MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 561 mission impossible

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  Chapter 561 Mission: Impossible

  Because of meeting Sugiyama Minato once, Darcy has been working harder recently, for fear of being exposed.

   Just as Darcy finished his day's work and was about to go home, someone notified the leader to look for him.

  Darcy's sensitive nerves were immediately touched.

  The leader Yahiko is looking for him, why is it at this point in time? Could it be that he has been exposed?

  If you don’t run away right now, you won’t be able to run away when you get to Yahiko’s side.

  Darcy thought a lot at once.

   Even thought of the reason for splitting the pot after going back, it was Sugiyama Minato's fault, and Yahiko had been very wary of him when he suddenly came to his side (in fact, he was considering whether to draw Dalsil closer to the Akatsuki organization).

  Finally, Darcy quietly let go of the fist clenched behind his back, nodded with a smile, and followed Guangren to Yahiko's office.

  Having been lurking here for more than a year, he was about to run away just because of a guess. Darcy was not reconciled, and he would not be laughed to death by that guy Sugiyama when he went back.

  ‘If it was really exposed, ninjas must have been arranged nearby, it doesn’t matter whether you go or not. ’ Darcy comforted himself inwardly.

  After entering the office, Darcy found that in addition to Yahiko, there were two other high-level officials from Guangren Village in the office, and Darcy became even more nervous all of a sudden.

  But Darcy has a way of comforting himself.

  'It's okay, if you really want to deal with me, the leader Yahiko alone is more than enough, and the other two high-level officials may be fine, maybe there is something to hold a meeting. ’ Darcy said inwardly.

  Seeing Darcy coming in, Nagato nodded.

   "Darcy, I have been watching you." Nagato said suddenly.

  Hearing Nagato's words, Darcy's heart beat wildly, and sweat appeared on his forehead.

  ‘Is it still exposed? ’ Darcy was extremely nervous at the moment.

  Darcy took a deep breath, wiped off the sweat on his forehead with slightly trembling hands, forced a smile on his face, and his body was tense, ready to strike at any time.

  As the youngest organization cadre, Darcy has his own pride. If he is found out, even if he dies later, he will cause a little trouble for Nagato and the others.

   "You are a hard-working person with strong mobility and you have done a lot for Guangren Village." Nagato continued.

  Darcy's tense body relaxed a bit, as if he made a mistake, Nagato probably wouldn't praise him if he exposed it.

   "But your origin is unknown, and there is no information about a young master named Darcy in the country of Sichuan."

  Darcy's heart that had just been let go soared and hung up again.

  Darcy said with a forced smile on his face: "I rarely fight bravely with others, so I don't have much reputation."

   "However, your strength is indeed very good, and the elites of the five great ninja villages may not necessarily be your opponents." Nagato nodded and continued.

   Dalcy's heart was relieved again, as if there was no problem.

   "You seem a little nervous." Belyuhu greeted Darcy with a kind face.

  Darcy waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

   "Join the Akatsuki organization, and together with the Akatsuki organization, we will subvert this ninja world and overthrow all those great powers." Nagato issued an invitation.

  Darcy was stunned, he interacted with Beiliuhu for a while, why did he feel that what Nagato said was a bit incomprehensible, and suddenly an Akatsuki organization popped up, wanting to subvert the ninja world together.

   Could it be that the waving of his hand for more than ten minutes caused a lot of things to be revealed?

  Beliuhu, who was watching from the sidelines, shook his head, thinking that Nagato's recruiting skills are really not good, if not for his excellent strength, he would definitely not be able to recruit people.

  Beliuhu also has his own influence, and he also knows a little bit about the art of controlling people.

  When he recruited people, he was looking for ninjas who had no talent and were looked down upon by others. As long as you draw a picture of them and give them something to enhance their strength, they will follow you and work hard for you.

  Of course, Darcy and his subordinates are obviously not of the same type, so another method has to be used.

   "What kind of organization is the Akatsuki organization? Aren't we Guangren Village?" Darcy asked tentatively with a blank expression.

   "Guangren Village is Akatsuki Organization, but Xiao Organization is not Guangren Village." Nagato said lightly.

"The Akatsuki organization is an organization dedicated to peace. The existence of the five major ninja villages has seriously hindered peace. They have the most resources and the strongest power, but they are still not satisfied. They wish that their own ninja village could have the resources of the entire world..." Chang The door seized the opportunity to ruthlessly stuff private goods.

