MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 153 Hao's drugstore

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The sky is already bright.

Unfortunately, the black wind horse is gone, they can only walk, the winglet is behind Ye Chen, curiously looking around, from time to time to ask various questions, such as monsters, mysterious beasts, etc., but many times are a raccoon patience Answer him for him.

With Xiaoyi, Ye Chen felt that he had a translation between him and Ashi. Afterwards, Achen said nothing, and Ye Chen did not use it to guess.

Listening to the little wing and the raccoon, the language between the beast and the mysterious beast is also a taste. Ye Chen listens to the vocabulary. With his ability to learn, it may not take long before he can learn the language. .

When I went to a small town, they went to the restaurant to have a meal. Ye Chen immediately bought two horses again, and got dozens of cattle and sheep. After the chef cooked it, he got into the arm guard space. He was acquainted. The food of the winglet, the winglet never chews when eating, and the cockroach swallows it. In the blink of an eye, a whole sheep will go down, and there is nothing unusual on the stomach.

Such a small child, but there is such an amazing amount of food, where can lead to onlookers, Ye Chen did not dare to stay in the town, lest people be seen as monsters, after buying good things left the town.

Wherein they are on the way of the government Panel.

The official road is full of traffickers, holding the horses of the donkeys, transporting the goods, and asking them, they are all going to the Imperial Capital. This official road is not the main road. There are so many people coming and going with the emperors and everywhere. Imagine the prosperity of the emperor.

"Ye Chen brother, A raccoon sister said that the cigar cat family is different from ordinary monsters and mysterious beasts. Generally, the civet cat grows into three tails and will be transformed. The later the civet cat learns to shape, the higher the talent, she does not understand. Why did she grow up to six tails, and she hasn't learned to shape it." The little wing eats the leg of the leg while eating milk on the side.

"Yeah." Ye Chen nodded, it turned out to be like this, it seems that the talent of a raccoon. It should be very high among the civet cats.

"A Cloister Sister said that she wants to learn to shape earlier." Xiaoyi said.

"Why. Not to say that the later the shape, the higher the talent?" Ye Chen stunned, looked at the raccoon, but saw the raccoon blushing. Unspeakable and charming. The heart is moving.

Wings with big eyes, curiously looked at the raccoon, and looked at Ye Chen, how did Ye Chen’s brother suddenly stop talking, how was the singer’s sister suddenly shy? The world of adults is really difficult to understand. Hey, the leg of the lamb is delicious.

After following Ye Chen, Xiao Wing had almost no leg and beef on the road. He felt that he was really happy. It’s good to follow Ye Chen’s brother and A raccoon sister, and have meat every day!

They crossed five counties. The emperor is already in the distance. On this road, the official road is gone. Nothing happens. I chatted with the soldiers and saw everything along the way. Ye Chen had a general understanding of the situation of the Seibu Empire.

In these few counties, Donglin County is quite good. There are several counties and counties because of the shortage of food, and the rebellion of the army is very serious. The kings of the county sent a large army to suppress and killed millions of chaotic people. Many villages and towns have ten rooms and nine empty spaces. On both sides of the official road, people who are starving to death will be seen from time to time.

In the troubled times, human life is like a mustard.

Ye Chen’s heart sighs slightly, and with his own ability, he can’t change so much. As long as he is not assimilated by the world, he keeps his heart and has no worries.

From time to time, there are brigades in the official road flying through the silver armor. These cavalry, in addition to clearing the chaos of the people on the official road, do not have any knowledge of the people who sell the goods, nor have they searched for money. It is obvious that there are some orders here. of.

Perhaps Yin Mengtian said it well, Mingwu Emperor is still a good emperor, but this dynasty has already decayed from the roots. The Seibu empire had a large number of talents. Among the several countries around it, it was a strong country. However, in the seven or eight hundred years, it quickly fell down. After the war with the country, the Seibu Empire was on the verge of collapse.

Behind a caravan, you can see a magnificent city wall hundreds of meters high.

"There is a close, and here is the imperial capital!" The people in the caravan shouted loudly. They came from different places. On this road, they slumbered, some went for a few days, and some even marched. For more than half a month or even longer, I finally have to go to the destination. How can they not be excited?

Ye Chen followed the caravan and paid two yuan for the cost of entering the city and entered the customs.

There are a large number of troops stationed in the customs. Every one or two meters near the wall, there is a tall, sergeant in silver armor. The eyes are not squint and the military is mighty.

This customs does not know which general is stationed, and the military is still very good.

After entering the customs, I saw a large number of long-stay houses. These houses are somewhat worn out. There are streets and people coming and going. Those licensed traffickers will stop here, so there are many restaurants in the customs. The inn, and even the large brothels, the street stood a lot of women who were smeared with grease and smeared, and they were waving the merchants of the sampan.

It is indeed more prosperous than Donglin County.

