MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 554 Pirates end, return to Hokage

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  Chapter 554 The end of pirates, return to Hokage

  Things exceeded everyone's expectations, the world government failed, and the speed made everyone feel unreal.

  Anyway, it is a government that has survived for 800 years. From the Navy Headquarters to Mary Gioia, the world government has not survived even a month.

  Even the World Government didn’t expect it. They originally thought that even if the biggest hole card failed, the comprehensive strength of the World Government is not vegetarian.

   Facts have proved that they are really vegetarians. Under the attack of the revolutionary army, Mary Qiaoya quickly fell, and all the five old stars were defeated.

  After occupying Mariejoia, the Revolutionary Army announced their victory while dealing with the Tianlong issue.

  They did not carry out a one-size-fits-all execution of all the Tianlong people, but collected information and judged according to the severity of the crime. If it is the kind of Tianlong who has not committed a crime, they will be acquitted and become an ordinary citizen from then on.

  The practice of the Revolutionary Army has been recognized by the people. They found that the Revolutionary Army is indeed different from the world government. This is not a simple change of dynasty, but a completely different government.

  If it is another simple change of dynasty, the revolutionary army should kill all the Tianlong people, so as not to leave any future troubles.

  Of course, there are conspiracy theorists who think that this is just a show by the revolutionary army, and the next batch of Celestial Dragons will be produced soon, but by then their names will not be Celestial Dragons.

   Seeing such remarks, Long and Yongze just smiled, there will always be such people in the world, there is no need to care about their thoughts, facts will prove everything.

  After beating Marie Gioia, Yongze also told Long that he was about to leave.

   "The World Government has been defeated, and the revolution is generally considered a success. I will leave the Revolutionary Army tomorrow." Yongze said with a smile. He and Long are also good friends, so of course they can't leave without saying goodbye.

   "Why so suddenly?" Long looked at Yongze in surprise.

  Yongze has always shown great revolutionary enthusiasm. He didn't expect Yongze to say that he would withdraw from the revolutionary army on the day they captured Mary Joya.

   "Is there something wrong?" Long asked concerned.

  He wanted Yongze to inherit his position, and Yongze was about to leave suddenly, of course Long had to ask clearly.

   "Although the world government has been overthrown, there must be many countries among those alliance countries that do not agree with our revolutionary army's philosophy, and there is still a long way to go to achieve our goal." Long Wanliu said.

  He really didn't want Yongze to leave, neither in public nor in private.

Yu Gong, Yongze has a great reputation in the revolutionary army. Yongze has defeated countless powerful enemies for the revolutionary army and brought theoretical weapons to the revolutionary army. Now there are too many fans of Yongze in the revolutionary army, especially after joining the revolution. Compared with other high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army, they must admire Yongze more.

  Personally, he and Yongze have a good personal relationship, and Yongze can always provide him with bright inspiration when chatting. It is very sad that such a friend suddenly leaves.

   "The governments of the world have been defeated by us, and even if some other countries resist, they are nothing more than a mantis' arms, and they cannot stop the general trend of history." Yong Ze replied.

   In fact, he didn't take much action when attacking Marie Gioia, and they had a lot of fighting power here.

  Even the strongest world government has been blown up by the revolutionary army. It is too easy to clean up the other alliance countries, and it is not too bad with him or without him.

   What's more, Yongze is not from this world in the first place, and it is impossible to help the Revolutionary Army forever. Dealing with the problems of the huge number of allied countries is also a good training opportunity for the Revolutionary Army.

  Hearing Yongze's words, Long sighed deeply, he knew that Yongze had decided to go.

   So Long didn't say anything to keep Yongze, he knew that it would be useless to continue talking, and it would make both parties unhappy.

   "Although I don't know why you quit the Revolutionary Army at this time, the Revolutionary Army will never forget your contribution." Long looked at Yongze seriously and said.

  Yong Ze joined the Revolutionary Army for less than a year, but his contribution to the Revolutionary Army is immeasurable.

As an admiral of the navy, he provided information to the Revolutionary Army, led many major liberation operations, persuaded Daughter Island to join the Revolutionary Army, and developed a large number of members of the Revolutionary Army within the Navy. The victory over the world government later laid the foundation, and Im, the man behind the world government, was also captured by Yongze himself...