   "But I think the ninja world is quite peaceful now?" Darcy replied subconsciously.

  It seems that except for their organizations doing things, the ninja world is quite calm.

   Scorpion's eyes lit up, and he began to look at Darcy's limbs, thinking about how to transform him into a puppet if he got Darcy's body.

  Darcy felt a little terrified by the scorpion's eyes, and felt a little bad in his heart. He seemed to have said the wrong thing.

But Nagato didn't act as Scorpion thought, but explained with a straight face: "It's just a fake peace for a while, hasn't it always been like this, they want to fight and fight, and they fight for peace when they are tired. Over and over endlessly.”

  Darcy didn't refute this time, he didn't come to engage in debate, he came undercover, and now he has discovered the hidden secrets of Guangren Village, so you can't do bad things because of talking.

   "Master Yahiko, what you said is right, we should overthrow Dainin Village!" Darcy expressed his position.

  Nagato nodded, and then Beiruhu handed over the uniforms and rings necessary for members of the Akatsuki organization to Darcy, and the Akatsuki organization gathered ten people again.

  During this period, Darcy also explained what the Akatsuki organization was through Beryuhu.

   is a great organization that inspires Ganduan Danin Village to realize world peace. Of course, this is not what Darcy had in mind.

  After listening to Beiliuhu's words, Darcy thought that the Akatsuki organization was a lunatic organization, and Nagato, as the leader of the Akatsuki organization, was even more insane.

   You have to drink a lot and have some serious illness to come up with such an organization. They talk about peace and righteousness, and they do things that are only for fear of chaos in the world.

  After becoming a member of the Akatsuki organization, Darcy also knew that the newly established ninja villages and some small ninja villages that redeveloped the power of ninjas were all done by the Akatsuki organization.

  If the Akatsuki organization really brought so many small ninja villages and the five major powers to rise, Darcy is sure that this will definitely be a war with a scale far exceeding any previous ninja world war.

   Almost the entire human ninja world will be mobilized, and the intensity of the war can be imagined.

   "By the way, do you know Chakra Technology Company?" Nagato asked suddenly.

  Darcy nodded, now Chakra Technology Company is very famous in the entire ninja world, and he has heard a lot about Chakra Technology Company.

   "Our Akatsuki organization will cooperate with the Chakra Technology Company. I am going to send you and Scorpion to go there together, and you should try to obtain as much information as possible." Nagato said.

  Scorpion went there mainly to learn the technology of the Chakra Technology Company and upgrade his puppets. As for Darcy, Nagato wanted him to be a nail in the Chakra Technology Company of the Akatsuki Organization.

   "I will try my best to collect information." Darcy nodded, isn't it just being a spy, he is familiar with it.

   Darcy, who returned home afterwards, quickly reported the latest information he had obtained.

   "Since the Akatsuki organization wants to develop a war to destroy the five great ninja villages, let the Akatsuki organization help us explore their strength." The corners of Yishiki's mouth raised, and he wished that the ninja world would be in chaos, so that it would be more convenient for his shell organization to act.

  So not only will Yishi not oppose the Akatsuki organization, but it will provide support to the Akatsuki organization to a certain extent, such as the cooperation requested by Nagato.

Now Yishi’s plan has achieved preliminary results, and there are more and more people working for him. Yishi believes that he will soon find the “vessel” that can carry his wedge, and finally recover his strength, and complete what he did not complete a thousand years ago. Work.

"By the way, Lord Cixian, do you have any information about the Chakra Technology Company on the organization side? The Xiao Organization has reached a cooperation with that Chakra Technology Company. They want to send me and another member of the Xiao Organization to the Chakra Technology Company. I'm going to investigate the intelligence of the Chakra Technology Company." Darcy asked.

  But Darcy found that after he said these words, the smiling face of Master Ci Xian, who had a slight smile on his face, disappeared, and he did not answer his question.

  Darcy reviewed what he said just now, and felt that he did not say anything wrong. Why, Lord Cixian didn't seem very happy.

   After a while, Yishi slowly said: "Chakra Technology Company was established by our organization, and the core members are all members of our shell organization."

