MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 225 Grey eagle

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Ye Chen jumped from the back of Jinyang Carving, and Ye Zhantian and others were surrounded.

"Chen, you are finally back." Ye Zhantian gratifiedly looked at his returning son. There was a thousand words in his heart. In the end, he only made this sentence. Rao is a firm-minded person, and his eyes can not help but be slightly red.

"Well, father, the baby is back." Ye Chen smiled and looked at the spirit of glory, the glory of Ye Zhantian, the heart was delighted, this time, Ye Jia should not have too much annoyance, the original thin father, slightly fat Some more.

Looking around everyone, Ye Chen saw a smile and hope from everyone's face, so, very good.

I looked at Ye Zhanlong, Ye Zhanxiong and others and said hello: "Two uncles, three uncles..."

"It’s good to come back." Ye Zhanlong nodded, and they all looked happy.

"There is no shortage of you in this valley. It always seems to be missing something." Ye Zhanxiong laughed haha.

Just a moment, Ye Meng, Ye Ming and others will happily gather together.

"Ye Chen, you are too powerful, what kind of monster is that?"

"This sculpture looks good and powerful!"

"Hey, who is this child?" The eyes of the people focused on the winglet, especially, the wings of the winglet actually held a weird octopus.

Seeing so many people looking at themselves, the winglet suddenly became shy and cautious, not exactly the same as the former demon king. As for Xiao Yan, he still looks like a smile. He is so excited that he is not afraid of life.

These people are the family of Ye Chen's brother! Xiaoyi did not know what to say. After a long while, he said: "My name is Xiaoyi."

"Little wing is an orphan, so I took him in." Ye Chen said to a group of people.

It turns out that the winglet is an orphan. A group of people look at the winglet and are full of sympathy.

"Little wing, here is your home here."

"If someone bullies you, you immediately rush to tell us." Ye Meng and others have said.

Ye Meng and others are not aware of the true identity of the winglet. Ye Hao has seen the body of the winglet. The body of the horrible winged snake makes her remember, but now I see a little doll like a little wing, innocent and lovely. Some shy look, Ye Hao is a little confused, the giant winged snake that I saw before, is it really a winglet? Although I knew the body of the winglet, Ye Hao did not say it. Looking at Ye Chen, I saw Ye Chen smile at her.

"Ye Chenge, this giant carving, is the monster of the land level?" Ye Ming excitedly touched the Jinyang carving.

"You are wrong, the beasts above the tenth order are not so called, the beasts above the tenth order are called the division-level monsters, and only the humans will be called the land-level honors." A young boy named Ye Yu argued.

"Whether it is the land level or the division level, this monster is more than ten steps. Right? I feel that it is much more powerful than the five hairs." Ye Ming also knows that he is wrong, slightly blushing, looking at the leaves with hope. Chen Dao.

Everyone is also looking forward to Ye Chen's answer. If it is a local-level monster, then Ye Jia is equivalent to an extra-level master! I really don't know how Ye Chen tamed these monsters.

"This is a Tianshi-level monster, I bought it at the auction." Ye Chen smiled and smiled.

"Tianshi-level monsters?" Ye Zhantian and other warriors of all generations have taken a sigh of relief, my God.

"The top of the division is the Heavenly Master!"

"The teacher level, isn't it a master of heavenly respect?" A group of people have been talking about it, and the eyes of Jinyang Carving have changed.

Tianzun class, that is the realm that they can't imagine. It is said that the three masters of Zongmen are just masters of Tianzun class. In their eyes, Tianzun master is a godlike existence.

"Chen, how is your cultivation now?" Ye Zhantian asked at the side.

Everyone remembered this. They even forgot to ask Ye Chen’s cultivation, and they looked at Ye Chen.

"The middle of the land is respected." Ye Chendao, if it is on the soul of the gods, it should be barely able to confront the peak of Tianzun, but the thing of the soul, Ye Chen will not say it.

When I heard Ye Chen’s words, everyone around me was excited.

"I said that Ye Chenge must have broken through!"

"Congratulations to Ye Chenge!" A group of young and generationally people have congratulated.

Ye Zhantian, Ye Zhanlong and others are also happy.

"Chen's talent is amazing, and the progress of cultivation is really beyond the reach of me." Ye Zhanlong smiled and sighed.

"Chen Er is back, we Ye Jiade have to celebrate it!" Ye Zhanxiong suggested.

Talking about the sky, everyone in Yejia also found that the raccoon who had been following Ye Chen now has seven tails. I don’t know what the seven tails mean to the civet cat. They didn’t ask.

"Chen Er, your day-level monster beast, which auction house to buy, we can buy some high-end monsters back." Ye Zhanlong aside, stroking the feathers of Jinyang carving, simply can not put it down.

"This day, the division-level monsters are bought at the Emerald Capital auction." Ye Chendao, the entire auction will be auctioned, and this is only the Tianshi-level monster. If you want to buy more, you will have to Look at luck, can you meet it?

"Emerald Capital Auction? Your uncle has also gone to the emerald capital, but has not come back yet." Ye Zhantian could not help but worry.

