MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 154 Sanpin Lingbao

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"Buy, all kinds of rare herbs, take out all the precious herbs in your cupboard. If there is what I need, the price is fair, I bought it." Ye Chendao, he is going to learn alchemy with Xuanyi Medicine. At that time, I must use a lot of herbs. Anyway, I have enough money. There are absolutely no mistakes in preparing some herbs. Ye Chen even has a plan to take out all the treasures of the drugstores.

When I heard Ye Chen’s words, Hao Xu’s eyebrows picked a pick. Ye Chen actually said that he would buy all the precious herbs in their shop. Ye Chen knows how much it costs? Thought that Hao's pharmacy is the third-rate drug shop in the rural town? The most precious herb is impossible to sell to Ye Chen. Hao Xu opened several cabinets next to it and pointed to the herb in the cupboard: "Good winter grass, swallow hawk grass, white flowers!" Opened several cabinets. "Leiyan grass, Tianya grass... These herbs are widely used. I don't know if the little brother wants to make alchemy, or is it a medicine decoction?"

A raccoon and little wing are somewhat bored. The two of them don’t know why Ye Chen entered the pharmacy. The interest in these dazzling herbs is not great.

"These herbs can be bought at every pharmacy. I want something that other pharmacies can't buy. The quality is slightly higher." Ye Chen was swept by the soul. In this shop, there are several good things, but they are all placed. In the black box on the far left, some things don’t know what it is, but the volatility that comes from the above is that Ye Chen can’t help but feel the heart. “The treasurer, the cabinet on the left, put What herb?"

Hao Xu glanced at Ye Chen. He didn't know that Ye Chen was specially for the herbs in this black mysterious iron cabinet, or did not care.

"These cabinets are loaded with rare herbs that we have collected from all over the country. Many herbs can't even tell me the origins, but they are expensive. The price per herb is at least 50." Little brothers, Are you sure you want to buy it?" Hao Xu squinted and thought about it.

"Let's take a look at it." Ye Chen said.

Hao Xu saw Ye Chen heard the fifty gas dan, and there was no reaction at all. Knowing that he was a big customer, he bowed his head and took some herbs. Dozens of strains, different types, all have a strong volatility.

After glanced at the herbs, Ye Chen quickly recognized them. Read so much information. Ye Chen is very familiar with the herbs. These herbs are not known to Hao Xu, but Ye Chen knows it clearly. There are many arm guard spaces, and there are many, only the lowest level of herbs, the face is not exposed. A little disappointed look, this Hao Xu still did not take their good things out.

"These herbs are useless, the treasurer. Take out the best things in your store." Ye Chen has no patience, this Hao Xu is simply perfunctory.

"These herbs. Little brothers know the origins? These herbs are already the best herb in our shop. The most expensive one is more than 600 gas." Hao Xu is somewhat proud of the way, "the rest of the herbs, but not rich." Can you buy, don't know which family the little brother is?"

“A small family in Yinbei County.” Ye Chen frowned. “Is it something to buy here, but I still have to register my name?”

"More precious herbs, we only sell to some regular customers. Several large families in the Seibu Empire." Hao Xu slightly annoyed, said. "The best thing to sell is that if the little brother comes over with our Hao's nameplate, I will sell it to the little brother."

Ye Chen spirits swept to the left, the cabinet at the bottom of the cabinet, put a lot of cherished herbs, and one thing is quite good, Hao Xu does not sell, he can not help, very annoyed. This Hao's, it is really a big bully! But who made them the largest martial arts family in the Seibu empire, they are not in the eyes of the ordinary martial arts family.

Just as they spoke, a ragged old man walked in and went to the counter.

"I... I want a pawn." The old man slammed a cloth bag from his arms and took out a porcelain bottle, which was covered with mud.

The buddy next to him frowned. "What do you want to pawn?"

"Two medicinal herbs, my son said that it is condensate Dan."

Ye Chen looked back at the old man, his eyes locked the porcelain bottle, and the spirit was swept away. There were two condensate dan in the porcelain bottle. The condensate was not a thing, but the porcelain bottle, although covered with mud, was good. Things, workmanship is very delicate, fine texture, like jade non-jade, about one inch high, the soul sweeps the porcelain bottle and feels a gentle atmosphere, the medicinal herbs in the porcelain bottle seems to get warm, general, Ye Chen found hidden inside the porcelain bottle A strong sense of spirit, such a strong sense of spirit, prove that this porcelain bottle is at least a spiritual treasure of three products!

The guy took a porcelain bottle and glanced inside. It was indeed a condensate Dan, and he said with no expression: "Two inferior condensate Dan, fifty-two silver!"

"My son said that a gas-filled Dan can sell fifty-two silver. This is a condensate, and you can change hundreds of gas-filled dan, each of which can sell at least 10,000 silver!" Trembling, very dissatisfied with the price given by the guy.

The guy apparently didn't expect the clothes to be broken. At first glance, the old man who came out of the slum actually knew the goods. He looked at Hao Xu next to him and said coldly: "Three hundred and two silver, love to sell and not sell!"

Ye Chen saw that Hao Xu had made a secret gesture. The words that the buddy said were obviously inspired by Hao Xu. This is a black shop. I bought two condensate dan with three hundred and two silver. It’s no wonder that Hao’s smashed such a big Family business! The profit of the **** industry, Ye Chen, this is an understanding!

"I don't sell it!" The old man got a beard and trembled, and took the porcelain bottle back.

"Old ghost, you want to be clear, I just said three hundred and two silver, you don't sell it. When you come to the **** next time, you can only pay one hundred and two silver. We don't accept the drugstore. Other drugstores don't dare. Receive!" The guy glanced at the old man with a bad look.

The old man saw the murder of the buddy, and he was shocked. The period of Ai Ai, some hesitant, three hundred and two silver for him, has already been counted as a huge sum, his son refused to let him sell these two condensate Dan, said yes The treasure of the family, waiting for the grandson to use, but now, his son was arrested because of the wounded, saying that it is necessary to fifty-two silver to redeem his son, he only thought of coming over to sell condensate, However, the price given by Hao's pharmacy is too low. I heard that Hao's pharmacy has a big backstage. If they put it out, it is estimated that other pharmacies are afraid to accept him.

Seeing the old man's fear and anxiety, hesitant, Ye Chenchao walked over, others are afraid of Hao, but he is not afraid of Ye Chen!

"The old man, how do you sell things to me, how much you can open." Ye Chen said, "You are a baby, it can be far more than three hundred and two silver." For such an old man, he also No need to deceive.

"You are the drugstore of Hao?" The old man looked up at Ye Chen and asked with some hesitation.

"No, I am passing by, but I can pay for your medicine." Ye Chen smiled.

When I heard Ye Chen’s words, Hao Xu’s face brushed down, and some people dared to brag about their business in their own shops. Is this kid tired of life?