MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 156 Under the medicine

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"My things are in the Qiankun bag, so I can go." Ye Chen asked, "Can I go with the winglet?"

"He is?" Li Wei's gaze fell on the wing of Ye Chen. The winglet was only five or six years old, chubby, very cute.

"My family." Ye Chen smiled slightly.

When I heard Ye Chen’s words, the tears in the eyes of the little wings loomed, and the right hand was next to the corner of Ye Chen’s clothes. In addition to his grandfather, Ye Chen is the second person to regard him as a family member. He is very happy with Ye Chen and Ashi.

"That let him come together." Li Wei nodded, it is reasonable to say that the Xuan Pavilion is not allowed to bring outsiders, but this time an exception, after all, Xiaoyi is a five- or six-year-old child, but little impact.

"Thank you Master Li."

For joining the Sylphy Pharmacy, Ye Chen also had a few points. He tried alchemy in the arm guard before. The success rate is very low. Although the ancient alchemy method is not the same as the current alchemy method, in case he is talented in alchemy. It is not so high, and it has been retired by the Sylphy medicine. It is not a shame.

However, since it is here, Ye Chen will not retreat, followed by Master Li, sitting in the carriage all the way into the Imperial City.

The carriage passes through the ancient city road on the blue brick pavilion. After entering the imperial city, the scenery is very different. The pavilions and pavilions are full of royal style, lakes and mountains, beautiful and beautiful. The palaces in the distance are one after another, stretching for dozens of miles, bricks and bricks. Yuwa, magnificent.

"The Master lives in the Zhixuan Pavilion of the Imperial City Beiyuan, and the south is the Imperial Palace. The ban is strictly guarded. Without the permission of the Master, it is absolutely impossible to pass. This Yin family has many taboos." Li Wei warned Ye Chendao.

The little wing curiously looked around the palace. After all, he was the first time to come to this bustling place. The beautiful architecture here made him look good.

"Why did Sylphy Yizun live in this palace?" Ye Chen asked inexplicably.

"When the story is long, the master is from the famous door. Later, because of some things, he was forced to leave the division. He traveled to most of the eastern continent and went to the Seibu empire. At the invitation of Emperor Mingwu, he stayed here, why I will accept the invitation of Emperor Mingwu. After you join the division, you will know. There are four official disciples in the division. I am a master, and there are three other disciples. You will know each other in two days. One of them Senior pharmacist, two intermediate pharmacists, two people from the Central Empire, one of them from our Xiwu Empire Hao." Li Wei introduced the teacher's door to Ye Chen, and there was a slight worry in the eyebrows.

Hao's? Ye Chen brows a move.

"The three of them are not very good with me. You are the one I introduce to the teacher. It may be difficult for you, but it is hard to bear. Everything we come here is to learn from the teacher. It is not to intrigue." Ruan Tao, in the division, he is very respected by the sylphys, and thus was excluded by the other three divisions, but he has no disputes with others, and he has no intention of contacting the three people.

"Yeah." Ye Chen nodded, he could see, in the division. Li Wei is a good old man who does not fight with others. He said that he is good. It’s generous, it’s not good to hear, it’s weak, Ye Chen thinks, if others don’t bully on their heads, if those three people bully themselves, then don’t blame him, he’s not It’s so good to be like Li Wei.

"In addition to the official disciples, there are more than 30 registered disciples in the division. Unfortunately, the alchemy talents they have shown so far cannot satisfy the teachers. You have just come to the division and you can only become a registered disciple for the time being. After the Master confirms your alchemy talent, you can become a formal disciple. By then, you and I will be able to match the brothers and sisters. I believe that your talents will not be long before you can become a formal disciple." Li Xiaolang laughed. One channel.

"I will work hard." Ye Chendao, for the alchemy, before I started formal study, my heart was always a little embarrassed.

Passing through the long forest path until the lake, Ye Chen and his team boarded a boat and slowly sailed to the small island in the middle of the lake.

On the small island, the island is seven or eight miles long, with several hills in the middle, dense forests and looming buildings.

To the Xuange lobby.

"Li Wei, is this what you said Ye Chen?" Xuan Yi Yao Zun looked at Ye Chen, stroking the beard, showing a satisfied look, with his eyesight, actually can not see the repair of Ye Chen, visible leaves Chen has made great achievements in cultivation.

Ye Chen looked up and looked at the old man in front of him, that is, Xuan Yi medicine respected, Xuan Yi medicine white white hair, red light, full of spirits, wearing a gray robes, there is a kind of floating smell.

"See the sylphy medicinal respect." Ye Chen slightly stunned, said.

