MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 526 Yongze doesn't understand the general

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   "Impossible, absolutely impossible!" When she came to the Daughter Kingdom Palace located at the top of the central mountain peak of Daughter Island, things developed beyond Tina's expectations.

  The empress of the navy who raised her head and looked at people with her chin turned back to normal, and after Margaret finished her report, she learned that one of her subordinates was stunned and didn't get angry and quarreled with Yongze.

   This surprised Tina, she remembered that Hancock should be very proud and arrogant and hate men.

The conversation between the two parties was not so harmonious, but it was still normal. No conflict broke out. Even Margaret felt a little strange. She was ready to be blamed by the empress, but nothing happened. .

  Yongze said that he was curious about the magical country like the Windless Belt and Daughter Island, so he wanted to spend a few days here.

  Empress Liu frowned slightly, not really wanting to agree.

  Although Xia Qi said that Yongze is a very good navy and has a close relationship with her, but Luffy is still practicing on an island near Daughter Island. If Yongze finds out, it will be bad.

  Guroliosa on the side obviously understood Hancock's concerns, stood up and said:

   "General Yongze, it's no problem to play on the island for a few days, but this is Daughter's Island after all. As a man, you have many inconveniences. Please let our soldiers follow, so as not to break the rules."

  Actually, Guloriosa was already very satisfied with Hancock's performance today. When she saw Yongze walking into the palace, Guloriosa's pupils quaked instantly.

  Because it is in a windless zone, few newspapers can reach Nine Snake Island. Gu Luoliosa always reads and analyzes each newspaper very carefully.

  So she immediately recognized Yongze as one of the new three generals, General Baima.

  After hearing that Nagasawa had taken action to teach a bad-mouthed warrior, Guroliosa was going to stop Hancock to keep her from messing around.

  Admiral is the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters. Although Gu Luoliosa thinks Hancock is quite strong, she doesn't think Hancock can beat the admiral. Every admiral is like a monster.

   "This is fine, just because we also lack a tour guide." Yong Ze agreed.

  Someone followed Yongze, Hancock felt relieved, and ordered someone to arrange the residence of Yongze and Tina.

  After Nagasawa Tina left the palace, Gu Luoliosa smiled and said to Hancock: "Snake Princess, it seems that you are already a qualified emperor."

   "Grandma, what do you mean by that? My concubine has always been a qualified emperor, and I still need to grow up." Hancock raised his head proudly.

  Guroliosa:  …

   This man really doesn't boast much, and once he boasted, he fell ill again.

  But the surrounding guards didn't feel that the empress was suffering from illness at all. They all looked at the empress with fascination, and praised: "That's right, Lord Snake Ji has always been a qualified emperor, no, she is the best emperor."


  Nongze and Tina's residence was arranged outside of Nine Snake City.

  On the way, Yongze said with a smile: "This should be Tina, you lost."

   "It was Tina who lost, but how did you do it?" Tina who lost was a little depressed, but she didn't have the idea of ​​being a rascal, so she admitted it directly, but she was still curious about how Yongze did it.

   "I've seen her before. She's so arrogant that she doesn't pay attention to our navy at all. She doesn't even distinguish between the enemy and the enemy's attack during the war." Tina said.

   "Who knows, maybe it's because I'm more handsome? Handsome guys always have privileges." Yongze touched his chin and said solemnly.

  Tina has not been influenced by him to join the camp of the revolutionary army, of course Yongze will not tell her the real reason.

  Tina was completely silent by Yongze's answer, and then took a serious look at Yongze, and found that Yongze was indeed a handsome guy.

  ‘No, that’s not the point, Hancock just hates men. ’ Tina quickly calmed down and confirmed that Yongze was just joking.

   "General Yongze, Tina wonders if this is a coincidence, but you are actually lucky." Tina thought for a while and said.

  Tina wanted to try to see if she could tell what Nagasawa was passionate about.

  It's a pity that Yongze didn't cooperate at all, and Yongze said with a smile: "Maybe, after all, handsome people can't have bad luck."

  Finally, Tina gave up, she had already lost anyway, and the result was that she couldn't stop Yongze from wandering around.

