MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 155 This is called take, not called stealing

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"I have two medicinal herbs, I have to sell 20,000 yuan of silver. Can you afford it?" The old man looked at Ye Chen slyly. He looked at the porcelain bottle covered with mud. Is this porcelain bottle a treasure?

"I used twenty-two thousand silver and fifty condensate dan, for the porcelain bottle in your hand, how about, the old man?" Ye Chen asked, looking at the old man's trembling look, Ye Chen couldn't bear to deceive, silver And Condensed Dan for his big rich man, it is simply a slap in the face, for this porcelain bottle, he feels that he is a huge bargain, after all, this porcelain bottle, at least should be a three-pronged treasure.

"Really, just change this porcelain bottle?" The old man widened his eyes and looked at Ye Chen incredulously. He had limited knowledge. When he knew the beauty of this porcelain bottle, he quickly hurriedly said, "I change, I change!" A condensate, Dan is an unimaginable treasure for him, let alone Ye Chen took out fifty at a time?

Business of the 30-thick condensate of the ten-gauge galactic squad, which is in a small space, and the elderly, and the squarrel, "they are here." Give it to the elderly, and your old man carefully close it." Ye Chen has a lot of Qiankun bags, and some space is small, not very valuable.

The old man has never seen such a thing like Qiankun bag. He curiously opened the Qiankun bag and looked at it inside. The huge space inside scared him. This Qiankang bag is also a good thing. A porcelain bottle has changed so many things. He felt that he was dreaming and excitedly handed the porcelain bottle to Ye Chen, saying: "Give you a bottle!"

Just when the old man handed the bottle to Ye Chen, there was a sudden screaming next to him: "Wait!"

It is Hao Xu who speaks. At this time, Hao Xuzhen will not see it. The porcelain bottle that Ye Chen wants to buy is definitely a good thing. Before I looked away, I looked at Ye Chen Road in a gloomy manner: "In my drugstore Grab my business, the little brother is too unreasonable?"

Several folks of Hao's pharmacy have come out from behind the counter, and all staring at Ye Chen with fierce eyes.

"Buy and sell voluntarily, since the elderly are not willing to sell to you, I buy it at a high price. What is wrong with it?" Ye Chen retorted his lips and took the porcelain bottle in the hands of the elderly. There was a warm feeling at the beginning. "You can get things done by the elderly, hurry up, it's best not to come back."

The old man looked at the situation and was scared to tremble. Turn around and you have to go out to the pharmacy.

"Nobody wants to go. Today, I still have to find someone to say it!" Hao Xu is like a cat catching a mouse, watching Ye Chen playfully.

Two guys are about to stop the old man, only to listen to Ye Chen coldly snorted. The chests of the two guys were like a slap in the face, pale, and a few steps back. The old man was also clever at this time, and quickly ran out of the pharmacy, and a smog disappeared into the crowd.

"The shopkeeper is preparing to find someone to reason? I would like to see, this Hao's drug shop, is not a reasonable place!" Ye Chen did not panic. I looked at Hao Xu with a good look. He has no fear of Hao's.

"Ye Chen brother, do you want to fight? Finally, some have played!" Xiaoyi excitedly.

Ye Chen glanced at the winglet, but did not expect that the winglet had a violent tendency in addition to being a foodie.

Hao Xu looked at the reaction of the two guys and frowned. He clearly knows the strength of these two buddies. They are all children of Hao's peripherals. There are five levels of strength, and Ye Chen is cold. Let them suffer, at least the strength of the ninth-order peak, and even the tenth order!

So young, there is the strength of the ninth-order peak, it is no wonder that Ye Chen has no fear!

"I don't know which family of this little brother is a child of the family, or a disciple of the three major sects? We have a relationship with the sovereigns of the three sects. Today, this matter can also judge the sovereigns of the three sects. Hao Xu proudly looked at Ye Chendao, and he also blamed Ye Chen for not easily offending Hao.

This Hao's ability to rank in the first world of the Seibu Empire, it seems that it is not simple, is it the three major lords, but also to the face of the Hao clan chief? However, it is absolutely impossible to let Ye Chen spit out the things that I ate. In the future, it is quite good to use this porcelain bottle to pack the best medicinal herbs. After all, it is a three-pronged spirit treasure. Why do you give it to Hao?

"This porcelain bottle is bought by me. If you don't give it to you, if the person of Hao's family has the ability, he will take it back from my hand. I have been in the capital for a few months. I am always waiting." Ye Chen looked around. Dozens of people are watching, but these people are at most five or six steps. The momentum of the tenth-order masters is gone, and the dozens of guys are pale and standing unsteadily. More is also the material to die."

"Ten-order master?" Hao Xu changed his face and retired a few steps. He was born in Hao's family. He was well-informed and immediately felt that Ye Chen was a ten-order master, and he was not just entering the tenth order. The kind is estimated to be the tenth peak. So young, it is already the tenth peak. Even Hao, I am afraid I will not easily offend. Under the pressure of the tenth-order strongman, he even breathes. It is extremely difficult, and I can’t say it.