"Well, for the teacher to accept you as a registered disciple, see how your talent, after you pass the test, you can become a formal disciple for the teacher." Sylphy Yishou caressed the white whiskers, and smiled slyly, "You The accommodation, I will let Li Wei arrange it, come here, you can refer to all the books of the Xuan Pavilion, you can learn as much as you can, depending on your creation. There are fifteen days in each month. The teacher will personally explain to you the way of alchemy. If you study for 10 days, and you have five days, go fishing with the teacher. After three months, if you can meet the requirements, you can follow the teacher to try alchemy. ”

"Fishing?" Ye Chen stunned a bit. This is a study of alchemy. Why is there a fishing project? Is it this fishing? What is the mystery?

On the whole, Sylphy is still quite responsible, and it takes so much time every month to teach the apprentice. For a drug lord, how precious time is! It’s really a good idea to spend so much time teaching the apprentice.

"Yes, fishing." Xuan Yi medicine respected a smile.

Ye Chen glanced at Li Wei, and Li Wei was also a mysterious smile, which triggered Ye Chen’s curiosity.

"What are the requirements for the teacher's door, you can always ask for it, there is no outsider in the Xuan Pavilion." Xuan Yi medicine respects.

Sylphy medicine treats people with kindness, and there is no arrogance of the superiors. It gives people a feeling of spring breeze. Ye Chen can't help but feel some good feelings about Sylphy.

"Well, Xie Shizun." Ye Chen nodded.

Just as they were chatting, the three men sneaked in and walked in.

"Lei Yi, Hao Feng, Yan Cheng, how did you three come?" Xuan Yi Yao Zun saw the three, asked.

"Master." Three people bent over to pay tribute to Sylphy.

"We heard that Brother Li brought his referee to the teacher's door and reported it. Let's take a look." Lei Yi smiled and looked up and down Ye Chen. "This is the young talent that Li Shixi said." Extraordinary."

Lei Yi has a kind of vigorous and vigorous momentum, which is not the same as Li Wei. Li Wei will be more majestic outside, but it is very gentle to Ye Chen. This Lei Yi is very big, listening to some harsh ears. When I looked at Ye Chen, there was a trace of disdain in my eyes, which made Ye Chen very unhappy.

Like Lei, this Lei Yi is also a senior pharmacist.

Hao Feng and Yan Cheng looked at Ye Chen, and they all had a faint smile on their lips. Every year, they would introduce one or two people to join the Xuan Yi Yao Zun, becoming a registered disciple under the syllabus, but eventually became a formal disciple. They are just four of them, and they obviously are not optimistic about Ye Chen.

"Lai brothers recommended a total of seven disciples before, and six of them couldn't stand the hard work of alchemy. They left the division. I don't know how this is coming?" Lei Yi looked at Li Wei and laughed.

When he heard Lei Yi, Li Wei was annoyed. No one knew more about him than he did. The seven disciples were all excluded by Lei Yi. Six people left. The rest of them were also thrown into Lei. On the side of Yi, more than 30 registered disciples, more than half of them are Lei Yi's people. In the division, Lei Yi is simply covering the sky. Unfortunately, regardless of these, Li Xin is very helpless and faintly said: Ye Chen is a talented person, but it is different from the others. The talent is better than me. In order to make Ye Chen alchemy progress together, I decided to let Ye Chen live in my other hospital to discuss and discuss."

Li Wei thought about it and let Ye Chen live with those named disciples. Maybe he would suffer. Although Ye Chenxiu is far more than those disciples, it is difficult to ensure that they will not secretly make a blind man, so they want to maintain Ye Chen.

"The talent is better than the brother of Li? Brother Li is modest, and the talent of the brother is second only to the master. In the first year of life, it is very likely to reach the level of medicine. The average person, etc., how can you compare the brother of Li? Brother Li, if you live, The brother-in-law’s other hospitals have delayed the cultivation of Brother Li’s brother. Isn’t it a sin?” Lei Yi’s mouth was slightly stunned.

In the division, Li Wei and Lei Yi both have the opportunity to reach the level of drug esteem. Anyone who reaches the level of drug esteem is very different in the division. Unfortunately, so far, the distance between the two The golden steps are still far away.

"Li Wei, are you really willing to let Ye Chen live in your other hospital?" Xuan Yipeng asked in surprise, the relationship between Li Wei and Lei Yi is not harmonious, he also knows, but he has no solution, quite distressed, The reason why the few famous disciples left before, he also knows that the talents of the few registered disciples are not very good, and they will leave. He spent most of his life practicing Tan Dao and professor apprentices. It is also very annoying. He is also very much looking forward to Ye Chen, Li Wei is willing to let Ye Chen live in his other hospital, it is best.

"Yes, Master." Li Wei nodded.

From their dialogue, Ye Chen was able to sort out the relationship between these people. Li Wei was a high-ranking person in the outside world. He did not expect that in the division, the situation was so embarrassing, but Li Wei’s intention to maintain himself. Ye Chen is still grateful.

"Okay, let's go." Sylphy Pharmacy puts a hand in the hand.

"Yes, Master." Li Wei, Lei Yi and others have retired.

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