  In a very short period of time, Yongze has done so much for the Revolutionary Army that even he, the initiator of the Revolutionary Army, feels ashamed.

  Long is going to record all of this truthfully in history, so that future generations will know that there was once such a great man who fought for the revolution.

  After saying goodbye to Long, Yongze also went to talk to other people who had a good relationship with him.

   Most of them were as surprised as the dragon, and didn't understand why Yongze left while tasting the fruits of victory.

  But they all understand Yongze's character, since they say to leave, they are going to leave.

  Hawkeye asked where Yongze was going.

   "Where are you going? It's hard to describe, but there should be very few chances to see you again in the future." Yong Ze replied with a smile.

  Hawkeye heard Yongze's words, pondered for a moment and said: "In this case, then I will challenge you here and see the gap between us."

  Hawkeye realized something from the breathing method, and now he feels that he is much stronger than before, even if he is still not as good as Yongze, he will not be as weak as before.

"Then I will use all my strength to satisfy you once." Yongze agreed to Hawkeye's challenge with a smile. Since Hawkeye wants to see the gap between them, Yongze will give Hawkeye a face and let Hawkeye see it with all his strength. Look at the gap between the two.

  Then Yongze directly unlocked Lieyang mode, killing Hawkeye in seconds.

  Hawkeye:? ? ?

  Why has he become stronger, and he has no ability to resist in the face of Yongze, Hawkeye is very confused.

  Hawkeye was not present when Im attacked the Navy headquarters, he only participated in the subsequent attack on the World Government.

   When attacking the holy land of Mariejoa, Yongze didn't take much action, so it was naturally impossible to use all his strength.

  So Hawkeye’s impression of Yongze is still that Yongze used the **** to fight him, and Yongze violently beat Charlotte Lingling.

   "So, this is your real strength." Hawkeye had a complicated expression.

  In the past, when he was the number one swordsman in the world, he was so eager for opponents that he even trained his own opponents, hoping to have a great swordsman who could be as powerful as him or surpass him.

   Now there is a great swordsman who surpassed him, but there are too many surpassed, how could the gap be so big, Hawkeye is a little closed.

   Fortunately, Hawkeye is also a firm-minded person. He quickly regained his confidence and took the lead to leave Mary Gioia to go back to practice. His goal has not changed, he wants to defeat Yongze.

  Nagaze finally said goodbye to Tina.

  Tina is the person Yongze has come into contact with the most in One Piece World. After all, during that not-so-short sea trip, there were only the two of them.

   Yongze still approves of this beautiful subordinate who is full of justice but not rigid, and good at helping the boss solve problems.

  When Yongze found Tina, Tina was dealing with work.

  Because she was already a vice admiral before joining the Revolutionary Army, and she was still Yongze's confidant, so Tina did well in the Revolutionary Army.

   "Tina, I'm leaving." Yongze said cleanly.

  Tina paused, then glanced at Yongze, and asked suspiciously: "Tina is very confused, what are you going to do, are you leaving Mary Gioia?"

   "It's not wrong to say that I'm leaving Marie Gioia, but it's more accurate to say that I'm leaving the Revolutionary Army." Nagasawa explained.

   "General Counselor Yongze, you want to quit the Revolutionary Army?" Tina walked up to Yongze with a more suspicious look on her face.

   Immediately afterwards, Tina put her hand on Yongze's forehead, and said suspiciously: "It's okay, why did you say such abnormal words all of a sudden."

  Hearing that Tina said that she was abnormal, Yongze couldn't help but rubbed Tina's hair and said, "Is it really okay to scold the boss in front of the boss?"

  Tina raised her eyebrows, subconsciously took out a cigarette and lit it, and said, "Aren't you going to quit the Revolutionary Army? Then you won't be my boss."

   "That's right." Yongze nodded, and extinguished the cigarette Tina just lit.

   "Didn't I tell you to quit smoking, why are you still smoking?"

  Tina silently threw the cigarette into the trash can, then frowned slightly and asked, "Did you quarrel with Mr. Long?"

  She remembered the time when Yongze took her to "tour" around the world.

   "Dragon is not a red dog, we don't have any ideological disputes, how could we quarrel." Yongze replied.

   "And this time is different from the last time. The navy was only on a long vacation that time, and it won't be back this time."

