MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 3 Kakashi

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   Chapter 3 Kakashi

  During the three days of waiting for the news from Watergate, Yongze was familiarizing himself with the power of the Whitebeard template.

  In order to fully display the power of the Zhenzhen Fruit, he even went out of the village.

  Currently, the only thing he doesn't know the specific effect of is Overlord Color.

  Due to time constraints, he didn't find any kind of rebellious ninja, but only found a nest of bandits, so he doesn't know the effect of bully color on ninjas for the time being.

   And he found a surprise, probably because his body has become stronger, he can now refine chakra much faster than before.

  Yongze did not completely give up on the path of chakra. After all, the upper limit of chakra is very high, and the existence of the sixth level is stronger than the white beard of the middle-aged!

   While Yongze was refining chakra, there was a knock on the door.


  An Anbu ninja wearing an animal mask walked in and said, "Master IV asked you to go to Hokage's office."

   Yongze Xindao finally came and nodded.



  Yongze walked into the office, and Namikaze Minato, who had prepared a long time ago, handed Yongze a document.

   "Because it is Mr. III's voluntary abdication this time, the situation is different from when III took over Hokage before. I am afraid that you cannot be directly appointed as the captain." Namikaze Minato said apologetically.

  Originally, he planned to let Yongze be the captain directly, and then he would be promoted to the vice captain and the chief captain after making meritorious service.

   But the situation is a little more complicated than he imagined, and the power of his Hokage is not as great as he imagined.

  Yongze flipped through the information Minato gave him, and frowned.

   This is a piece of information about "The third generation helped the fourth generation to establish a new Anbu".

   That is to say, the third generation did not hand over the command of Anbu to Minato, but "helped" Minato to establish a new Anbu.

  Nagaze had to express his admiration for Sarutobi Hiruzen.

  Because this seems unreasonable, but it actually complies with Konoha's rules.

  Anbu is an extremely special department. It is directly under Hokage and does not obey orders from any other department.

  But because Anbu was established by the second generation, and when the third generation succeeded the second generation because the second generation died in battle, the third generation inherited Anbu logically.

  But now the third generation is not dead, theoretically he still has control over Anbu.

  After taking office as Hokage, he is still Hokage.

  The third generation will send a deputy captain, and two Anbu ninja teams to help Minato build a new fourth Anbu.

   "Help in the construction? I think it's more like taking you off the ground." Yongze threw the information on the table and mocked.

  One Anbu team has 17 people, and two teams have 34 people, and Minato's new Anbu team will not be able to recruit many people for a while, and basically most of the positions will be taken by Anbe ninjas who come to "help".

   "After all, I'm still too young, it's normal for the three generations to be worried." Minato was quite optimistic.

  Became the shadow of the village in his early twenties, not because of accidents, this is really the first time in the ninja world.

   "In this case, let me start with the most common members of Anbu, so as not to spread the news of 'Fourth Generation Nepotism'." Nagasawa laughed.

  He is sure that as long as he dares to be the captain directly, Danzo will not miss this opportunity.

  Because Yongze is an ordinary Chunin with no dazzling record.

  Now there are still many people in the village who have objections to Minato as Hokage, thinking that he is too young to take on such a heavy responsibility.

   If there is any news that an ordinary Chunin will be the leader of the dark army, it will be a bit bad.

  Minato thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "In this case, you should start as the monitor first, I can still make the decision."

  Yongze was not hypocritical, and nodded in agreement.

  Anbe's squad is a four-person system, with only three subordinates.

  Namikaze Minato took out a piece of paper from the drawer, and handed it to Yongze after finishing writing:

   "This is your letter of appointment, you can go directly to Anbu to get your equipment later.

  But you may have to wait a while to summon your subordinates, because all I arrange for you are new members. "

  Nagaze nodded, obviously Minato was thinking of him.

  If you give him three old Anbu from the third generation, although they have strong working ability, they cannot be cultivated into confidantes, and they may not even be able to command them.

  After arranging these things, Minato breathed a sigh of relief, and finally brought Yongze, a salted fish, on the right track.

  Minato smiled and said, "I just have a mission here. Do you want to take it? It's a small mission for you."

  Yongze raised his eyebrows: "It seems that I will not have an easy life in the future. The task has come before I have taken office."

  Minato explained: "I originally planned to hand over this task to Kakashi.

  But Kakashi is one of the three members I chose for you, so I just want you to do this task together and get acquainted. "

   As soon as Minato finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

   Then a white-haired boy with a mask walks in.

   "Master Fourth, do you have any mission?" Kakashi asked.

  Minato smiled warmly: "You don't need to do this, just call me like before."

  Kakashi hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, Minato-sensei."

   "I need you and Nagasawa to fetch me some relevant information about the peace treaty. Iwahiro has already sent the information to the border of Fire Nation, just go and get it." Minato said the task.

  Although Kakashi was a little puzzled, he still nodded his head, indicating that there is no problem.

  This kind of task of obtaining information should be more suitable for one person to do.

   And why should Fujiwara-senpai be with him, if he remembers correctly, Fujiwara-senpai is still a Chunin, even they took the same Chunin exam, but he was promoted, and Nagasawa failed.

  The two walked out of the Hokage building together, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent.

  Kakashi squeezed his right hand from time to time, a look of grief flashed across his face.

   "Did your right hand seal something like Hei Yanlong, which made you suffer so much?" Yong Ze complained.

  Kakashi was stunned, and warned himself in his heart; 'Kakashi, this is a task, you can't do this again! '

  He took a deep breath and said, "Senior Fujiwara, I'm sorry, I will carry out the mission seriously next time."

   "One more thing," Yongze pointed to the back and said, "Is that watermelon-headed boy in a green tights following behind your friend?"

   At this time, the two had already walked out of the village for some distance.

  Kakashi froze again, then nodded.

  He was very annoyed by his state, which was so bad that even Kai didn't notice it when he was following him.

   "Sorry, I'm going to talk to that idiot." Kakashi finished speaking and straightened his forehead, revealing the covered Sharingan.

   Track the ninja out of the mission, this is an act of espionage!

  Under the powerful insight of Sharingan, Kakashi quickly found Maitkai hiding in the tree.

  Kakashi jumped onto the tree, looked at Matkai speechlessly and said, "Kai, why are you following me, I'm on a mission."

  Mitekai said honestly: "I saw you lost your mind on the road, and I was a little worried, so I followed."

   "..." Kakashi was silent, feeling a little touched in his heart.

   "It's just a task to get information. You won't encounter a battle, so you can go back without worry." Kakashi said.

   "But..." Maitekai was still a little worried.

   "Senior Fujiwara is still here, so don't worry." Kakashi said with a guilty look on his face.

  Although he doesn't think Yongze has the strength to protect him, but in order to let Kai go back, he had to say something against his will.

  (end of this chapter)