for a few days, but the source of the problem was not found. The film appeared random, the movie theater could not be prevented, and it was impossible to keep it open. It is.

After Yu Jundu finished listening, he felt that something was wrong: "Do you really think it is a device failure?"

At this time, the theater manager also came over. Just when I heard Yu Zhengdu’s words, my face would look awkward: “What do you mean by this?”

Yu is not annoyed, but faintly said: "If it is a virus infection, the situation should be more random, why is it only in the evening?"

He said that the staff next to him suddenly turned white and his voice was a little tight: "In fact, we always think..."

The theater manager quickly stopped: "Speak less, talk nonsense?"

Yu Zhengdu did not miss the guilty conscience of the manager, and he was going to continue to say that suddenly there was an earth-shattering exclamation in the movie hall where they were there: "Ah, ah, there are ghosts--"

It is the voice of Zheng Yan.

Yu Yu’s look was awkward, and the staff slammed his head nervously: “Hey, it’s definitely your scene.”

Several people quickly and hurriedly pushed open the entrance to the cinema.

Luo Fengbao is the largest cinema in the whole theater. When they enter the door, they see the huge movie screen. The original cheerful and bright comedy picture disappears, replaced by a gloomy black and white.

In the middle of the screen, a woman with her hair hanging like a scorpion is cutting an apple. She is wearing a white and long skirt, her hair hanging like a waterfall, and her entire face is covered.

Her hands were gray and dry, her nails were glaring bright red, holding a knife, a little bit of apple peel, and cutting her side and asking: "Do you want to eat apples?"

"I cut the apple... it's delicious."

When the staff heard her talking, they quickly said to the metaphor: "Hey, you close your eyes. When she cuts the apple, she must open her hair!"

Yu Zhengdu did not listen to the staff, but his hands clasped his chest and looked at the movie screen with a blank expression.

They have already seen that this cinema is not a machine failure.

The horror film on the screen is clearly a real female ghost.

The female ghost's apple has been cut to the end, and she slowly stretched her hand forward: "Come, eat apples..."

The staff was in a hurry: "Hey, you are closing your eyes, she is very scary to open her hair, and this horror film has a 3D effect, she will put the apple into your mouth!"

But when it was too late, the female ghost gave a gloomy laugh, and opened the curtain-like hair to the sides, revealing the white skin, the flesh fluffing, and the faint muscles were visible, the eyes were terrible, the black holes were hollow, the sound It’s even more terrifying: “I’ve eaten apples...”

Staff: "Don't call you, I reminded you!"

The next second, the female ghost's movements stagnate.

Looking at her from the perspective of her, she is not facing the people in the usual movie theater.

Instead, the ghost of a whole theater.

At this point, all the ghosts are aspiring to sway their legs and look at her with no expression.

Female ghost: "..."

"Ah, ah, a lot of ghosts!" The female ghost apple threw it and screamed in front of the apple knife. "Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice and the rule of law-"

staff member:"……???"

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

This female ghost socialist core values ​​have learned very well!

The author has something to say: Female ghost: Socialism bless me!

The female ghost cuts the apple for everyone and asks for the liquid...

Hey, I was short-listed in the essay contest. Some friends who have time will help me vote for the ticket. (The red link point next to the title of the page list article goes in, the essay contest link on the wap list home page, I will not ......) 2k novel reading network