   "If you don't want to be a revolutionary army, what are you going to do?" Tina, who was a little worried, wanted to take out a cigarette, but remembered Yongze's words, and forcibly controlled her hand.

   "Become a ninja." Yongze thought for a while and said.

  Tina looked at Yongze with question marks all over her face, not understanding what kind of fool Yongze was going to do.

  She didn't know for a while whether Yongze was joking or really wanted to quit the revolutionary army.

   "Tina has a headache, and it is really difficult to communicate with General Counsel Yongze." Tina said.

   "It doesn't matter anymore, as long as you know that I will not return to the Revolutionary Army." Yong Ze finally said.

   "It's really worrying to have someone like you, General Counsel Yongze, running around outside." Tina showed a worried expression.

   "What are you worried about? I won't have a job in the future, and I don't have to worry about suspension or demotion." Yongze said.

   "Tina, do a good job in the Revolutionary Army, I like you." Yongze smiled and gave Tina a thumbs up, then turned and left.

   After bidding farewell to everyone, Yongze did not leave the Navy World immediately, but went to collect fruits all over the world, and finally left the One Piece World.

  When Yongze clicked to exit on the panel, Yongze felt that his eyes went dark for an instant. He didn't know how long he had been in the darkness. When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the Naruto world where he was.

  As soon as he came back, Yongze couldn't wait to inquire about the price of the devil fruit.

   I don’t know if I don’t check it, but I’m shocked when I check it.

The first thing Yongze checked was the natural fruits of Aokiji, Red Dog, and Yellow Monkey. These three top fruits can only be exchanged for 300,000 points. Even with Yongze's current prosperity, it takes two months to exchange. one.

   This surprised Yongze a little. The Shinigami Zanpakuto is not weaker than the Devil Fruit, and even the Shinigami is stronger, and the shallow fight is only 20,000 points.

  Finally, Yongze thought about it carefully and found that the price was not as outrageous as it seemed, but rather reasonable.

If you want Qian Da to play a role, you have to practice the practice system of the world of the **** of death, and then slowly exercise your spiritual power and pressure, and gradually start to unravel the swastika. If you can't do it yourself, you may not be able to make Qian Da become your own in your entire life. Knife.

  Devil Fruits are different. Although there is a saying that there are no garbage fruits, only garbage users, powerful Devil Fruits can be quickly transformed into combat power.

  Now Maitekai has to open six doors to be at the level of a movie, and opening seven doors is a relatively strong level in the movie.

  If you give Maitekai a phoenix fruit, not only is he not afraid of side effects, but the strong physical fitness of the animal-type fruit will also make Bamen Dunjia more powerful, and his overall strength will soar.

   Another example is to give Yamato a Sensen fruit. Mudun cooperates with the ability of the Sensen fruit. It is possible that the jounin will become the strongest in the shadow on the spot, and the super shadow will become super shadow after the fruit is strong.

  But not all devil fruits are so expensive. Yongze took a look at the husky animal he first met, and found that 20,000 points were enough.

After reading all the prices, Yongze probably discovered the pricing rules of the system. The top-level natural type of the sparkling fruit, the frozen fruit, the top-level animal type of the phantom beast such as the fish-fish fruit, phantom beast, and blue dragon form, and the soul-soul fruit is shocking. Fruit, the top superhuman system has 300,000 points.

   And slightly inferior ones, such as the smoke fruit, the snow snow fruit, the gas fruit, this natural type is not so expensive, and only needs 200,000 points.

  As for the most common devil fruit of the husky animal family, it is 20,000 points, which is the bottom line, and Yongze has never seen a lower price.

  Yongze thought about it, but in the end he still didn’t redeem any devil fruit immediately. Although the points are still rich, even the most expensive one can buy several, but he hasn’t decided which group of people to use the devil fruit for.

   It is used by Minato Orochimaru Tsunade and other famous Konoha powerhouses to enhance Konoha's high-end combat power.

   It's still about giving Maitke Kakashi salt water to these young people, increasing their upper limit and current strength.

   Or look further down, give Naruto Sasuke these future twelve Xiaoqiang, let them have enough time to develop fruits.

   If there are points, Yongze would like to have them all, directly cover all ages, and exchange all the fruits in one go, but unfortunately he doesn't have so many points.

  (end of this chapter)