   Darcy was stunned when he heard Yishi’s words. The Chakra Technology Company was actually established by an organization. Then he went to the Chakra Technology Company as a spy, so he went undercover to his own organization. What is this, Mission Impossible? And does their organization have a name? It's called the Shell Organization. This is the first time I've heard of it.

Darcy didn't know that Yishi had changed his strategy because he had been undercover for too long. In his impression, the organization was still a ninja organization that had been hidden for a long time in the Kingdom of Sichuan. He didn't know that the organization had moved to the Kingdom of Frost. Created a well-known Chakra technology company in the ninja world.

   "Then what should I do, Lord Cixian?" Darcy didn't know what to do for a while. Could it be that he really went to his own organization to be a spy? What's the point of that.

   "Don't make any changes for the time being, just follow the arrangement of the Xiao organization." Yishi said lightly.

  He didn't expect Nagato to do such a trick, so he didn't know whether Nagato had discovered that Darcy was an undercover agent.

   If you know it, Dalcy did bring the information from the Akatsuki organization. If you don’t know it, it’s too coincidental. It seems that Nagato knew it but didn’t reveal it and just sent Dalcy back.

   That is, Yishiki doesn't know Nagato's character, otherwise he wouldn't be thinking so distressed.

  Nagato hates traitors very much. If they rebel, he doesn't care who they are, and kills them directly.

  Dalcey also nodded with a bit of pain, he didn't expect that he would return to the organization in such a peculiar way, it was outrageous.


  Today is a relatively meaningful day for Konoha, because Konoha opened a new school, and it is not a ninja school, but an ordinary school for everyone.

  This school does not teach **** the enemy the fastest, nor does it teach ninjutsu or gymnastics. It only teaches general subjects, such as mathematics and history.

In order to build a good school, Yongze gave full play to Konoha's advantages and poached a lot of people. Konoha didn't have teachers of ordinary subjects, so he paid money to dig out others, even students, and those who were willing to immigrate to Konoha directly Give the house a resettlement fee.

  Before Yongze carried out various reforms, Konoha had a permanent population of 300,000, which was pitifully small compared to Konoha's huge land area.

   And now the number of Konoha has surged to more than 400,000.

   It’s not that many people were born at once, but many people chose to settle in Konoha.

   This is still the result of Yongze’s conscious control, otherwise there would be more, too many people coming at once, Yongze was worried that it would have a great impact on Konoha, so he came in a circular manner.

  For such a meaningful event, the Hokage of Minato is naturally indispensable.

  In fact, the principal of the school has a special meaning since the second generation founded the ninja school.

  The principal of the first generation is Togama himself, and the principal of the second generation is the third generation of Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

  Ninjas are the root of the ninja village, and the headmaster of the ninja school who constantly trains ninjas is naturally also a very important position.

  However, after Yongze created the Ministry of Education, the importance of the principal's position was affected to a certain extent.

  Minato, who has been working for more than four years, still has not forgotten his original intention, and he will say a few words as soon as he talks.

  The onlooker turned to sleep and Xiaochun sighed, "If Teacher Feima sees the village has become like this, I don't know how angry it is, what a good ninja village has been changed.

   Let so many ordinary people in, I don’t know how many spies from other villages are inside, and what’s the use of setting up a school for ordinary people? "

Mitomenyan next to him nodded in agreement, "Those ninja school reforms, medical specialty students are fine, and it can be said that it is to strengthen the strength of Ninja Village. I don't know why it takes so much trouble to build an ordinary school. What are you doing, it’s actually bigger than a ninja school.”

"You guys, I just think too much." Looking at the two stubborn old friends, the third generation shook his head and said with a smile: "Isn't Konoha very good now, and it's still very lively. I remember when the village was first built. It's not that lively."

   "Is the current Konoha still Konoha?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun didn't change because of the words of the third generation.

  Three Generations took a puff of cigarette, and asked calmly: "So in your eyes, what is the real Konoha?

   There are no ordinary people, only ninjas? I'm afraid there will never be a real Konoha, even in the ninja family, not every family member can become a ninja. "

   Turning to bed Xiaochun didn't know how to refute the third generation, so he had to say: "I'm stupid to say that I can't kill you, I just feel that Konoha shouldn't be like this."

   "Then you can refute Nagasawa Minato at the meeting, and use your answer." Sandai said with a smile.

   "At least, I feel that the current Konoha is very good."

  (end of this chapter)