MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 574 Terrified Black Jue

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  Chapter 574 Frightened Hei Jue

  Hearing what Heijue said, Ichishiki raised the corners of his mouth and showed a contemptuous smile, "Kaguya's low-level Otsutsuki's creation is also in line with her level. You can lie, but the information on you can't lie."

  Heijue’s words can’t fool Yishi. When Heijue first sneaked into the base, Yishi sensed the strong Kaguya breath on Heijue.

   Yishi caught Heijue and immediately knew the essence of Heijue after investigating it. This is the creation of Kaguya with his own flesh and blood and spirit.

   It can be regarded as Kaguya's child, but this child is special.

   Heijue panicked like never before, even surpassing the plan that was revealed by Fujiwara Nagasawa.

   Fujiwara Nagasawa just knew his plan, and the man in front of him with an elegant posture casually said something that was extremely thoughtful and frightening.

   Heijue knew what his mother's full name was, it was Otsutsuki Kaguya.

  And this guy said that Kaguya was a low-level Otsutsuki, and that he was the creation of a low-level Otsutsuki.

  Combined with his invincible hiding ability being cracked, Hei Jue deduced a terrible fact in his mind.

  This man is from the same family as his mother Otsuki Kaguya who created him, and this man is more powerful and noble than his mother Otsuki Kaguya.

   Otherwise, this man would not say that his mother Kaguya is a low-level Otsuki.

  Hei Jue, who has been in the ninja world for thousands of years, knows what is going on. It is the contempt of ordinary people by nobles.

  In this case, if Kaguya is the commoner Otsutsuki, and the man in front of him is the noble Otsutsuki.

  When Heijue realized this information, Heijue felt a little uncomfortable.

  Why Heijue can arbitrarily strengthen those ninjas, the reason is that Heijue believes that his mother is invincible, as long as Kaguya unblocks, then everything will be swept away.

  But suddenly a big Tsutsuki who was higher than Kaguya popped up, how could Heijue feel better.

It’s like you’ve worked so hard to draw the strongest character in the current version, but in the end you couldn’t draw a character. At this time, a character that you are destined to never get appears and replaces the original strongest character. .

  It hurts, it hurts too much.

   "Tell me Kaguya's plan." Yishiki said flatly, holding Heijue's hand with a little more force.

   Ichishiki is an absolute Otsutsuki supremacy.

  Even if Kaguya is the group with the lowest status among the Otsutsuki clan, Ichishiki thinks that it is impossible for Kaguya to be sealed without leaving behind.

  After all, Kaguya was able to do the outrageous act of backstabbing him. If this incident was reported to the Otsutsuki clan, Kaguya would definitely receive the most severe punishment, the kind that life would be worse than death.

  In Ichishiki's eyes, Hei Ze is Kaguya's backhand to lift the seal.

  ‘What should I do, I will die if this continues. ’ Hei Jue’s mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about countermeasures.

  The information between the two parties is too unequal, that man knows much more than him.

   Heijue had no idea what method Yishiki used to determine that Kaguya created him.

"The plan is to gather all the tailed beasts, reproduce the Ten-Tails and Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, then plant a sacred tree, use the eyes of reincarnation to release infinite Tsukiyomi, and I will perform a spell to possess Ten-tailed Jinchuriki, and finally resurrect." Hei Jue did not Chose was lying, but really told his plan to resurrect Kaguya.

   There is no way, if he lies again, Hei Jue has no doubt that the man in front of him who has always maintained an elegant posture will kill him.

  Heijue could feel the anger towards his mother Kaguya from the plain tone of the other party.

  So Hei Jue revealed the plan and did not hide it anymore.

   After all, it is just a plan, and he is the most important part of the plan. If he is killed, who else will revive Kaguya?

  Hei Absolutely takes his own life very seriously, because he shoulders the heavy responsibility of resurrecting his mother, not just living for himself.

"Collect all the tailed beasts and re-plant the ten-tailed sacred tree..." Yishi let go of Heijue, showing a thoughtful expression, and just when Heijue felt lucky, he instantly created a black stick to penetrate Heijue's leg, stabbing into the ground.

  The moment the black rod pierced his body, Hei Jue's heart sank, and he couldn't use his ability to run away.

  Yishiki poured a little red wine into the goblet, then shook it slightly, thinking while tasting the wine.

  Black is definitely a surprise.

  I have never forgotten the pain of being eaten half of my body.

  Feeling the strong Kaguya aura from Heijue, Yishi wished he could summon a huge cube directly from Heijue to smash Heijue to the ground to repay the pain of the backstab.