"I am sitting back in Jinyang, and the speed of Jinyang carving is definitely faster than that of Huo Ling. The uncle should still be on the road. Come back soon." Ye Chen smiled and smiled with the soul. Suddenly, Ye Chen had some bad feelings. "Father, the uncle seems to have some trouble, I will go when I go!"

After Ye Chen finished, he jumped on the back of Jinyang Carving with a raccoon.

"I will go too." Xiaoyi also turned over the Jinyang carving.

Six uncles are in trouble? Ye Zhantian frowned a bit, originally wanted to ask, they want to go, but thought about it, Ye Chen is under the body of the Tianshi level monsters, they can not help.

"The winglet doesn't have to go." Ye Zhanlong said, a five- or six-year-old doll is going to do something. Isn't that a mess?

"Two uncles, let the little wing follow." Ye Hao quickly stopped Ye Zhantian, but she saw the powerful body of Xiaoyi, and there was a small wing, she would not worry.

Everyone is somewhat puzzled.

At this time, Jinyang carved a wing, only to hear the "call", Jinyang carved up and straight into the sky, the wind that swelled, so that people around the standing and unstable, almost flew out.

Uncle was in trouble, and Ye Chen couldn’t take it anymore. He only anxiously urged Jinyang.

Jinyang carving flies away in the south.

Ye Cangxuan came back from the emerald capital with a fire spirit carving. He was about to enter the Lianyun Mountain boundary. He was about to return to the Ye family. Ye Cangxuan’s mood was quite relaxed. He bought it at this auction. Less good things.

There are also three items in the Sanpin Lingbao class. It’s a pity that I couldn’t buy the Jinyang carving of the Tianshi class. I have some regrets. The monster of the Tianshi class was actually twenty. The high price of Wan Ningqi Dan was bought, and at that time, he had only a total of only 130,000 condensate Dan. After attending the auction of the Emerald Capital, he felt deeply that Ye Jia is not yet Really rich, after all, the transaction of Ganoderma lucidum has only lasted for several months, even for half a year, and there is still a lack of accumulation.

The fire spirit carving passed through the sky. Suddenly, a few birds heard from the birds, and Ye Cang Xuan looked far away. I saw a team of more than a dozen carved flying monsters, lined up in adult glyphs. The party passed, and the size of those flying monsters was not inferior to that of the fire spirit.

The silver-gray carvings of the whole body, remembering the illustrations of the monsters in the family, is it a gray meditation?

Gray meditation is at least a ten-order monster, some of them are of high rank, and can even be promoted to the division level or even the heavenly division.

Ye Cang Xuan quickly turned the fire spirit carving and turned in another direction, avoiding the gray meditation.

In the Lianyun Mountains, occasionally, some flying monsters were seen passing through the sky, but most of them were seven or eight steps, even fewer than the ninth and tenth orders. How did you suddenly encounter a team of ten or more orders today? Gray meditation?

The fire spirit carving turned and flew away, and the team of gray meditation found the fire spirit carving, actually chased it up.

Ye Cang Xuan was shocked and stunned, urging the fire spirit carving to accelerate escape.

The gray eagle carvings in the rear are flying closer and closer, and Ye Cangxuan is very anxious, looking at the back. The most part of the team is the same as the fire spirit carving. It is the tenth-order monster, the top one, the body shape is more Larger, probably at the division level, the flight speed is also significantly higher than the ordinary gray meditation behind.

This team of gray meditation should only pass by here, but I did not expect it to be met by him.

The fire spirit carving is flying all the way, farther and farther away from the Lianyun Mountain Range. Looking at the gray medlar carvings that are getting closer and closer at the rear, this time I am afraid that it is a fierce and a little, and there is a certain resoluteness in the eyes of Ye Cang Xuan. It’s dead, and you can’t bring these gray medlars into the Lianyun Mountains!

The fire spirit carving is farther and farther away from the valley where Ye Family is located. Ye Cang Xuan looked deeply in that direction and smiled. I didn’t expect this trip to travel, and the family was farewell.

"Five hairs, if you can return to Ye Family alive, you must bring my body back to Ye Family." Ye Cang Xuan Shen Sheng, from the arms to take out the Sanpin Lingbao-level Ming Lei sword, standing in the fire spirit The back of the sculpture is ready to fight with the gray and gray sculpture that is flying closer and closer!

Hey, the statue of Huo Ling is understandable, called, and flies faster.

Among the flying monsters, the body shape of the fire spirit carving has been relatively large, and the flying gray meditation is much larger than the fire spirit carving. The sharp eyes, the faint luster, and a few wings Flying to the sky above the fire spirit carving.

"嗖", the huge gray meditation swooped down and caught the fire spirit carving.

"Come on!" Ye Cangxuan runs the mysterious spirit, and the thunder of the thunder is poured into the thunder sword. He slams it toward the gray meditation that has swooped down. He slams and slams the thunder sword on its claws. Cut a sword, the gray blood carved claws on the blood shot, like **** rain.

~~Seeking a monthly ticket! ! ! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)