   "However, Hancock's so-called number one beauty in the world is not that exaggerated." Yong Ze said.

  Tina looked at Yongze in surprise, Hancock is very popular in the world, even the navy has many obsessed with Hancock's appearance.

   "She is indeed beautiful, but the most beautiful woman in the world is an exaggeration. I don't think Tina is worse than her." Yong Ze said with a smile.

   This is not that Yongze is fooling people, but his true feelings.

  Although Hancock is good-looking, it didn't give him a big impact.

   "Tina was surprised. It turns out that General Yongze's strength is not just strength." Tina said in surprise.

  Yongze said that she is no worse than Hancock, and Tina directly admitted it confidently. As a confident woman, Tina is confident in her own strength and appearance.

   "Of course, you will know more in the future." Seeing Tina's confident recognition, Yongze said with a big smile.

   Next, Yongze and Tina seemed to be on vacation, eating the special food of Daughter Island on Daughter Island, and visiting various places.

  Of course, this is the appearance. The truth is that Tina is really playing, while Nagasawa is playing with the main body. The shadow clone sneaked into Hancock's palace in the form of Tomona.

  When Yongze arrived, a female warrior was reporting information to the Empress.

  Seeing someone suddenly barging in, the empress, who was sitting lazily on the throne, instantly turned cold and stern.

   "Who dares to break into my concubine's palace!" The empress quickly stood up and scolded with a cold face.

  The other female Amazon warriors realized that there was an extra white-haired man in the room, and immediately took out their bows and arrows and pointed their swords at Yongze.

   "Pirate Empress, don't be so irritable. I'm not here to cause trouble, but to seek your cooperation." Although facing the sword, Yongze still said calmly.

   "Break into the concubine's palace and want to cooperate, the only thing waiting for you is death!" Hancock raised his head and said, after finishing speaking, he was ready to do it himself.

  The man entered Daughter Island privately and broke into her palace. This undoubtedly violated the taboo in Hancock's heart. If she broke in while she was bathing and the mark on her back was found, then it would be fine.

   "Sweet and sweet wind!" The empress made a pattern of hearts with both hands, and then a pink light of love shot towards Yongze in an instant.

  It's a pity that Yongze, who was shot by the love light, has nothing to do, but the Amazon female warrior next to him is petrified by the light.

   "It's not petrified." Hancock was a little surprised.

   To be immune to her sweet sweet wind, one must either use pain to divert attention like a flying squirrel, or Luffy must have no **** for her at all, and this intruder is obviously the latter.

  "Nice will, but that's it." Hancock is going to use other moves to deal with Yongze.

  Beauty is her weapon, but it is not Hancock's only reliance. She has other moves, even if she is not tempted, she will still be petrified.

   "Snake Princess, don't make a move, this is the white demon who just killed the Tianlong people!" Gu Luoliosa recalled the content of the newspaper not long ago, and said quickly.

  Gu Loliosa knew how much Hancock hated the Celestial Dragons, so she immediately told the glorious deeds that Yongze, the vest, had done.

   "Kill the Celestial Dragons?" The empress stopped, and couldn't help but turn her head and asked Gu Luoliosa.

   "That's right, about a month ago, he killed the Celestial Dragons in the Chambord Islands

  Saint Charmarco, so I tell you to read more newspapers. "Guloliosa replied helplessly.

  Hancock looked at Yongze differently, because he was abducted by human traffickers and became slaves of Tianlongren, Hancock hated Tianlongren very much.

  Although I like Luffy not all because of Luffy beating Tianlongren violently, but this is definitely a big plus.

   And Yongze didn't even beat him up, but killed a Celestial Dragon.

   "I didn't expect my reputation to be brought by Wufeng, which is a lot more convenient." Yongze said with a smile.

   "If it was the warrior who killed the Celestial Dragon, I can forgive your sins. Tell me about your cooperation." Hancock said as he sat on the throne again.

   "It's a cooperation to overthrow the world government." Nagasawa said with an understatement.

   Hancock showed a surprised expression, surprised by Nagasawa's words.

   "Overthrow the world government!" Gu Luoliosa also showed a shocked expression, but she didn't expect the white devil to say such shocking words.