The tenth-level master in the Seibu empire, Hao has detailed information, how suddenly emerged an unknown, is it not the other countries to come over? So young, he was trained to become a ten-order powerhouse, and the family behind Ye Chen is only a giant!

Ye Chen was too lazy to start, looked at the little wing and the raccoon, said: "Little wing, A raccoon, let's go."

Hao Xu and a group of buddies watched Ye Chen and his party out of the pharmacy. The pressure on the body was loose. They suddenly gasped and sighed. The clothes on them were soaked, and their eyes were still full of fear.

For a long while, Hao Xucai reacted and looked at the man next to him. Shen Sheng said: "Take a message and I will immediately send a message to the patriarch!"

Ye Chen and his party went out of the pharmacy. They saw a bang, and A raccoon ran into the pharmacy. The soul of Ye Chen swept away, and he knew what the raccoon had to do. He couldn’t help but smile.

After a while, A raccoon came out of the pharmacy, and a 乾 袋 bag was placed on the mouth. There were a lot of cherished herbs, silver gold and medicinal herbs. Another place was looted by A raccoon.

A raccoon looks awkward, as if to say that a black shop, offended this Miss, you are unlucky!

Ye Chen shook his head with a smile, looked at the Qiankun bag, tens of thousands of silver, gold also has nearly two thousand, hundreds of gas-filled Dan, seven hundred and eight condensate, and some rare herbs, the left cabinet let The herb that Ye Chen cares about is also inside. It is a kind of fire tongue, and the quality is quite good. After five hundred years, you can refine the medicinal medicine of eighty-nine products. After the refining level reaches the medicine, you can use it.

It is estimated that Hao Xu does not recognize the fire tongue, but only knows that the fire tongue is rich in mystery. It is a good thing. I haven't had time to send it back to Hao's. Otherwise, the baby like this will definitely be carefully collected.

This pharmacy is really rich, and this time, the money that I just bought the Sanpin Lingbao porcelain bottle has earned back.

"Let's go." Ye Chen happily followed the street.

"Hey." A raccoon said a few words on Ye Chen's shoulder.

"Little wing, what is A raccoon saying?" Ye Chen asked Xiaoyi, he only understood a little bit of it, but the whole sentence understood, worried that there would be deviations.

"A singer sister said that if Ye Chen's brother wants herbs, why should he go to the pharmacy to buy it? A singer sister can take all the cherished herbs from the Imperial Pharmacy in a few days." Xiaoyi said, he also felt very confused. If you need a herb, you can't take it, why do you want to buy it? More waste.

Ye Chen was very sweaty, and Ashi was really possible to do it, but in this case, the emperor could be in a mess, and it didn't seem so good?

"It's still no longer necessary. The cherished herbs have been stolen, and those pharmacies have lost their lives." Ye Chen thought.

"A singer sister said, this is called take, not stealing." Xiaoyi's small face is very serious, and a pair of eyes look at Ye Chen innocently.

"Let's talk about it later." Ye Chen retired, isn't it a steal, but a black-hearted businessman like Hao's drug shop, stealing their herbs, Ye Chen has no psychological burden, it is not called stealing, called for the heavens, " To the Imperial Capital, let's go to Master Li, and learn to practice alchemy with Sylphy."

Because he came to the Imperial Capital in advance, and did not pick up the head with Master Li, Ye Chen went around and found the residence of Yin Wangye in the Imperial Capital. When Yin Guanye’s housekeeper saw the raccoon on the shoulder of Ye Chen and the appearance of Ye Chen, he was very polite and helped Ye Chen to take it. Yin Wangye specially explained it. When I saw a young man with a civet cat, I must be entertained and responsive.

The housekeeper of Yin Wangye’s residence knew that Ye Chen was going to find Xuan Yi Yao Zun, and he quickly sent a servant to contact Li Wei. When Li Yi heard Ye Chen arrived at the Imperial Capital, he hurriedly rushed over.

Yin Wang’s house, Ye Chen is practicing in a different hospital, it is very quiet.

"Master Li arrives!" There was a shout from the lobby outside.

Ye Chen, who was sitting on the plate, opened his eyes and looked at the civet and winglet next to him. Some excitement said: "A raccoon, little wing, Master Li came!"

Ye Chen and his party hurried to the hall.

"Master Li." Seeing Li Wei, Ye Chen immediately made a trip.

Li Wei was sitting in a chair and drinking tea. She saw Ye Chen and smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to come to the Imperial Capital so soon. Fortunately, Yin Wangye helped, otherwise I was afraid that I couldn't contact you."

Li Wei's indifferent and awkward look makes Ye Chen feel more cordial.

"Ready to prepare, come with me to see the master." Li Xiao smiled and smiled, he also had a bit of anxious to want to introduce Ye Chen to Sylphy.