   But Yishi is a very rational person.

   Although killing Heijue is very cool, there is also a big problem.

   It is difficult to revive Kaguya.

  Some people may wonder why Ichishiki cares about Kaguya's resurrection.

  This involves a very important thing, that is the fruit of the sacred tree.

  The sacred tree is not planted, and then it can bear the fruit of the sacred tree by sucking it on the planet.

  In fact, it is not impossible to bear fruit like this, but the probability is very low and unstable, and it is difficult to produce excellent fruit of the sacred tree.

  If you want to increase the probability of the sacred tree producing fruit and let the sacred tree produce excellent sacred tree fruits, the method is actually very simple, just feed the sacred tree a big tube of wood.

  Kaguya almost fed Yishi to the divine tree, so the divine tree bears the fruit of the divine tree, but Yishi reacted quickly, and only half of his body was eaten by the divine tree.

  This is why their Otsutsuki clan acted together, one being a protected person with a higher bloodline, and the other being a second-class protector.

  The protector must not only be a good guard of the protected, but also bear the responsibility of being eaten by the sacred tree.

However, the protected person will not die, because the Datongmu clan has the power of the wedge, and they only need to find someone who can carry the wedge before being eaten by the sacred tree, and they can be resurrected after death. There was a long silence.

  Yishi not only wants to restore his strength, he also wants to complete the mission of the Otsutsuki clan, to plant the sacred tree, obtain the fruit of the sacred tree, and evolve towards the **** of Otsutsuki.

  So Yishi still has to revive Kaguya in the end, he can never feed himself to the sacred tree, he needs Kaguya to complete the initial task and be eaten by the sacred tree.

  But Yishi is not going to let Kaguya leave a wedge behind and be eaten by the sacred tree.

   Such a backstabbed protector, I don’t want Yishi, I just need to apply for a new one when I return to the clan.

   "Although he is a low-level Otsutsuki, he is still a member of Otsutsuki. I will help you revive Kaguya." Ichishiki put down the goblet and said.

   Heijue was stunned, he didn't expect Yishi to say that he would help revive Kaguya.

  Just now, Heijue was thinking frantically how to survive, and for this he could even treat Yishi as a dog.

   Unexpectedly, Yishi changed his attitude and said that he would help him revive Kaguya, which surprised Heijue.

   After all, Yishi just repaid a traitor with a mouthful of low-level big tube wood or something.

   "It's not free help, I need you to work for me." Yishi said, his flat tone contained a toughness that would not allow rejection.

   "It's my honor to work for your lord, what should I call you, lord?" Hei Jue instantly showed a dog-licking attitude, and I don't know how many years I thought Hei Jue had been with Yi Shi for many years.

   Hei absolutely does not resist being a subordinate.

  Yishi let out a cold snort, and didn't comment too much on Heijue's reaction, but told Heijue his real name instead of Cixian.

  After all, Heijue is more or less a Datongmu person, and he is still different from those natives.

   "I will tell you what to do when you need to do something. Also, it's best not to think about getting rid of me. I have left something in your body, and I can feel it no matter where you are." Yishi said lightly.

   Some bold ideas in Hei Jue's heart disappeared without a trace in an instant.

   Regarding this existence in front of him, which was more noble and mysterious than his mother, Hei never dared to bet on whether what Yi Shi said was true or not.

  Suddenly, Heijue thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he quickly said: "Master Yishi, there is a big obstacle to resurrecting the mother, and that is Fujiwara Nagasawa of Muye Village."

   "If you want to revive your mother, you must gather all the tailed beasts, but Fujiwara Nagasawa is too powerful to capture the nine tails in Konoha."

   "Please Ichishi-sama kill that Fujiwara Nagasawa!"

  Hei Jue wanted to use a knife to kill people to get rid of Fujiwara Nagasawa's confidant.

  Yongze really left a psychological shadow on Heijue. For thousands of years, the losses he suffered from other people are not as good as the losses he suffered from Yongze.

   Just happened to have a new powerful boss, Hei Jue is eager to kill Yong Ze right now, so Hei Jue really wants to open champagne.

   As for why Yishi is not particularly powerful in perception, Hei Jue didn't take it seriously, after all, Yishi is the mysterious Otsuki family.

   "Are you ordering me?" Yishi's eyes became sharp, staring at Heijue in a panic.

   "Of course not, I just want to say that this Fujiwara Nagasawa is very threatening." Of course Hei Jue didn't dare to admit it.