  Thinking about the deeds of the white devil killing the Tianlongren, Guloriosa probably guessed the identity of the white devil.

   "Could it be that you are from the Revolutionary Army?" Gu Luoliosa asked.

   "That's right, in Xia Qianshoubeijian, he is an advisor to the Revolutionary Army." Yongze introduced himself to his vest.

   "The Revolutionary Army, is that the Revolutionary Army of Luffy's father?" Hearing Yong Ze's words, the Empress' focus was different from that of others.

  After the war on the top, the news that Luffy is the son of the leader of the Revolutionary Army Dragon has spread across the sea.

  She doesn't pay attention to other news about the Empress, but she still pays attention to the news about Luffy, let alone Luffy's father.

  Guroliosa couldn't help covering her face with her hands, a woman in love is really troublesome.

   "That's right, the leader of our revolutionary army is Luffy's father Monkey D. Long." Yong Ze replied.

   "Snake Girl, this needs to be carefully considered. If you cooperate with the Revolutionary Army, it will not only be as simple as losing the identity of Qi Wuhai. The Revolutionary Army is the most vigilant existence by the World Government." Gu Luoliosa said with a serious face.

  She was really afraid that Hancock would agree to it when he heard that it was the power of Luffy's father.

   This is a major decision that will affect the life and death of Daughter Island.

   "What should I do, does Luffy's father like calm girls or lively girls..." Hancock imagined the scene where Luffy took him to meet his parents.

   "Snake Girl, I didn't ask you to think about this!" Gu Luoliosa felt a surge of anger and blood, and was almost vomited blood by Hancock.

   "Indeed, Luffy's father will definitely like it if I'm so beautiful, don't worry at all." Hancock said holding his face.

  Guroliosa:  …

  She really wanted to knock Hancock's head open with the snake rod in her hand, to see what was inside.

   "That's not the case, even if you join the Revolutionary Army, we don't need you to announce to the world immediately, but to take action together when the Revolutionary Army launches a major counterattack against the World Government.

  Before that, you can continue to maintain the identity of Qi Wuhai, accumulate strength in secret, and wait for the time to come. "

   "Although that is the case, why should our Daughter Island help your revolutionary army at the risk of being wiped out by the world government?" Gu Luoliosa took a deep breath to calm down, and then said slowly.

  Gu Luoliosa's meaning is very simple, they are not fools, and cooperation must show sincerity.

  Yongze smiled and said: "Because helping the Revolutionary Army is tantamount to helping yourself. If you don't join the Revolutionary Army, you will eventually go to the opposite side with the Navy."

  "The Qibuhai is just an expedient measure for the world government to maintain stability. When the world government has enough power, it will naturally not be needed.

   Many senior generals in the navy are very displeased with this system, because many Shichibukai did not fulfill their agreed responsibilities at all, and instead caused a lot of trouble.

  So the disappearance of the Shichibukai system is inevitable. The difference is whether it is fast or slow. If someone is willing to work hard, it will be fast. Maybe next year's World Conference will be cancelled. "

   "If the Shichibukai system disappears, what will happen to Daughter Island? I believe you know better than me. Now it is not the same as before. With Hailoushi warships, it is too easy for the navy to come here."

   "The disappearance of the Qiwuhai system..." Hearing Nagasawa's words, Gu Luoliou San's skin, which was already wrinkled due to aging, couldn't help but wrinkle even more.

  She has always cherished the position of Hancock Shichibukai, because as long as Hancock is still Shichibukai, Daughter Island is equivalent to an ally of the world government and the navy, and will not be attacked by the navy.

   "Maybe one day the Shichibukai system will really disappear, but it will definitely not be as fast as you said." Gu Luoliosa thought about it carefully, and felt that many of Nagasawa's words were taken for granted.

  How could this kind of system disappear in just one year? In such a short period of time, what will the world government do to make up for the loss of Qibuhai's power.

   "You have too few information channels, and you don't even know what the times have developed. Among the three admirals, two are planning to attack the Qiwuhai system." Yongze said with a smile.

   "Can your revolutionary army get information from the admiral?" Gu Luoliosa looked at Yongze suspiciously.

   "You think I don't know enough about admirals?" Yongze smiled.