"Ye Chen brother, is this the emperor? The emperor is a lot of people, more than our town!" Xiaoyi Zhang opened his mouth and excitement, this road, because the food improved a lot, the winglet has grown into a chubby Little fat man, round face, pink and tender, like Fuwa in the New Year's picture, looks very cute.

"It's just a pass, and the horse has to run for a long time to get to the emperor, where there is more bustling than here." Ye Chen smiled and smiled.

"Ah? Isn't this the emperor here?" Xiaoyi's eyes widened. In his opinion, it is already very prosperous.

There are a lot of fresh things to buy and sell on the street. There are many things that Yechen has never seen before. There are a lot of stalls selling and selling herbs on the street. Ye Chen’s spirits are swept. Most of these herbs are common and the years are very low. Some of them are better than ordinary herbs, but for Ye Chen, they are not used at all. These herbs are only for ordinary people to use for alchemy, but they are not enough.

I don't know if I can find some good things here.

The soul swept over a pharmacy and felt that there were some good things there. Ye Chen turned back and said: "A raccoon, winglet, let's go to the pharmacy in front."

Walking along the street for a while, I saw a magnificent shop on the street. The flag was flying in front and the book "Hao's Pharmacy" was written.

Hao's? Could it be the Hao's of Xijing?

Ye Chen had listened to his father and his uncle. They said that Xijing Hao is the largest family of the Seibu Empire except the royal family. Hao’s talents come forth in large numbers. Until today, there are many ten-order powerhouses in the family. There are also several senior pharmacists. One of them, it seems to be learning the way of alchemy with Sylphy.

Ye Chen came to buy medicine, too lazy to understand the background of Hao's, Ye Chen's arm guard space, but loaded with a full 300,000 gas and more than 5,000 condensate Dan, what is this concept? A county king, all the assets were converted, and they were able to get together 100,000 gas-filled dan, and Ye Chen’s hand-gathering Dan and condensing Dan were more than the sum of more than a dozen county kings, and bought the whole Hao’s. More than enough! These money are earned by Ye Jia’s sale and purchase of Ganoderma lucidum, and there is a bigger project in the future!

Any good herb, I bought it in the space of the arm guard first, and then I can use it later. I can see that there is something in the Hao's drugstore that I can see.

Ye Chen stepped into the Hao's pharmacy. The shopkeeper of the drug shop is a middle-aged man. He is about forty years old, strong and tall. At first glance, he is a practitioner, an eight-level peak master, sitting behind the counter and drinking tea leisurely. The buddies are busy all the time.

In Hao's family, the family members who are generally not influx will be sent outside to manage the family industry. An eight-level peak master is actually sent here to see the store, which shows the bottom of Hao's!

There are people coming and going in the pharmacy. Many people are taking medicine here. Most people buy ordinary herbs. Some cherish herbs are placed in an iron cabinet behind the counter. When they are swept away, they find that there are many good things. .

The iron cabinet was built very solidly, and a heavy lock was set up. It is conceivable that Hao's pharmacy pays attention to those who cherish the herbs!

Hao's herbs are sold throughout the Seibu empire. They collect a lot of herbs every year. Some of them cherish herbs. Some things they don't use, they are sold in stores. The pharmacists of the Seibu Empire are all Hao. A frequent visitor to the drugstore.

Although there are dozens of customers in this shop, there is none of them who buy cherished herbs from Hao.

A big Hao's pharmacy shop, cherish the sale of herbs, do not necessarily touch a few days, but once you encounter a pile, it is enough to match the sum of the ordinary herbs for several months of trading income!

Ye Chenchao went to the counter where the herbs were cherished. The shopkeeper saw Ye Chen, his eyes lit up. He was here, and the three religions and the nine streams saw much. When I saw Ye Chen, I knew that Ye Chen was a practitioner of the martial arts family. The civet cat should be a two or three-order monster. This kind of family, the money spent on the sale of medicinal herbs and herbs, is often hundreds of times more than ordinary customers.

"This guest, are you going to buy something, or is it a **** medicine, a herb?" The treasurer stood up and was very polite. "Old man Hao Xu is a three-generation disciple of Xijing Hao." When he spoke, he looked at Ye Chen. Guess the origin of Ye Chen.

“Can you **** the medicinal herbs and herbs here?” Ye Chen asked in a different way. He did not expect that Hao’s pharmacy actually had this business.

"Yes, our Hao's medicine shop collects all kinds of rare herbs and medicinal herbs, and the price is fair." Hao Xudao, the brows are slightly wrinkled, and Ye Chen actually does not even know this. I am afraid that some small family members from the backcountry are out of the country.

In general, big business will have Hao Xu personally, ordinary small business, can be served by the buddy, but since it has already received Ye Chen, Hao Xu is also quiet.

"I don't know what you need, buy it, or sell it?" Hao Xu asked faintly.