   "It's just a native, don't worry about it. With me here, there will be no accidents in the resurrection of Kaguya." He said lightly, as if Yongze was just an ant that he could crush to death at any time.

  Of course, Ichishiki didn't think that way.

   It’s true that he looks down on the natives, but Ichishiki is convinced that if he fights that Fujiwara Nagasawa in this state, he will die, even if he can kill Fujiwara Nagasawa before he dies.

   Cixian's body cannot carry his strength, too much power to liberate wedge is suicide.

  Yishi is certainly not that stupid to set himself up in order to kill the aborigines.

   It is impossible for Yishiki to revive Kaguya before he recovers all his strength, otherwise it is hard to say who will feed whom.

  The only possibility of resurrecting Kaguya is that his strength has recovered.

   "Master Yishi, Fujiwara Nagasawa really..." Heijue didn't give up, and wanted to remind Yishiki of Nagasawa's potential.

  But when Yishiki looked at Heijue with cold eyes, Heijue closed his mouth and did not speak again.

  Because Ichishiki is not Obito Nagato before, but a puppet he can play with at will, and he might really be killed.

  ‘It’s the only way to do this first, the resurrected mother still has to rely on herself. ’ Hei Jue thought in his heart.

   It is naturally impossible for him to put all the hope of Kaguya's resurrection on a person who insults Kaguya as a low-level Otsutsuki.

  Hei Jue is going to make false claims for the time being, and secretly carry out the plan to resurrect his mother.


  After a brief period of chaos, the ninja world ushered in peace again.

   Except for Yannin Village, in fact, the other four major ninja villages did not have much loss.

   Both Sagakushi and Yunyin ceased fighting shortly after the war, and Kirigakure did not fight, and Konoha did not declare war with Ninja Village.

  Although the losses were not large, the impact of this war was enormous.

When the Five Kages held a meeting together, apart from Hokage of Konoha and Raikage of Cloud Hidden, the other three kages agreed that this war was enough to be designated as the Fourth Ninja World War. The impact was extremely bad, not only a serious provocation The majesty of the five major countries has also endangered the peace of the ninja world. All the senior leaders of the Ninja Village of the Ninja World Alliance should be executed, and more than 70% of the ninja troops should be disbanded. The country where they are located should compensate the huge losses suffered by the five major countries in the war .

   "This kind of thing will happen again once, and it should be prevented from happening!" Luo Sha said with a serious face.

  He was glad that Nagato attacked Iwagakushi first, otherwise Sagakushi, who was already weak, would really be doomed after going through such a toss.

  Onoki frowned slightly as he looked at the calm Sidai Raikage.

   It stands to reason that the violent Fourth Raikage shouldn't be the first to speak out, why is he so silent.

  Not long after Onogi thought this way, the fourth Raikage spoke, but what he said was far from what Onogi guessed.

"Isn't it a little too harsh to treat Xiaoren Village like this? Everyone has fought less before. Where does war come from evil and justice? The reason why there is this turmoil, everyone should know the root cause in their hearts." Fourth Generation Lei Shadow crossed his arms and said.

  Luo Sha rubbed his eyes, and confirmed that this was the Fourth Raikage and not the Third Dokage.

  ‘Strange, how could this reckless man say such things. ’ Luo Sha felt strange.

  And Luo Sha felt that Raikage Fourth Raikage's **** was crooked. Everyone is a big ninja village, so why start from the standpoint of a small country.

  Onoki also felt strange. He looked at Nagasawa and Minato who also didn't say much, and had some guesses in his heart.

  Minato took out several documents and sent them to each shadow.

  Onoki opened it and looked at it, only to see the "All Ninja World Ninja Village Alliance Plan" on the first page.

   Immediately afterwards, Onogi flipped quickly again, and the more he flipped, the more shocked he became.

   Konoha, who has invincible strength, doesn't want to dominate the ninja world, and even comes up with this plan to benefit the small ninja village and weaken the influence of the big ninja village.

  Onoki feels that Konoha is really a wonderful place, strong people emerge in endlessly, and it is a group of whimsical guys.

   "What will Nagato do with it?" Ohnoki asked a question he was most concerned about in a deep voice.

  In this chaos, Iwagakushi was the most unlucky, he lost face, and got involved with so many ninja troops, and even himself was captured by Nagato, which really hurt his vitality.

  So Ohnoki is very concerned about how Nagato, the culprit, will deal with it.

   "Judgment by all."

  (end of this chapter)